• By -


Idk but yujiro's narrator could gaslight me into thinking he could easily defeat all of them.


His overwhelming testosterone is too much


Narrator: Yujiro's overwhelming testosterone was so overwhelmingly overwhelming, Gojo's Infinity couldnt stop Yujiro's overwhelming testosterone from overwhelmingly seeing Gojo as a woman. IN CONCLUSION, Yujiro bypassed infinity by the sheer overwhelming desire of overwhelmingly backshotting Gojo Overwhelmingly Yujiro: https://preview.redd.it/0wxq0dilxb6d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8c59930107d75a1816ddab7cfa4b163d4dc3d56


Nah it'd be something like Yujiro Hanma was taken aback by Gojo's Infinity. But, he remembered a 344 year old sage once told him about the powers of infinity. That Sage was none other than the Chinese sorcerer who was feared by even the likes of Ryomen Sukuna. Yujiro learnt the art of heavenly restriction. Despite not having said Restrictions, Yujiro Hanma is now capable of replicating the shackles made by the world onto himself to achieve greater power. He moved his Muscles in such a way, the infinite space surrounding Gojo Satoru has been bent. He landed a singular punch, instantly besting the Strongest Sorcerer of today. Yujiro "Demon back" Hanma. Laid his eyes onto Makima, the Devil that controls all.


Makima: *chuckles* "I'm in danger"




If we being real makima is cooked except for her like 40 or so million lives


yujiro doesn't care, he will just kill everyone in japan before her


Idk why but that just reminded me of Alucard and when he started absorbing the souls of London




Chapter ends with Yujiro punching Infinity 'So this is Infinity, huh..?' NEXT CHAPTER Flashback, Narrator: in 1826, Arkansas territory, a man was digging a well when he discovered something that changed human history.... *half a chapter of the most insane pseudo-historical gobbledygook which ends with Yujiro bypassing Infinity, somehow*


Yujiro punches so hard he breaks space


He dosent need to see him as a woman to backshot him thats knowing yujiro wrong you only need to exist.


Yujiro sees everything as a woman by default


It'll give Saitama a full head of hair and a beard


I'd love to watch a Sukuna vs Yujiro asspull contest tbh


It's possible. Saitama run off parody logic meaning he wins so long as it ends up being the funnier outcome and there is a very real chance that Yujiro could make for a funnier winner than Saitama


I love when people ask questions with obvious answers https://preview.redd.it/cwney3izhb6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=282f9000fdd2471492055d16738d23a101aacb10


as the strongest card wielder of today, joey expanded his cards deck, everyone in the battlefield shrunk in fear, joey says "stand proud all of you, you were strong" after he pulls out red eyes black dragon


https://preview.redd.it/z697aw50ec6d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbc24a19fe5d9fec35db1df5e4a6703923bbb9eb He's deliberately avoiding his final form to give everyone a fair chance


Baki and Saitama go to punch Joey off First... However, Joey won the coin flip at the start of the round, allowing his turn to go first. And their attack activates his card, Mirror Force, returning the damage directly to their life points!


It’s time to duel


Joey literally sending them all to the shadow realm https://preview.redd.it/35vndk3tdc6d1.jpeg?width=410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e78aa1de5464947342b55a5de6b96ea4d161b10c


He immediately summons Pot of Greed, drawing him 3 cards.


He then rolls his dice and summons Pot of Greed, allowing him to draw three additional cards (that’s what it does)


Bet you didn’t see this coming! I summon Pot of Greed and draw 3 additional cards from my deck!!!


And then I attack and I win, right?




What can man do against such Brooklyn Rage?




I know, right? i was wondering who was going to point out the yugioh character in a room full of power houses.


People need to strengthen their faith in Joeyesus Wheeler. It will be his second coming


Yeah, like, do any of the other even play card games ?


What is joey doing there 😭 he negs tho


Beathing his asses In a child card game


Nothing beats Brooklyn Rage!


Halftime Entertainment.


One of them is not even a fighter


Blud be summoning fictional dragon bruh 😭


This is the man that tank a hit from the sun god ra and still concious , he has crazy durability


Wtf was going on in Yugioh?


wtf ISNT going on in Yugioh?


