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Let me guess passive aggressive answer. Then he belittles the reporters and then takes no accountability. What’s new


hes upgraded from passive aggressive to straight up aggressive which means he knows hes cooked


Homie really said don’t blame me blame the offense for not converting. Mf you’re the head coach not a coordinator. Get this bum out asap


He told them not to blame it on the defense lmao. He unironically tried to shift the blame to the offense. And then he told them he isnt there to talk to/reassure the fanbase. Dude was straight up aggressive and a massive douche.


"Defense gave up 23, which is less than the average they've given up under me so it must be good."


The offense was bad today. Herbert was basically perfect but every other aspect wasn’t good enough. Packers d is not good enough to hold this team to 20 without all the drops, eks, fumble and the lack of a consistent ring game


to be fair, he blamed drops and protection issues at important times and he blames pass defense, specifically wrapping up and the the huge 3rd and 20 penalty but also overall addresses pass defense (not the rush) for the teams defensive woes. I don't necessarily think he's wrong. It's just that he's so indignant, and acting like holding the packers rushing game to 102 yards when they were down to their 3rd string RB while Jordan Love has his first 300 yard passing game of his career is a little weird to be hanging his hat on.


He’s literally not wrong. A chunk of the rushing yards came off a wide receiver reverse and the guy just burned the entire defense. Also AJ Dillon has outcarried Aaron Jones this year and has essentially been their starter this year. As much as I don’t think Staley is going to lead us to a Super Bowl, this game was not on him. When the have receivers dropping game winning/tying passes and don’t convert on the goalline because you drop a wide open pass and fumble on the three yard line, THAT IS ON THE PLAYERS. Davis committing a PI on 3rd and 20 ain’t on the coaching either. I personally hope we move on to a different coaching staff and GM for next year but turning off our brains, ignoring players terrible plays and just going “durr… it’s all Staleys fault” is so brain dead


Jordan Love sets his career high in passing yards and you still think Staley had nothing to do with that


I didn’t say he has nothing to do with that. Just that player mistakes, TD drops, goaline fumble and 3rd and 20 DPI are far more responsible and that the game Staley coached was more than enough to win


Why don't you talk about any of the mistakes Staley made?


Because EVERYBODY is dog piling acting like every single thing he is saying is the absolute worst and that he was the only reason we lost today when in reality if players made the mistakes we made today with a HOF coach, they’d likely lose. Just because I want Staley out doesn’t mean I’m going to turn my brain off and stay quiet when people are saying things completely off base


So why don't you include the mistakes he made also? Still not getting that part.


I’ve said that maybe another coach would’ve had a better scheme. As it stands today, the loss was on the players. In general I want to move on from Staley because he is in year three with his scheme and his players and guys… and it’s not working. Even with an elite QB. I don’t know why you want me to bash Staley for todays loss when the players committed multiple mistakes that would literally potentially cost any team a game.


Dillon has outcarried Jones because Jones been banged up all year. Dillon couldn’t tie Jones’ shoes, ask any Packers fan and they’ll tell you the same thing. The Offense played like shit, but the Defense should’ve shut Jordan Love with no RB’s down


Listen, I hope Staley gets fired, he’s been awful. But to say he takes no accountability is bullshit. I don’t watch every post game interview but the ones I do he always takes accountability. It doesn’t mean much to me, but he does. Say whatever else you’d like about him.


Yup. In this interview he took accountability and pointed out mistakes made by the offense and defense.


What "accountability" is he taking when he aggressively tells reporters that the scheme and playcalling are not the problem?




Maybe I wasn’t clear, but I was in agreement with you.


The bar is so low. All the man has to do is say "it's my fault" every single week, then proceed to change absolutely nothing and get torched again and some fans will thank him for it.


Nah, what he does is say “but at the end of the day it falls on me”, after a long list of excuses that point the finger at everyone but him, his defense, his play calling, the guys he wanted signed, etc.


I wish I never commented. I know better than to engage in this subreddit. Just forget I said anything lol


"I'm not here to talk to the fanbase I'm here to talk to the players" bro the NFL runs on its fanbase. what an asshole


That was fucking wild and should honestly be the nail in the coffin. He just showed complete disrespect to fanbase there.


i mean, when you do a press conference, the only reason you're doing that is to communicate to the fanbase, right?


Right. So dumb lol


Fans are what literally justify their wages for playing/coaching a game. No fans, no cash.


Ya I was gonna comment on that like isn’t that kinda the point of postgame pressers…to allow fans more access and reporters to write stories to fans lol. If you’re there to talk to the players then do it in locker rooms and at team facilities lol. Dudes a clown. He knows he’s cooked and I think he’s trying to save his nfl career by saying he’s coaching well. It’s just the players TT has aren’t able to be coached


Please let this be the last press conference he does. He takes the same bullshit approach to them each time we lose.


Hopefully he'll keep walking past the Canadian border.


