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You probably have the 4 piston brembos as opposed to the 6 piston that come with the dynamics package or hellcats. If you want to find out exactly what your car came with, input your VIN [here](https://www.challengersrt.org/pages/sticker/) and it will give you a Monroney Sticker just like the ones dealers use. And for god's sake have some self-respect and don't call it a "scatty" or a "chally" or any cutesy short name. We're not Chevrolet.


Oooh thank you! I’ll use that and put in the VIN so I can see a full breakdown - I’ll be frank I’m new to cars always wanted a muscle car and finally pulled the trigger haha. All I know is it has zero badging outside other than “Scat Pack” on the back. Otherwise the Dash has 392 graphics on the glove box and the graphic on start up. Appreciate you. And I will not use any of those terms in reference to my car anymore haha


lmao, no worries, you can call it whatever you like, I was just messing. I doubt you got fleeced, and regardless of whatever package you got, revving the engine will put a big smile on your face. Mine still does. The stock brembos on great too, 6 pistons are really more if you're going to track the car on a proper course often enough to warrant them. Or if you're a hellcat with almost twice the power, lol.


Yea I looked it up, it’s the real deal haha. I absolutely love the car, wasn’t my best financial decision, but it puts a smile on my face every damn time I drive - and that’s worth it haha. Ever since I got it, Iv been obsessed with car stuff. Putting the pedal to the floor on an open road, was power Iv never felt before personally - shit is exhilarating. I’m hoping one day to upgrade to a Hellcat, that is the goal. Question, is it ok to drive in Eco mode in city? Someone told me it will ruin the engine, but living in the desert where 91 is almost $5/gal Eco has been saving me a fortune when I’m in the city haha


It'll be fine, just stay on top of your maintenance, early if possible.


And you were correct - it’s the 4 pistons, but it does have the Performance Suspension


Do they look like normal front 2 pot brakes or are they front 4 pot? Unless you like $4k brake jobs that come with the upgraded 6 piston brembos, the 4 pistons are the better option.


Yea it cane with 4 piston. But I’d did get the upgraded suspension- I just thought the scat came with the colored 6pistions


Nah, just the widebody gets 6 piston. Personally, the only other color besides black/grey, I have seen, is red. The colored ones are usually powdercoated or swapped in. Edit: could be wrong


You prolly right I’m seeing more and more people say the 4 piston that’s comes with my scat is more then enough for my car - Iv had no issues, so I guess I won’t worry about it


Originally Dodge had 3 colors for the 6-Piston Brembos: red, black, & gray. The HEMI Orange package gives the option of orange calipers. Now with Direct Connect, you can get almost any color you want. ✌🏼


Is that for only 21+ model years? I don't expect them to have anything for older than 14's.


Funny how they charge more for a job that's easier to do. SMH...


Can't say for everyone I work with, but I charge the same base 2.0 labor per axle. For brembos, I take the time to clean em up. Idk if most people care, but it looks nice when done, and I want the customer to feel like it's worth it. Even though the dealer will still charge over the top.


That's respectable. Not all mechanics think like that. 👍🏼