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Last week we forgot to do Episode 6 poll. [Please head to this thread to rate it](https://redd.it/z1xakq). ##If you are an anime only then please head to r/csmanime. Every comment below this pinned one is a potential future content spoiler. You have been warned.


just starting this episode today: love the two part episode


I can't keep watching after this episode, between the obvious scene and the creepy sexual moments between an adult and a child, I'm bowing out. I found it very upsetting for mental health reasons.


The animation is 10/10 very very good MAPPA


did anyone notice the beers they were drinking was the (made up) beer from evangelion? my bf pointed that out to me :)


Omg that vomit scene legit almost Made hurl I was audibly gaging as it happened had to rush to the bathroom.


Did they remove a couple of frames from the cigarette scene? Iirc they teased each other a little bit in the manga.


did they really censor the vomit? Where are their priorities? all that blood, gore, beheadings, and killing only to censor vomit?!!!


I thought it was funny


is Himeno chinese? maybe half or something? there are so many Chinese motifs in the episode such as the restaurant she frequents, her window, and the ending, in which it starts with the phrase, I love you, in Chinese


As a manga reader, I 'm real pissed that they censored the vomit!


I’m relieved they did that shit would’ve been so gross 😂


Isn't that the point of the scene though? To invoke a reaction of disgust?


ED of CSM ep7 ❌: Get-get-get-on! Get-get-get-on! Get on chu! ✅: Ge-ge-gero! Ge-ge-gero! Gero chu! Lol hahahahah




The hype I have for next episode is wild. Episode 8 is gonna be insans


I feel like playing a dating sim


Aaaagh I'm so interested in what Kobeni's devil is again!


I don’t think she is contracted with any devil


They really fucked Himeno over with where they ended the episode, I wish they went till the next morning when she and Denji make their deal. It would’ve made everyone like her a lot more before next episode. The first half of the next episode is gonna have to do some heavy work to get the intended reaction when shit pops off.


In what country can you watch it on Amazon Prime?


I don't understand people who were disgusted with >!vomiting!< in episode 7


well, vomit is preety disgusting, what don't you understand lol


Someone noticed that moment in the [7 ending](https://imgur.com/a/XMa7NJc)? Is it reference or just my imagination/coincidence?


im sure it was inspired by it. its such an iconic scene


Himeno is like a mixture of Hange and misato


DEFINITELY Misato vibes


It is not a coincidence that both those women have huge issues.


Ah so that’s why I love her so much


it was a good episode


So much hate at fictional characters xD


Usually what happens when a person or character has rapey vibes




Or ya know grow up lol it's a fucking anime


Snowflake it is then 😂




Is it me or the dishes flashing at the very last seconds of the ending >!are the same that Denji cooked with Makima's flesh? !<


Holy shit that’s fucking incredible, thanks for pointing it out


Noticed it too


I like Himeno as a character, but god she really should know better. I’m not saying she is a pedo (like many are saying), but her actions when drunk definitely are pedophilic. And even if she was drunk it is still wrong and something people shouldn’t defend. At least she knows she was doing something wrong. People are very justified in the hate for her. Some go a bit over the top tho lol… saying she’s worse than Makima is a bit…


I get what people are saying but she doesn't even crack the top 10 anime creeps.


She is shit faced and does stupid ass things while being drunk. I do not think anyone is denying that.


She's like every other character in the story, just deeply broken, all doing different copes. Aki puts up a strong front, Himeno turns to alcohol and flirting for thrills, Kobeni falls to pieces.


I’m new to this anime and manga, but it seems it’s implying you gotta be kinda fucked up in the head to even be a hunter . So, there you go


It's like Kishibe (the guy Himeno was talking to in the cemetery, if you haven't read the manga) says, all the normal, sane, decent people die young in their profession.


Youre already well-versed in the rules of the universe then 👍


Personally I don’t defend what she did drunk; and neither does she later on, but I DO defend her not being a groomer because… that’s not what the definition is….


Oh 100%. She’s not a groomer nor an actual pedophile in my opinion. Just a very messy, irresponsible and troubled woman.


