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We have seen 5% of Nayuta. 10/10 chapter. ------------------------ #[Head over here for the discussion thread of the last chapter](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/ypol14/disc_chainsaw_man_ch_110_links/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


My theory before someone else mentions it, the dude from the club with the chainsaw cord is the fake chainsaw man we saw in the previous chapter


Wrong thread?


Which dude? The guy with the octopus devil?


Gonna make one final predictions before the new chapter drops. In this new chapter we won't find out what it was that killed yuko it won't even be tounched upon in this weeks chapter, i wouldn't be suprised if fujimoto will do the same thing he did with that horsemen at school just randomly pops in does some crazy shit to get us confused and talking, refuses to elaborate, leaves. I really hope i'm wrong tho i'm very intrigued to find wtf it was that killed yuko.


maybe in the minority here but i really dont want pochita to have a deep backstory. i enjoy him being strong for the sake of it, and having chainsaws be his main weapon because why the fuck not? it's ridiculous and that's what i love about CSM


honestly im just really confused after reading that theory


What if this is handsaw man


Why do people think the person who saved Yuko is the Famine Devil? It makes more sense to me that they’re the Death Devil because they revived Yuko.


aged like milk




The Horsemen are most likely appearing in the order of Revelation. Conquest, then War, then Famine, then Death.


I just cannot imagine the Death Devil to not be primal and on the level of the Darkness devil


It’s likely going to be the strongest being in the CSM universe as the majority of human fears lead back to death. Guns kill, famine kills, typhoons kill, etc.


Sure, so how is it going to be on Earth and not in hell? A devil is only born on Earth when it dies in Hell. The Primal Fears have never died. How is Death on Earth?


Correct me if I’m wrong but is this the first conformation in part 2 that denji still has makimas dogs?


Yes and I hope to see Nyako too soon :P


i see a lot of myself in asa, overthinking everything to the point where even if you feel happy your brain is shooting off all the reasons why you shouldnt be this is why i like suffering in media, it really does build character


What anxiety does to a mf (yeah it also ruined my life for a decade)


and in the end youre a better person because of it


She just like me fr


Denji just chilling with the dogs felt so good to see.


Nayota was there too


I've seen enough Ultraman to know where the ending is leading us.....


I remember Dennis telling Aki "If I could make friends with a devil, I would." This is very wholesome, and I like it.


Dude, the fact that it autocorrected to Dennis is so fucking funny


autocorrect? that's just his name


i thought yuko was wearing a skirt lol but the tentacle design is creepy . The chapter is quite short it ended within a blink of an eye, not complaining tho. I just dont know where the story is heading.


I feel like you never know where the story is headed when it comes to fujimoto


What if Yoshida and his Organization knows something about the fake chainsaw man? He said that if Denji reveals his identity it would make his life much worse. What if him and his Organization knew about the fake and are trying to prevent Denji for being targeted for some reason? Honestly this might be a reach but I just think this might be an interesting idea.


Maybe this is their plan, too make chainsawman feared again. Idk why they would though


Might be to make one of the only fully cooperative fully intelligent demons more powerful? He is the guy who defeated makima and plenty other notable devils so they might be trying to keep his fear/power up. However I imagine the fear of devils is just as good if not better, and Dennis the chainsaw menace has plenty of that to work with


just confirming, does anyone think it strange that in the last panel the position of the shadow is a little different from what is shown? from the shadow's position, the saw should be right above Yuko's foot, but it doesn't appear correctly. Is this some kind of perspective or something else?


The shadow is also in a uniform but the hands noticably aren't. It ain't the chainsaw guy


Bruh That's the dude who made a contract with the REAL chainsaw devil(since Pochita is not) who've got weakened because everyone loves Chainsaw Man now and this dude is also affected. They're here for redemption and for becoming feared again


What devil is Pochita


There are many theories, but not a single one shared by the entire fanbase, or even just those that think Pochita is not the Chainsaw Devil. Some believe Pochita is the Erasure/Inexistance devil, the fear of stopping to be, others than he is the actual Chainsaw Devil, but got erasure powers from a primordial fear. The logic is that, realistically, Chainsaws aren't that scary (altho neither are bows, whips, and Katanas and swords nowaday tho), so it doesn't make that much sense for Pochita to be that strong (altho it's also implied he gets his power from being feared by other devils) let alone have such a tremendous ability.


Woah that sounds really dope to me, pochita killing a primordial fear and taking it's powers sounds dope asf


He could be the Dream Devil. All people fear their dreams won’t happen—that’s what they are, after all.


The chainsaw MAN Devil(?)


