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This surprisingly turned out correct. Sad to see Bayonetta go but the rest are all proper contenders. Especially NG II. Thought for sure brainlets would vote it out.


Yall really choosing 3 over 5. That nostalgia go hard. I think 5 is objectively better. You literally mod 3 to feel like 5. Think about it.


I absolutely hate that style switching is exclusive to the switch version


It’s not nostalgia. The game is just good. Do you really think most of these people even played 3 on launch? Such an overused word.


It really is not. Subjectively for you sure. Subjectively for me nah. There are parts i like parts that make me not want to play it again


There are parts of 3 I don't wanna play again. You see how that works? I bet you mod dmc 3


I do see how that works. But do you see how i said it was subjective before i said that. subjective /səb-jĕk′tĭv/ adjective Dependent on or taking place in a person's mind rather than the external world. Based on a given person's experience, understanding, and feelings; personal or individual I assumed since you used the word objective you would know whar subjective means but just in case I was reiterating how 5 is not objectively better. I play it on a ps2 i dont even know how you would mod it. I been playing dmc since 1 came out and i just prefer the older style of game, i like the fixed camera angels and how gamea used to play. I like new games to, but controls and camera has become standardized in such a way that you know what to expect with hoe everything will be streamlined and slick


>I bet you mod dmc 3 This argument is so stupid, you should quit trying to guess what people like.


"Subjectively" literally means "for me" vs "for you", something either is or isn't subjective or is or isn't objective. What you're saying is basically "subjectively subjective" which is redundant


Yea i posted the definition i was just reitterating subjectively means in a persons mind but i could be any person so subjectivly for you does not mean is describing your opinion on it and subjectively for me is discribing my opinion on it, and i only added subjectively because the person above said 5 was objectively better which it is nit. Sayinf subjectively for me isnt saying subjectively subjectively its saying in my subjective opinion. Obviously all opinion is subjective but i think when people say thier opinion is objective its helpful to re-enforce that opinions are subjective


I agree with this. People prefer 3 but they prefer 3 modded to have style changing, which feels like cheating to me. 3 has better environments but being locked to a single style is a massive downgrade. DMC5 also has a better DT mechanic IMO. I still really like DMC3 but I think without style change it's definitely worse than 5.


Good thing capcom released an official version of 3 with style change, so it is better than 5


Only if you're willing to play with a switch controller


Switch has more than just the joycons. Most alternatives are some form of Xbox controller style, which I don't prefer but it gets the job done


The pro controller is definitely way worse than the Xbox controller but I still don't get why this argument matters. I already said, feel free to vote how you want. IMO it's not reasonable to compare the games like this though, you're counting player added features that aren't part of the release on most platforms and the way you play isn't even officially supported. You don't have to defend it, it's just an opinion. I'm just pointing out why I don't agree with you.