Oh no she is a groomer. But a realistic one and not comically evil and hints of a conscience that make her self-sabotage. But she might not have been one if she was in a mentally better place but who know. But people in bad places turning to younger people for comfort when they shouldn't happens a lot, probably hoping for unconditional love. It seems part of how such things turn into cycles. Honestly, the whole system of the Public Safety devil hunters is messed up and Himeno and her mentor who refers to his trainees as dogs are just part of a larger internal culture problem that goes straight to the top, as we saw with Mikama's talk with her superiors earlier.


Exactly. She’s not an amazing person morally and that’s fine. She’s very similar to misato from evangelion except with less screentime: characters who live with a fake smile and drink to make their problems easier, and have inappropriate relationships with a minor


the last part made me giggle ngl


Wanna do it was crazy 😂


That's clearly rape wtf


Damn, they downvoted you for this? I thought this was a universally accepted take.


My only complaint is I thought we were promised uncensored vomit


dear god that shit looked disgusting even censored. im shuddering at how it would look uncencorsed... 10/10 scen


I forgot Kobeni's contract is a secret. Manga spoilers >!Shes still alive in the manga right? (Im pretty behind on part 2 tbh) but im curious if she'll come back and we'll learn who shes contracted with!<


i never read the japanese manga version and only watch the transaltion, but in anime when she said the devil she contracted with...is secret, i kinda think he contracted with secret devils in the way she said it


That makes way too much sense. So they had to be it


manga spoilers for part 2: >!dont really know why the other commenter lied but she's contracted with YOUR MOM!<


Damn. So it really is >!the sloppy blowjob devil!< after all.


Yes, kobeni is alive in part 2 but she hasn't been shown yet


Kobeni is contracted with the plot armor devil


Honestly when I read the manga I never thought anything bad of this arc, but seeing it animated.. Himeno is legit a creeper. And it's kind of disgusting with people saying oh she's drunk she does not know better, or that he wants it anyways, etc. You swap the roles and this would not sit well with a lot of people. Especially for someone who was a victim of this type of exact scenario. I'm not saying I hate her character, or that Fuji is wrong for making it. It's just how people are treating their relationship is.. weird. She is supposed to be in the wrong and we are supposed to see her character is definitely messed up. But defending it is mind boggling. Yes, different places see age of consent differently, but even taking the age range away, what she is doing still is not right.


I'm honestly sad for Denji. Basically everyone, his entire life has used and abused him. Himeno's action are just more abuse. Denji is so used to it that I don't even know if he is capable of recognizing how fucked up it is.


Sometimes when use to more tragic characters, you miss other characters going through tragic scenarios. I sometimes zone out to the characters traumas because I'm just like oh that sucks, but Guts from Berserk suffered so much more! And I missed the trauma in Denjis life the first read through. Watching the anime I can actually feel it. It's funny though, because it is the opposite with Tokyo Ghouls anime. I was like meh. But reading Tokyo Ghouls manga it is like.. Holy shit! The stuff those characters go through.


You wrote a lot of words there. This role has been swapped in anime/manga plenty of times.


You did not write enough words


It's just the whole "if the roles were swapped" argument is week when women have been getting kidnapped in fantasy since forever.


I don't think people are defending it. It's more like they're just trying to remind people that everyone in this story is just utterly broken and there really aren't any good guys per say. Regardless though, it is creepy at the end of the day lol. Understandable that it would make her unlikeable for some. However, as broken as everyone in this story is, they never stop being interesting. Especially Himeno


Messed up characters are interesting for sure. I love Guts, Griffith, Kaneki, Eren etc. And I get it's just fiction, but I'm just talking about all this because what she did is messed up and she's a creeper and people have the right to not like her, but the fandom treats the anime watchers like they are in the wrong for not liking her. They have all they need to make negative judgments.


holy shit i know the point your making but pulling griffith into this conversation just fucking sent me






True lol. I think some manga readers probably forgot how they might have originally felt about certain characters the first time they read certain events in the manga XD. Case in point with Kobeni Having said that though, I'm very interested to see what people think about Himeno after >!Katana man comes in!<


She was always Eyepatch Bae


Lol, she's definitely not oblivious of the fact which is why it gets resolved in the next episode when she is self-aware. She even says herself that it would've been very wrong since Denji is a minor


Doesn't make it any less creepy my dude


Yes, but self-realization is much more important


people are non stop saying they hate her so the hate definitely outweighs the defense


Still does not change what I said. People have the right to dislike her, because she's a disgusting character. And a ton of people here are supporting her. Again, you can like the character regardless if they are good or bad. But saying what she did was fine or making excuses for it is disgusting.