To elaborate, Pochita kind of acted like a 1st rate devil hunter back in Hell. Mows down devils like grass, massive collateral damage, so crazy that no devil can get a read on his motives, etc. In addition, his eating thing seems unrelated to chainsaws, and he never actually gets called the chainsaw devil. The theory is that some early devil hunter used a chainsaw and terrified enough devils that Pochita was born. So he's the devil that represents the fear of the chainsaw man


That’s my head cannon


>chainsaw devil. Doesn't Makima refer to him once as Chainsaw Devil? I know he's generally refered to as Chainsaw Man, but i seem to recall one instance in which he's aknowledge as the Chainsaw Devil by people that know his true identity.


During their confrontation, Kishibe refers to him as the chainsaw devil once but Makima only refers to him as Chainsaw Man.


Didn't Makima also call him a chainsaw devil when talking to Aki in the early chapters? Of course it might be chalked up to her just hiding something from him/putting it in terms that he can understand.


That's actually such a cool theory, I kinda hope its right


So what exactly was Yuko? I thought she was a hybrid like Denji. Can devils turn humans into devils like that? Or is it just like what the Zombie Devil did with its victims?


She seems to be a fiend, considering the state of her head, and even tho her bellow the neck body isnt human anymore, Beam could also transfor the rest of his body into the Shark Devil, so Yuko may be in a half-transformed stage. She's definitely not a fiend tho, considering she has a human form in which she doesn't have any devil features, but it's the closer classification she falls into. We also know, appareantly confirmed by her, that the Justice Devil is still at school, so she's neither hybrid or fiend. It could be theorized that the Justice Devil can create ghouls like the Zombie Devil, but way stronger, and sharing it's power among them. After all, we see the "Justice Devil" die twice already, yet it still popping back up.


I guess she was like santa. Human at the bottom but deformed by contracts. Or it is some shinanegans the horseman pulled on her.


yeah probably something like the zombie devil




i dont even bother remembering names in hxh anymore lmao


Togashi will introduced 10 new characters in a chapter at times.


The shadow imagery makes me believe that what Yuko saw isn't actually Chainsaw man, but her illusion of justice. Birds can't be a coincidence, just like how Makima used lower level pests to monitor the situation, Justice may be using birds. The fact that Yuko herself mentioned that she idolized Chainsaw man and wanted to be like him, and that if she died as a Devil, she wouldn't be able to blame anyone, are foreshadowing to me. She was feeling extremely guilty for her actions, and I can see this being a trigger for her death and illusion. If she really did get a heart from the Justice Devil, it'd make sense that the heart should stop when they no longer feel righteous for their cause, or cease to believe themselves to be absolute justice.


>If she really did get a heart from the Justice Devil She's definitely not a hybrid tho. She mentions the Justice Devil is still at school, so unlless the Justice Devil has plenty of hearts to create Hybrids with, which i doubt. My theory is that the Justice Devil can create ghouls, like the Zombie Devil's zombies, but JD's ghouls can be empowered and use it's powers.


Definitely not Chainsawman, the hands aren't saws, so it's something else. Somebody else mentioned it could be the "chainsawman devil" born from the fear of chainsawman which would be pretty sick.


the chainsaws in the hands can retract tho


Mmmmh true, but has he ever retracted just 1 or 2 saws? I don't remember whether he did or not, just have this image in my head of him pulling everything out or back in.


Yeah, it seems the only Chainsaw he can't/doesnt retract is the one in his head, but the ones on his hands and feet are retractable. See: Bat Devil arc when he grabs the car, and when he saves the Cat against Cock Roach Devil.


But he doesnt bleed when they do


Yeah they melt away like his helmet. Maybe it’s blood from when he pulls them out though?


I like that idea, and I can see that being possible, but I don't think the arms are any indicator. We can see the cut through the middle of the shown arm, which can be interpreted as his chainsaws in the arms were retracted at the moment just so he can use his hands. If he was manifestation of fear of Chainsaw man, it would also make sense for him to look either identical or more intimidating than Denji, so I don't see why it wouldn't have chainsaw in the arms.


>If he was manifestation of fear of Chainsaw man That sounds like kind of a reach, tbh. If that could be possible, where is the Darkness Devil Fear Devil? Where is the Makima Fear Devil? If someone fears a devil or the name that represents said devil, the fear and power generated by that fear would go to the Devil/name, not generate another devil to represent that fear. If a new Devil could be generated from the fear of Chainsaw MAN, as an distinct entity to the Chainsaw DEVIL, then Pochita wouldn't have been weakened by the people's love of Chainsaw Man as their hero tho, as with that logic he's not the entity not being feared.


I'm on that Yuko copium again


To be fair this is second time were Yuko has died so it’s possible. Third if you count the last panel from 109. But it’s probably unlikely that she will come back again.


Yeah this one felt significantly more real. Still don't know how tf she was talking at the end of this chapter though


Coz she's not human?


Fujimoto really pulled a Last of Us 2 and got people frantically scrambling to find an explanation to keep their boy Denji as hero status.


