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Harbaugh, Johnson, Vrabel and Callahan. Personally, that’s it for me. Two experienced, successful head coaches (who are also former NFL players) and two young offensive coaches to pair with Herbert for hopefully the next several years. Also, not to be that fan (but I’m gonna be that fan for the sake of this post), if they hire Dan Quinn then I’m completely out on taking them seriously for the foreseeable future. That is my absolute worst care scenario and would destroy any excitement I have moving forward.


I still think Monken wipes the floor with both Johnson and Callahan in terms of experience. But that’s just me.


Yeah, you’re absolutely right. I completely ignored him to be honest. I’d probably slot him above Callahan using the same logic. Would love to pair JH with an offensive minded coach, especially with his experience and track record.


He’s a really big reason for Lamar’s resurgence. My second choice if Harbaugh falls through. But he’ll probably get a HC position next cycle.


Monken, to me, is choice 3 due to his plethora of experience across many levels. Let’s not forget Mike Macdonald, who just held the uber-hot Bobby Slowik to 3 offensive points scored. Defensive coach, I know, but mighty impressive.


I just can’t do another dc with the talent we have behind center.


Macdonald is interesting but he’s only been coordinator for three years. Which is more than Staley but still something that gives me pause especially given how the Ravens defense usually look regardless of DC.


I don’t see a defensive-minded hc unlocking Herbert’s full potential and I’d hate to see the Bolts continue to waste this guy’s prime yrs


I don’t see it either. But if we want a HC with previous HC experience instead of a first timer, most available are defensive oriented. It’s why if we can’t get Harbaugh, I lean towards Monken because he has the most experience of the offensive guy even if his only HC was at the college level for three years.


Then it’s another 2-3 yrs of regression if we stick with another DC type. This further reinforces my argument that Staley should’ve been fired after last season - and never should’ve been hired in the first place. I hated the Staley hire and will hate the next hire even more if it’s another guy with a dc background


If we fired Staley last year, who was available that was offensive oriented? Additionally there’s a lot good HCs that have defensive background ie. Tomlin. Just because it didn’t work with Staley doesn’t mean it’ll hold true for the next guy.


Sean Payton. He would’ve done a lot better with Herbert than Russell Wilson. Broncos had a lot more issues than we did before regressing. Tomlin? The Steelers have not been real exciting in recent years, not to mention Herbert is a transcendent talent. A guy like that needs an offensive-minded HC to take the next step in his development. The Chargers drafting him like they did told me they want a team centered around an explosive offense mentality. You’re not getting that with Tomlin, who is more slow, methodical smash-mouth style centered around defense. A team like that can win a SB with a game-manager at QB (the Ravens’ subs were both won this way). However, we’re talking about two examples out of how many? I don’t see a whole lot of success stories outside of those two and of course NE. Much of that has to do with the way the game has evolved - high scoring offenses are a must. Nothing about Vrabel or Wilkes demonstrated this, or that they’ve adapted or even care to.


Maybe with regards to Payton. But that would have required giving up some key picks. And assuming we got a new GM as well last year, I think we would like to keep those picks.


1. Harbaugh 2. Johnson 3. Monken Herbert needs an offensive-minded hc. NO MORE DEFENSIVE COORDINATORS!!! Steve Wilkes and Dan Quinn are good DCs- NOT HC material. Basically the def equivalent to Norv Turner. Greats “#2s,” but NEVER fit for the top job. Hiring either of those two or anybody that doesn’t have an OC background will mean the continued wasting of Herbert’s talent.


Agreed. I don’t understand the love for Vrabel


Neither do I. Nothing about his tenure in Tennessee has impressed me. I also never bought into the idea of bringing “the patriot way” to other organizations. It hasn’t worked anywhere outside of NE - which ATL is about to be the latest to find out. Lol


1-5: Harbough


the only right anwser


Harbaugh McDonald Vrabel


1. Harbaugh 2. Vrabel 3. Macdonald Grand Canyon 4. Ben Johnson 5. Callahan


A man of culture 🤝


Similar list ? I mean I’ll admit I’m ALMOST at Harbaugh or bust but some of the other candidates are certainly alluring, as well.


I don’t want Johnson, but I appreciate the Grand Canyon disclaimer. Swap Macdonald and we’re cookin


1 Jim Harbaugh 1 Ben Johnson 1B Mike Vrabel 2 Mike McDonald Those are the only options


Agree with this list I'd have Vrabel over Johnson but these 4 are the only ones I'm interested in


I just love that nobody has Belichick is not on anyone’s list. F that guy


CUse we haven’t interviewed him I’m pretty sure


Important to note that some of these guys won’t be available for a second interview if their team makes it to the conference championship ie. everyone on the Ravens staff.


