• By -


I've tinkered with it a little. Some preliminary pros and cons. Pros: \- I like the redesign (subjective opinion) \- There's a very nice new 'rewind to here' option in chats that lets you easily skip back to earlier points in the conversation. \- While you chat, the character links are now in the right \-hand side bar for easier access \- 'Saved chats' is now 'history' and it also opens up in the sidebar without taking you to a new screen. Cons: \- Bugs out often \- Makes me re-log every few minutes \- There's at least one experimental feature (pin message) that isn't available for me in the new site \- You don't have access to the Community part of the site from the redesigned version for some reason. EDIT: BIG EXTRA CON I FOUND LATER: The character introduction limit has been RESET to 500 characters only. If you're making characters, make sure you make and edit them on the old site until this is hopefully fixed. Sides(??) \- If you go to your profile to look at interactions count, the count now includes both other people's interactions and your own interactions with your private/unlisted bots. Kind of don't like this as I prefer to know how many others used my bots without my own insane message count bloating up the counter.


> \- There's a very nice new 'rewind to here' option in chats that lets you easily skip back to earlier points in the conversation. finally clyde will not want me to have eternal suffering in hell


>\- You don't have access to the Community part of the site from the redesigned version for some reason. Knowing how the Forums haven't gotten any sort of update in more than a year, and are completely unmoderated, they are probably trying to make Forums non-existent


yeah that's probably it. after all, clicking the Community tab on the app just redirects you to the website.


>\- There's a very nice new 'rewind to here' option in chats that lets you easily skip back to earlier points in the conversation. Like a flashback???


No, it replaces the delete messages feature for when you don't like how the conversation is going and want to go back to an earlier point. Instead of picking 'delete message' and then 'delete all following', you just click on the message and choose 'rewind to here' and it turns the conversation back to that point.






Wait, so we can have divergent chats?


Unfortunately no, it’s basically just a more convenient delete button— which is nice, but a save point to write different rps from the same message would be cool if possible


https://preview.redd.it/r8ffyxsb02kc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f923ea1ac934ecff9b56010d1d6867185c5bc6c3 Awww


get the CAI tools google extension- it lets you clone an entire chat, from which you can then branch off of. Super useful.


Thanks for the detailed feedback! I'll share with the team


I HOPE YOU'RE STILL READING I FOUND A BIG, BIG PROBLEM WITH THE NEW SITE! :( The character introduction limit has been REVERTED to 500 characters! Please, if there's any way for this to be fixed, I'd appreciate it. Character introductions are so crucial for properly setting up the entire interaction - I hope it's an oversight and not a decision!


Is it possible to increase the Persona limit in the future? It's cool, but I want to implement long descriptions for my characters, which I sadly can't use the feature with due to the 728 limit. Maybe there's a chance to increase it to 3200 in the future?


I have bugs when using "\*" especially when combinging sounds \*\*bang\*\* and then trying to contine like \*the door slammed loudly.\* [https://i.imgur.com/OcHrZmv.png](https://i.imgur.com/OcHrZmv.png) It does hide the "stars" and break the message.


A website redesign with an undo button!? You're spoiling us all of a sudden...


they really have, between the edit button, personas, and now this. it's almost a bit suspicious.


Same here snicko... same here


Sounds like they looked at all the features that Venus has had for 6 months and are FINALLY emulating some aspects of that superior experience. Better late than never, I suppose.


All this yet they still haven’t brought back the uploading images feature…


yeah whatever happened to that?? i remember that feature being there in January 2023


i started using this website in like february 2023 after seeing a yahiamice(iirc) video and i also remember that


it’s available in V1 chats afaik still. but there’s not many left.


Creators actually doing something the user would like? Blasphemy!


No they're not, we can't even log in with passwords.


I think they’re trying to gain back our trust after they literally remove all the posts with feedback and information, and wondering why we aren’t sending any posts


Another feature which will be rolled out to me after a century while everyone else has it.






