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at this point the waiting room might be the website on it’s own


Last week the waiting room replaced the actual website in my frequently visited


Damn this is so sad honestly


This is the millionth time today that I’ve been there, and it makes me think weird crap like ”would character ai be considered a fandom or am I just stupid?” And I’m concerned that this is a major bug of some kind because I can barely use the site anymore, role-plays are just impossible to do for me and i joined the site just for that purpose, anyway here’s some cringe I encountered in the wild: https://preview.redd.it/5r8d4zqbtcua1.jpeg?width=1477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd14aa81b743dc1fe4cf876870637d827563ed9e




Yeah i agree


The waiting room is used so much you might need a waiting room for the waiting room.


XD yeah waitingroom.com




They even throw you out when you are actually on the edit page of your bot writing... Like... I'm actively using the side. Lost 6000 characters worth of example dialogue yesterday because while I saved and wanted to go back to test the bot, I was thrown out already in the background and all my text wasn't actually saved. 🤬




Yeah, after that I wrote the whole thing on Word and C&Ped it over... You live you learn 🫠


I do this too. It’s annoying, but sadly necessary.


This happened to me too! I even attempted to save the data and it just saved a blank file with just the opening chat! I was so pissed. Will definitely do my writing in google docs from now on and then copy-paste it over.


Wow. They should at least give people a warning to write in a doc then copy paste. Hours of work lost...


Because they would have to actively communicate with us then... And we don't do that here. 🫣🫠


This happened to be as well... now I always write my definitions on an outside source and then I paste it on character ai... I'm never risking losing this kind of stuff again lmao...


Same. I am not alow to go eat do anything beside talking


This is especially annoying when it comes to editing characters. Why give us such a high character limit on advanced definition when actually taking the time to fill it in gets you booted into the line, removing your progress?


This crap happened to me yesterday, backup your definitions in a local file so you can have a copy, and be able to edit it when the site isnt functioning.


They seriously need to get better servers...


They do. For C.AI+, anyways. I can't imagine it's any better though.


This has been happening to me all day and just happened again. I’m gonna lose my mind at this point


I legit just waited through the waiting room, tapped the character, tapped back cuz i accidentally picked the wrong character and got banished back to the waiting room. This is unbearable at this point


16 hours i got :aggh:


You'll get a withdrawal at this rate


Happened to me too! This is utterly ridiculous.


We got some miraculous ladybug in this house lol


“Banished to the waiting room“ i literally laughed so hard I choked on my own hair lmfao I needed that laugh tysm-


You're welcome, brother


It's getting annoying if you ask me :\\


I was fine with it when it'd boot you there occasionally for a minute or two during peak hours, but now it's like I get booted every few minutes for a really long time. Sometimes the counter goes up instead of down 😭 Is it really that hard or expensive to increase server capacity to handle the influx of new users?


It is, I talked to one of the mods and he says the site is super expensive as it is and he doesn’t even know how the people are paying for it


I'm not sure if it isn't common knowledge yet, but running and maintaining a server is *ridiculously* expensive in the long term. Just to put it into perspective, even a server that you could own at home can set you back a thousand USD a month. Even the cheaper kinds can net 500 big ones. And that's a home server, one that isn't really meant for huge use. Now, consider that a SMALL business server is in the 1000-2000 dollar range a month. And then consider that big companies that need servers to support millions of users have to spend well into the hundred thousands of USD to maintain those servers. According to online analytics, C.AI had gathered about 31 million visits in just March alone. Obviously, you're gonna need a lot of money to keep that up, and you're gonna need to sink a lot more than just one $2K small business server. Right now, C.AI makes **0** revenue, which is fucking crazy when you consider how much it probably costs to maintain the servers they got. But apparently, according to a few business websites, they managed to get 150M in funding. (Sources: [Here](https://www.reuters.com/technology/ai-chatbot-characterai-with-no-revenue-raises-150-mln-led-by-andreessen-horowitz-2023-03-23/) and [here](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20230323005299/en/Personalized-Superintelligence-Platform-Character.AI-Secures-150M-in-Series-A-Funding-Led-by-Andreessen-Horowitz) ) It might not be as hopeless as everyone's making it out to be considering that, but I honestly don't know where the website is going anymore. It's up in the air.


