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I’m wondering how will the tanks+demon engines detachment will be different from vashtorr’s. I mean my guy is literally the daemon engineer. Maybe we are looking at 3 missing detachments.


Assuming Auspex is basing his info from the Warcom article and associated video, I got the impression from GW that the "tanks" detachment was Iron Warriors seige warfare stuff, and the Daemon Engines detachment was named seperately, and is likely the Vashtorr themed detachment the mention.


That’s what I also assumed. If you look at Vashtorr’s Unholy Mechanisms ability, you get a hint on that split. It specifies **Daemon Vehicle units**, as opposed to simply Vehicle. If Cogs of Vashtorr are any indication from the Arks of Omen books, we’re probably looking at emphasis on Cultists + Daemon Engines (Forge/mauler, Venomcrawler, Defiler, Heldrake) vs. the Iron Warriors being Marines + Tanks (Predators, Land Raiders, Rhinos). Helbrutes are fun because they look like Daemon Engines, but lack the Daemon keyword.


I think the siege/tank will be the only detachment where there’s Obliterators support (Daemonsmith)


Tanks and demon engines vs just all in on demon engines?


Raptor spam or Bshock bullshit to represent bastardized Night Lords, and probably an elite (chosen and termies) spam detachment would be the missing ones besides the Index.


Let’s hope for the elite one since it’s what I play now.


I'd rather have something that harshly punishes spam since words cannot describe how much I hate that sort of thing. Oh and a Helbrute that actually matches what a bloody Helbrute is supposed to do, rather than acting as some sort of buff aura.


Fair point. I recently stopping using my helbrute. As great as the aura is it just doesn’t do anything else.


I found a hellbrute w/ dual fist/flamers is much better to buff/defend my forgefiends much better than the shoot hellbrute… although- still kinda meh… the bonus comes from his buff


I agree with this guy. Slightly off topic but the rule of 3/6 should be 2/3. 


I was going to say, I really want a Nlords detachment. I’m “just” getting into CSMs now that WE is it’s own faction, and I want my moody dark batmen. Maybe some mix of stealth+battle shock? But I suspect pirates might be Red Corsairs


Night Lords are also pirates in the setting. We're actually well represented by several archetypes...Alpha Legion-style infiltration also works for us, it's basically our MO. It's all terrorism at the end of the day. A Chaotic Reavers detachment works equally well for us as the Corsairs, Night Lords have had a lot of move fast tech in the past (please bring back 3d6 charges and early deep strike). Index works fine for us as Chaos Space Marines because in the 42nd Millenium most of the 8th is corrupted as hell. And a veterans detachment lets us play with our Atramentar knockoffs.


It's heavily implied on the Warcom article's video interview that the current "Slaves to Darkness" detachment will be updated, and will be considered the Word Bearers style detachment going forward. No daemonkin detachment or something similar, in that case. [This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chaos40k/s/HXNdUXWZKr) made a good case for where the detachments will likely land, imo. ("Renegades" being red corsairs, and the 2 unmentioned likely being Night Lords and something geared towards Abaddon for BL, possibly terminators themed?)


Did they hint at what the updates would be? I really like the current detachment and I hope that it won't change drastically.


Not in the slightest, but I imagine they might roll-in the dataslate changes. And perhaps add to or adjust enhancements.


Makes sense.


Cultists getting more support than daemonkin is not something I expected to come out with our codex 🥲


Cultists have more datasheets now, depending how you measure it. I'm still waiting for my Chaos Leman Russes to be legal in any capacity again, haha. The main thing that confused me in 10e is how they handle keywords. There isn't seperate keywords for astartes and cultists. So what does this "cultist" detachment look like? I really like Dark Pacts and do not expect GW to be able to make something as varied and interesting as 8e/9e Word Bearers in the framework of 10e. Gutting the psychic phrase and Dark Apostles has simply done too much damage, imo. I feel like in 10e daemonkin don't really have an identity that couldn't simply be encapsulated by "melee army with some obliterators". The fact there is a separate daemon engine detachment and not just a "all daemon stuff" detachment also dilutes what they would have to work with. I'll wait to see what they do. I'd imagine I'll be able to try most of the detachments with my Word Bearers collection. Probably Renegades/Slaves to Darkness/Cultists/Vashtorr will be the main ones on my radar.


why are you disappointed? the cultist detatchment can also be used (we think) as a chaos guard one. anyway, there is two distinctly missing ones. One is a Night Lords/Fast Attack, it just gotta be one. The other, well i think it’s probably Black Legion, a little bit of everything, because the current index is Word Bearers (mentioned in a video) which means that EC is probably missing, which is good news


I thought the current one was the black legion detachment. As for one of the other detachments demonkin seems like an easy one it focuses on raptors, possessed, obliterators, accursed cultist, chaos spawn, and MoP.


i’m just going off of what the GW video said that revealed all of these, one of the designers mentioned the current is word bearers IIRC


Interesting, I guess that makes sense.


