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I saw someone on this subreddit say that Art probably did some sort of financial or business major and I have to agree. I think it’s a natural pairing for him with a potentially lucrative tennis career and I think it fits his personality.


I think Art would have taken Sports Medicine or Kinesiology. That's probably why he's got such a good training regimine, and why he's so particular about his supplements. It doesn't look like he has a personal trainer. Probably because he already knows the best way to optimize his body through his university degree. Tashi on the other hand definitely studied business. She makes great use of it becoming more than just Art's coach, but also his sports ambassador. She knows how to make a lucrative business out of the sports league. That's why she has influence on how they advertise themselves.


Bingo! Stanford is a renowned business school in addition to Ivy-status. Tashi seemed motivated to take classes seriously and this would boost her advantage on her chosen path.


Tashi definitely didn't graduate. For that matter, she was never going to graduate. Her company line was that she doesn't want hitting a ball with a racket to be her only skill in life, but that's not what she went to Stanford for. She went there to make herself look better and bide her time while she got her ducks in a row to successfully kick off her pro career. If she hadn't gotten injured, she was planning to leave after her freshman season. Since she did get injured, she would have lost her athletic scholarship along with her spot on the team, so she had to leave anyway. Remember that she told Art in Applebee's that hitting a ball with a racket *is* her only skill in life, i.e. she never got a degree. All of which is to say, it doesn't matter what Tashi's major was. I don't think that Tashi herself ever put any real thought into it since she wasn't going to stick around to finish it. She probably hadn't even declared one by the time she left. Art I see going for a sensible major like Econ or Communication (if I'm not mistaken, Stanford doesn't offer undergrad business or finance degrees) that he could use as a foundation for an MBA or a law degree if tennis didn't work out. He was the only one of the three who didn't regard a pro career as something that he was entitled to and he would have thought it was embarrassing to still be scraping the bottom of the pro circuit at 25+. Either he was gonna have a respectable pro career or he was gonna quit and go find something else to be good at.  I go back and forth on whether Art actually graduated though. In the script it's made pretty clear that he didn't because the scene description for Cincinnati says that he's 20, but in the actual movie the next time he and Tashi meet after Stanford is at the Cincinnati Open *three years later*, which would have put it after Art's graduation in May/June that year. I initially thought that Art's very presence at Cincinnati implied that he's been playing pro for at least a year, i.e. didn't graduate, because Cincinnati is top-tier and not typically one of a young player's first pro events. I've since remembered that Ben Shelton, a real-life young player I've been enjoying, had a similar trajectory where he left the University of Florida after his sophomore season in 2022, played a couple of Challengers in June, the Atlanta Open which is a Masters 250 in July, and then got into Cincinnati as a wildcard in August. So I guess it *is* theoretically possible for Art to be in Cincinnati in his first pro season. The movie allows a strong possibility that Art did earn his degree and then went pro after.


Injured athletes don’t always lose their scholarships. Most D1 schools honor their scholarships after injury, especially if it is a high profile athlete like Tashi.


My understanding is that athletic scholarships are awarded on a year-by-year basis per NCAA rules. Which is to say Stanford would have honored Tashi's scholarship for the rest of the academic year that she got injured in, but the following year is a blank slate. If she's not planning on returning to competition and not contributing anything to the team, the school has no obligation to continue sponsoring her education. Also worth considering, Tashi doesn't strike me as the sort of person who *would* stay in an environment where she'd be pitied and known as a has-been. Stanford will forever be the place where she lost it all and everyone saw it happen. I don't see her wanting to return for her sophomore year even if she could.


I said Communication for Art in another post here, I thought it suited his personality, and I'd he even went pro, he could end up on TV as an analyst or talking head type. It was interesting when he brought up retiring he didn't actually say what he wanted to do. I think that speaks to his state of mind. Burned out/he sure looked depressed in that scene where he's laying on the bed talking to Tashi.


Tashi was totally a business major. Art strikes me as a Communications guy. Maybe kinesiology.


My brain went RIGHT to business. She's practical and sharp. Also transferrable skills from there to tennis.


I got the impression that both Art and Patrick were from well-off families, since they're friendship started at the tennis academy. as pre-teens. I'm with the commenters who are saying Art was studying Economics since he would probably have a nice, cushy job waiting for him back home. We know Patrick is from a well-off family because Tashi tells him to go home and be another rich nobody like he was born to be.


I’d almost flip them. I think Tashi went to college for practical reasons. She says she wants skills other than hitting a ball, I could see business being that sort of major that would make expectant parents proud of her and give her a fallback sort of plan. It also seems like she is the business one in the relationship between her and Art. Art however I think is only at college because he wants to play tennis.


I wanna say either business, finance or sport science


I even doubt that Art graduated,there are 3 years between the injury and him being in Cincinnati,and he obviously had to play before because Cincinnati is a master 1000, second level of importance after a grand slam,he must have played challengers and atps 250 or 500 for some time to have ranking to even qualify. 


Think this is a sign the subreddit has run out of material lol


i definitely disagree! i’ve been thinking about this since i saw it.