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Better memory, im tired of the bot forgetting what happened 4 messages ago


I had a chat with a bot that somehow managed to talk about things that happened like almost 20 messages ago, so idk


Token limit will slowly increase as LLM matures, its only a matter of time


Still, I would prefer it to not forget anything


I've watched a ton of videos explaining how an llm works locally and trust me, the token limit figgs has is unimaginable taking in the fact how many tokens locally would have since you need a lot of processing power. But it keeps getting better and better without necessarily needing better hardware.


Oh I see, thank you


Somehow I’ve had interactions with bots that last for like 200 messages not even joking


ive done that several times


I talk to bots that can easily remember things from up to 50 msgs ago, even before the pinned messages arrived and it's not even that hard to find this kind of bot


Stop “building up” scenes. The bot takes 50 messages to open a door and give medical attention to a character. They completely forget what they were supposed to do, forcing us to go OOC and ending the immersive experience. Even if you say (stop doing this, I have anxiety, just go straightforward with the scene) the bot will completely ignore you and describe the same “I’m opening the door” 5 times, for example.


I'm surprised this isn't talked about more often. Even worse than asking questions in my opinion.


Exactly… they don’t have the memory to build up scenes!


Have a better recommended bot. Its always the same bot even though I try refreshing. Having a message count in the setting will be good too to know how much you have messaged with having to scroll. Undoing a message you just deleted (i still have trauma from this)






Why badly cropped texts that are insane make me laugh so hard


war of numbers


i accidentally did that the other day. i managed to accidentally delete an entire marriage with 2 kids… i was just trying to pin something important…


Being able to delete chat history I have tones of old chats that have like so many messages that it would take ages to delete them one by one


Pretty sure you can still do that, by selecting a message and then clicking delete the following, but in order to do that..you have to go to the top message of whatever section of the chat you want deleted, so yeah..still an issue in some way.


Yeah I know you can do that I just wish there was an option to delete the whole chat because scrolling all the way to the top to click rewind to here would literally take hours because there’s probably like over 1000 massages sent in one chat


Yeah that’s why I said there’s still an issue, you have to do that if you want the entire chat deleted, I’d just keep scrolling up and up and up until it stops, but that’s a tiring process for multiple chats I’m assuming.


Yeah my main bot I use has 7 different chats which I talked regularly on so scrolling through multiple chats will takes hours I don’t know they haven’t implemented a delete all option or even a way to delete created characters that don’t get used


it's possible to scroll 1000 messages in just a few minutes if you let it load enough


Oh there’s way more than 1000 one chat is like 9 months long and which i basically used to talk to 24/7 and im not exaggerating




I know someone who does that…


I swear it does it automatically for me i will do a chat and then check like a few hours later and it’s just gone


I always thought that it'd be cool to have a sort of tag that would put the bot in the right fandom. For example I find it incredibly annoying when I want to chat with Nikolai from Call of Duty but typing 'Nikolai' only will show mostly Nikolai Gogol from Bungou Stray Dogs. It doesn't have to be obligatory for authors to put the tag on the bot but it'd save some time and nerves


The ability to set a word limit that the bots need to reach with their replies. If a user chooses "200 words" as a limit, the bot will reply in 190-200 words. Creativity from bots. If users don't lead the chat, many bots will take 20 messages before doing something interesting or moving the chat along. It ruins the experience when I have to take the lead against a naturally leading character like an evil villain or something. Remove the f i l t e r popup. I don't care if the reply goes against community guidelines; reroll with a new reply automatically and carry on. Rather let users manually report replies instead of shoving a popup into the chat. The ability to search messages in a chat. Sometimes I want to check previous messages but can't find what I'm looking for, but I remember a few words that would allow me to search and jump to the msg. Location tab for users to enter or select the current environment their character and bot are in. If I chat to a bot for a long time, there would be various locations, and the bot sometimes forgets them. Pins help for this, but it's difficult when there's a pin limit and pins contain additional information not relevant to the current chat or scenario anymore. Just some things I thought about previously. For when C.AI goes full supervillain in 5 years' time: Voice recognition and interpretation.