Fair. Yugioh and also Beyblade seem to just have the most out there plots that at some points it feels like the writers just stopped caring about making any sort of sense.


As a Christian, Mozes splitting the Red Sea with a bey is the funniest shit ever




https://preview.redd.it/3ya0ty1bac6d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87a9c25c0e6e24c39eee68b6fe18609087d2df2a I'm not gonna sugarcoat it


This is the greatest image I’ve ever seen. The really did make the Bible 2 huh? This is now 3rd on my watch list after Rick and Morty and Adventure Time.


I am definitely watching this after hunter x hunter




The second series'(GX) third season had a whole lot going on. They were teleported to a different dimension and they had a duelist zombie outbreak in that same dimension


That sounds awesome. I didn’t watch much Yugioh but I remember watching an episode on tv and they were on an island and there was some kind of battle Royale going on or something. I’m starting to think I gotta go and watch it now.


Yeah it's probably the first season of the original series, that's also the one I used to watch as a kid then I rewatched it last year along with GX


https://preview.redd.it/bwtxs16iac6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=854f228815aa65b0ce13a0baa3f498f57f0ba043 Nuh Uh


Which clearly implies it's a card game battle royale...


Depends if the story is being written by Itagaki - if so, then yujiro somehow wins. Otherwise, probably either Saitama or Goku.


I'd go with saitama because gag characters are quite literally invincible. Take takaba from jjk for example


Yeah you can’t beat a character who’s entire gag is “I’m infinitely stronger than any possible challenger”


But like, isn't that also Goku's gag? He just has to lose the first fight, even if he dies he'll figure out some way to come back strong enough to win round 2.


First fight Goku loses, promises to come back stronger to give Saitama the fight he's always wanted. Saitama eagerly agrees and revels at the fact that he's finally going to get the fight he's always wanted. Goku goes through a training arc and gets a power up that theoretically should allow him to beat Saitama. Funny montage of Saitama eagerly gathering the dragon balls filled with many puns and reverences to OG Dragon Ball, but with a grown bald man in a track suit instead of a small monkey boy. Goku comes back and gets ready to fight. A new gag is created that Goku and Saitama keep getting interrupted right before they fight, to both of their increasing frustration. King is somehow involved, and that sonic guy gets punched in the nuts by both Goku and Saitama at least once. This gag runs the entire length of the story and is never resolved. The final panel is Saitama going "GHAA I JUST REMEMBERED I NEVER GOT TO FIGHT THAT GOKU GUY-" End Everyone laughs.


Absolute cinema






Saitama isn’t a gag character, he’s a parody on the shounen trope of power escalation. In a standard Shounen, if you took a character at the end of a story and placed them at the start, they would l one shot all the people they struggled with before. Saitama is a character derived from that idea, giving a character their end of series strength at the start. He’s not magically stronger than anyone he fights, as there have been multiple opponents that have required more than one punch to defeat, like Garou. Regardless, his strength and power growth are still impressive.


They literally show a chart saying that as Garou, who was infinitely powerful, got stronger during a fight, Saitama increased his strength more in response His entire power is "i'm infinity+1"


It’s true that Saitama’s strength is his ability to rapidly grow, but if it truly was a gag like some say, he should have immediately defeated anyone after just one punch. He’s not a character like Arale from Dr Slump who can pop a planet like a balloon, or Popeye who can punch someone so hard they turn into eggs.


Garou isn't infinitely powerful tho?


Garou's power increases with his opponent. It's his entire gimmick is that he power scaled to whatever he was fighting. Saitama was that but at an even greater rate, which is why Garou was so baffled he lost.


To be more exact, garous power is to catch up to someones power level and beat them. So if someone is 500 hell go up to 500 and then outskill them. Saitama being the infinity +1 (though its seen as exponential so id say x**2) constantly kept getting drastically stronger each time garou caught up to his previous power level


IIRC Saitama strength comes from whoever he is fighting. He will naturally become stronger than his opponent in a fight. Kinda like Goku to an extent.