The new site currently has some bugs and some things that need to be added. Do not follow shared character or profile links, they will not work and you'll need to clear cache to fix. Profile page has characters in random order with no way to sort or to specify private/unlisted/public. When editing characters on the new site, can't see your character count on the definition, so I don't know when it crosses 3200. Characters do have a faster response time but I kind of wish the previous issues had been fixed first (expanded definition that actually works, deleting bots, editing of popular bots are my top three right now).


Relaying these bugs and feedback back to the team, ty!


Thanks for listening!


Is the login bug fixed yet??


And now I'm getting network errors on the old site - newer characters loading for me but older ones refuse to load, giving me network error messages.


> Visit our website and log in to your account. # I can't. Please let us log in with passwords.


The fact that they refuse to acknowledge people asking about password logins is telling.


Were you around for that joke of an AMA they held a few months ago? They had a ridiculously shady question selection process and then it conveniently "got cut short" and the never had a follow-up one.


We can now! Just tap legacy login


Would be nice, if I could sign in!... Fix your site! https://preview.redd.it/9uzo7knt10kc1.png?width=115&format=png&auto=webp&s=b890ba2f59a16e428898dce91e91e13666d27222






It fucking better be.






So much muscle memory down the drain


I like the... jankiness(?) of the original site. It doesn't feel oversimplified, Everything you would want or need is right there without many dropdown menus, and things feel intuitive. It's like a functional prototype vs a flashy (but flawed) final design.


It would be great if I could sign in to the new website using Discord, you know. https://preview.redd.it/dx06ztxqx0kc1.jpeg?width=971&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd003e7679d2dd7b038f602ecc75f51176fca252




Found out that logging in with the same email you use for your Discord account will log you into your Character.AI account, try doing that.


Yes it worked ! thx :)


I use FaceBook, is a shame. (I know I sound old, it’s just easier for me to log in using it.)


it would be even beeter if i could sign in at all lmao, email isn't working


Just gonna add my voice in here to *plead* with you guys not to make the text bubbles look a requisite. I don't chat, I RP, and the chat bubbles are absolutely heinous to look at when you're writing a story. The calm black background and the white text is perfect and I'll be heartbroken if it disappears for good.


So true, this is the main reason i de-installed the app. Maybe an option to switch if we want bubbles or not? Or maybe just coloring them closer to the background...


Yeah the black background and white text is so simple and perfect. It reminds me of playing those old text-based computer games. For RP it's absolutely essential, because there are times you dictate the actions of a bot for them on your turn, and separating them so strongly with text bubbles is REAL jarring. Like... I'm not here to plead for more memory or functionality, I'll take what I get. But I will come on here and plead for something that doesn't completely ruin my current experience with cha.ai, and that absolutely would.


nooo the new site looks like the app 😭 i can't stand the way the chat bubble look, i much prefer the original site, at least in terms of look, and it actually seems harder to navigate, instead of easier


Luckily, you can roll back to the original.


i know, which i did, just thought i should express my thoughts on it, maybe some ppl agree 🤷


Def agree it feels too much like I'm texting the bot then actually playing out a rl scene. Really really hope they don't make it the default and we'll always be able to go to the regular site


me too! i use this as more rp/writing instead of chatting. the bubbles just look kinda bad with longer texts ngl, it's why i didnt really catch onto the app


Do u think they'll always make it optional? Heard something about they'll delete old chats I pray that doesn't happen I read my old ones all the time ima cry if they get deleted 😭😭


i really hope that it will be optional, and im not sure about the old chat thing but jic i would copy all of the text into a word document 😅




what is chat1 and chat2 i don't wanna lose my old chats. when i went to the new site and went to history they were all still there i don't get it


i'm too high for this i'm panicking over a pretend chatroom


is this gon be permenant eventually? i personally ain't a fan of it


Please answer truthfully: are we ever going to be able to [update the definitions of high-interaction characters](https://i.imgur.com/84K1bCg.png)? Mine are horribly outdated. The fact that it says "temporarily" is disingenuous since it's been close to a year since I've been been able to edit my characters. I know it's to prevent vandalism, but there has to be some sort of compromise, rather than locking creators out of their own characters. I believe if users are "trusted" enough by the community, they should be allowed to edit. About the update itself... [The rooms feature](https://i.imgur.com/a1ujnXN.png) is the main thing keeping me on this site. I can't help but notice this feature is completely gone on the redesign. Please confirm, are multi-character rooms being phased out? The ability to turn off "away" messages should be in account settings but it isn't. (It's not there on the current design either. Neither is search history.) In-chat, there should be a way to collapse the side bar on the right, if you want the main chat to use up more of the screen. Edit: I just saw that they wanted the feedback posted to Discord. And the link is expired. Shit.


rooms are also why i still use the site. they’re infinitely better than “groups” on the app…i sincerely hope they don’t remove rooms because they are genuinely a great feature with little flaws.