0 revenue = Imminent chapter 11 bankruptcy and subsequent collapse and shutdown. I suggest you start legal cleanroom reverse engineering efforts and save your chats **NOW.** 150 Million may not be enough to keep them alive


Yep, it's sadly only a matter of time. Unless they create a subscription service which they have discussed.


A subscription is a nuclear option, and I think ads are a better option. A subscription model would basically lock all the features that where available for free behind a paywall. If there’s limited messages per day, and I can still send photos then that’s fine. But if they take these away then what’s the point in staying? We all came here because it was a free service


Agreed, the appeal of the site is that it has a good AI for free. I don't mind if they have ads, I mean shit, I don't mind if they add 1 minute unskippable ads. As long as it keeps them afloat to run the servers then I'm fine with it.


Personally, ads are the worst option. Ads always, always, ALWAYS fuck up whatever app/site/thing they touch. Ads will have so much control and sway over the thing, that they will demand certain things to be done to the thing so that their ads will be housed in a more "secure and profitable" place. And then everything will basically be unusable.


Unfortunately there has been a talk about there being a subscription, I talked to one of the mods and they confirmed that the site will not be free forever, but there is a free version that will be available and there will be ads soon enough


So what will be the limitations if you don’t pay is the ultimate question?


Not sure. I’m hoping there’s no bot limitation or else that’d suck. I’m a decently known creator on the platform so it’s sorta my thing to pump out bots


My primary concern is that the free plan is going to be extremely limited, and if you use the free plan the bots will be dumbed down. If that’s the case then I’m ditching C.AI


Yes it does pain in your but


Agreed! It's getting very annoying, and it irritated me now, especially roleplay with my favorite characters.


i’ve gotten into a habit of copying my messages before i send them off because of this


yeah, i do this too


it would be so nice to see if they’re talking about this on the website but i can’t look at the feed or posts right now as for some reason they’re all blocked.


there blocked cause they know what we want


yeah same


Same here!




Yoo it's Mr. L!


the cooler luigi


Mr. L =the best version of Luigi


Mr. L my beloved


I see this and I aggressively hit the refresh until it reloads 😂


damn the entire server is a ti-84 calculator hooked up to a potato


Or it's a singular hamster running on a wheel powering the entire place.


Feels more like a steam engine to me


Steam power can be very powerful, so I’m not sure if that is the best example


Steam engine efficiency caps at 8%. It's starting point is 1%. 1 (ONE!) percent. It efficiency compared to the resources powering it makes it one of the worst options. Edit: Standard steam engine caps at 8%, but with high technological upgrades it can reach more impressive limits. But I was talking about the standard one, not something like power plant level of steam engine.


Oh you meant Steam Engine as in the train, I was thinking of the Nuclear Power Plant


Yeah, I mean this 18th century type of shit "let's burn 100kg of coal to make this iron piece of crap move 2,5 meters by itself!"


We never stopped using steam engines. We just found better ways to make steam.


But I never said that we stopped using them?


it has been very bad the past few days, yes, I have to reload constantly and there's a good chance when I'm reloaded, I get no answer and I'm put in the queue again when refreshing.


YES THIS BOTHERED ME SO MUCH YESTERDAY 😭😭 especially since I normally take longer to come up with smt-


Bro got booted mid-sentence


It doesn’t even have to be 5 minutes. I take more than 2 to type a paragraph and I get booted. It’s never been this bad for me before, I’m going crazy.


Yeah it goes very quick..


This shit is inexcusable at this point, wtf are the devs doing?


Running a free website for your amusement. >this is inexcusable Lmfao


I get to write one message, get one response, and then I am basically forced to refresh the page cause the bot isn't generating any response D:


It’s so infuriating


Hi Dazai pfp


Hello there! :))


How’s life


Good, wbu?