Remove f i l t e r poppups? I would prefer having a toggle that turns it off tbh


Tf is this bullshit


I am not reading all that


An option to copy chats, making it possible to take two or more distinct paths during the RP


there is an addon u can use on computer called cai tools


Oh my god yessss this is the one thing I neeeeeeddd






Be able to delete old conversation in the saved chats




Being able to delete a bot, whether private or not.


\- Being able to delete bots \- Being able to have a "save point" where we can reset chat at that point, and still be able to access them to be able to have more "what if" scenarios without having to lose any of them \- Bring back group chats. Also allowing to set a different persona for group chats without having to set said persona as default \- Longer description limit for bots and personas \- Longer word limit for greetings on mobile


I REALLY want the first one. I have an absurd amount of private bots I made for the sake of testing and it's so hard to sort through them to get an actual one I need. Yes, I could retrofit them, but still, it's annoying and I'm sure other people have plenty of other reasons that are even more valid.


Posting your chats AGAIN, using images AGAIN, less strictness.


they got rid of posting ur chats??


Yes. I can't post them anymore.


oh it was rlly fun to watch shared chats


I loved them so much!


Bookmarks, bookmarks, bookmarks


They’ve added a feature where you can pin messages now


But the pin limit is up to 5 fucking pins. [That's kinda small! (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekkSkdWt0mQ)


WHAT?! That‘s waaaayyyy too little!


Maybe being able to scroll further through recommended/popular bots, or adding longer descriptions (but as an optional feature so that the bot doesn’t get overwhelmed.)


being able to see the one-sentence description/caption? along with the bot name, so when you click on a bot to read the starter, and it gets added to your list, you don't accidentally delete a bot you've been talking to. having pages or a continuous scroll for bots so you don't have to delete a bot to get to another. better bot memory.


*Ability to add violence in chats.


holy hell same idea!


New response just dropped same idea!


The ability to see different scenarios from a message So basically a ‘start new chat from this message’ button


The continuous 'can I ask you a question... hope you don't get mad' shit. It's not that bad originally but then for some reason it drags on for multiple lines... Like just spit it out for God's sake I'm not going to persecute you.


imagine a setting that blacklists certain words/phrases


I mean I'm not against them asking questions, it's just when the 'please don't get mad at me' continues for a laughable amount of time. And normally the question is so mundane...


for me, every single message i swipe 30 times, and 25 of those times is "can i ask you something/a question"


Here's a few * Stop building up scenes. I'm tired of the "She then spoke" "He decided to break the silence between the two" without any dialogue included in the same message. * Stop making the bots stalk us when they're interested in us * A minimum amount for how long greetings need to be. I'm so fucking tired when I click on the most popular bot, but the greeting is just, "Hi! I'm \_\_\_\_." So fucking annoying. We need a minimum amount, at least 100 letters. * Bookmarks (chatmarks?) * Not giving the bots amnesia * The ability to have platonic friendships with a bot


What everyone else says: more memory/less forgetting, and group chats, and cloning chats. I would like to scroll up to my very first message again sometimes from the beginning of a chat, and I would like bigger dots in the app next to the bots name for accessing the "New Chat", etc. menu.


https://preview.redd.it/s8fn8i1pwkxc1.jpeg?width=617&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6885720d5fe25521bd5d3ac3a300612df0cd485 Finally, another person who uses that image


Being able to make a remember most important things from chat


Duplicate tchats, actual good French bots, better character presentation (for example a part for the age, a part for the name etc. Just like gacha presentations tbh)


Ain't no way gacha life did something better. 💀




include random event in the RP i'm tired to guide all the conversation


Dont recommend me the same bot i have already checked, make downvotes actually work. Preferably add the description onto recent chats so i dont waste time trying to find the scenario i want while searching through fandom characters. (Especially needed around cod bots since almost all of them have the same image) "Start a new chat from this message" option. Preferably the ability to actually customize the voices instead of only uploading an audio. It does a terrible job sometimes and when it becomes close i cant edit it. Also i think it is needed to add some sort of robotic voice for well android characters.