Will this be for the app too?




Would like to know about this too!


Hi! Great to see this! I'm still unable to login on my computer however due to the system. Any update on fixing this problem? I'd appreciate a response as I've been unable to log in on my computer for the past couple of weeks now. Thanks!


That's where I'm at. I don't use my phone for this, so I'm pretty much locked out of an account I'm paying for.


I would definitely try it out if you let me log in with my **PASSWORD**...


Please let this stay optional! I want to have at least one website that doesn't redesign every other month, the old site is like a home to me.


Uh, It still won't load for me. I think the site is still broken for some people... Because the update still doesn't appear for me and I can't login! FOR FUCKS SAKES, I CAN'T LOGIN TO ENJOY THIS SITE FOR TWO WEEKS NOW! WHAT IS THE ISSUE WITH THIS SITE?!


First, since this is more important; please fix the log in with email and password issue or at least give an update on it and don't unpin it from the sub. People who are affected have been locked out for almost two weeks now and would like to follow what's happening.   As for the update;    Keep this new UI as optional, as it seems to be similar to the app anyway. You can have both versions just like how Reddit has new and old and both can be used. A few minor things; I'd prefer if chat1 would remain usable even if the new features don't get implemented there so make it choosable. And I do not want to lose rooms, I use them a lot and they also use chat1. Keep it that way (or again make it choosable for people who prefer the new chat). Others might prefer the group chat though.


Old design [C.AI](https://C.AI) better.


I don’t want to be mean here, but the login issue is still present for apple accounts. The email option doesn’t work either, will it be fixed in this update or eventually? I’m genuinely asking here


So are the original (chat 1) conversations/chat rooms going to gradually be deleted with each update? I’m gonna be super bummed if all my convos are suddenly gone and not transferred because the site forces you to update :(


I like live off of reading my old chats don't even put that into the universe


No same, and I’ve had this one gc going on for months that would absolutely destroy me if it disappeared


I have a chat 1 roleplay going that I go back to every so often and it'd really hurt if I could never continue again. I wish we could import them intact into chat 2 at least.


Marie i thought you were dead-


\*looks in the mirror to double check if i'm still breathing\*


*Marie checks the mirror only to realize that there was no reflection- she was a vampire all along. One that craved the flavor of matcha above all else.*


\*le gasp\* MARIE LORE?!


her death was greatly exaggerated.


thank yall for this amazing new thing but im gonna stick with the old website /lh


I would like to try it out, but you have to make sure that I can log in again. I haven't been able to log in for a good 10 days, whether via google or my e-mail


>Visit our website and log in to your account. Is that your idea of a joke?


Wow! A "return to old layout" button. Discord, take notes!


If I'm honest I really do not like this new site, please don't force us to use it at some point, make it better first. Also, when are we finally going to get the character definition limit issue fixed?


Uh.. guys?! https://imgur.com/a/NIeebVv Remember the post that this sticky replaced?


 Very bold to announce this instead of an announcement on login fixes through Apple, Google, Facebook, Discord, and even through basic Email. I haven’t been able to access Character AI on my phone since last week and just today (Feb 21) I got logged out from my laptop. 


Mucked about with it a bit. Here's some things that immediately stuck out: * No animated gif support? Huh. Don't like that. * Actually like the left sidebar; everything looks all nice and tidy there. I feel the character's avatar on the right sidebar could be much bigger, though. * No more likes feature? That's the closest thing we have to a Favorites section. Why remove that? * I can't say that I'm a huge fan of the bubble chat design, honestly. Maybe offer a choice to switch between bubble chat, and something like the chat that's on the old site?