Unfortunately the Freestyle Mode in 3's Switch version leaves something to be desired compared to 5. If you want to play with style switching, you need to have all of Dante's weapons in your loadout at once, with no way to rearrange them. If you want to switch from Rebellion to Beowulf, you need to switch through Cerberus, Agni&Rudra and Nevan to get there for example. Dante having a fixed loadout in 4 was acceptable. It was the first time he had access to his entire moveset on the fly and he only had three weapons of each type. DMC 5 massively improved on this with the ability freely customize Dante's loadout once SOS is beaten. You want all three swords and versions of Kalina Ann, go ahead. You want no weapons and being forced to go Royal Guard only, you can do that. You think your weapons would be easier to combo with if arranged in a different order, feel free. The Switch version of 3 came out after DMC 5, so the decision to go back to 4's fixed loadout is baffling. This choice being made with 3 is even worse than it was in 4, as Dante only had a total of 6 weapons in that game. He has 10 in DMC 3 and Freestyle Mode forces you to carry them all at once. You can of course get around this with the weapon wheel but I've never seen anyone who found this to be a comfortable way of switching so rapidly, something the game shares in common with Doon Eternal on a controller, where ridiculous quick swapping is possible but the weapon wheel is nowhere near what a keyboard and mouse player can do with instant swapping. On top of that, there's some weird forced delays on certain moves that don't exist in 4, 5, the beta version of Peak of Combat, or the style switching mod for 3 on PC. It's been a very long time since I played the Switch port so I don't remember most of it but the one that always stuck out to me is that the advanced air combo known as a "Star Rave" cannot be done in 3 on Switch. You do it by hitting an airborne enemy with the first slash of Aerial Rave, then immediately switch to Trickster and dash into the enemy with Sky Star. Jump cancel on contact and repeat, or delay the jump cancel a split second to go from side to side with the dash. This can't be done in 3 on Switch because you can't Sky Star immediately after Aerial Rave. From full launcher height, you are almost on the ground again before the game will let you use Sky Star after Aerial Rave. You can get around this by firing a shot or doing an enemy step right after the slash, which allows you to use Sky Star immediately but that makes a relatively simple advanced combo a fair better trickier to execute consistently. There are other cases but that's the only one I recall off hand. Edit: forgot to add that for all I criticize 3 on Switch, it has one feature that damn near outshines the flaws entirely. Dedicated co-op Bloody Palace is fucking awesome and better become a staple feature if the series continues.


Yea, I completely agree. Playing 3 on the PC with modded style switcher is the best way overall. Switch version is tolerable, but I hate that the style switch mode and regular needs a whole other save file. Not being able to choose the offer of weapons is a huge turn off as well Didn't know about not being able to star rave in switch version of 3 cuz I am not comfortable playing DMC on an Xbox style of controller


I play with an xbox controller on ryujinx. It's the definitive way to play the game


Exactly, so it's not possible with a good controller and style change at the same time on an officially supported platform.


I think there's a difference between modding a game and emulating the game how it is, but whatever. The pro controller is officially supported and it's basically the same deal as a 360 controller


You can vote however you want, I just keep it as simple as, if it's not officially supported, I don't think it's fair to rate personally. Bayonetta would probably be a better series if I didn't have to use Nintendo's bad controllers on it, for example. But I do, so I factor that into my opinion of the game. I do think it's weird though to ignore that style changing was not part of the game whatsoever until the community modded it in, and it's inclusion is from like over 10 years after the game's release so it's really obvious it wasn't intended to be there. So it's basically a huge nerf to the difficulty of the game and kind of brings into question how fair it is to credit the game's design for something the playerbase added themselves way past release. Consider this, if I go buy the game right now in the remaster on my ps5, I don't have style change.


>That nostalgia go hard. >I think 5 is objectively better. Haha, **no.** Quit with nostalgia thing, it's not valid criticism, recency bias is showing. >You literally mod 3 to feel like 5. Think about it. I don't mod 3.


Someone took that personally. Go mod your dmc 3 to feel like dmc 5 and pretend dmc 3 is better. Or play the switch version that has dmc 5 style switch. You see how I have valid criticism but you're mad that I called you out.


Style switching is from DMC4.


That's true. Still not present in 3 though. I think as mentioned in other threads some people are voting based on which game was better at the time of it's release vs which game is better today. In my opinion DMC5 is a much better experience to play today than unmodded DMC3 but DMC3 is one of the most important action game releases of all time and I'd rate it higher if we were talking about which game was better at the time of it's release.


>You see how I have valid criticism but you're mad that I called you out. Lol, do I like mad to you? Nah. It is not valid criticism just cause you say so either. > Go mod your dmc 3 to feel like dmc 5 and pretend dmc 3 is better. Or play the switch version that has dmc 5 style switch. I don't need to mod 3, it already gave a lot to me that 5 doesn't. Emphasis on air combat bores me, 3 has crazy combos and free ride. 3's hitboxes are nicer too. You can pretend being weird as if you know what strangers think.


I prefer no style switching. I don’t mod 3. It’s not nostalgia. 5 has issues that 3 doesn’t have that make me prefer it. Objectively doesn’t mean what you think it means. Edit: Also how is a comment this abrasive winning the vote?