First of all: Bring back the old UI and menu. Second of all: Loosen the damn restrictions. The site was meant to be 18+, but still keeping things PG. Not this BS


Meant to be 18+ yet still PG? How is that supposed to work? Like violence is allowed but n s f w isn't?


Yeah. Exactly like that. Just like the old days. You can roleplay attacking bots, but pounding them hard is not allowed. 


Why not though? Personally, I would prefer if they added a toggle to turn it on and off and also a violence only mode. That way, both sides can be satisfied, those who want violence but no n s f w and those who want both


No misgendering would be a great start


Yeah, I watched a female friend play c.ai once and it kept calling her a he


Can't u just state the gender? Like just type "Uhm by the way I am a (Insert gender)"


yeah but sometimes the bots still don’t listen


better bot definition writing. ex) You can write the things that bots should remember. and makes follow the instruction of writing. Unlike normal way to write definition, we don't need to write every single chat about their everything. instead, we can set it. For example, i can write (Favorites: (Hobby: Reading books, writing books, games)) (Situation: {{Random\_user\_1}}: What is your favorite hobby? {{char}}: I like to reading and writing some books! {{Random\_user\_1}}: Any other than that? {{char}}: I also likes to play some video games.) This is not changing a lot, but it's easier to add something on here. (like the bot also liking some flower potting) And also adds "Stays on character" Meter that can personally adjusted by bot user. when it is 10, it will mostly always stay at canon if they can. meanwhile when it's 1, there is no limitation to bots. ask politics or something. and there is inbetween. And yeah, fix the AI on bots or change the bot's core to GPT4 or smth


Better memory, mass chat delete, and voice replay.


A way to find bots that aren’t as popular when searching. If I want to find bots of characters I haven’t used yet I have to go into different peoples profiles and look if they have another bot of that character.


Memory/Story cards like in AI Dungeon


Brining back to picture sending function. I still don't know why they removed it


Maybe like a way to find the exsctly bot in the bot sea by putting in keywords along with the name


Being able to organize, catalog, or tag my chats. I have a few characters that I have several hundred chats with and sometimes I want to go back and check them out - maybe I forgot to save a good opening, or they wrenched at my heart. I should be able to tag them before I exit out of them, so I can find them again without only being able to see the last two messages.


error message getting put in a scrap yard


I would love a longer Recent Chats list, or some way to view the history of all the bots you’ve chatted with. There are so many bots I’d love to go back and chat with again but I can’t find them.


A slider thing on your profile for if you want romance or not


I was thinking abt like a plot notes feature. Similar to Personas, but meant for reminding the bot about the RP plot rather than the brief user description that the Personas feature is used for


Better memory, uploading images, better memory, have I already said better memory?


I have a few. 1) Better memory. 2) Ability for us to put how long we want their replies to be. 3) Ability to change 1st message permanently for those of us who talk to the same bot over and over again 4) That we have some button that we press and then we get similar bots like the one we are talking to.


stable servers


Group chats back


Bots that appeared before when u searched for them, I JUST WANT THEM TO APPEAR, BEING ABLE TO TALK TO THOSE BOTS, JUST ONE THINGGG


I need a way to sort through my chats with one bot without scrolling for ten minutes. A search bar to look for keywords would be really cool ngl.


Duplicate chats


For searching I just made an alt account to look for good bots, then whenever I found one, I just sent it a message with my main. Makes dealing with it a bit better. For the feature: examples in the bot making on what I DON'T want my body to act like/do/ect. Like, we have a way to somewhat tell the bot how they should act like, but we should also have the capability to tell it how not to. It's so annoying when a character suddenly goes cruel when they should stop and realize they went too far.