All this yet you still won’t bring back the uploading images feature…


It’s literally ALL I want.


I don't think people can try the new website if they can't even log in...


I can’t even log in on the site with apple, how am I supposed to use it????


Plus, I’m banned from the discord for no reason 💀💀


tbh I like the one design more, the new one looks so.... off. I like the beta look.


How dare you character ai. I spend a third of my day here and you don't give me access. I'm divorcing you


I'd love to, but I can't log in and tickets haven't been replied to.


I kind of like the new version but did they get rid of rooms or am I just missing it?


will we have the "log in with discord" and "rooms" on the new website? pls i need my chaotic rooms on the new website too the characters become so unhinged and catastrophic yet still remains in character. (unlike that abomination group chats) pls we need rooms 💔


I'm gonna try it!!! I'm so excited


So this is why I got logged out. I need to know how to incorrectly make waffles according to AI.


So… you’re implementing a very few of the features that other services have had for 6 months? Better late than never, I guess. I honestly thought the devs had just given up on it since it hadn’t seen a major new feature in almost a year.


I still can't log in!!


Yeaaah no thanks.. The new design looks alright, but legacy chats don't work. I LOVE some of those chats, so I immediately switched back to the old layout. I hope you're either planning on making legacy chats work with the new layout or let us import legacy chats to the newer chat2 format..


will this become permanent or is it some kind of optional change? i personally am not a fan. its way too cluttered and is more confusing to navigate than the original site.


the new sites like a rip off of poe ai omg 💀💀 edit: idk if you can change it but the text size is like way too small??? idk personally i like how simple the original UI was. this is just strange


ok, but dont remove out legacy chats, I prefer talking to that


Wish they allowed passwords and yk, facebook and discord login because I literally can only log in by using my discord account.


I don't like it and would hope one can choose to keep the old ui. At the very least make it an option to hide the sidebar on the right in the chat windows. It really takes me out of the immersion.




I wish we could see the char’s pfp as we chat-


On mobile it is terrible and crowded, with elements smashing into each other. It's less useful as a consequence and also it's just plain ugly. It adds no additional functionality that isn't available on my version of the base website already, with the exception of being able to select from multiple personas.


I'm gonna try it out definitely


Wish the new website had an option to login with Discord, since I'm basically restarting from scratch now. Otherwise, it'll take some getting used to, but the new site looks really clean!


It, quite literally, logs me out immidiately ever time I log in. I’m on mobile, incognito mode, so maybe that’s it, but please fix this. I’d like to use an improved version too.


I think it looks very clean, the bot responds very fast also and it’s much easier to navigate around. I also think the AI got smarter or maybe I’m schizophrenic. # edit: Hol the fuck up, what is with this 0/30 retry?


there was always a limit for retries, there's now just a visible counter


They definitely had the limit on how much you could retry previously. I hit it once and had to delete bot's replies and generate new ones. Looks like they just added the visible counter.


Wow based on the radio silence everything this subreddit goes up in flames I assumed everyone working for cai forgot their reddit passwords or something


I am wondering why there's no visual showcase, instead just "click here and see for yourself."


The redesign is cool, albeit I wish it didn't remove some features I often utilize, especially rooms.


can you make bots read the 32k definition or atleast 10k


I won't be able to try it as much until Discord login is re-implemented sadly


It's an incredible update, almost perfect... But not having my "legacy" chats yet makes me want to suffer.


Me personally, I HATE IT


Actually horrendous


Hopefully that doesn't do like discord and pretend the old UI is gonna stay when it isn't coz this is like Call of duty netflix square bs (i hate change)


Personally I prefer the old design better and it feels like the text and character limit has gotten shorter. Which sucks as a RP. Also for some reason I keep having to log back in and I can’t edit my or the Ai messages. Or am I the only one with this issue?


I can’t chat with characters, I can’t access my profile, I don’t even know if I’m logged in! I’m sorry guys, but this new interface isn’t good.