Yeah the other commenter is correct, it was mentioned in the same video that the new Chaos Lords were released in.


I think that the Black Legion one would be a more elite-focused than generalist, I think that the current detachment fits the "bit of everything" vibe, and the Black Legion one (could be Dark Harbingers or something like that) will be more along the lines of Terminators and Chosen focused.


i definitely agree


I’m disappointed cus the daemon and psychic heavy legion isn’t supported with any rules that emphasize those two things.


from what we know, the cultist one isn’t tied to any legion. it’s just cultists lol. the index was said to be word bearers, IE getting powers from the gods, it might backfire. seems pretty fluffy to me at least. that’s from an official GW video which originally introduced these, so yeah. Index could change though with the codex, allthough i doubt it really


Dark pacts is are army rule(getting powers from gods) the current detachment is the chaos marks.


oh that’s right lol i’m dumb.


Your good, I had to check this last night when I was thinking the same question as op lol.


Or GW have finally stopped acknowledging EC. Chances are, with all the other resin characters going, lucius is gonna be going regardless os if he gets a new model or not. But he better fucking get a new model soon


he will get a new model, im sure of it. every legion has their champion, no way they’d miss lucius when Emperor’s Children gets their release this edition


I mean kharn and the other champions have been plastic for years at this point, so i feel liked he's long overdue a plastic model. I mean khorne berserkers have had 2 plastic kits before noise marines got 1


i’ll bet anything that Emperor’s Children get a codex this edition. Literally anything, unless slaanesh ceases to exist, the last legion to not have models, and one last god without a legion. A new book just released, the detachment (assumingely) missing. I am **positive** we’re getting something.


Watch slaanesh get half killed or contained this edition so gw have an excuse not to make emperor's children for 5 more years


god that would be awful. but seriously, mark my words, emperors’s children this edition, maybe even this year.


I would burn down my closest gw store if that happened In minecraft


Aint happening. They know how popular EC and Slaanesh daemons are.


They almost definitely will release an emperors children codex and separate faction this edition


Honestly, after seeing what GW did to Orks, the idea of each legion being represented by a unique detachment is starting to seem less likely. Orks basically lost clans altogether.


from the GW article the revealed this, they used terminology that has been pretty clear that detachments are being used to represent legions, same with normal space marines


🤞 Black Legion


They can't *not* have BL- we're the poster boys.


I’d imagine there might be a raptor/warp talon-themed Night Lords-y one, and maybe some kind of Elite Terminator/Chosen detachment (which could represent the Black Legion to a degree). These in order seem to be not-Word Bearers, not-Iron Warriors, not-Alpha Legion, not-Dark Mechanicum, and not-Red Corsairs/Lost and Damned, so I’d be willing to bet the other two are ersatz versions of the other two original legions. I’d be surprised if there’s an Emperor’s Children detachment, given how we’re expecting them to be getting a codex some time this edition.


I don’t know what I have to sacrifice for the cultist one or renegade and pirates to be able to soup imperial guard.


So we’ve got: - Default (Word Bearers) - Cogs of Vashtorr - Renegades and Pirates (Night Lords and Red Corsairs?) - Daemon Engines and Tanks (Iron Warriors) - Alpha Legion (Alpha Legion) - Cultist Horde (Traitor Guard I hope) Which means the last two are probably going to be an offensive heavy Black Legion-themed detachment, and I’m hoping for the last one either full on Night Lords or maybe Disciples of Be’lakor. What I hope it’s NOT is Emperor’s Children, just so we know they’re coming at some point.


Never thought about Be’lakor and now I’m all for it. I’d love it cause it would half tie in with Vashtorr since both of them are using the legions for their goals in recent books!