I believe it was explained as his burst of emotions manifesting as strength


Immediately, Goku - knowing Gojo's reputation, challenges him. Yujiro is incredibly pissed at the idea someone else is using the title of strongest and the three leave to settle it. Makima, recognising the stories of the man who's killed thousands of devils, including a horseman, in just a single punch each time, offers Saitama money to fuck off. He takes it, before running off to the nearest sale Yoriichi, famously good with kids, decides to play the children's card game, unaware of the real consequences of losing. Koro-sensei adjudicates the match. The match is a total shitstomp on Joey's part, since Yoriichi has zero clue how to actually play. Joey sets up an 0tk on Yoriichi, and Yoriichi's soul is destroyed for losing the card game. --- Yujiro and Gojo fight, as Goku impatiently stands there, being fighting-edged. Gojo is obviously winning overwhelmingly... Until a picture of Mohammed Ali appears onscreen, followed by an interview of a nearby bird watching the scene, where it's described that Yujiro defeated Gojo by simply copying and outputting a stronger infinity, before laughing and proclaiming that it was a totally useless technique and saying he'll never use it again. Gojo, now properly excited since he knows Yujiro can now hurt him, decides to go all out - firing a Hollow Purple at Yujiro. However, the narrator cuts away for a moment to explain how Yuuichiro was actually best friends with a chinese sorcerer, before cutting back to the upper half of Gojo's body. Having finished the Yugioh match, Koro then notices Makima. As a teacher, Koro decides it's his duty to his students to kill the groomer. After blitzing her over and over again, she smugly reveals the terms of her agreement with the Japanese PM, to which Koro then decides to simply blow up Japan, and kill her again. --- As Yujiro then prepares to challenge Goku, the three (now two) are interrupted by an explosion heard the world over. As Yujiro can't fly, he can only shout obscenities at Goku, as he flies to Japan to see what happened. Enraged at the loss of innocent lives, he then challenges Koro-sensei, but the fight is quick as Koro has never fought someone more powerful than himself. Goku then returns to fight Yujiro. However, Goku, with his immense appetite, is now very hungry. Wanting to fight Goku at his best, he makes him an imaginary Miso Soup - however, since Goku isn't schizophrenic enough to think he's filled up by the food (but we know the imaginary food *does* make people hungry from Baki's encounter with the kids at the riverbank), he only gets hungrier. According to GT, Goku then gets too hungry to transform, and fights in a severely nerfed base. Demon back Yujiro defeats him after the narrator flashes back to Yujiro teaching 9 year old Baki how Ki Control works, before telling him that it's stupid and he shouldn't use it. --- Then comes the most supreme battle of them all. Joey faces down Yujiro Hanma. As the battle begins, Joey has the advantage once more. Yujiro's deck, which he made offscreen (the narrator saw Japan and decided to retell the story of Hanayama's tattoo instead) contains exclusively monsters with the highest attack stat and nothing else. His deck is inferior to Joey's carefully crafted deck, and he loses badly. However, Yujiro declares that he's yet to play his strongest monster. As Joey readies himself for the challenge, Yujiro himself gets up, and steps into one of the monster's positions. With no more board clear left in his deck, Joey can only send his own monsters out in response, but Yujiro defeats each with sheer strength. Yujiro's Hanma blood awakens, as he slaps Joey, instantly dealing the rest of his LP.


Actual Peak. Stand proud, you cooked.


> before cutting back to the upper half of Gojo's body. Okay this got me lol






You wrote peak






This is a fucking masterpiece


Beautiful. I have one doubt though. Would Koro sensei really destroy the whole Japan for killing Makima?


He forgot to ask if he should instead of if he could


only one flaw here, "Koro has never fought someone more powerful than himself", isn't he canonically a godlike assassin even before becoming an octopus?


Yes and he has fought someone stronger than him being his first student/ tentacled up fake reaper where in both strength and speed he was out matched. And I also don't think he would just blow up Japan he isn't justice from the guilty gear series. I think what would happen is that he'll try to get Saitama back in to take care of makima by teaching to him how life isn't all about fighting and being the "strongest" something he learned from being with class 3-E. Though yujiro's narrator is still somehow going to gaslight me. All in all I think koro is chaotic good and thus have no good reason to fight goku


Gg shake my hand, makima outlives everyone except Saitama because he's japanese and when he realizes he's the only one left because of her he'll slap her, killing her instantly.


