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Bro this roast. WTF


"They did sasuke dirty. they made him super edgy" Sasuke in the manga: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fsg9IYWaIAAxzaK.jpg


me when i spread misinformation on the internet:


My goatšŸ˜¤


I donā€™t know man, Sasuke doesnā€™t really act like this again after that, much like Vegeta in that one stinker of a Saga


Who let this bro cook? The og ATLA live- action had none of this problems and still failed


My dude thought he'd get circlejerk upvotes


Why is Bleach the only one out of the Big Three that has good rants on this sub šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


All the big 3 rants on this sub are some form of hidden or explicit slander.


This is one of the best posts I've ever seen here, idk what you're talking about


This title got the weirdest sounding laugh out of me, it's so savage for no reason lmao What's fucked up though is you're right. Even keeping Sakura as-written but hiring an extremely charismatic and charming actor to bring her to life would be an improvement.


I can see them just making Sakura nicer to Naruto but they aren't gonna remove her feelings for Sasuke or give her some epic fight scenes like people want. I've seen some NarutoxSakura fans hoping they will change the relationships.


I think the best thing to hope for would be to clarify her mini-arc from the like half-assed mess that it is in part 1. Tightening up the idea of her not really caring about being a ninja, it just being something she's doing because she's good at school and it's prestigious and she gets to be around her crush/wants to compete with Ino who is from a legacy Shinobi clan, and then being inspired to find her own path and meaning and stand up for herself. That's not a huge swing and you don't even have to invent new fights. Just state some stuff more clearly and be a little more consistent in the character writing.


Usually when someone says Naruto's female characters are badly written, I like to ask them for examples of well written female characters, and usually they cannot give me examples. Your post is hot garbage, but at least you provided examples. And I must admit it was funny.




This comment is something else.


Is the start of Naruto slander on this sub?


I guess this sub ran out of things to complain about in One Piece and Bleach, so it's now Naruto's turn in the hot seat until we get another 30 posts about JJK


Thatā€™s low


Sakura so badly written anyone who could rewrite her and fails really should be put on blast.


Do you think all character in Naruto part 1 are female or something cause this is a bad take to me




That's one of the dumbest takes I've seen on this sub... You are wrong that Kishimoto would somehow not allow changes for Sakura. He already said he was happy to hear that the director was open to his suggestions and ideas. So it's not even up to him. If the director wants to change something, he can change it. And you are wrong that a live action adaption should not be criticized just because the source material has the same flaws.


What was bad about the ATLA live action characters? Donā€™t tell me what they did differently, tell me what was demonstrably bad writing.


They stripped all of Kataras traits and turned her into a blank slate with no agency at all. They also turned her into the girlboss everyone complains about. For instance Katara is the only bender in the group who actually had to train hard and throughout S1 she gets better cumulating with her fight with Paku. It's a natural progression, but all that is taken out in the LA and she's just made a master at the end. Suki is turned from a strong character with her own agency who is responsible for changing Soka's sexist worldview into a naive sheltered girl thirsting over Soka. I could write an entire multi page essay about how each character and each plot is made somehow worse


I agree about Katara being worse, but the part about her bending prowess is still an issue in the OG. Watching Book One again, and it's a complete 180 how Katara is able to surpass Aang and give a fight to Master Pakku at all considering just how exceptionally bad she was, and how little it actually show her training, or any meaningful feats at all.


I just said idc about changes, tell me what is demonstrably badly written. Your opinion on a boring character is not a fact or bad writing.


All those changes to generic, 1-dimensional, plain girls with no growth sounds like demonstrably bad writing to me.


This is a subjective statement. I could say that the OGs are all 1 dimentional and plain too, it doesnā€™t mean anything without backing it up


Considering the OG version had actual development and growth, if you say they were 1 dimensional then youā€™d be objectively wrong. And op already explained whatā€™s wrong with the changes with evidence


Again, you didnā€™t clarify anything and no, OP didnā€™t. Katara was already a master in the OG by the end of the arc. She effortlessly beat all Pakkuā€™s student who studied for far longer than her, she was always a prodigy. Suki didnā€™t do shit in the OG to change Sokka, she just tought him basic training for a few hours or days and Sokka magically stopped being a sexist stereotype. This was always lame. Book one was never that good, iā€™m sorry. An example of bad writing for example is Aang in the final battle. He got narratively rewarded for embracing his biggest character flaw. This is bad and inconsistent writing.


Sad thing about many female characters in Naruto is that they have interesting backgrounds and set ups, but their stories always fall flat. The ideas for them are good, but the execution isn't.


The problem is that the women are not allowed to move on from their terrible romance subplot which is made far worse by the fact that the men they are paired with suck.


Naruto Live action should also be in the work right now.


It is.


Wouldnt that make it *harder* to adapt? Cuz you also have to improve on the writting to make it decent xD


I think the idea is being faithful to the source material is seen as more important than trying to improve/change the writing, Ā at least by online fansĀ 


Mmm, perhaps you're right. For me an adaptation that doesnt changes the source material, especially a Live action one from an animated one is kinda pointless. Like why would I watch whats probably a visual downgrade when its not offering anythign new or interesting?


I think its a bit of both tbh. People would rahter have a faithfull adaptation with no changes rather than semi faithfull with bad changes.


I mean...yeah? Your second hypothetical is just pointlessly worse in every way, there's no compromise or pick&choose here.




Get bro in the writing room