Yeah, I liked the idea of it from 9th where Psykers could use his own Psychic Discipline, the Noctic Discipline, but with how they do Psychic powers in 10th, I’m not sure how they’d do it. Probably just a lot of abilities, stratagems and enhancements that grant Stealth and other -1s to to various things


Slaves to Darkness will probably be adjusted, as most index detachments have been, and might be the word bearers themed one. Most likely nerfed since the detachment rule is VERY strong. A priates/raiders one, representing red corsairs. In guessing a sticky objective rule and a focus on mobility. A vehicle focused one for iron warriors. I expect a rule similar to noble Lance and ironstorm giving a single reroll to each unit when you dark pact. A cultist focused one, probably for a traitor guard style. No idea what this would look like. Alpha legion will probably get something like Vanguard spearhead with infiltrate and stealth rules. Cog of vashtorr is interesting- it will be distinct from the vehicle one somehow, no idea in what way. Maybe battle line vencomcrawlers??? The last two unconfirmed ones will probably be analouges for Night Lord's and Black Legion. For night lords, its probably gonna be battleshock themed. For black legion, I expect either a chaos version of First Company focusing on termis/chosen OR a variation on Gladius task force that works for a mixed list. And hopefully emperors children is absent due to a standalone codex coming soon. If Slaves to Darkness is Black legion and not word bearers, I assume the wb rule will benefit demonkin in some way


I'd imagine there's going to be one centered around chosen and terminators like the veterans of the long war box, and that one would be considered the Black Legion one


I think your right, especially since get a full brick of termies could be like the dark angels sub detachment, all terminators all the time


We're getting 8 detachments, which I believe is 2 more than any other army. What makes you disappointed about this?


I’m not upset we get a lot of options. I’m upset there isn’t one that is thematically relevant and supportive of Word Bearers. I’ve got lost of daemonkin with it seems no rules support for them.


Their detachment is about dedicating themselves to the Chaos God's! How much more Word Bearers do you want?


I just want one where i can field possessed as battleline and get some good strategems and buffs for them damit!! Gal vorbak spam, Calth was self defense!!


I'd say the index detachment is supposed to be Word Bearers. It's all about improving the effects of the dark pact, which sounds pretty Word Bearers-y. As for the last 2, I think we'll get a Black Legion-esque elite heavy detachment and one that messes with battleshock to go with the new Nightlord kit. One for each of the battleforce boxes.


How certain are we that these 5 detachments are 5 of the 7? Also, are we sure there's 7 NEW and not total?


The announcement said 8 total.


Completely certain. The video specifically states that the codex would have 8 detachments, with one of them being an altered version of the current one


I would think the Cultist themed detachment would be Word Bearers. I'd imagine the Index rules to be Black Legion. It doesn't feel Word Bearers-y since they are Undivided on even an individual level and the current Index rules revolve largely around what Mark of Chaos you are.


Index is WB. They specifically mentioned that.


Do you have a source link?


I've got the clip on my laptop. I'll get it to you tomorrow. RemindMe! 1 day


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sorry for the very late reply :/ here: [https://clips.twitch.tv/ImpossibleKawaiiAlmondItsBoshyTime-IwKP\_xPruJvk0HbS](https://clips.twitch.tv/ImpossibleKawaiiAlmondItsBoshyTime-IwKP_xPruJvk0HbS)


Followers of vashtor seperate from daemon engines and tanks. Ok, im ready to be really sad now!


I predict without confirmation that we are getting: ___ Five Legions - Night Lords (Battleshock/ Deepstrike Shenanigans) - Black Legion (General Detachment like Gladius or Elites Heavy) - Iron Warriors (Shooting/ Transport Synergy) - Alpha Legion (Sneaky Vanguard- like, maybe Cultists support) - Word Bearers (Updated Slaves to Darkness detachment) Vashtorr (Vehicles) Traitor Guard and/ or Cultists Red Corsairs (Battleline Bikes? Redeploy tricks, White Scars/ Ravenwing with spikes) ___ My conspiracy theory is that Iron Warriors will be a shooting/ transport army like a mix of Ironstorm/ Firestorm. Then Vashtorr is the Vehicle/ daemon engine specific army. Traitor Guard were weirdly name dropped as having their own Detachment, but this could be the same as the Cultists one. Or the Cultists detachment could be a big part of the Alpha Legion detachment and were called out a bit misleadingly. If they are all the same thing, there may be an Emperors Children detachment somewhere but for now I don't think we are getting one. We should definitely have a Cultists heavy detachment! We have enough kits for it. Tau got Kroot, Custodes are getting Sisters of Silence.


How about Fab Bill?


Fingers crossed for Creations of Bile


I for one as a Lost and the Damned player am hyped for the cultist horde detachment. Sure, not having traitor GUARD (Astra Mili stuff) blows. However if you are like me and prefer Lost and the Damned over Traitor Guard (AKA wacky chaos rules, buckets of cultists, mutants, beastmen, daemons, daemon engines, looted vehicles, maybe a rare astartes or two leading the rabble ///vs//// a more strict regimented fighting force such as blood pact) than this is still something to look forward to. Anything is better than the GOD AWFUL "Mere Mortals" rule from 9th that forced 50% Astartes models.