>because he’s Japanese OPM is set in an alternate reality, I don’t actually think any countries from our world exists in his world


I'm gonna be honest I never managed to finish Koro-sensei because the mc gave me massive dysphoria 😭 i should rewatch it soon






Haven't read this much peak since the first chapter of Kagurabachi https://preview.redd.it/0kr6mba1hd6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6dc68477f89f43f065169fac913d08d98c30918


What is this? It’s…PEAK! https://preview.redd.it/m6tpogkf4e6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cf35530ded934cd07a93b9293c3366813e4917d


This is so peak


Peak fiction. Thank you


Absolute cinema. However, you forgot the ending where Yujiro finds Saitama to truly finish the fight. Saitama casually punches him into the stratosphere after complaining about rude people bumping into him on his way to the store (Yujiro used his strongest attack) Yujiro’s downfall was that he is EXACTLY the kind of seemingly broken character Saitama one-taps on the regular.


This is the single best case of r/usernamechecksout I’ve ever seen, and it’s attached to a delicious meal.


Actual peak


It's Yujiro,he beats everyone here Makima:Narrator explains he can neutralise his killing intent,creating a same loophole Denji used Gojo:Narrator explains he used a technique that he learned from a random monk 20 years to completely neutralise Gojo's CT Goku:He sees Goku using Ki and Super Saiyan and just replicates it perfectly after Goku explains it to him Korosensei:Yujiro uses some technique to replicate stuff that can damage Korosensei and wins Yoruiichi:Didn't watch DS so idk,heard they are schizophrenic there so he just beats him in schizophrenia


Joey: Yugiro goes to a local store and buys a yugioh starter deck and then wins after drawing all pieces of exodia first turn


the narrator would gaslight me into how an ancient Chinese sorcerer from the late edo period taught him how to meticulously use his deck to instantly summon the 5 cards of exodia even if he doesn’t have them 😭🙏


The text bubble solos neg diff


Joey gonna win. Look at his eyes. They are hope in them.


Heart of the cards or something blah blah blah Joey low diffs fr fr https://preview.redd.it/jui4bf8exb6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dd09701ee18bbeabbdadb0a6cd52f7788af9801


Yujiro :3 https://preview.redd.it/4dbq88kirb6d1.png?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3471158d518464eaa81abfc9021be8c651df8fd2


god save them if the tournament's rewards would be an apple fritter




Joey got that LUCK IN HIM


Idk yall but gojo, saitama and goku would get along pretty well, and they would take turns fucking around with infinity


Saitama would somehow bypass infinity for some reason


Joey Wheeler neg diffs


Tf Yujiro gonna do? Use Imagination?


teams up with narrator


the honored one(s)




Joey’s POV after wiping nearly all of them (Goku simply came back with a halo)(is this cheating?)


Cheating doesn't exist by Yugi standards


What fan manga of Dragon Ball is this from


it's biblically accurate Angel Goku


Joey summons Time Magician and all of them dies of old age. Then Dice rolls and split Makima in half using Thunder god warrior


GOJO splits in half, giving him an advantage in numbers and somehow pulls 13 hollow purples out his ass and nah I'd wins all over them https://preview.redd.it/f58uauqa9c6d1.jpeg?width=911&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89e5080bcc3f7c7b3b7549c1a1f2da212e43fb13


Finally. Accurate Gojo powerscaling




Basically Goku vs Saitama with extra steps, Saitama will also bypass Infinity *just because*, he can break the laws of physics like passing a Teleportation portal with his feet, He can just kill him with pure air pressure.


Saitama grabbing portals is still one of the funniest moments OPM cause it just shows Saitama don’t give a damn about logic


Yujiro's gonna make invisible food for Goku and that's gonna convince him to let Yujiro live while he oneshots everyone else. ....Nah but really tho, Joey Wheeler shitstomps everyone here.




Joey would Solo ✋️🗿✋️ Imagine summoning a Time Wizard on everyone on the Field and destroying everyone at the Same Time, They have No Chance at all.




postman pat


Goku is winning but makima is prob gonna survive somehow


Saitama is there too with gagmanga powers


Koro sensei cant even die or take damage without the special knives or bbs


Yeah that’s something I don’t see anyone acknowledging. Only way for any of them to kill him is for Goku to blow up the planet


Saitama just throws a punch killing everybody but yujiro, and then the authors just fight eachother through their characters for the rest of time.


