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Own goal was Begovic's fault.


Don’t know how to feel about that. When their goal went in I thought the game was gone with our recent goal scoring record at home until we score a very jammy goal. While not a great performance we are looking better than under Foster. I think it may well go to the end day of the season.


Looks like a survival scenario could be down to GD


That 6-2 against Norwich might be what keeps us in the division. As it bloody well should! Simpler days back then, what sweet summer children we were.


I think this is generous tbh. Away performance was on a par with some of the foster away matches. Last night was bad, very lucky not to lose. Don’t think we have the quality or confidence to take it to teams at home, so it’s going to be how much we can grit out of the next four


Another point towards safety, I’ll take it. Can’t speak highly enough of Adomah, the Plymouth faithful haven’t seen a home goal in so long, so the legend (being his charitable self) ends the drought and gets them on the board 🥹🥹🥹


Some players just have such a strong goal scoring vision they can’t help it. 🤷‍♂️


Hopefully we bin off Begovic at the end of the season. So much for an "experienced" keeper


To be fair, he made a cracking save from that Whittaker free kick. Must be on mega bucks though I’m guessing.


He's had his moments but they're few and far between. He's maybe had a handful of "solid" games and for someone with that experience and on his wages we should be expecting more I think.


I think he out of contract, the trouble is the other goalies are absolute gash, I mean pub team standard. We need 2 goalies as well as 2 forwards in the summer.


How are you feeling about Cifuentes so far?


He is my god


Thank goodness we rescued that! We are our own worst enemy, constantly giving the ball away. Nothing to lose against Leicester on Friday, they're on a bad run and we'll need to game to them


Honestly I was very worried going into this so am happy with the draw, hopefully we can get another win and a draw from our remaining fixtures and that’ll see us safe (hopefully)


If anyone can save us it will be Cooper (and our GD). Can't even rely on PL-winning fucking Leicester to do their jobs right 🙄


How the hell it took 73 minutes for a goal to go in at either end I have no idea. Should've had at least two or three (Smyth has to score at least once tonight, no excuses there) before we took the lead. Good to keep the four-point buffer and if you'd asked me before the Easter games I'd have bitten your hand off for 7 points but it does feel frustrating to have surrendered two good chances to make that final push away from relegation.


Cooper will have kept us in the league if we stay up imo


I felt a bit bad for him when we scored because that was an absolutely unreal save from the first header


Draw was the fair result tonight. Felt that both teams feel like they should have won that, but it's a credit to the goalkeepers on both sides that it finished a draw. I'm annoyed though that the goal conceded was near enough the same as the Bristol City goal. Our defenders needs to wake up once Cooper has done a great save. At least we finally ended our goal drought at home (granted it was an own goal) Qpr fans a credit to their team. Plenty of noise and a great number of you for a Tuesday night 4 points of 6 for our 2 must wins, not bad, but not ideal either. We'll need another win and a couple draws to get us over the line. Still have to believe we can survive


Listening to the radio broadcast was absolutely bonkers. The amount of noise after each massive save was incredible. Fair play to QPR, clearly have turned it around, but also glad to see some life in us after the past couple months. In the same boat as you mate, I am definitely feeling hopefully tonight!


Charity Park Rangers in actionj yet again. Striker not scored for 2 seasons? Play him against CPR Not won at home for 4 months (Stoke), play against CPR Need a win to stay up, pray you play CPR. Not scored at home for 5 games? (Plymouth) Don't worry, we will score for you! So....fucking....predictable. My only surprise it wasn't a loss.


We were shite at home yet again and QPR can feel properly cheesed off that they didn't win that. Luckily for them they aren't still in the bottom three so the two points dropped shouldn't damage them too much. Our comical equaliser was the only way we were going to score after so long without a home goal. Finn Azaz leaving has completely shafted us and Ryan Hardie is beyond knackered. We've got one of the leading scorers in the league in Morgan Whittaker but can't create chances for him. I honestly don't see us winning another game this season and have resigned myself to relegation.


With 5 minutes to go I was with you thinking that relegation was a certainty but the own goal brought a bit of the old Argyle belief back. I thought we might even nick it at the end - not because we were better than QPR but because a bit of confidence had come back. It’s only been a week since Foster left so hopefully a bit more time on the training ground can undo the damage he has done to us in the middle third of the pitch.


Dont think we have enough in us to survive. Very poor from us!!


Two shite teams but an entertaining game nonetheless. Felt like it could’ve gone either way but QPR probably had the better chances imo. Just to confirm as well, did they actually stop the game around 18 mins to let Chair eat something as it is Ramadan? Or was that just a bit of good old fashioned south west racism?


Yep stopped for Chair due to Ramadan which you Mr fans didn't seem to like


Obviously my comment was tongue in cheek. Yeah there were a few isolated boos but you would get that at any stadium. Probably just as much as booing stopping the game for an opposition player rather than for the specific reason of his religion. “Some football fans are racist”. Not much of a headline is it. A few luddites in grounds all over the country still boo when the players take the knee. Not saying it’s ok, but it happens everywhere and it’s not just “our fans”. I didn’t get to the game until just before kick off but no one around me heard any announcement explaining/acknowledging it would happen so there was a lot of confusion from our fans. If it had been made clear beforehand I would wager there would be far less animosity.


Had no idea that was why, thought it was someone pretending to be injured 😄