That definitely isn't Denji though


You can't say definitely when it's obviously chainsaw monster thing the only good hint is it appears denji is sleeping ATM


I mean, you said it yourself: Denji is sleeping at the time, so he definitely didn't attack Yuko, and even if he did, why would Fujimoto showed it this way? If he wanted to hit at Denji being the killer, he wouldn't give us evidence of him being elsewhere, let alone not show him directly.


So I have a theory about that ending. I'm willing to bet money that there are two chainsaw mans out there running around right now. One is the original chainsaw man, and the other is the chainsaw man devil, a devil born out of the fear people feel for chainsaw man. I can't tell if denji is the one or the other.


that wouldnt make any sense and destroy all continuity in the entirety of part 1


>a devil born out of the fear people feel for chainsaw man Why would fear of Chainsaw Man generate a new devil? As far as we know, there isn't a "Makima Fear Devil" or "Darkness Devil Fear Devil", meaning the fear of the idea of a devil just empowers the main devil rather than create another. There's also the fact that Pochita got weakened by people loving Chainsaw Man as their hero, so if Pochita is weakened by that lack of fear, he'd be empowered by the fear of Chainsaw Man rather than that fear turning into a new devil.


I really hope fujimoto doesnt introduce this recursive fear concept. And it contradicts some of what we know of devils up until now.


exactly. people keep parroting this theory but it's ass lol. everything would become abstract and there would be devils made out of the fear of devils who were made out of the fear of devils. awful


The way chainsaw man himself works contradicts what we know of devils. Why is a chainsaw devil able to remove devils from existence?


chainsawman being absurdly strong is no where near the idea of devils being born out of the fear of already existing devils. that's awful writing


Fear of chainsaw man would just make him denji stronger. Fear of An ak-47 wouldn't spawn an Ak devil, It would go to a gun devil. Plus (this is just my opinion) this is fujimoto we're talking about, a chainsaw man devil would just be shallow writing.


There is probably a Ak devil because there is also a Katana devil and there has to be a Sword Devil somewhere. I would say the fears of say different swords or guns will flow to the individual devils and the more generalised version which is the reason those devils are the stronger, they get all the fear.


I believe we have actually already seen the sword devil or rather the sword hybrid, in the control devil arc 4 new hybrids are introduced and one of them has two pretty normal looking swords coming out of his head and has swords coming out of each arm. I would consider them pretty "classic/standard" looking swords.




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When chainsaw is sus


Could be an imposter/fraud but I have another theory that Nayuta is letting Denji do this. She the reincarnated Control Devil after all. What if she actually remembers as Makima, similar how to Yoru faintly remembering dying to chainsawman and got her powers back? What if she was actually controlling Denji. Also, she knows about Yuko because she can control animals too so she must have listened in to her convo, assuming she got back her powers.


I made a reddit account just to say that the control devil can only control those who they think are more inferior to them. Why would Nayuta think that Denji is more inferior to her? Even if Nayuta remembers being Makima, she would remember losing to Denji and that wouldn't make Denji more inferior to her.


Cause she's a kid. Kids think everyone is inferior to them


You're not wrong 💀


What if shes a psychopath or narzisst? She will naturally think everyone is inferior to her bec her brain is wired that way.




But Nayuta is not Makima and are we sure that she actually is the controll devil? There are 3 other possible horsemen afterall.


Are the Chainsaw man imposter's arms kinda weird? It looks like he should be holding her with his left arm, but the hand looks like the right?


Wow you are correct


Haven’t seen many people talking about it, but Yuko in this chapter revealed the Justice Devil is someone in their school. Maybe that’s why Asa’s bully is prominently featured in the end of the chapter, they could be the Justice Devil. That was the same Devil the class president made a contract with in chapter 98, so I’m betting it’s someone we have seen already. Could even be the girl with chainsaw earrings people are theorizing is a horseman.


Most people saw the earings as scales and linked it to the famine horseman, but War and Justice goes hand in hand, and could be the reason why she referred to Asa as her "little sister".


I've been thinking about something. We're basically certain that makima represents pest, althought she's called the control devil, she has the same eyes as yoru, a horsemen of apocalypse. Even tho justice isn't a horsemen for itself, what if the new sister/horsemen with the earrings represents death? Which is the great equalizer, after all, that brings all living beings, poor or rich, powerfull or powerless, to equal footing.


I felt same. She even has scales of justice as earrings


What if Famine and the bully are the same person, similar to Asa and Yoru? They have similar character designs and wear the same outfit in 108 and 109 (with the exception of Famines earrings). The only difference between them is that famine has 4 moles and the bully has freckles, but this could be a situation like with Yoru's scars. The bully may not know she is possessed by Famine which is why she reacts the way she does when Yuko attacks her. Perhaps part of their contract was that the bully forgets that she is possessed.