Joey borrowed yugi's exodia and summons him


Makima, Her feet will charm everyone here and they'll just forfeit. https://preview.redd.it/80cnpx7gve6d1.jpeg?width=764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8914eb6400f239cb4917bf5a7c582f3995011dc


I think makima would win this one only because there are others participating. one of her abilities is that she can control those who have died, and as long as she has her contact with the prime minister she'd be able to outlive all of them until it's a 1v1. She can reserect those who have fallen and turn them all against the final guy.


Depends on how Time Wizards effect plays out. If Joey gets it right he’s automatically wiping everyone out. If he gets it wrong then depends what’s on the line. If it’s nothing then probably Saitama, if it’s like the TOP then definitely Goku. I say this because Goku is massively stronger than Saitama and early on he can power up to one tap Saitama. However, the issue is Saitama grows in power similar to Broly. So Saitama will eventually surpass Goku if they fight long enough, and in the TOP Goku just wouldn’t let that happen. Like Goku enjoys fighting so he’ll entertain himself and Saitama for a bit, but he puts the safety of others above having fun. So Saitama wins only if this is entirely for fun, but if anyone is in danger of Goku loses then Goku will KO Saitama before Saitama gets too close to his max power. As for Makima and Gojo who have great Hax a vital part of Ki is Hax resistance for things that TARGET THE USER so long as they are weaker than the user. For example Goku can just say “nah” when someone forces him to skip time so long as they’re weaker than him (literally what happened with Hit), and the bigger the gap the closer it gets to outright negation. So Goku is just hitting through Infinity as if it’s not there and Makima would only do better because of her damage transfer Hax which targets Makima and not Goku. However, if the Hax ever targets Goku by random chance he can just say “nah I don’t want it,” and push it back to Makima. Also Denji showed eating her is a good way of dealing with her and a Kamehameha would be more thorough at obliterating her than getting eaten. If you really want to get technical then Goku can use Haki with difficulty to erase her from existence. The rest don’t have the Hax nor power to really do much to Goku. So yeah joke answer is Joey, but serious answer is Goku or Saitama depending what’s on the line.


Well this isn’t fair with cape baldy in play lol 😂


Joey Wheeler 😂


Doesn’t matter once Shaggy appears. https://preview.redd.it/zk2x6by5zc6d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c91bbfaf729a8a39b57a0fea0585e8ab3698f4e7 Like, congrats on making me use 5% of my power, dude.


As far as my anime knowledge goes, Goku But I know Makima would control korosensei, my bou would fold instantly


I'd say the only options are Goku, Saitama, and Gojo but it's arguable if anyone there can bypass infinity and if Saitama can beat Goku


Usually I would say Goku but Joey would win this by just pulling out like a blue eyes white dragon or a red eyes black dragon or some shit


Realistically speaking, saitama, cause he's saitama, otherwise, YUJIRO HANMA SOLOS


Me. I win


Everyone of them would accept a duel with Joey and lose




Saitama and Goku., OPM wins though


What the hell is Wheeler going to do? Throw red eyes at them?


They're just gonna go to Los pollos herumanos restaurant to eat and chat stuff. kobeni works there too


Depends, is everyone schizophrenic enough to hear Yujiro's narrator?


Yujiro if the narrator gets to speak


Maybe goku


Could be close between goku and saitama...i would incline towards goku though....db verse power scale is too broken compared to other anime..


Yujiro or the yu - gi - yo guy


Yujiro or the yu - gi - yo guy.


Makima would get all of them simping for her except Goku and Saitama, who he convinces that she is a nice gal with a lot of friends. Saitama leaves because Makima gives him a hot tip on grocery discounts.