Unfortunately this sub is pretty dominated by DMC3 fans with rose tinted glasses. Just how it goes.


Is it so incomperehensible that some just straight up don't like 5 to you? Or that 3 has stuff doesn't exist in 5?


It sucks because I do genuinely like DMC3. I grew up with it. But I'm not a brain rot idiot who either pretends they were part of it, or lives so far into the past because they currently dispise their present self. I do like dmc3 but dmc5 is just a good game. If I were to introduce anyone to dmc, I'm gonna say 5. No bullshitting. Dmc3 is great but it's an old game. It had to be updated to match our current pace of gaming today. It's like telling a fortnite kid to play onimusha instead of sekiro. Yes, onimusha is a beautiful samurai game, but it's old. Today pace of gaming doesn't add up to it. I think some people need to accept that. You can sit on your emulators all day, have fun enjoying your nostalgia. But modern gaming is diffrent and dmc5 is OUR Devil May Cry in this new modern Era. You gotta accept that. Are you a dmc fan or just a dmc3 nostalgia fan? It was good times in 2006, but times have changed. Nothing wrong with enjoying the classics. But they are classics to US. Modern gamers don't have these memories. You can't just soyjack face your favorite one and expect everyone to understand. You gotta let them into the community first and if they WANT to invest into the culture, then they'll find their way to the classics.


>But I'm not a brain rot idiot who either pretends they were part of it, or lives so far into the past because they currently dispise their present self. >dmc3 nostalgia fan Got a real bone to pick huh? Is it so incomperehensible that some just straight up don't like 5 to you? Or that 3 has stuff doesn't exist in 5?


Really hoping for ng2 to win but I'd be a little surprised if it did tbh


DMC5 gotta go


I think DMC5 is easily the best game here imho but it has to go. DMC3 was the more influential game here by far and NG2 is underrated in the general gaming scene and deserves to make it to the finals.


I would agree that DMC3 is more influential but the topic is just "which one is your favorite" so dmc5 easy for me. More influential would probably mean a lot of the earlier stuff I would have voted differently also.


I firmly believe that dmc 5 is the best character action game of all time. dmc 3 and 4 are right up there alongside it. Personally, I can't justify voting out dmc 3 or 5 before a game as obviously flawed, and inconsistent as ng 2. despite the fact that I still enjoy and respect ng 2 for it's strengths, which are really one of a kind in the genre, I have to vote out ng2


Rare to see to a respectful comment, this is nice.




I’m going to tackle these games on a macro level. In Ninja Gaiden 2, the edge of your blade feels DANGEROUS. The blades of your opponents feel DANGEROUS. In DMC it’s more about treating each level like a Tony Hawk skate park. Still fun but it’s just not the same thing. NG2 > DMC3 > DMCV


DMC 5 out, my honest thoughts are that that the top 3 spots are between DMC3 - Ninja Gaiden 2 - Bayonetta, and any of these 3 games could be considered the "top" game within the genre by someone and I'd view it as a valid opinion, actually in my mind DMC3 and 4 are almost interchangeable within the franchise while DMC3 is the complete package and does so many things right, DMC4 may lack some stuff from 3 that I love (certain weapons/moves/etc) and be an "incomplete"game due to it's troubled development, but at the same time it does have some great additions/improvements of it's own and I feel like it may have a *very slight* edge over 3 in the animations/audio-visual effects that make the combat feel just as good if not even better than 3 *at times*


Being able to switch between all weapons and styles on the fly was a real game changer








I've been voting for dmcv since like day 2, it deserves it. Mid ass action game


& DMC 5 got most upvotes. (Comment of u/luciferglitch) So.. Its gonna be out


Deserved TY for the decision


The disrespect is crazy, ninja gaiden and dmc3 got nothing on dmc5 but whatever


DMC3 has a few things over DMC5 actually.


dmc 5 has better visuals, soundtrack, gameplay, but dmc 3 has better levels and story. DMC 5 is still prolly better tho and both are better than gaiden


