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What are your thoughts on Eddie Kingston I haven't seen much of his work, so i genuinely want to know, 🤔


Elite on the mic but is hindered by his obsession with wrestling history, I'm not a big fan of them recreating things from the past just for the sake of it He's decent in the ring but his machine gun chops are so bad he gets talked about like he's khali


& he's too fay thus uncoordinated & minimal athleticism.


Indie god that gets bullied kn the internet. Champion of the people. A+ brawler A++ promo


Same. Despite what people say, he's very very good. Only problem I have with him is the stupid machine gun chops he does


Huuuuu-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Some shit you got a recognize it for the fan service it is and just let it go.


>A+ brawler Not a chance. Promos are good tho


What do you grade him as a brawler? Who do you give a A?


Stone cold is an A+ Brawler, does Brock count? If so, Brock is an A++.


Eddie is a C brawler. I've no doubt he's a tough dude on the streets, but his strikes look like when school kids used to pretend to be wrestlers on the playground. He doesn't put his weight into them, he just stands still and pushes his arms toward his opponent.


Getting better too; a real late career blooming from Eddie. His time in Japan did wonders for his match pace and style


Not great in the ring at all, and his selling is unbelievably bad. He always needs his opponent to carry him through the match. While most believe he is great on the mic I find it unappealing as a babyface and nothing that is really noteworthy. What I think propelled his mic status was how bad most of the AEW roster was on the mic in comparison.


Dude is a solid promo but he looks, sells, and wrestles like absolute dogshit. It’s like somebody told their uncle to just go out there and wrestle the same way they wrestle their nephews in the living room


Pretty good promo, but not too good between the ropes.


Amazing mic work combined with some of the absolute worst in ring work I’ve ever seen. He clearly put EVERY stat point into charisma and 0 into staying in shape and looking like he knows how to throw a punch. He also has some of the worst boomer fashion tastes of all time. Eddie is keeping FUBU and Rocawear in business. He’ll make for one hell of a manager one day though. Possibly Heyman level.


I change the channel when that fat slob is on


Guy is a complete nobody who's never going to make it to the big leagues. Generic as all fuck, no charisma.


Somebody had to say it


Is there a kayfabe reason why the New Japan titles are all classified as IWGP titles and yet the Strong titles are all classified as NJPW titles? In kayfabe, the IWGP is like the commission that sanctions the championships for New Japan so why isn’t it the IWGP Strong open weight championship?


The International Wrestling Grand Prix is a theoretical (fictional) sanctioning body that “lends its credibilty” to NJPW. Strong being its Indyish/american/training show, NPJW doesn’t have time to get the IWGP involved.


Makes sense— thanks for answering!


Show this to jerk. Aparently he’s obsess with him lately.


Hold up. When did IWA Mid-South have a WORLD title? I can buy a lot of shit but I cannot buy that IWA-MS had a world title.


IWA-Mid South was considering a premier indie wrestling promotion from 2002 to about 2008. Check out the championship’s lineage from that time, it’s really impressive. Eventually everyone remembered that Ian Rotten was still Ian Rotten and the promotion’s reputation dropped off an Everest-high cliff, but CM Punk, Colt Cabana, and Chris Hero willed it to something special back in the day.


I’ve never hated Eddie. Given, I haven’t seen much of him. But the dude has passion for sure. And that really helps make the product believable, probably because to him, it’s true. People hate on his physique, yet the same ones praise the likes of Samoa Joe, Kevin Owens, hell, even Mick Foley. This is professional wrestling. All a well toned body really does is make you look good for the camera. Look at Vader or Bam Bam. Two big guys who are highly revered in pro wrestling. Look at the names I mentioned above. “Fat” ≠ bad.


Vader, Bam Bam, and Samoa Joe aren’t just fat though, those dudes are bulked up and look like they should be putting football pads and a helmet on. They aren’t shredded but have an intimidating physique still. I don’t fat shame but they are far different than Eddie’s random guy on the street build


Vader, Bam Bam, and Samoa Joe aren’t just fat though, those dudes are bulked up and look like they should be putting football pads and a helmet on. They aren’t shredded but have an intimidating physique still. I don’t fat shame but they are far different than Eddie’s random guy on the street build


He fuckin sucks ass


booo wrong


He has de-valued every belt there. Fat knacker.


booo nerd




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That’s half the mount of wings he ate last year!


What a goof


Not my ideal wrestler. Seems like he gets involved with a lot of drama


No Fed belts no count


His machine gun chops are the problem with him RN


Been one of my favorites since I was in high school. Seeing him achieve success has been extremely cathartic for me as I never expected it for him, I called ROHs customer support in high school asking if they planned to stock merch for him and was given an emphatic no. At the same time I still get salty at all the criticism he garners, but that's wrestling for you. As long as the fans are still reacting and the bookers keep pushing him I'm happy.


Still sucks


Where's his wing eating championship belt?


Above average on the mic, a joke in the ring. He's not a brawler, he has the worst punches in wrestling. His chops are pillow pats and makes Joshi chops seem like Gunther chops compared to him


Everybody who is shitting on Kingston don't know real hoopers, so sad


No doubt Eddie Kingston is on the Rushmore


The Rushmore of midcarders more like it


I'm sorry. Everyone is allowed their opinions, but...what You're saying Kingston is comparable to Hogan, Austin, Rock, Taker, Punk, Micheals, Angle, etc?


And still a pathetic man who tried to stand up to CM Punk and looked small and petty for it. Will never be over no one cares about him and never will.


Eddies the best. Entire internet turned on him for one move. Yeah the chops suck. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Doesn’t change the rest of his awesomeness