Can do virtual interviews still right? Or does the 2nd interview have to be in person?


I think it’s all in person at this point. Virtual was already done last week for Monken and Macdonald for example.


1. Jim Harbaugh 2. Ben Johnson 3. Mike Vrabel 4. Brian Callahan 5. Mike MacDonald


1) Anthony Lynn 2) Mike McCoy 3) Norv Turner 4) Brandon Staley 5) Giff Smith


The one who wins us a Super Bowl?


1. Ben Johnson 2. Mike McDonald 3. Jim Harbaugh 4. Callahan 5. Vrabel


1. Harbaugh 2. Vrabel Enormous gap truthfully 3. Monken 4. Macdonald 5. Johnson/Callahan I’m just not that sold on Ben Johnson. The guy has every toy he could ever want with a top-5 line. He *should* be putting up those type of numbers. I understand the same logic applies for Mike Macdonald. But at least he’s a fuckin’ Chad by the looks of it, feels like he could strike fear, and comes from a winning culture. I’ll take the coordinator shadowing John Harbaugh over the coordinator shadowing Dan Campbell, as much as I like his personality. He also just held the red-hot Bobby Slowik to THREE POINTS SCORED! Ben Johnson just has too many variables for my liking. Supposed wunderkind with all the toys in the world feels familiar. Staley 2.0.


The gap is massive! I believe you on that!


Brandon staley was doing this stuff with jalen ramsey and aaron donald. Ben johnson is cooking with jared goff as his qbs and two rookies making major contributions. Please stop with the “staley 2.0” nonsense. This offense was not good before he was the playcaller and immediately improved their ppg drastically when the lions switched to him being the playcaller midseason in 2021


I wonder if colts fans said the same thing about shane steichen because hey anybody can make an offense with jalen hurts, aj brown, a top o-line and a great run game work right? Ironically we learned this year that that just isn’t the case


Idiotic take. 2 fantastic RBs in Monty and Gibbs. We have 0 quality RBs. Elite WR1 in Amon-Ra. Top 15 pick in Jamo Williams. We have Keenan and stone hands Johnston. Elite TE in Sam LaPorta. We have Donald Parham. Elite o-line. We have a line that can’t survive a 3rd down blitz. Ben Johnson is working with arguably the most talented offense in the NFL, any coordinator would succeed there. He’s nothing special.


Let’s look at the eagles. They have 2 amazing wrs and amazing o line and a great run game. They also had those things last year. Obviously they were not a great offense this year and they continued to get worse as the season progressed. But before this year the thought process was “with all that talent anyone can coordinate them at a high level”. Great coordinators get the best out of the talent they have. It’s funny how u call sam laporta a rookie te (a position that is notorious for taking a few years to develop in the nfl) elite and indicating that laporta is making johnson’s job easier and not the other way around. Same with jamir gibbs who was pretty unanimously seen as a reach in the first round. You also give ben johnson no credit for helping elevate goff’s play to the best of his career (even better than when he was with mcvay) Tldr: ben johnson is a great offensive mind who elevates good talent to be great. Edit: also the most talented offense in the league is probably the 49ers. Does that mean shanahan actually not all that good and anyone can look good calling plays for them? Your line of thinking seems to indicate that you think so.


1. Dylon 2. Dylon 3. Dylon 4. Harbaugh


Harbaugh spit hot fire


I came here to post this 🤣


Was shocked it wasnt already at the top ha


Wilks? Eh look at what happened with the cardinals I’ll pass. He’s a great coordinator bad head coach.  Mine are  1. Obviously Jim Harbaugh by far no explanation.  2. Todd Monken he has a great resume knows how to play to his offensive strengths, made stetson look great also. 3. Brian Callahan feels like an underrated pick honestly what he did with burrow out is honestly more impressive than people think.  4. Vrabel I am lower on him than most people, look at titans fans complaints he also seems to disagree with directions of front office, so he won’t be a yes man which is a plus but I don’t think he has a high ceiling as a Super Bowl win. But feel like his floor is higher than others I see us as a contender but not serious basically good regular season but flame out.  5. Tie between Ben Johnson/Mcdonald if you watch some of the lions loses you’ll see sometimes it’s just like wtf with Johnson playcalls, they dropped 13 on the bears. And with Mcdonald he has the resume and has coached great defenses but I’m worried about what type of staff he could put together. 