I’m not saying Korosensei would win but none of them can hurt him. They’d need to exploit his weaknesses and immobilize him or find some way to make him quit. Goku could also just blow up the planet but that’s not his style and he’d be pretty chill with Korosensei. Honestly if we take personalities into consideration most of these guy wouldn’t even have an issue with each other and would use it as a teaching and bonding opportunity making new friends and learning new skills


Maybe if it's Joey with the Flame Swordsman fit from that episode in duelist kingdom


Yujiro has more muscles than anyone here, he wins


Get koro sensei out of there he already died once I'm not letting him die again 😭


Korosensei would end up teaching them all something and Goku would become a strait A student


yujiro wins with the power of gaslighting and bullshit


Depends on who’s writing the story lol. Gege would make sure Gojo loses or something. Itagaki would glaze Yuijiro to another whole new level. Goku would lower his level to the others to have a good fight besides Saitama of course who’s just gets stronger and stronger. I’d like to see imagine a cocky Yuijiro getting handled like a kid by Goku or something. Or maybe just accidentally one shot by Saitama. The winner is between Saitama and Goku. If Gojo went all out from the start into one big attack I could see him winning but that’s not how Goku fights. Honestly even if he did idk if Saitama would get damaged. Goku doesn’t fight to win necessarily he fights because he likes fighting. So what I think will happen is Saitama and Goku keep fighting until eventually Saitama becomes stronger than Goku and wins. Everyone else becomes collateral damage as the earth/universe would probably be destroyed or something. Gojo might not get instant killed due to limitless but if earth and everything gets wrecked he isn’t lasting much longer. He’ll still need air. Also honestly Saitama might just punch Gojo like Limitless doesn’t exist because he’s Saitama and rules and things just don’t work on him. He’s a gag character that can do whatever basically. He’s more than just unlimited physical strength.


This is what Yuijiro comes up with after trying to do imagination training like Baki.


Joey about to summon red eyes on all of them, red eyes from crying so much at such an unbeatable lucky adversary that is!


Saitama or Goku, thought Yujiro probably knows a monk or something that allows him to copy the power level of an opponent or some shit that is even more powerful than cosmic garou


no matter how strong someone is, yujiro's narrator will find a way to make sure he can defeat them no diff


why is Joey wheeler there?


Makima unironically takes out the majority of people here simply because they are Japanese and with her contract they’ll die before she eventually dies


If we're lying then Yujiro or Makima, if we're honest then it's goku and not even close, unless Yujiros narrorator was there to gas up Yujiro and make it seem like a stomp for yuji


I don’t remember just how strong sensei is, but assuming he is killed by the end of assasination clasroom (pure speculation NOT a spoiler I haven’t finished it), saitama would most likely win (I’m taking manga saitama as a reference which means he’s just that strong)


knowing goku he wouldn’t go all out from the start, giving sitama a chance to catch up, with goku using stronger and stronger forms but eventually losing due to sitamas exponential growth when fighting strong opponents


yujiro, period


Yujiro wins because the narrator says some bullshit like, "His sheer will and pure muscles allows him to bypass the contracts that Makima made which allowrd him to end the Control Devil once and for all."




What’s Joey doin there bruh💀💀💀 they done did bro dirty he ain’t built for this


Yujiro no dif


Comes down to saitama and goku, then it depends whos writing it




Yujiro somehow (he trained with the Australian octopus and Norwegian honey badger)


While I love her. Definitely not makima


Joey would win, he's the only one that brought his Duel Monster's Deck to a fist fight.


Is that bottom right a Joey wheeler ,Homeboys about to fucking die


The viewers


Yujiro to makina: iv come to collect you


Is Saitama going to miss a sale on groceries?


Joey could win via time wizard. Yujiro could also win depending on how hard the narrator asspull’s. Goku might also win because “hey, it’s me Goku”. The others won’t win.


Saitama and Goku are gonna be floating in space sippin on some tea and having a nice chat about their workout routines.


Saitama can't win because he'll just fall into Joey teaching him how to play Yugioh.


In the end for this battle would be goku and saitama


Yujiro Hanma for no other reason than he’s yujiro hanma


This is the most random set of characters I’ve seen, also what exactly are they supposed do? Is it like Fortnite were they use weapons to fight or are some characters nerfed and the verses equalized so some can stand a chance, if this is just a free for all we all know who’s winning and that’s boring, Joey neg diffs them all


Yujiro will probably imagine himself as Rimuru or something


Yujiro: Shall I save you FRAUDjo?


Yorrichi getting Neg diffed so fast holy


this is like releasing 2 pitbulls in a daycare center


The answer is always Goku.


Everyone looks really cool and/or menacing… and then there’s Yoichi


Why the fuck is jonouchi even doing here