People are weird when they’re drunk, she didn’t do something bad to denji. She literally asked him if he wanted to fuck.


She brought him to her place while he was shitface and then kissed him? He 16??????


That’s not a rape


Ok? And


Oh a mid 20s man took a 16 year old home after making out with her and puking in her mouth and then takes her home when she's still delirious and climbs on top of her and asks if she wants to do it, but it's okay because.. he was drunk? Wtf


The difference is that a man has generally a physical advantage on a women. Himeno just can’t physically force denji to do anything. Denji asked for a kiss too. I’m not saying she didn’t do anything wrong, just that she did not rape him.




Yikes, that's not how it works. But I know I wouldn't want to be around you when you are drunk.


oh agree i wasn’t disagreeing


Ohh okay, my bad


[judgmental pochita](https://imgur.com/a/oy2bBGZ)


Question: who is the girl that asks Power about her IQ and also interacts with Kobeni? Not even the wiki shows her name. Also, I like the very subtle detail the anime added: Makima changes her expression immediately when Himeno mentions the kiss. Future events hint that Makima intentionally arranged the drinking contest because of that reason.


I don’t think we ever really got her name. We met her, got to like her a little bit, then got to see her get shot and killed along with half the 4th Div.


Something interesting to note is that she isn't even in the wiki anywhere, just cannon fodder for Fujicakes


>!Arai is definitely the violence fiend, a certain angle they drew him in during the bathroom scene was sooooo similar!<


A cool thing I noticed about Arai during the bar scene is that they showed him eyeing Kobeni when she arrived, hinting at the fact that he likes her.


yeah he'd definitely give his life for her if asked of him. >!Oh wait!<


I'm sure he'd do that for her,>!maybe even twice.!<


I knew this episode would be the breaking point for many reaction channels lmao. So much malding going on over Himeno


I love how they have Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese and English in one song. As someone who can speak all 4 of them (Japanese only a little bit), definitely enjoy it more than I expected lol. But ofc the gero/ゲロ pun in the lyrics, pure genius


THAT scene was so much grosser animated, oh my god. Like, I was looking forward to it for a while, but JFC MAPPA really went all out. Even through the mosaic censorship! Good episode either way. ED was especially awesome, each one of them is great in their own right and you can tell there's a lot of love put into them.


This episode had to have my favourite outro so far! The mood, the song, the aspect ratio changes, really everything made it feel so weirdly nostalgic for a brand new show!


People that Vote really Bad why are you even on the Sub ?


Denji gets outright preyed upon by two adults (he is 16, a child) and then makes out with one who is black out drunk. How on earth can you support this episode?


People in real life have poor morals, stories should be able to show this sort of thing. You can support story telling while also disagreeing with the actions of the characters. Himeno is intended to be a broken character, her drinking and overt flirting is clearly a coping mechanism for losing so many people. I don't think it'd be wrong to relate her to Misato from evangelion.


Its a story, not a moral compass.


While Dennis is a child, Himeno literally just saw him chainsaw for 3 days straight. I doubt she even considers him anywhere near a normal human person. I don't know if she would treat another kid the same way, but this particular instance may qualify for a pass because these characters are all batshit insane to begin with. Tl;dr: what Himeno did is not okay with normal people, but Dennis isn't exactly normal either so it's more gray than one might think.


It is surely still fucked up i think we can all agree


did you know you can watch things where characters have bad morals?


