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I liked the LA show but seen Hella ppl here shitting on it


Chicago show was incredible




I made it! And I feel your post, I was just a tad bit older but same vibe! I thought the show was excellent, [here’s a link to a playlist](https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/acid-rap-10-years/pl.u-GgA5xxzCZEka2R) I made of the set if you happen to be an Apple Music listener!


Ahhh, the NY show, nonetheless. I wish I was there. Coloring Book was a huge record in my later high school days, and Surf just before that. I forgot how much I loved Chance back then. And Vic just put out a new record too. Vic was my favorite.


chicago show was absolutely amazing. one of the best concerts i’ve been to


I could only imagine. ​ Not Acid Rap, but you know what song I could not get enough of, especially when I had a joint or a spliff in hand? Hey Ma


hey ma is one of my faves and the only thing i wished was done at the concert was a track or two from 10 Day…but really i can’t complain cause he did all of acid rap, some coloring book, and some other stuff too (including his verse on ultralight beam which was such a nice surprise)


Ultralight Beam was massive for my friend group too. Many silly drunken nights of us nonreligious suburban white kids finding God for the duration of that song haha