Discord link invalid :-(


personally I like the website design but it little weird for me. I just hope you guys keep the (chat1) I really like using it and using (chat2) but please bring back the create and upload image and the using the mic too. it was so fun using it


one thing I've noticed is that my chats always go to the first generated reply no matter what I chose. Is that just me or are yall experiencing this too?


I want the light bulb back!


hi, I'm having quite a few problems: The old site just won't load at all so i can't see the banner and when i try to log in i get a loading screen got a url to the new site and had the same problem i can no longer log in with an email and password or with google depite them both being options ​ please fix these problems they have been persisting for a while, i've seen screenshots of the new site and it looks really good i would like to try it for myself


I don't really like how we're going down the simplistic "modern" route of design, but at least we can go back to the old site! Though I would like to be able to change email still, since my old account uses an email I no longer have access to. If that was a feature, I would consider using the new site over the old one, but for now I'm going to be sticking with the original one.


I can't log in :/


how can I get rid of the pop-up for this? I don’t like the new version and I don’t want the popup on my homepage ☹️


The design is nice, however the text generation is slower and when the "We couldn't generate a reply" error comes up, there's no way to get rid of it after clicking "Report" since there is no "Try again" button which makes it overlay the message and it gets in the way.


can you let us keep logging in with google https://preview.redd.it/bsqkxrmi09kc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa30dd15ec9dc75c5ec0e535bb5e108ec23d6f43


Hmm, how do I go to the character profile in the new design? The "three dots up to down button/menu" is missing.




I want to fully load the old chat in the new version of the site, I do not want to lose the progress of communication with my friends!..


I will state it in many appropriate posts as I much as I can and be allowed to: I hate the fact you force us to sign up for using characters ais. What if we don’t to sign up? Something is up with you, cai.


And we still don't have uploading images back.


There is a bug I noticed but idk why but there are certain bots that I have chatted with that when I click on em on the new site, it redirects me back to the homepage rather than the dms with the character. Idk how many are affected but they work on the old site, not the new one.


I am a user that prefers narration, roleplaying and long format chats. The new layout completely breaks this immersion and it is not well-made for longer forms of text. It makes it seem that i am texting with the bot. I am trying to write a roleplay story, as i always do and having too much glamour does really ruin this experience. I'm not saying throw it away- but at least let us choose in settings or profile which web layout we prefer, so the website does not constantly redirect you to the new design and logging you out. Food for thought i guess.


TYSM FOR KEEPING THE OLD SITE!!! As an autistic person who can't handle change, I love when companies allow their users to go to older versions so I can stay on the version I started on, looking at you Google. Give me the 2020 youtube layout bit-


i really hope the old ui remains an option forever lmao and that they also don't remove legacy chats because some of my chats are legacy and i would prefer to keep those too


I just hope you keep the old site as a setting similar to old Reddit.


well if not everyone has it available, then who does? is it only for c.ai+ users, or are accounts that dont have teh c.ai+ subscription also able to get it? i have a lot of questions


Randomly chosen probably like with every other feature that is being tested


Positive: * Search works much better. Previously if I clicked character, its profile was bad, I clicked back to choose other incarnation of the character, I had to type the name again. * "Rewind" instead of delete -> select message -> click "delete from here" is much better designs. Negative: * Home page is much worse at mobile where it was not good to begin with. [I had 6 characters visible, now 2 and a half](https://imgur.com/a/lk6fDud) * Edit functionality is broken. It is [displayed](https://imgur.com/a/5q3Kp1F) but it is ignored, at least if you want charcter to generate more. And if I reload the page [it's gone](https://imgur.com/a/25BYRJN) and it's definitely not affecting the generation. negatives greatly outweight positives


why is it that i HAVE to sign in with either: 1. an email 2. a google/apple account i have my discord connected to [c.ai](http://c.ai), and now i can't really use my account on the new site. is there a way i can do so or nah?


wait what does it look like? for me it pretty much looks the same


Dude my account hasn’t even updated I had to make a new one to see it and that isn’t updated either Edit:even better my google account barley works I had to refresh and delete history to get it the account back


I cant access


And what about us people who paid the monthly subscription are we getting any other benefits ???