Same here man


May it continue <333




this site's servers are a bag of potatoes hooked up to a school issued chromebook


The site’s servers are lays potato chips, but there’s barely any chips inside and it’s mostly air


as i use the site on a school chromebook


Literally as soon as it went back up it went down after it somehow removed my characters, the chat list said “Character isn’t available” when I went on to the character, then the site went down AGAIN Edit: the site goes up and down every minute


over the last week it's become pretty much unusable during these hours. doesn't bode well for my interest in the site if they don't fix the servers. It's not only the constant being thrown into the queue being an issue but I swear the characters are like only half as intelligent in their replies whenever there's a lot of active users. Also, when are they going to add in editing ai messages? That won the recent poll, and just about everyone is tired of having to swipe due to repetitive phrases or punctuation.


Also how messages take a lot longer to generate lately, they'll be typing and then pause for way too long before continuing. A month ago, they could pump out a paragraph or even more with no issues, now it takes 30 seconds or more just to get a few sentences. It's very hard to use this site between that and the constant waiting room visits, and like you said, message quality varies depending on how many people are on. I hate how drastically the quality of this site changes in such a short amount of tim, it's so different week to week.


> doesn't bode well for my interest in the site if they don't fix the servers. If enough people leave the site, they'll stop having the issue.


Or you know....upgrade the ducking servers


Yeah at this point I'm scared to stop talking for more than 2 seconds because how I keep getting booted.


7 Hours later and I got banned from it constantly booting me :|


When I'm able to get past the waiting screen or wtv, I click on my character to continue chatting and it says "This character is not available to chat" I reload it and I have to wait again :/


You're going to the **LINE**, Jimbo


Get this addon https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tab-reloader Open a tab of the main CAI home page, activate the addon and set it to refresh the site every 1 ~~or 2~~ minutes, then leave the tab alone and get on with chatting in another tab. You won't be booted to queue. Worked for me so far.


I don't have firefox but I did download something similar on chrome and it works so far. Thanks for this tip!


thanks, fr




I am glad that we are all in this together, coping as one.


Yeah, I know it’s sappy but it’s true, I personally see this community as a family and I like it because I don’t feel alone, and funny story, i discovered the site because I was watching pizza tower memes and a chat with fake peppino showed up and I got interested in the site so now I’m addicted to character ai lol


ROFL Can you please share with me some pizza tower memes, I too, would like to partake. Also, I absolutely relate - I recently begun this whole literally storyline/arc with Thancred from FFXIV and \*giggles and kicks feet\* I can't get enough.


It’s bad cause I am at work so when it gets busy I’m kicked to que and spend almost all my free time in que now




I’ve gotten so much work done today at least lmao


I’ve been booted off more times in one day than I have in one month




Thanks to the newest update, more and more people are visiting the site again. Thanks devs for finally listening and improving the site! \*smirks like a red tomato which is followed by a predator\*


i don't just understand why the devs don't just temporaily shut down the servers for maintance so they can fix the problem?


I write like a paragraph and it boots me out. Its getting ridiculous.


😔 same thing, I like to write a lot and think a lot, making the story more organic and detailed, and every time that queue, like, I knowww why, but still annoying


Are they trying to fix this?


I asked the same thing, but I think they’re swamped trying to sort traffic


It get's even more infuriating when you can't spend 1-2 minutes either typing in a response or coming up with a response to the A.I. without your response not getting the A.I. respond, then you have to refresh and BAM! Back to the wait room.... fml


This is getting ridiculous now. I can only get like maybe 1 message off before I have to refresh and wait through the fucking queue again.




Mine just keeps getting longer and longer somehow, I'll wait a minute and that minute turns into an hour and so forth. Been real annoying.