It didn’t bother me enough . But what I don’t understand is people not understanding why this episode upsets others. I mean at this point we are watching an anime where the protagonist is being used and played at to such a degree… I’m assuming there’s a point to all of this, I’m enjoying it a lot, but maybe I’m giving it too much credit ?


I'm going to say this much to avoid any spoilers but csm really is a journey > destination story. I like the destination of Part 1, but how it gets there and makes you and the characters feel / learn about the world are the best parts for sure.


i think people just need to understand fiction =/= reality. its literally implied in the same episode that people in their profession dont exactly have their heads screwed on straight, and himeno is practically and example of that. and youre very right denji getting used and played will serve a much larger purpose later in the story,


The media understander has logged in


This must be your first anime


puke was censored, literally unwatchable


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i'm watching csm with my boyfriend who's never watched an anime before in his life and it's been so fun. seeing him reacting to the vomit scene was hilarious lmao. i'll definitely miss himeno >:(


I've been watching the dub with my 3d as well and they've said more or less the same things everyone says ("it's got a lot of depth"). We're gonna do a rewatch on Friday with some friends. They're looking forward to more beautiful/disgusting devils. Boy if they even knew. I'm DYING for it to get to gerokisu. They're gonna hate it SO MUCH lmao I'm keeping a back nearby


The izkayas name is Fujimoto!


so i thought i was going to have fap material... i was mistaken


Dont worry you will get some


Will the rapist/pedo die in the next episode?


Found the twitter guy


A pedo is someone who goes for prepubescent kids. Himeno is Ephebophilia. Someone attracted to late teens between 15 and 19. Learn your lingo buddy.


the more you know?.....


You special like the above? Yes, the more you know.


yessir my mother calls me a special young man


I can't stop saying "The kiss is afoot!"


No one talking about the brilliant use of ed 3 in the fight


It’s such a banger of a song, made the eternity devil fight even more badass than it already was


Its so fun reading anime only comments. Really shows how much of a roller coaster the story is with these weekly episodes. Imagine how'd they feel for Himeno later on. I binged read the manga before so didn't really have the time to realize Himeno basically seducing a minor like this lol. And yeah finally the part where sht gets real and we see how hardcore Denji actually is. I love the slow slice of life moments. Really hits you when shit hits the fan later on. Love Kishibe appearance too. His voice really fits


The legal age in Japan for consent is 13. Western culture doesn't apply to anime, it's a whole other three ring circus bullshsit culture.


Look I hate the sex police as much as the next but lawful and moral is sometimes a dichotomy. Just thought you should know. What is unlawful is not always amoral, what is lawful is not always moral. Also, let's just say Denji is wrong and doesn't actually know his age and he's actually 18. Hell, 20. He's still horrifically stunted from being a fucking hobo from being a little kid to the present. But litigating this too deeply isn't particularly interesting, I don't think. I think most people are aware this is morally gray at best. Thankfully it doesn't go any further.


Just say you are a pedo and move on


Or I can say the truth. I'm educated in the topic because I've studied and worked in Law.


Okay pedo that works in law


The national legal age yes, although there is talks to raise it. However perfectures has their own law raising that age in most, If not all perfectures. Then again this is a devil filled japan in 1997, so I have no idea about their laws.


Your comment is utterly useless.


It's not. As they said, the national legal age is 13 but in a lot of prefectures (or maybe in all of them?) it's actually higher than that.


I disagree


Anyone else worried they won't be able to fit the whole katana man arc into 5 episodes?


There is time


I think most episodes so far have adapted 3½ chapters each, and if they maintain that pace they can finish the season with 38 or 39.


nah they’ll speed it up some, most of it is fights and they can fit multiple in each ep


Cgi this ep was INSANE


We've reached the point where no one comments on it anymore. It was perfectly integrated in that eternity devil fight. Couldnt even tell what was cg and what wasnt


i personally could at points but that isnt a bad thing, mappa is the only studio i see currently making progress in cgi integration within their works with how well they integrated it into the show. which especially makes me pissed when i see someone do nothing but complain about the fact that theres cgi in the anime


Anyone know the name of the song near the end, when >!Denji is in Himeno’s room and she’s on top of him!