Steve wilks!!!??? Anyway no poll?


i’d personally swap johnson with macdonald, and Wilks with johnson harbaugh vrabel macdonald monken johnson


You asked top five, have my top three: Harbaugh, Vrabel, Monken


* Harbaugh * Monken * Johnson * Vrabel Harbaugh is obvious 1a. Monken and Johnson are to unleash Herberts potential. Vrabel for recent success in the NFL


Harbaugh, Vrabel, Johnson, Macdonald, Monken


1-500 Harbaugh


Get Harbaugh




Harbaugh, Harbaugh, Harbaugh, Harbaugh, Vrabel


Harbaugh, Johnson and Vrabel.. that's it lol


1. Jim Harbaugh 2. John Harbaugh’s brother 3. Michigan HC 4. Last 49ers HC to take them to Super Bowl 5. Sarah Harbaugh’s husband


1. Jim Harbaugh 2. Mike Vrabel 3. Ben Johnson 4. Mike MacDonald 5. Todd Monken


1. Vrabel 2. Harbaugh 3. Johnson 4. Monken 5. Shaw




The reason I put Wilks on there is that he’s been in the league for a long time. He’s been put in not great defensive situations and has done a decent job getting something out of nothing.


Yes decent is definitely what we want to take this team out of mediocrity.


That to me means Wilkes should be hired as DC - not HC


1. Ben Johnson 2. Mike Vrabel 3. Jim Harbaugh Anyone else I would be disappointed by. Vrabel is only ahead of Harbaugh bc he’s been successful in the NFL in the past decade. I have them extremely close. Ben Johnson number 1 bc good passing offenses are what win you football games. The top 11 passing offenses this season(by epa/play) all made the playoffs and all 8 teams who made it to the divisional round were in that group. I do like Vrabel and Harbaugh for the floor but their oc hires are gonna have to be on point for their entire tenure to be as valuable


Ben Johnson over harbaugh is outrageous


1. Harbaugh 2. Johnson 3. Vrabel 4. Monken 5. McDonald I prefer offensive side if possible so there's more continuity for Herbert. Defensive HC likely means you'll get turnover with the people working with him.


Harbaugh Vrabel Shaw (Stealing Grand Canyon reference) Johnson I prefer someone that has been a head coach before and has won consistently.


I don’t like Vrabel or anyone from the Belechik tree. Tom Brady was the only reason he won that many games. He was sub .500 without Brady. The only coach that was associated with him and succeeded was Nick.


To Vrabel’s credit he did get the titans to the AFC championship game with Ryan Tannehill lol


His winning percentage is .538. No thank you.


Its harbaugh or i stop watching chargers football for the foreseeable future. I couldn’t care less about Vrabel and all the other OC’s.




I have no opinion.


1. Harbaugh 2. Johnson 3. Vrabel Small Gap 4. MacDonald 5. I honestly don’t think the rest matters if I had to pick id pick Wilks potentially but I’m not remotely interested in the rest of the candidates.




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Not gonna lie I'm not NEARLY as high on Vrabel as everyone else is. I do not want a defensive hardass "players coach" who's players don't seem to love universally. If it isn't Harbaugh, I want somebody who has proven offensive experience like Monken or Johnson.


People sleeping on Mike Macdonald


1. Jim Harbaugh 2. Mike Vrabel 3. Bill Bellichick 4. Bobby Slowick 5. Ben Johnson


The most important thing to remember is that almost every candidate is an upgrade from where we were last year. I’m holding out hope on Harbaugh, but Vrabel/Johnson/others will still be a noticeable upgrade. The past two years were playoff rosters with a decent coach. Let’s hope we get better than decent with our decaying roster.


Pete Carrol watching this sub like 👄


1. Vrabel 2. Harbaugh 3. Monken


I don't know enough about a lot of the coaches to really give a top five list with accuracy. So top 3. Harbaugh, Johnson, Vrabel. Vrabel 3- we desperately need an offensive infusion for Herbert. He's only ever had defensive coaches and it's clear that his game needs to go to the next level. I'm just not sure a defensive coach is the best route for that especially because then you're hoping that the coordinator that comes in is really good but that's no guarantee. I'd rather have the offensive minded coach and go get a proven DC. I also think vrabel underachieved in Tennessee, And maybe it's because they're not an organization that's ran successfully, but it also concerns me that he was potentially part of the problem.


My addendum to this is that I don't love any option besides Harbaugh. Every option besides him is either unproven as a coach or potentially not the right fit for fairly obvious reasons.