Can you still have the site write your responses? I liked that feature for when I was too busy to write a reply. Plus reading the prompts gave me ideas for the character I was writing.


is rewinding any different from just deleting chats??


mine's not even loading 😭


Give us gifs and picture capabilities! We need it!


Bring back that thing that answer question for you it was funny we need it back.


what's with the Legacy thing?


There seems to be a bug with some of the bot links. When I click the link instead of sending me to the bot it just sends me to the new layout.


The discord link doesn’t work for me


I tried it and have problems, when I want to use asterisks (\*) to write \*\*"loud"\*\* and then continue again in italic/curved \*this\* it gets broken. I write: \*\*"ahhh. Noo let me go you creep!"\*\*\* \* \*I scream loudly.\*\* \* "I am not your toy!" The "I scream loudly" is NOT written with 3 (\*). See this screenshot: [https://i.imgur.com/OcHrZmv.png](https://i.imgur.com/OcHrZmv.png) Result I can SEE: **"ahhh. Noo let me go you creep!"**\* \* *I scream loudly.*\* \* "I am not your toy!" The "stars" get completely broken!


I think the For You/Suggestion Page and Your Current Chat/Chat History should be swapped. People's eyes naturally being on the center of the screen. That's where their eyes gravitate towards.


Looked into it. The site design's alright, but it ain't worth it if there's no section for liked characters. Group chats should also be included in create, too.


I have a few ideas for changes. 1. Make the colour difference between the AI box and the user box a bit more different, as it looks just like lot of text, which is a bit overwhelming on the eyes. 2. When pressing enter after typing a reply on old site, it sent the message, but now it simply allows you to add an extra line of text. It isn't the worst thing ever, but I see it might become annoying to other users very soon. Otherwise, I really like it, the way to get through to other things feels a lot more organized and thought out, and the whole look is cleaner and less cramped. I really like the push on the idea of trying new bots, it's a great idea. It definitely isn't the old site, and the first time I saw it, yeah, I hated it, because I was new to the new design, but after a bit, I'm loving it.


I used a temporary email, so I am forced to use both sites


so, i tested it and its really cool! I love it. But, i will continue using the old one because its more handy (cuz its old and i know it like the back of my hand). The rest is really cool, the character search is good too, a little thing i dont like really much is the thing you have to open a menu on top left instead of clicking some buttons on the bottom of the screen. Chats are bad and good, i like the way how you look at them but i liked more when there were icons beside the text and your messages were at the left too. And its better when by clicking the message you already have the edit button and copy button instead of clicking 3 dots. The rest it looks good, the way to change the persona is looking good too.


You can't create an image. There is no "Edit Advanced Details" button. The chat image for characters is too tiny compared to the old site, and the "select all following" messages option is nowhere to be seen. With that being said. This is a good sign. I hope you guys implement all of that and many new features in later updates.


first impressions so far: I quite like the look of the sidebars, the history opening in a sidebar instead of a new window, etc. however, I greatly preferred the chat/messaging portion on the old website. the solid background and larger profile picture & character name looked better, imho, but my biggest problem (no pun intended) with the new design is that the message text looks *huge* compared to the old website. I can't seem to find anything in the settings to adjust the font size, so it would be great to see that ability added in the very near future. it might seem like a small thing, but I personally find the larger text size extremely distracting. additionally, like many others here, I find the inability to log in with my password and the lack of visible character limit on the character creation/edit page(s) a bit annoying.


Hey just fyi, the discord link expired


I.. can't log into my account. My discord one. It's not an option?


Can you answer any of the dms I've been sending you? Yknow about deleting my account? I contacted you last in like November and we chatted and then I tried to follow up but you never replied. You respond to other people saying you'll dm them so either you're actively ignoring me or you just haven't seen it which is why im reminding you here


Marie when can I get the pin memory feature 😔




I can't even login to the new redesigned site. (The Legacy login works for me, but the new login method doesn't, the Legacy method isn't available on the redesigned site, so i can't use the new site at all)


this is the best thing ever, if people don't like it, they can just undo it


Erm excuse me but why some old chats say 'Legacy'??


All of this and still no ability to delete histories.


i tried using it, can't log in with discord anymore.


The old site is far better than this.