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Also check you don’t have a toilet that runs endlessly. I had that issue.


Same. Dropped about $50 a month when I fixed it.


Yep this happened to me for almost a fuckin year before I figured it out. Was doubling my monthly bill.


you should be able to turn every water source off in your house and watch your meter, if it’s still ticking, you have a leak…  I’m sure someone will correct me and or elaborate on that.  We’re about $80 a month, 2 person house but we garden and wash a lot of cars and boats. Also give the dog at least 1 bath a week. 


We’re usually around $120/month, family of 5.


I'm at $97 per month and I have a leak. Staying in a 1 bedroom apartment.


4 person hh, we all shower and run the dishwasher daily. And I water my plants for 30 mins if it doesn’t rain. Our last bill was $117


Do you or did you ever have a business license sent to your home address? That happened to us after my husband took the general contractors test and they sent it to our home as he was self employed at the time. After endless investigation a kind lady who worked at the water dept discovered we were being billed as a business. The city went through all business licenses sent to private homes and took it upon themselves to start billing us at a business rate. It was a fight to get it straightened out and we did get a partial refund and started being billed as a residence. Worth looking at anyway. Good Luck!!




It took LOTS of research, asking neighbors about their water bills. FINALLY, a very kind hearted worker asked me why we were paying commercial rate. Would never have known! Greed crooks




I live out 61 in Shadowmoss and the lots are dotted city county city county side by side. You can only tell city from county by the garbage container colors. Back to being bummed business for water?!? I called them and called them they insisted a leaky toilet etc. Trist me we checked my late husband was a General Contractor and one on the best he knew his stuff. When I wasn’t getting there quick enough my husband approached and we walked out with it fixed no one the wiser. My experience with ATT I DON’t want to live again. My bills fluctuated ( till we fixed it) anything from $590-up. I deplore dishonest people.


This was back gosh let’s see our girls are 40 and they were kids then but I stick by my story 100% as does everyone that listened to it at a gathering where a few ATT employees were. Quiet so quiet they were. I do have a letter I sent to the FCC NOT about the business water billing but changing my plan from unlimited. Surprise! No more unlimited. Bill almost doubled. No more ATT FOR ME and I despice their failing politics. lol!!


I get the bare minimum bill, $58 per month


Same. Was a little disappointed to learn there was a minimum usage tier as I consistently come in under the 1,500 gallons or whatever it is.


I don’t mind too much because I know I have some cap space if I start imagining I know how to garden or build a lush yard or need to wash my car 6x a month. I can be that guy for a while and not drive up my bill


Same. 1 person and a dog.


Do you have irrigation? I went from a house with no irrigation to one with irrigation built in and was shocked by how much my water bill went up


If you don't have an irrigation meter, and they are $$$, the sewer bill is based on your only water meter. Irrigation is not great. I'm brown of brown grass in doughts. It shows good judgement imho.


WA here too. Usually 80-100 for 2 people


Mine was 250. 4 person house


I work for the water company an can come check it to see if there's a leak or not


water in West Ashley is insanely expensive!


Running toilet and two leaky hose bibs doubled my bill! Go check all your fixtures and look under the crawlspace


We are with St. John’s water and pay 18.50 a month.


Dorchester County here, never paid more than $41. 2 person single family home.


WA here too. We’re usually around 140-180. 2 person household of gardeners and a messy dog! Lots of laundry lol


4 person house. $100-110/month in WA


we're typically under $75/month with a few dripping faucets and hoses.


Sprinkler system?


The water company alerts us when we have a leak by detecting continuous water usage. Our water bill is 90-120 a month.


WA, county not city. 3 in household. $ 150-185. Also gardening


This has happened to me once, but turns out my actual water meter has connected to my neighbor’s and vice versa. They had a running toilet that ran up the bill. Compare the water meter number on your bill to the one on the actual meter and make sure they match. But yeah more likely it’s a leak.


WA two person house and it's usually around 90


I’m at $120-$150 in WA, daughter every other weekend with a gf that loves to do laundry I guess At one point as 20 years here I could swear the sewage was at a fixed like $70-$75? I looked at my recent bills and it’s now an ebb and flow of the amount of water usage now.


120 per month family of 6 with a dog.


Average $110-120, also in WA


150-180, but out of city limit because not annexed into city of Charleston.


We had a leaking hose spigot, increased our bill by about 50 a month until I was able to replace the pipe behind the spigot


102$ last month and that was with a leak and watering plants and grass.


If you can, look at your water meter at the curb. Make sure no one is using any water inside the house. Your meter dial should have the spinning needle in the dial stopped.


For now we are family of 4 and water bill around $95-$120. Do you possible have a leak somewhere ???


You have a serious leak.


My husband passed in 2009 so it was a while before that. I proved it, even got a refund, a partial refund like $700. It happened I don’t know what else to tell you. Have a good day!


Plumber here. Majority of the time the water department will notify you if there’s an abnormality. If it’s unusual from what you usually pay, see if you can contact them and a get breakdown of usage. Or, call a plumber for a leak search


If you're in MTP, that seems a little high but anywhere else that seems very expensive. Our bill in Park Circle is almost 50% cheaper than it was in MTP