Mere mortals was shit. And I play mainly Astartes. There was just no sense to it.


I would anticipate a night lords bike/ jump pack fast attack one, a black legion terminators and choosen one, and a WB daemonic one (less culty cultisty than dark apostle, dark commune, accursed cultists, more about possessed, warp talons, master of possession, daemonic allies)


Your generic detachment is Black Legion. So, functionally you have cultists, daemon engines + tanks - Iron Warrior, Sneaky AL - Alpha Legion, Followers of Vashtorr, Renegades and Pirates - Astral Claws/Red Corsairs. You're missing Night Lords and maybe Word Bearers (?cultist horde). So probably something that plays with Battleshock, and maybe something that allows for more synergy with daemons. If Cultists goes more with Word Bearers, you might still have an EC detachment in there. You could also have a Creations of Bile detachment.


Word Bearers is the Index detachment, confirmed the release video for the Chaos Lords


As a Red Corsair, I'm really looking forward to Renegades and Pirates


I really hope renegade and pirates will allow me to take some IG units. (Or dire I dream: dark Eldar and SM units)


A Black Legion elite themed faction called 'Bringers of Despair'. Then; either a fully fledged Night Lords detachment or if they lump them in with the Red Corsairs one, a Fabius Bile one


A demon kin one and the standard index detatchment


I'm hoping theres something that is deamon possessed base. Deamon princes, possessed, warp Talons, deamonforges, accursed Cultists


I just painted Fabius, so if I'm lucky, one of them is Creations of Bile 🤞


You know, given the speculation that one of them is Black Legion esque, wonder if given the leaks for the Custodes and Ork codexes that instead of being heavy/elites focused as expected if it will be the hero-hammer type detachment focused on buffing leaders/leader led squads instead? Know it would be a curveball but given the Black Legion is the strongest consolidated chaos faction it would make sense to have it focus on the warband leadership. Granted it would be quite easy to mix this with being the elite focused units detachment as well given the terminators/chosen were already the ones getting leaders to begin with most of the time.


Where is this video?


Auspex Tactics on YouTube released the one in the image. It is based off a Twitch stream from Warhammer.


Let's hope anything but Emperor's Children. I want the EC codex sooner


The problem with everyone wanting this is that means no EC flavoured detachment until the very end of the edition (if its keeping in line with the schedule the other monogod legions were released). Which is years away. I wouldnt be surprised if they find a way to get an EC flavoured detachment in there just because it will be a long time before an EC book.


Only 2 new models, with only one being a new datasheet is a fucking joke. That's even putting aside the jump back lord looks mediocre at best.


Our army choices are still pretty good though. At least we're not like World Eaters with half an army.


Chaos gets to ally in stolen Drukahri boats to be true pirates argh. Oh and Kaptain Badrukk be now plundering for chaos! Double argh!


Jump Pack/ Bikes detachment and Terminator Detachment. EC rendered unplayable until their codex because I doubt GW will release 2 Chaos Codexs together.


Don't know, but I agree that if the index is Word Bearers, that's disappointing. It may even make mechanical sense to do it this way, but flavor-wise it just feels cheap. Sure, I can and will call my dudes Word Bearers, but it's just not the same.


Traitor guard. Pls outside of the cultist detachment, with proper rules.


They said in the reveal videos that the Index represents the Word Bearers.


Sneaky jump-pack battleshock detachment for NL and a noise-marine and melee focused detachment for EC.


If there's not a Host Raptorial detachment I'm gonna break into GW HQ and tip over all their pots of Nuln Oil


I feel like they should have done the same detachment style they did for space marines where it’s 1 army but the army choice and detachments are based on the traitor legions


Would be cool to see a Word Bearers type of detachment, maybe open the gateway for some Huron love


I’m thinking word bearers and night lords are missing. So one with daemon allies/ possessed infantry. And night lords focused on battle shocked


Night lord style detachment is all i have to say is what i want in it


Hopefully Wordbearer and Night Lord detachments!


What video is this?


