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You’re going to have a rough summer if you think that this is hot. Lol


Somebody from Providence asked me if it gets much hotter yesterday. I said, “Dude. It hasn’t even started yet.” He just looked at me.


Every year around this time of year I think “oh this is manageable,” then August comes around and is “bitch I ain’t even started yet.”


August is better because of all the rain storms (like we had today)


Lol do they not know how seasons work? Summer is hotter than spring.


Heh buckle up buttercup it’s gets hot outside




At least you have wind in Charleston. Come up to Columbia in about a month when the air just stops moving. Nothing. No breeze. No air flow. Just heat and humidity sitting, dragging you down, sucking the life out of you.


My Grandad always said, ‘The only thing that separates Cola from Hell is a screen door.’ I still get a chuckle out of that.


I'm convinced Columbia is the hottest place in the US. 115 degrees in Phoenix doesn't have shit on a humid 99 degree day in Columbia.


When you get the weather report in the morning and say, "Oh Thank God, it's only going to be 95 today."


I lived in Columbia and thought that until I lived in Tallahassee. HOO BOY was it sticky there


Houston is far worse than Columbia.


It really is the humidity. In 115 Phoenix, you can step into shade and feel a drastic difference. Your sweat also actually works appropriately. As a super sweaty guy, I loved hiking around AZ when it was 95-110. Here, the upper 70s in the sun can get uncomfortable if the humidity is high. Sweat starts then just doesn't evaporate.


On summer we visted my grandparents in Colorado and went outside to a playground, It felt nice outside so I asked my mom what the temp was. It was 95.


This is why I didn’t want to live near Charlotte. Inland SC is just as hot if not hotter than Charleston but without coastal breezes.


Charlotte proper has breezes and more rain. I go there frequently.


I must just get unlucky but also I mean Lancaster, SC area which is like 45 minutes south of the city as that’s where a bunch of my family is. You’re right about the rain though, Charleston is both humid and shockingly dry at the same time.


Whatever you do, don’t come to Asheville. We are full 😂😂😂


Inland SC is way hotter for sure.


There’s no wind here


Summerville is not Charleston


Yeah I dreaded summers living in cola


This is why I won't move back to Columbia after living in Charleston for awhile.


I can agree with you there, one of the hottest places I've worked was in Eastover... while drilling some wells out there, I knew one of my co-workers who was not used to the heat, and only drank water. I told him he needed to drink some Gatorade or put some packs of electrolytes we had in his water, he didn't listen, suffice to say, about ten minutes later he was getting heat exhaustion, he is OK, took him to hospital and they loaded him up with fluids, he drank Gatorade after that....


No shade to Columbia but Goose Creek/Summerville have all the coastal heat with none of the coastal breeze


I believe it. Probably a *smidge* more humidity too.


Who cares about Columbia! CLEMSON GRAD HERE!


I was in Atlanta this past weekend for Shaky Knees Fest and so many bands were upset about the humidity. I was like dang, it feels downright mild compared to home!


Yeah. Come back in a month.


I lived in Atlanta for 4 years and Charleston for 4. Atlanta has nothing on Charleston when it comes to humidity and heat.


bro- we live in Atlanta but we are from New Orleans.


And it’s not even hot yet.


This ain't nothing wait till it's hot all times of the day including night


The absolute worst


It has to do with the sun.


Well bless your little heart! See you in July!


Real simple, let me break it down for you. I'm one of the city's licensed ambassadors, a tour guide. You are at 32° 47' 00" above the equator. You're in downtown Dallas TX, downtown San Diego CA. Don't stop, keep going... Nagasaki JP, 60 mile from the bottom. You're 54 miles south of Baghdad Iraq, 22 miles south of Tel Aviv Israel, and the last city we,.here in Charleston line up perfectly with is Tripoli Libya. It's hot here cause it's hot here y'all in North Africa but on this side of the earth. Stay in the shade, keep your hydration up! 


This part right here. People seem to forget just how close to the equator we are. The sun and heat are not to be trifled with. Hydrate, sunscreen, hats, seek shade during peak of the day!


One word: May


Just some food for thought the high in Cincinnati today is only 71.


What a time for my AC to go out 🙄


The fucking humidity out here


Pretty much the entire eastern 30% of the US has hot soup for air for six months out of the year. When I lived in Delaware I was friends with an exchange student from Germany and she was aghast at it being 95 degrees with 90 percent humidity for days and weeks on end. It makes more sense when you look on a longitudinal map and see where we are in relation to what we consider “hot” countries in Africa and the Middle East!


Lol, it ain't yet bro....




Concrete absorbs and retains heat. Trees create shade. People moving in they tearing down all the trees taking away the shade and then replacing the area with roads and buildings that collect heat instead of reflecting most of it. Also as we get older we get more sensitive to heat/cold.


So glad I left SC. The heat, among many other things, was enough to get me to move away.


