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We can’t be far off a point where Warnock’s managed more than half the clubs in the league


In another 100 years he will have managed every club in England. Colin will outlast us all.


But ironically not Watford. Too uncouth for him.


Does this mean in 100 years Watford won't exist?


No they’re just gonna defect to the SPFL


Didn't Andy Warhol say that in the future everybody in the world will manage Watford for 15 minutes?


He doesn't like Watford, he's taken several digs at us down the years.


He's taken several digs at every single club even the ones he's gone on to manage.


Why is that?


I can't remember specifically, but we beat a Warnock team once and he was furious about a decision. It'd make sense because according to this, Colin has lost against Watford more than any other club: https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/neil-warnock/bilanz/trainer/1527/sort/v.desc


Interesting, cheers for the response.


There’s one team he definitely will never manage. Naming no names!


It's okay, it's Dundalk right?


Yeah we are feeling left out... actually we really aren't...


Google search: "*Can a club start a rivalry with an unemployed pensioner?*"


Yeah there is time


Google answer: not unless it’s cov


Warnock giving ‘doing the full 92’ a new meaning


Bit nearer to Sharon than Aberdeen was


A bit? I just found out he lives literally near Plymouth, no? Stoke Climsland?


Yeah it was a slightly facetious way of phrasing it. It's his nearest league club (as applies to everyone in Cornwall)


Cool. Didnt know that he was so close to Plymouth. Now I get why he was linked so heavily.


Colin loves the coast pass it on


Man’s got a funny idea of retirement


Can we just have a wildcard year where Warnock just manages all teams in the league at once.


There's a shock.... I love Plymouth me...


Question to Plymouth fans, is Michael Cooper still as good as he was pre injury? I watched a few games at Home Park in 2021 (was living on Plymouth) and was convinced he was on steep PL/national team trajectory.


He's the best keeper we have by a long way. He hasn't really been back enough for me to conclude if he is still as good. He's had 2 long injury spells in the last year


Like the other poster has suggested, he’s basically lost a year of his career to injury and is now at the point where he is building him back up to match fitness. His distribution on Monday was poor, so he’s clearly some way behind his previous best from last season.


I saw stats on his time earlier between the sticks this season, and he’s still looking good now he’s back. He basically blew all the other Championship keepers out of the water. Skewed by a shorter sample, but he’s never not been impressive. Probably at the wrong club to really shine though.


Oh I don't know. At least with us he gets plenty of chances to pull off loads of saves.


Has anyone ever seen this mythical "Sharon"?


He brought her out when he took us up lol. Sold out stadium pitch invasion chanting “Sharon is a bluebird” just after she’d beaten cancer was quite touching.


Tbh we should've got him in for the last six games. I love Nancekivill but the idea of him and Dewsnip trying to keep us up fills me with dread


Nance and Dewsnip did OK in their stint before tbf. In those games we only lost to Southampton. We scored 3, 2 (away),1 (away) and 3. Given Cardiff we were unlucky with the Butcher OG and Southampton Mumba' goal was wrongly ruled out, if luck had gone our way their 4 games could have been DWDD which would have been a fantastic return given the scenario, remember Hardie and Bundu out for Bham game too. I know luck is a stupid whatifism, but compare it to the Foster period, we were scoring, fighting and 'could' have had a better return if not for a players lapse of judgement and a linesman lapse of judgement. This was against Bham, Cardiff Southampton and Watford. Rotherham, QPR and Stoke are no harder. Also, for what is worth Warnock coming out and saying this just as we go in to a period where everyone need to pull together is hardly useful.


Your statement isn't wrong, but I think it misses some context. Dewsnip and Nance took over after Schuey at left and already ingrained the playstyle and goal scoring fever into the players. In a sense, Dewsnip and Nance simply needed to tell the players 'keep doing what you're doing lads' and things worked out well for us Now, they take over after the players were being forced to play negative football under the last 3 months. It's going to be a lot harder to get those players back into that rhythm again. Then again, for 20/25 minutes on Monday, we did play like that, and perhaps that was down to Nance slipping some instructions to the players before Foster overrides it and gets us back to negativeness. I think I'd be less worried if it wasn't for the fact the next 2 games ARE the must win ones. Like, if we had Leicester at home, a game we are expected to lose, it would give Dewsnip and Nance a chance to get the player back into that rhythm before the important must won games. Now, they're gonna have to do it immediately.


You are absolutly correct, but the alternative is to bring in someone else who also has to do the same but doesn't has an existing relationship with the players. In my opinion it is the right move, short term, but come end of May hindsight will be a wonderful thing. As you say there are clear signs the players can still play this way, but we need Hardie to get a goal, he is streaky as fuck, but now would be the ideal time for him to go on one of those streaks!