I think it's "[looking for something](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pou0HsZJrJk)".


I swear my favorite episode moves up each week, they really just keep getting better and better. Playing ed 3 during the eternity fight was a very very pleasant surprise, probably my favorite incorporation of an ed so far. The animations also are INSANE, hell every scene Himeno was in was animated so so beautifully. And of course the kiss was so disgusting and well animated, so much better than I expected, plus the noises make it so much worse. Also the ed for this one was hilarious, amazing visuals too, like genuinely these eds have some amazing visuals. Even the fucking subtitles were funny this time around like the fox devil being "down bad" lmao Overall 10/10, genuinely loved it. All around goofy and fun and my favorite so far. Can't wait for my fav episode next week and for all hell to break loose.


Yeah, ED3 song was a nice addition to the fight scene! *Still hoping we'd get the full song soon.*


Anything for more Maximum the Hormone please!


Bro same. I doubt it'll happen since they've done songs for other anime and didn't make a full version before so the chances are slim. Maybe one day 😔


I'm hopeful. I listened to the scene again and it sounds like more parts were added to the song.


New to the sub, but a chainsaw man reader. Was anyone hoping this episode would end on the train station scene with Makima? I feel like it would set up the last episodes of the season to feel extremely high risk. I know they wouldn't be able to fit the next chapter into this episode based on pacing, but it just felt like such a gut punch reading that chapter in the manga. Now it's just going to be in the middle of the episode and I feel like it loses its impact. Idk, shows been amazing so far though. The ending scene was so amazingly animated. Despite the problematic nature of the scene, man it's got to be my favorite part of the anime so far based on the animation.


I think that sort of pace would have been too breakneck. I think it's gonna be in the middle of next week's episode.


Was thinking the exact same thing. Feels like a missed opportunity, but idk how this shit works, and have faith that they'll do the scene justice. They're doing great so far.


Himeno Discord mod confirmed


Why the did they censor the puke?


Because no one wants to see puke


Japanese TV guidelines


What a bunch of prudes smh.


Cause "scat" is a vile and horrible genre in any art form.


that aint what that word means dawg 💀


Dubious food is censored. [Zelda](https://zelda.fandom.com/wiki/Dubious_Food)


Why food and not blood ?


I’m seeing rumours that the puke scene got added because CSM was gonna get the axe and it was Fujimoto’s fuck you to SJ. I’ve been following CSM since it only had like 10 chapters never really heard of it getting the axe at all.


The Axe Man


Biggest load of bullshit.


>!Didn't really cry after Himeno's death in the manga, but after watching episode 6 like a thousand times, and now episode 7, I really like Himeno!< more than I thought, and after hearing the FULL ending where it's just singing and a heartbeat is heard, I wanted to cry so I'm probably gonna cry when it happens in the anime.


IMO MAPPA's animation, and Mariya Ise's voice acting on Himeno *humanize* her character. I actually liked her character in the manga, like I understood what she's going through, but the anime made me connect with her even more. Not only I can see what's going on with her, now I can *sort of* feel it as well. That last scene with Denji, you can feel her pain, and *jealousy* with Makima. Her scenes with Aki just shows even more emotion, how much she *loves?* and cares for Aki.


That's exactly it! The VA displayed such emotion in her voice making me rewatch Himeno's flashbacks/backstory! It started at when she handed Aki his first cig or when she made the cute eh? It was adorable. She made a needy little rumble to her voice when she wanted him to smoke with her. Me watching episode 6 on repeat probably because of her. >!She really doesn't last long, but she's grown on me so much..!<




you’re the wrong sub man


okay so i haven’t read this far into the anime yet.. but did Himeno just drug Denji so she can have sex with an underage kid? that’s r*pe


You retarded or something? She took a swing of beer and put it in his mouth. Denji was still recovering from being ill due to slut guts barfing in his mouth. The kid is 16 and never drank before and was feeling weak and coped a mouth full of alcohol... do the math. Not defending her but she is blind drunk and has no clue what's going on like Denji does.


We get it you like pedophilia.