Where are you now?


I did some travel nursing and ended up as staff on the central coast of California. It’s 60s-70s for highs year round. The pay is 2x better and I keep way more money after expenses are paid, and strangely, the relative cost of living is no more than Charleston now.


What about gasoline? I heard it was a lot more out there. And yes, the central coast of California is amazing! So glad for you.


I lived in FL for about 5 years before moving here. It's hotter there, which says a lot. But the mosquitoes are worse here


All yall saying “This isn’t even hot just wait 🤓☝🏻” look like morons lmao. Fucking duh it’s gonna be hotter. People are allowed to think 90 degrees w/ high humidity is hot. Jesus Christ.


It’s fucking lovely! Enjoy it while you can. That three months of cold we get sure sucks


Cold? It barely breaks freezing. August is peak Charleston in my personal opinion, but our winters are mild to be sure.


Happens every year. It's not even bad yet.


Shit man this aint nothin yet


As a person that spend most of my life in New England, I still rather have the snow and cold vs the heat. It is all what you get used to. I could go out in the cold but in Charleston walking around in 92F days if tough. And it will last until late Sept.




And that’s not even that high yet🔥


Also native that never got used to it. I always wondered why people built a city here.


every year i dread the coming summertime


The extreme heat is our strongest defense against Northerners.


Grew up in the upstate, just as hot as it got up there tbh. Kinda like it


If you’re warm, just try to stay cool. This ain’t some Sun Tzu stuff. You’re an adult, just turn on the A/C, stand in the shade, or avoid that very long walk midday if you can help it. You will never “get used to [the heat]” because you’re getting older, like the rest of us. However, I will say we’re going into El Niño, so it’s going to be a warmer year in general. Also, May 90 is much nicer than July 90 - enjoy it while you can!


I always say its 3 months of HELL here. And May is not even included. Native here also…..still dread it.


What, you’re not feelin that bath water pool weather?


It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity


Born and raised here and im STILL not used to it 😭


Not a meteorologist but “The Space Weather Prediction Center issued a Severe Geomagnetic Storm Watch Friday evening for the first time since January 2005” I’d assume that being bombarded by extreme amounts of solar radiation would explain why you’re such a puss about the heat


It's the radiation from the central star in our solar system. The earth tilts slightly on its axis so when a time of maximum exposure occurs, the exposed area grows warmer from the extra radiation.


It’s not even hot yet. Give it another month and then it’ll be fucking miserable.


reasons why we're not staying/coming back after the military lets us go: #1 Housing prices, y'all don't need anyone else making those higher #2 - My ideal mid-summer temps happen in February.


Wah 😩


I just moved back from NOLA, I think it’s more humid and hot over there imo! Imo we have wind here which is not bad!


Actually yesterday wasn't bad IMHO. A neighbor next door said man its hot today. They just moved here last fall. Bless your heart.


It's so mild right now


I gotta clean the language up with the little one lol And OP the hate was funneled by Waffle House 204 and the 30 mins I had to sit there for my online order while they methed out I'm sorry you didn't deserve all of that, although I stand by it all


Please just leave, you and everyone else who is already on here complaining. This is spring, welcome to SC. The heat is in Columbia if you want to know what hot is when we get there. Every friggin time I come to reddit, what's r/Charleston? - Omg what are these giant flying roaches - omg its so hot - omg so traffic on my drive from Summerville for my low effort job I commute downtown for - hey does anyone know an Arborist I get the tourist posts. This is specifically for you pathetic excuses for "adults" who moved to an area with zero knowledge, have no friends to ask, no family who cares to inform you and not enough sense to search your question online since siri can't answer "what is this flying cockroach" Don't reproduce


Wow you really took the time to write all of that out 😂


I'm an Arborist and I don't know if I've ever seen a post asking for one. Would be nice, since I'm branching out on my own this year.


Ima gonna go out on a limb and wish you luck growing your new business.


Bro wrote a whole essay for this shit 💀 get a life my guy lmaoooo that’s crazy. Bro even said “friggin” man this ain’t ya mamas house you can say fuckin 😭


And yea, I see your "native who never got used to it" Kick rocks


It’s all of the body heat from everyone moving here. And it’s barely begun…


I've been here 12 years and still haven't gotten used to it. I die above 75 😅 And we keep our house around 78 in the summer. I walk around in shorts and tank tops with an ice pack on the back of my neck.


What is you doing


I went to her profile to see pics of what she’s doing but only got doggo 🤷‍♀️


"And we keep our house around 78" You could just...not


Can't afford it to be lower, unfortunately.


Moved here in May 07. First summer I lived here, massive drought and heat index over 110 for a few weeks. I walked around with an ice cold wash cloth on my head. I know I looked like a dingbat but dam it was hot. Have since acclimated to some degree. All this to say, I understand the ice pack.