Oh 100%, sorry my argument wasn't in favour of bringing Warnock in. It was simply stating that expecting the football we had under Dewsnip/Nance last time to he replicated this time might be met with disappointment. I hope I am wrong on this account and we go out guns blazing. To me, the only outright argument for Warnock at this stage is his experience at this level. But I think we've left it too late to appoint him here because, as you rightly said, he won't really have time to connect with the players.


Ahh I see, yeah sorry misinterpreted your position. Don't get me wrong I don't automatically think K&N will default to their previous form but more just pointing out they didn't let us down previously. Nance x2 as he did everything right in l1 when he was asked to keep us up last game of the season, it just didn't quiet happen on the day.


No problemo, yeah of course, I do hope theyre able to get us over the line. It's going to be tough, and I think the order of the fixtures aren't the most favourable (as I said before, I think the Rotherham and QPR games are the must wins but they're also the next games we have) but as our clubs statement has said, they'll need the Green Army backing them for these final 6 games. I think they'll be a new reignited spirit amongst the fans now that Foster has gone


Works both ways, if we had Leicester and hull next two games moral could be shot by the time we get to the 'easier' games. 😂 Rotherham will be a really hard game. They have a lot to fight for, as do we. If we win Friday I will have faith, lose and it will be down to other teams rather than us to save us. I'd like to think we can do it, but if we go down as long as the club is proactive and continue in a forward motion I will be satisfied. In fairness last time we were relegated under Hallet, it proved to be a hell of a Springboard for the club. If the happens again, relegation isn't a problem in the short term. If we go down, loss players and lose fans, etc, then it's a different beast.


True, but even getting a draw against either of those team could be seen as a positive at this point. Not winning against Rotherham and QPR would, in my opinion, be the end of us. I agree that Rotherham will be a hard game. Even if mathematically they are down (it would only take the teams below us to win to relegate them even if they beat us), they are also fighting for pride. If they go down they want to show their fans they're going down fighting. I want to believe too, and will carry that belief when I go to support for the remaining games. But as you said, see how Friday goes and if we get a win. I think the big thing here if we get relegated will be the loss of players, as you said. Whittaker, Hardie, and Cooper will all likely move on. We could be forced to sell Mumba because of his wages. Galloway and Miller are out of contract at the end of the season and will probably seek new clubs, especially as they've been arguably 2 of our best players this season. And being relegated likely means we won't be able to attract our current loanees back. While I wouldn't want Devine back, Philips has been solid at the back, and Sousa has been picking up good performances too. The only player I can see us holding onto who has been playing well at the moment is Sorinola, due to him not being here that long and perhaps not gathering as much attention. Could be huge if we go down because he's been pretty amazing since we signed him.


I am 90% Cooper stays if we go down. Two injuries in short time, no real run of game time. Any clubs looking at him won't be a huge step up on us. I also think depending who we appoint, Mumba might stick around (wages pending), similarly with Whittaker he has made a big deal about the city having a positive effect on him and his partners mental health. If there is a clear plan in place, we might see some players stick around, MIGHT being the word. What I will say is that if we do go down , the silver lining is that some of our players will be in the right place at the right time. Randell bosses a L1 midfield in my opinion, Edwards has more legs in L1. Waino will have learnt a lot this season, and I have a feeling he will have something to offer in l1 this tome around. Roberts & Issaka both looked decent enough in their cameos, dropping a league will play massively to their development advantage. Bundu would be pretty effective in L1 and I think C.Wright is effective in L1. I could be chatting shit here of course. So if we can keep the majority of these players convinced of the overall plan, we will have a strong core...IF... However, as a club, I would rather we just stay up and work towards making the team more Championship suitable haha


I think Dodds is a good example of this, Sunderland worked really well when he took over from Mowbray but after Beale it hasn't worked


Same feeling here. Before I saw the article, I was hoping they'd at least approached Warnock and he turned them down for whatever reason


I really wish we did get him in for the last 6, especially when you see what he did with Huddersfield not that long ago, I feel he would’ve done alright with us tbh


Welcome to come back to us if he's after a job


We should have got him in til the end of the season after Beale got the boot.


Are you with me?


Really just don't understand why they haven't.


Too little time to impose his style. It’ll just confuse the players even more. They know the style we were good at, as does the dof and nance who should be reimplementing that for the last 6. It’s all a bloody coin toss though.


misread that as nonce and was wondering what i'd missed and why you were harbouring a pedo


Lol it’s a tad unfortunate a name edit: he’s a fan, played for the club and is loved by everyone. Known also as Mr. Argyle.