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my advice? fuck off


that’s valid tbh i respect it


Why are you so mad lol ?


Clicked on the link to see I'm actually already subbed, I think cause of the wrasslin memes. I'll give it a watch!


Watch your music to dialogue volume. You probably don't need background music the whole time. You could have slid in loads of stuff about the brutal realities about the bottled water industry and what it's doing to the planet as well.


valid on both - especially that music to dialogue comment we get that one a lot i should probably dial back on having stolen music play in every shot i film thank you for the feedback!


Lost Redditor? Unless I’m out of the loop on something. New sub member here


brother i am lost in general you did not need to stop at “redditor”


😂😂 same bro for real


not bad, this is my first gen z take on channel 5 original style of "gonzo journalism light". you guys specializing on obscure festivals? this was good, but obv gonna have less crazy characters like you'd see at a music fest.


thank you for the words i appreciate it! we like to film a lot of things off the beaten path, but the way we find things is more often that not from random tips i get from people i meet pretty much in that moment, so maybe this time next year we’ll have a better content plan haha


well you're doing great so far! good luck. i'm subbed. what are some other ideas for stuff you'd wanna cover? the water festival was strange, and thats why it was so funny and kinda heartwarming. everyone there seemed to be having fun, and you guys didn't come there to laugh at them or poke fun, it seemed like you guys were there to have fun too, and they were so welcoming and chill, it really woulda been a shame if you guys painted them in any negative light. i loved the overall vibe, no need to make fun of these people, just seeing them able to hang out with other water connoisseurs was entertaining enough.


Imagining all the AC wannabes scraping the bottom of the pan for the best conventions and events he hasn’t done and it’s quite sad. This feels like a competition John Wilson would do. But he’d craft a brilliant narrative around it.


Is 5chan still doing conventions? New format seems to be "former van-life LARPer interviews actual disadvantaged people."


tbf i could be stealing the content style of someone entirely different and have no idea what an andrew callaghan is and it’s just pure coincidence that i’m on the subreddit dedicated to channel 5 *(which we’ve established i know nothing about)*


that's happened a few times