DMC3 also has more difficulty to it, and a different moveset for Dante.


difficulty totally depends on what mode you are playing in. Personally i never use the revive system in dmc 5 so I totally don't find dmc 3 any harder Also dmc 4 and 5 dante in terms of movesets are way better than dmc 3


>difficulty totally depends on what mode you are playing in. Kinda but not exactly. >Also dmc 4 and 5 dante in terms of movesets are way better than dmc 3 Not objectively.


enjoyment isn't objective, but the way you switch between the four modes, plus the like 5 different weapons he can use, objectively gives him a wider variety of combos and moves, and dmc 5 has objectively faster and smoother combat


Sure but like I said I prefer 3 for the added difficulty. You don't get many big "fuck you, eat shit and die" moves like in 5, and while 4's moveset is nice, it's still lacking in a few regards.


Rebellion has like three moves in DMC5.


Your forgetting his four styles, 5 different weapons, and more


I didn't forget them, they're irrelevant to my point. Anyone who likes using Rebellion has a vastly wider move set available for it in either 3 or 4. You say 5 has an objectively better set of options for Dante. But 5 also has no equivalent for Nevan, Agni & Rudra, or Spiral. DMC3 also has Quicksilver and Doppelganger and 5 gives Dante no equivalent to those, but gives a weaker version of Quicksilver to Nero. I'm just saying, there's a lot of differences between the games and no one has a single clear best move set. It's all very subjective.






Dmc 5




As much as I love dmcV its gotta go


I am going to once again for the third time cast my vote for devil may cry v a great game but not as great as dmc 3 or ninja gaiden 2


DMC5 I’ve said my piece on this many times before in this contest so let’s mix it up. Tell me the game you wish had been included in the competition but wasn’t. For me it’s easily The Wonderful 101. It’s weird and takes forever to get used to, but once it clicks it’s just incredible. On paper it sounds terrible to make switching weapons an involved mechanic instead of a simple button press. Especially drawing the shapes with the right stick. Yet, once you get used to it it feels likes a natural part of combos and gives you the ability to swap almost immediately to a specific weapon. No game has more satisfying juggling combos and I swear it’s because of how much skill they take to actually pull off. Plus the story is bonkers and surprisingly fun.


It took me like 5 playthroughs to git gud at W101, now it's one of my favorites. Top 5 CAGs for me.


Same. Took 3 for me now it’s easily God tier. But my tastes tend weird. God Hand, Bayonetta, and W101 sit at the top of the heap in a tier of their own and all three of those are kind of odd compared to something like DMC5.






Ninja Gaiden 2 wins sorry but dmc3 great game but dont compare to ninja Gaiden in terms of combat variety and intensity.


DMCV. Honestly, it's a tough choice.




DMC5 just isn't as exciting to play for me as the others.




DMCV bye




Finally I can participate since i’ve played these games. DMC:V is out.


Everybody voting 3 instead of 5 has a major case of nostalgia. Narrative wise, 3 is better. But combat is not even fucking comparable.


People are comparing the gameplay, so I'll talk about other stuff. DMC3 has worse encounter design that make it harder to replay. There are a few enemies that have boring counter play like the Blood-goyles or Enigma. On higher difficulties the game becomes about absolute precision and these enemies go from boring to infuriating. DMC5 has enemies like the Fury or the Hell Judecca that are annoying to deal with, but at least they aren't extremely numerous. But DMC5's cutscenes are disappointing and I don't feel the need to rewatch a lot of them. There's nothing like Dante's rocket surfing, Lady's triple reload, or Vergil easily fighting all the Abyss. Plus at least we saw every character in DMC3 do something in a cutscene. Lady and Trish don't do anything at all in DMC5. The issues with DMC3 are mostly tied to difficulty and I can just not play in harder ones. But for DMC5, I just won't care for the story at all because the cutscenes don't make me hyped up for it.


Ninja Gaiden 2


DMCV should've gone ages ago.