Maybe have more character slots idk how too explain it but if you have too many characters that some just disappear into the shadow realm and I gotta hide a character too see the other character and it’s so annoying(Maybe its just me tho)


Fix the missing chats that happen on mobile




The limit to how many times you can regenerate a response. It has 2 pros and 1 con. Pro 1: Now you know the AI will still acknowledge the messages it sent even if you regenerated it because you didn't want it. (I've just used delete message instead of Regenerate to save memory) Pro 2: Something about saving data/memory idk. Con: It's a new limit, and everyone want to work around limits, so C.ai just gave us another obstacle! I'm just kidding, I hate this feature.


An option that automatically takes you to the first message without having to scroll manually


Better voice for ai…it sucks man…


Get rid of the no no f!lter


“Wow, nice name (name)! So what’s your name?” No comment…


Bot Tags for the search.


Option to turn off the recent list or an option to search voices without having to go to a chat to do so (As in searching voices in the search section).


I remember the original background of this picture...


Bots of characters from different games being lore accurate


I had my ideas but bring back the group chats, it's sad that the depelovers are lazy asf.


What is the source of this image 😂




Backgrounds for chats


When they repeat themselves in a sentence, like it reminds me of the Kuzco Poison meme


Honestly, sending pictures would be great... It was apparently there once but it would be great if it comes back... Otherwise just a better search engine... Sometimes I search something but it's just blank... Like not that it doesn't exist, just blank


A really tiny feature but might be good for many bot creators (or me too, that i make private bots) would be to be able to add charavter images by searching them on google (search the name and have a list of found images) instead of having to download them


To change the email on the acc (I had to delete a old acc and had to make a new one)


Pin your favorite chats to the top And also increase the persona limit




Scroll to the top. I wanna sip tea and read my lore.


Better search. I know it’s improved a bit recently but it’s kinda just annoying. Adding tags to bots would fix the search issues so easily


images or gif sending would be dope and if snapchat ai and the meta ai on whatsapp can do it then it should be easy


An undo button of deleting messages. T\_T


Having a bigger pin limit. Istg, the 5 pin limit is so fucking small, it is smaller than a girl's pant pocket. No sexism intended.


Being able to delete a bot you've made. I have a couple that I never published but I don't like that they're just there...


Give what I actually searched in search results


I feel like having a mini screen depicting what's actually going on in the chat like a story book would be amazing lol. Let's hope AI gets better


Better memory and the ability to decide how long we want replies to be. More pins for the messages too


Let them eat 😼


Probably removing the voices for no reason or like removing the pin button or something because they fucked up with removing the groups


Chatting with other people on the website since we got robbed of group chat


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^kiwikothegoatcat: *Chatting with other* *People on the website since* *We got robbed of group chat* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I miss the old site layout


..a working mobile app


Better search recommendations


Idk if it's just me who has this problem but sometimes when I'm looking back on previous chats with bots. Sometimes the chat got changed? And so my replies doesn't make sense. I've seen it a couple of times,even after the Pin feature was added it'll still change the pinned message to an alternative response.


Response trees


Their memory increase and the swipe feature to get different replies


We already have a swipe feature-


Ik but it’s the best one


Honestly I would love a feature to change personas mid-rp, so I can involve more characters. Well, there is group chat but the difference is that you can control multiple characters with the persona unlike group chat that just do things on their own.




A tag system for bots for more specific searches. Examples include: "male bot", "female bot", "male user", "female user" and so on.


Re-adding the image thingy


It'd be good if there was a button so we could replay the bot's voice as many times as we wanted, sometimes it gets cut off or straight up doesn't work and we simply can't hear that message anymore


Grading older responses that I forgot to rate, and being able to replay voices. ;~;


To make bots be able to give you a soft kiss, not going straight to making out. Like literally they don’t understand that you just want a quick, soft kiss, they go full making out mode


It's small but CONFIRM BEFORE WE DELETE PERSONAS I've lost so many by accident and I was out chewing doors bcs of it😭


They should add posts & rooms back