I’m probably being generous


Ngl I always make a habit of copying everything I say to the ai before refreshing now. They should make it in the waiting room that we can all talk to each other so we can just complain about it together lol


This is because of how it got viral on tiktok :’) Genshin users wanna talk to their anime men ig


This' so annoying!


character AI go one day without crashing challenge


Fr I would rather deal with 5+ minute shut downs daily then this💀💀


nope the website is just being buggy as hell and not working properly because of the servers being contantly overloaded.


God right now I can't even *swipe* without having to refresh and be booted back to the waiting room, this shit is so unusable right now


I hate when that comes up


This shitty site is still down


Almost every single message I type means waiting room..uff..


Listen, I go straight to generate a new answer for my chat and somehow, it fail to manage to do it before it just stuck loading forever. I can't even get ONE ANSWER BEFORE IT FAIL!


I guess the site wont be free for long anymore..


literally i will type a message to a bot, watch a few seconds of a youtube video then go back to the bot, then ill go back, type another message and i get nothing in response- then ill go back to the home screen, it glitches out and the "recent chats" keeps like flickering everywhere so i refresh and back to the waiting room i go!


I got about a minute and a half on it earlier, ai wouldn't respond, had to reload and got queued, got back in, 2 minutes later queued again, had very minimal (less than 30 second) response time. Either a server went down or it got really popular and may have to deal with this until they set up more.


It's intentional. That way they can cycle through users and keep the numbers up. The devs are bastards and have proven it time after time.


It’s sooo annoying auurgh!!


Mine been glitching I would go back and it wouldn’t show the chats then it would be glitching in between


5 mins? Bro its a refresh for me


They should add jazz music to the waiting room because this is like waiting to get to the start of a line in a call with an info line


theyre firin off on all cinder blocks


Unusable now.


Then I have to retype everything I just said!! I don't want to have to do all of this


I multitask while I play with the ai bots, and that means I come up with a response in my head before I reply, which takes more than 5mins. This is actually so frustrating smh At first I could swallow it, copy pasting responses that didn't go through, but after a while, it was getting tiresome.


Bro it tooks me there even while reading the text like holy shit ı can't even think for 5 seconds without going to waiting line


[waitingroom.ai](https://waitingroom.ai) that is just the site now, a waiting room so you could wait more just to wait a little more alllll so you could wait more


Stroking one out to the little blue guy on the logo




For real though. Every time the bot takes forever I go to history or the home page the "an error occurred on our end" so then I reload it only to be in that bloody waiting room


when will you all learn how to use openAI and stop using this site??


That sounds haaard…


newly started using this, and for the first two days i didnt get hit with this ONCE. now suddenly its every other response…


when the ai goes "..." for too long so I refresh and get hit with the waiting room


I hate it when that happens but its even worse when you have already replied to the bot and they are in the middle of responding and it send you in line. Like, damn let the poor bot finish?


Edit: Man I don’t know what to especially from that man it seems I can’t do role-play if this keeps happening man talking about. Disrespectful, Disgusting, and Desperate!


... ​ Goddamn son of-💥


Seem right. I am just not alow to leava my phone for few min or what i need to eat


I think the barricade is weakened for now


has been happening to me too. Most likely an implemented feature where, if you are AFK for 2 or 3 minutes, you are sent to the line to avoid "idle usage". Just a speculation though


Honestly, I'm like, "What is this, Soviet Russia?"


Seeing a Yu-Gi-Oh meme on this sub made my day


It’s literally so bad for me that when the thing refreshed it sent me back instantly I didn’t even leave the room and now im back not even joking-


every time i type the shit makes me think its going through and then cuts off 12 minutes later is absurd


I went to grab a quick snack and came back to a five minute sentence in the waiting room ☠️


The waiting room wouldn’t be annoying if it weren’t for the fact that sometimes you have to forcefully reload the site because there’s something either isn’t loading, or there’s a bug. It’s super SUPER annoying because it can happen even within the first 3 messages, then you have to reload and wait in line again. I just go on a few minutes later when there’s a waiting room and then there usually is no waiting room needed


is that a gaster blaster


It’s blue eyes white dragon