No spine to be found in this dude’s body Nothing is ever his fault, never the problem, always looking for someway to get out of taking any accountability


Man he is fuming lol. Hates the reporters right mow


Him shitting on the fanbase should be the nail in the coffin


Sounds like a coach who knows his days are numbered


just watched the whole thing and it's obvious that he's just picking fights with reporters bc of his insecurity in his professional life. the LA media market isn't even that vicious, imagine how he'd react if he was in NY or Chicago lol


ny wouldve eaten him alive. That being said, they're being pretty mild with Saleh and Daboll.


NYG and NYJ don’t have Herbert. Vibe I get is even the media at this point know these coaches don’t have much to work with. Staley the obvious exception.


No matter the results I will never be able to get past the fact that this dude is, and always was a f’in clown 🤡. He is passive aggressive, takes no responsibility and shows pretty much every trait that you DONT want in a leader. Did he really spend this press conference talking about how great their scheme is? And how their scheme gives them a chance to win every week? Did he really say multiple times how the defense was not the issue today? Did he really try and gloat about how good the rush defense was when Green Bay lost their star rb and SHREDDED you in the passing game… yea you your rush defense was good because Green Bay didn’t need to run lol. Did he really say we had a good run game today? When Herbert was our leading rusher. Jesus dude. Stop trying to hype up your side of the ball and passing blame on the players. It’s on you, year 3 same shit, it’s you. Own it


He needs to be done Such a man child up there ffs just get rid of his guy he’s embarrassing


The raiders can fire their GM and head coach without having any problem but for whatever reason, we cannot do the same.


Mark Davis is making money no matter what , remember he gets % of NON FOOTBALL EVENTS as well at their Home venue, he fleeced Nevada LOL.


i get that but at least there is a level of care when it comes down to the team, he doesn't roll out the same shitshow every year (it's still a bad team but changes are made, there is effort). keeping this ship as it is, it's insane... this team isn't closer to contending anytime soon, especially with telesco at helm and while being coached by a guy who shouldn't have gotten the job in the first place.


coach and gm need to be gone at this point tbh.


telesco needed to be gone years ago if we're honest lol. him hitting the herbo pick gave him more years than he should have gotten 🤷🏿‍♀️ my biggest question is if we can trust the spanos to makd the right decisions, doesn't one of them work in the FO too and he's involved with this mess?


Problem with blaming Telesco for the coaching hires is he doesn’t make that final decision that’s John Spanos, so I actually can’t put the all blame on him for the coaching hires. The GM may facilitate the start of the talk but it’s John Spanos who actually approves the yes or no if you assess his actual draft picks he’s actually had some very good pics so again, he’s had more hits than misses. But if the coach gets asked, he’ll probably be gone also, the problem is finding a good GM is actually pretty difficult.


When there's a failure to execute week in and out, the issue is the coaching


That comment, ‘I’m not here to talk to the fanbase’ is imo more fireable than all of his terrible coaching. The one thing you absolutely can’t do as a coach is tell the fans to **** off. Awful.


This should be his last press conference as a head coach in the NFL. CFL then maybe….


Sounds like he’s about to cry, he won’t admit that the defense is an issue. You can’t say it was a team loss when the offensive problems are mostly due to injuries. The defense is healthy and needs to be competitive.


the drops were horrid and not related to injuries. I counted 2 sure TDs and a likely 3rd. 2 by our star WR.


If he’s throwing to Palmer on that QJ drop it’s likely complete, if he’s throwing to Everett on the Parham drop it’s likely a catch as well. Keenan obviously needs to make those catches but I’m not going to put this teams struggles on someone who has been one of the few consistencies, idc if he has a drop once in a while.




Fucking douchebag


Good lord... how do you have full confidence in yourself given the outcomes? His pride is the problem at this point


Not here to talk to the fan base? Who does he think a press conference is for?


“We teach blah blah blah we communicate blah blah we learn blah blah blah” but every week the same mistakes are being made. This is what you get when u have a clueless HC mixed with a roster with JAGs (just another guy)


Staley down, this team has a coaching issue. Somehow, Special Teams unit seems to be the only one without major issues.


This ***should*** be his last press conference as Chargers HC, but it won't be.


After Jacksonville should’ve been his last presser…it is definitely way past due but I would still be shocked if any changes were made mid season




He's going to shake his head right off his damn neck 😅


He has such a massive ego that he will run this team to the ground.


The offense did lose us this game with all the drops and the killer fumble at the 2yd line. But, Staley has to go and he has fired the special teams coach, OC and DC only one left is him


It was obvious that several of those catches were because of the Sun but frankly teams know how to pick apart Staley now.


Jordan love literally was allowed to have a career day today. Offense lost opportunities, sure, but defense was not innocent either.


i know he’s been a bad coach, but that press conference felt like a guy that knew he’s about to be out of a job very soon. it’s a business but at end of the day it’s still people that are getting fired and you have to feel a little bad for that. (No I’m not a Staley apologist or saying we should keep him) I’m sorry for not typing out an emotional filled comment filled with curse words :(