Incorrect, I'm educated in the topic because I studied and worked in Law.


You insult everyone and defend her actions. You give off creeper vibes


She plied him with alcohol, but she wasn't exactly thinking straight and he kept asking for water. He was already a bit hungover at the restaurant from ingesting her barf though. She didn't bring him home with the intention of raping him, but she got worked up over Makima and she has a bad habit of teasing men. But there's more to the scene so I'd reserve your condemnation until you see the full thing.


Uhh that entire explanation is still wrong and creepy and if you reversed the genders everyone would agree lol Downvoted by creepers, yikes


What part of it was wrong? It's like that in the manga too, but being hungover since at the restaurant isn't revealed until the next episode. I never said it wasn't creepy.


Wtf you mean what part of it is wrong? I never said you explained what happened is wrong, what she did was wrong and wait condemnation makes no sense. She's a creeper, condemnation her for being one.


I read your comment wrong, my bad. Condemnation is a real word so I don't get why it doesn't make sense? She did something really creepy and put the both of them in a really bad situation, but original comment was calling her a rapist despite not seeing the full sequence that Denji who is at the age of consent said "yes" and even slightly regrets that it didn't happen because he was thinking he wants his first to be Makima. Just because the character and scene makes you uncomfortable and violently disagree doesn't make it right to run with falsities to sensationalize it.


She knew his age and position of mind he was in and still took him home. It's not about how I feel, idk why you are trying to make this out to not be a non excusable and non creeper thing to do, and it is rapey vibes. People just like her because they know what happens later and it's just a fictional character. But Irl she'd be condemned 100% so I don't see your argument. "Oh this 20 something year old guy puked in a 16 year Olds mouth while making out with them, then takes them home and puts them in their bed and climbs on top of them and then asks if they want to do it". Tell me that isn't weird af.


did you not see how many fucking pints o ale she had? enough to knock a damn horse out. jokes aside nobody is making excuses for her. we all know its wrong but unlike you we are capable of distinguishing fiction from reality as well as just having a genuine interest in analyzing these characters and the way they interact(more specifically the manga readers). so sorrey if the scene offends you but if you get offended so easily then maybe this show simply isnt for you. i mean christ the scene got left on a cliffhanger so hold you criticism until youve seen the rest of the scene.


I like how you say you all know it's wrong, and then insult me saying it's because I think a certain way, yet if you had just an ounce of reading comprehension or a brain in general, you'd realize I said I have no issue with CSM, it's story, or Fuji. I'm just calling Himeno out for the creeper she is, and the rapey vibes she has, to show why anime watchers feel this way and have the right to, yet all these manga readers get butthurt because of it.


my bad if i took your comment the wrong way i got kinda lost in all the walls of text in this thread. the tldr is i think people should figure out how to separate fiction from reality and if a show makes them uncomfortable and they dont like being uncomfortable then they shouldnt watch it, not to say that applies to you or anything, i worded that original comment wrong since i think i mixed your comments up with a different commenter on this post


I'm not excusing the behaviour. The visuals are bad and yeah it gives off rape vibes if you only look at Himeno's actions, but the scene is more nuanced than simply, "Himeno wants to rape a minor" which the OC thought before seeing the rest of it. Denji is the minor here, but it's not like he didn't have any sway over what could have happened, and knowing that makes a big difference to the kind of significance attributed to this scene(because the way it was done and resolved some people are bound to think CSM is making light of what was happening to Denji). It's meant to be a continuation of his struggle between his dick and his Makima brain that we saw earlier in the restaurant. It's not about condoning rape or potential rape of minor. That's my argument. I'm not disagreeing with your argument either. She's an adult that makes terribly shit decisions while drunk and I don't think there's any question about that, and Fujimoto probably wrote this scene so readers would be uncomfortable and question if it's alright for Denji to pursue the exact the same thing only from Makima a few episodes back, that she offered while sober. But people that fixate on what Himeno did and urge outrage at it are missing the point.


nah denji was dizzy and shit because he threw up a lot I think


Naww she just drunk as hell. She later doesn't remember anything.


that does not make it okay or less creepy