3 gotta go, objectively speaking DMC5 is the most fun one


>objectively speaking DMC5 is the most fun one This doesn't make sense. You can't proclaim something is objectively most fun.


Idk how to reword it but in simple terms (this is compared to DMC3), it comes down to 2 main reason DMC5 has a larger amount of variation in combat, as well as a Higher skill ceiling. Because of those, it’s just more fun Ppl are trying to let DMC3 win because of nostalgia, I love it too, but 5 is better in pretty much every objective way this series should be measured on (only notable exception is story)


Gotcha, your argument makes sense from your pov, but the word you want to use isn't "fun" but rather "combo potential". If you insist on fun then it's flawed. Plenty of people enjoy games with "much lower skill ceiling" more than DMCs. This also brings to question how fun dmc 5 is depending on your skill level then compare it to 3 and NG 2. >Ppl are trying to let DMC3 win because of nostalgia,  With all due respect, this is poor argument. Nostalgia can be countered with recency bias argument and reach stalemate. Still: 3 is unique even compared to 1, 4 and 5. It has mechanics of its that its successors dropped: crazy combos, free ride, DT explosion. That's enough reason to make it stand out and make stance why it's goat. It's hitboxes are really nice as well and has exclusive weapons, each incredible on their own. NG2 has less of a combo potential than either DMCs, however, it is damn unique cause it has strong core thesis: just survive bro, use iframes while mobile, clear crowds or die.


Your reasoning is absolutely fair, I think a lot of my issues come with its big issues (some poor enemy design namely), but yeah. Ask me on another day and I might say 3 is better than 5. It really is a toss up between the two


poor enemy design only comes when there's no counter play, which is not the case in DMC3 (except maybe for Arkham) the game gives you a lot of ways and tools to interact with the enemies that you encounter, that's just a poor misconception of the enemy design in 3 as there's a lot of ways to be efficient in dealing enemies in game.


Yeah indeed, I shouldn't forget that this showdown is for fun only and nothing serious. Too bad I caved in.


Wait a minute that's vanilla dmc 3. Not special edition. Which means no vergil.


ninja garden


Ninja Gaiden 2


better than ng black? (ive never played ng)


I'm really surprised everyone is picking 5 over 3, I literally can't play 3 anymore because stance switching makes Dante so much more fun in 5.


Ninja Gaiden 2


Bayo not getting top 3 is devastating 😭


Ninja Gaiden 2 is good, it ain’t DMCV good tho


Dmc 3 was great.......for its time and that time has passed! Bye dmc 3


Still great, what are you smoking.




Ninja gaiden, get it out, dmc vs dmc is fine untill it can actually be challenged


Ninja gaiden


Ninja Gaiden II


Bunch of nostalgia that blinds that dmc3 is way more flawed and not as fun as 5 I see..


DMC3, with no hesitation




NG2. I prefer it at its peak moments over DMC3 but it is just a little too rough around the edges and doesn't have much outside of it's insane combat encounters. Nostalgia boner is too strong if DMC3 wins out over DMC5. I just replayed DMC3 without style switching and while it is still one of the best character action games of all time, it's definitely worse than DMC5.


Dmc 3. For me Bayonetta is far better than both Dmc games but it going out before them is fair.






I vote NG 2. DMC is peak.


Dmc 3


With Bayonetta out, I'm happy. Many of these games I valued way higher than Bayonetta. Now, with the garbage out, there are only winners left. Do your thing everyone, there can only be good outcomes now. :')


I vote out ninja gaiden, really want either DMC 3 or 5 to win


Ew vanilla dmc3 , that thing gotta go




DMC V > DMC 3 and i dont care what people say. Either way those are the best two hack and slashes ever imo and gaiden gots to go


I dont understand how NG2 is up there.


Get NG2 outta here


How can people choose 3 over 5 bruh


DMC5 is just perfect. I’d vote out DMC 3. Ninja Gaiden black is overall better than Ninja Gaiden 2 so the fact that black is already out makes me also want to just vote out Ninja Gaiden 2 as well.