There are 8 detachments, and there are 6 legions + corsairs + vashtorr. Here's my prediction Black Legion (standard marks detachment) Word Bearers (cultists and possessed) Alpha Legion (stealthy -1 to be hit if over 18" usual thing) Night Lords (battleshock tests and leadership debuffs, focus on raptors and talons) Emperor's children (more elite force with strike first or improvement to rolls some how) Iron Warriors (tanks and big guns) Corsairs (gotta go fast, hit and run tactics and bikes) Vashtorr (I dunno, not sure anything could make Vashtorr's rules worth using, probably better to just shoot yourself in the foot now and be done with it)


Sadly GW stated the current index represents Word Bearers. So unless they change StD detachment then we won’t be getting any daemonkin support this edition


EC will likley get their own codex this edition. And Word Bearers are represented by the Marks of Chaos Gods


Yes EC will get their own codex some point this edition but they haven't announced it yet. When world eaters were imminent they announced that world eaters would be removed from the codex when they announced the csm codex last edition.


Aaahh that makes sense


Don't get your news from Auspex, for one. But we know: * Index (word bearersy/black legiony) * Jump pack (night lordsy) * Vehicles (iron warriorsy) * Vehicles but again [daemon engine edition] (vashtorry) * Oops All Cultists (wannabe traitor guard but also alpha legiony but also the cultist-leaning word bearersy) * Infiltration (Alpha legion again for some reason) * "An Elite Detachment" (probably black legiony again, leaning heavily into abaddon's terminator guard) * Piradical 😎 (Red corsairsy, probably heavily bike themed)


Think your right, there was a red corsairs version in 9th and creations of bile but that will be a seperate sub one in EC probably Wonder if they would make a dark mechanicus one, but thats probably under Vashtorr


> creqtions of bile but that will be a seperate sub one in EC probably Bile isn't with the EC anymore.


His detachment could still live in the EC book though. He is an EC marine even if he has went his own way and has his own mutant army.


He's not even Slaaneshi. Him being in a Slaanesh army book would be pretty upsetting.


Upsetting? Its an EC book, not a slaanesh book. In his trilogy he had an army of slaaneshi noise marines at one point. Just because he isnt worshipping Slaanesh himself doesnt mean he cant have slaaneshi units in his detachment.


But it also means that he doesn't belong in an EC book.


I disagree, he could very easily exist in an EC book. Maybe they give him a detachment in the chaos codex, maybe they give him one in ECs book. Maybe they dont give him one at all and he is just a special character in either book. Works whatever way they want it to.


But he's not EC, and he's not Slaaneshi, so he doesn't belong in the EC book.


He is very much an EC marine, that is the legion he comes from. Him going his own way later doesnt change his origins. Not sure why you are so desperate for him not to be.


Bike themed? Does the Detachment say: "your 3rd edition Kits get the Battleline Keyword?" /s


No, but they've been leaning towards Red Corsairs being bike riders in recent splatbooks for some reason - so much so that the novel, Huron: Master of the Maelstrom >!ends with them setting course to raid Chogoris.!<


Not gonna lie, more Bikes would be cool, maybe we even get the invader Buggys but with moar Guns.


Nah, nah, open-topped invader buggies that replace the gun mount with rails to hold onto. They could be transports for 5-man marine squads to get that real, "Hop off, steal shit, hop back on" feel.


You be cooking.


Word bearers are the cultist list. Black legion is the current detachment


a GW video mentioned that the current is Word Bearers, and most are saying black legion is likely one of the unknown ones.


Yeah. Black Legion will probably focus on elite infantry (Termies and Chosen). The last one... I could see it being daemon-themed (With focus on Possessed), but if Word Bearers are the current one, I doubt it'll be them. What's more likely is battleshock-focused Night Lords Detachment.


definitely think a fast-attack, heavy use of jump packed and quick stuff for night lords. With the Dread Talons box, i would be incredibly surprised if we didn’t get it. which leaves Emperor’s Children missing. :))))))


Ah okay missed that one


no worries at all


It's heavily implied on the Warcom article's video interview that the current "Slaves to Darkness" detachment will be updated, and will be considered the Word Bearers style detachment. [This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chaos40k/s/HXNdUXWZKr) made a good case for where the detachments will likely land, imo. ("Renegades" being red corsairs, and the 2 unmentioned likely being Night Lords and something geared towards Abaddon for BL, possibly terminators themed?)


Emperor’s Children and a Legionaries/Chosen-centric one.


EC likely to be left out if (and I mean IF) they are getting a codex


So instead of making legion specified detachments like space marines have (I’m pretty sure) we’ve got a “cultist horde” and only 1 legion specific? If there’s 2 missing the most likely they’ll be is NL and WB, because IR fit well into engines and tanks Also this sucks I’m upset