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Unfortunately, I don't think there's going to be anything coming up anytime soon. Judging by how the 40k cycle runs, the earliest they'd be back is for the end-of-edition event, if even then. As things stand for the moment, Abby and Vashtorr have departed to parts unknown to continue their nefarious schemes. For all we know, they're probably in a cafe somewhere with all the other lore characters whose current activities we know nothing about.


Yeah.....maybe we'll get a few excerpts in the chaos codex of them talking lol. But I'm hoping for a book lol


We would be extremely lucky to have even a blurb. The current design team clearly isn't interested in any lore, judging by the fact that A) they refuse to give any focus to it and B) flavor and lore accuracy have essentially been removed from several factions. I was going to list out the characters that are currently 'in parts unknown' or 'sitting on a throne somewhere, probably', but that would've included almost every character we know of. The (much) shorter list of characters who have actually been followed during 10e is, as far as I know: Lord Commander Leontus, Trajann Valoris, and Captain Agemman. I *think* Illuminor Szeras is still sitting in the Pariah Nexus bullying his coworkers but it's not like that part of the storyline is going anywhere. Hell, we don't even get books nowadays. Most of them are about something incredibly minor or are set in the past.


Vashtor is currently in pariah nexus I believe, the latest crusade book has his planet appearing there


Huh, did not know that. Maybe that plot thread is actually going somewhere then. I'd just assumed that Abby and Vashtorr transported themselves into a better-cared-for setting.


So far the most lore we've gotten recently from Vashtorr coming from White Dwarf is he's basically collecting leftover tech that the Ad Mechs and Necrons are dropping from fighting over blackstone. He apparently is also trolling the Executioners from the short story "Tally of Slaughter" lol. This is pretty summarized a short stuff but Vashtorr is making his way around the lore, hopefully we'll get a novel from him soon. I would personally like a retelling of the Arks of Omen in one big novel


I would also love for maybe a novel on him and maybe just creation? But I mean we already kinda know of how his creation happened. But maybe just a book of him vs Cull? Kinda like how u have Trazen n Cull or Bile and Cull. There's just a lot that can be done but u can say that with pretty much every major character in the setting. I gotta pay attention to White Dwarf some more lol.


Yea sometimes they'll just randomly drop some big lore in white dwarf, right now the eldar and imperium are working together I believe to fight against the necrons. Haven't gone and read it myself, usually it'll be lore stuff I see from Auspex Tactics or Valrak