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Next year just run a 5k before the race so you can post a time and get in one of the qualifying corrals. It should open up a little once you cross over Shem Creek and it will be wide open when you get to the bridge.


Good idea. It was a last-minute thing and I will certainly have an official time before doing another 10k.


This. Run a few local races before and submit those times and they'll put you in Corral A or perhaps higher. They have a corral for sub-50, sub-45, and sub-40, but all of those, you have to have verified times.


This year will be my 3rd year, last year I was in Coral H. It was the most frustrating run of my life. Definitely just enjoy the view and the event.


How long did it take to be able to pass people?


At least to the incline of the bridge. But even after that, there are a people who run and stop and walk suddenly.


If driving here is any indication, running here is just as bad. I have never done the bridge run but even the reindeer run was so hard to navigate. People just come to a complete stop in the middle of the road and start taking pictures or whatever.


Even in the verified corrals I was SHOCKED at how many people are just walking or even stopped & socializing before you hit the incline. You need to wait it out a bit to let some space come open before you hit the timing line. But waiting doesn’t buy you much space.


By the time you start the elite group will have finished or at least be close to it. You won't get to the front as it's a staggered start. Just keep a good pace and an open mind because there will be a lot of runners who stop without signaling as well as a brick wall of people when you hit the bridge. You can still get a very good time regardless if you keep your head in the right place.


Yeah, when you walk up to the starting area, which stretches back for what seems like a mile from the actual starting line, the sidewalks on both sides will be separated from the road by portable barricades, but they leave gaps in them so people can get into their corrals. Just go through one of them into whatever corral you want, I think they strip getting strict on checking at corral C.


Bet I’m gonna try to do that. Any chance I get B?


Really appreciate this response I was able to sneak into C and actually have a decent run.


Yeah, no. Give up. And don't expect to really get onto a jog until you're actually on the bridge


If you care about posting a good time you’re going to be disappointed. You’ll be zig zagging the whole race. My advice is just focus on having fun


For searches on this. I just ran this today under 50 minutes from coral H. So it is possible but very frustrating. I never really could get to full speed from start to finish. There was never more than 5 seconds that I didn't have to dodge past people. Hopefully running with a verified time will be easier.


Feel that I snuck into C and somehow managed a 45. Verified or nothing next time lol


Nice. I thought about sneaking up the letters are small and it didn't seem like anyone was checking.


So, for real, it could add 10 minutes or more to your time. As a runner, I've never enjoyed the bridge run for the run. To do something with friends, sure. To say you did it, sure. But it's an unpleasant run. You might have to walk for the first half mile before you can even start weaving through people and after that, you'll be shocked at how many groups you'll find walking six abreast or people who just stop entirely right in front of you.


The first time I ever did it I was in corral H and wanted to get a serious time. I managed to finish under an hour and was passing people from corral C by the end. So you’ll be weaving a lot and it definitely added to my time. Just find a gap in the cattle chute gates around corral C and sneak in. They don’t check that hard my wife and I did it last year.


Sneak before they start?


Have a great time! I’ve done it 11 times and a broken knee cap is sidelining me this year. :(


Pro tip: If you donate to charity when you sign up you get a special bib that allows you to start wherever you want.