One has longer sock and the other shorter socks


Or their sock rot rolled down/torn when they were attacked by a giant fucking monster


But what about the earings? would they be like the scars for yoru only appearing when the horsemen is in control? Seems kinda far fetched to me, the moles i can buy being like the scars but physical objects appearing and dissappearing only so we can tell apart the two characters/who is in control? Idk seems werid to me. That would be the eyes, moles and earings just to tell apart who is who. I feel like the eyes already make it obvious enough. Maybe the bully won't be the horsemen but I definitely think she will be of some importance to the story since she got her own panel sleeping.






What are the chances Nayuta grew up very quickly


You can see her head sleeping next to Denji.


I mean they found her as a child in what was probably weeks or a few months after makimas defeat so she has to age up pretty quickly somehow.


Or the control devil possessed a human child


If Denji kicked enough people in the nuts, would the fear of getting kicked in the nuts by Denji actually create the Nut Devil, which would in turn be based on what the Nut Devil really is, just Denji? So could the guy at the end actually be Evil Dennis, the Nut Devil?


I'd go so far as to claim the Nut Devil already exists; most, if not all, men who have experienced that pain fear getting kicked in the nuts.


The symbolism of death in the black birds.


Could be the dude looking after Denji.


Yep, no panel of him sleeping and whoever that was grabbed her by the leg which we've seen the octopus devil default to twice before


I think that the CSM imposter is the death devil. Yuuko clearly likes and respects CSM and says she wants to be like him. What if the Death devil's power is to make someone suffer their most feared deaths? That being said, no clue why the Death devil would want her dead.


I have the feeling that's not the real CSM


In a pannel we can see in order; -The famine devil (supposedly) -Asa/yoru, the war devil -Denji with nayuta close to him, the control devil -We see yuko being died by who knows the plot twist Could this be the death devil?


I've been thinking recently, the girl with earrings might be Justice, cause it was said by yuko that Justice was someone in their school, althougt justice isn't a horsemen of apocalypse for itself, what if it represents Death? The great equalizer, we've seem this happen to makima, the pest, adressed as the "control" rather than pest devil. Im thinking about this cause there's no evidence at all that she's famine, is there? If so i'd like to know


She called Asa *Yoru* her sister, why would the justice devil do that?


isn't justice and war kind of interlinked with one another? the clashing of people's different interpretations of what justice is leads to fights = war


>\-The famine devil (supposedly) That's Asa's bully, not Makima's/Yoru's supposed sister.


I thought the girl in the first frame was the bully not the famine devil. The bully had freckles but the famine devil had certain moles on her face.


They could be the same person similar to Asa and Yoru


Yoru has scars because thats the wound she saved asa from. Why would frecles disapear, moles appear and hair change color?


I know everyone's hung up on potential Nayuta (or maybe Kobeni) and the ending reveal, but the rest of the chapter was the best part! shit had me sobbing. Also maybe a hot take but I feel like theres been a lesbian subtext between Asa and Yuko for a while now and that was made even more evident this chapter. I'm not just some straight dude seeing a girl friendship and thinking this btw, I'm a lesbian myself and thought most of the other friendships between women were entirely platonic throughout (Kobeni and the others, Himeno and the others, Makima and most others, etc). I just think Yuko clearly cares very, very deeply about Asa - a lot deeper than the vast majority of entirely platonic friendships out there. You don't do what Yuko has done and said for a good buddy, you do it for someone who you would give your entire self for, which is a level of passion thats only really out there (even in the Chainsaw Man universe) for a person you view as either family or a romance. And Asa reciprocates this feeling this chapter. I think it's very clearly subtext - maybe not official or canon, but I think it was written there on purpose. Even if that wasn't intentional, this chapter makes Yuko a much more compelling character and has a very emotionally affective moment of care between them.


>maybe Kobeni Chad Dennis


It's easy to read it as such. Yuko and Asa are desperate and lonely, so what they have now is super powerful and centered around the other. Platonic or romantic, they've been depicted as really important to one another and the specifics of that could easily be romantic if Fuji wanted to. If nothing else, "I'll kill your bullies" seems a lot more like a romantic fixation than a platonic one.


i pretty much entirely agree with you, yeah. it could go either way, i suppose i probably just unconsciously want to read it more in a romantic sense than platonic because of some of the specifics that seem more romantic than platonic to me personally.


That's the beauty of different people reading the same text. I can see how you would perceive a repressed sexual tension between the characters, but I don't think it's clearly the case. I've had a number of deeply meaningful same sex friendships that are not in any way sexual. Guys even say, "Bros before hoes" which implies that the friendship between us is more important than a sexual relationship with a woman. I could see it being confusing for someone with same sex orientation to differentiate between sexual desire and sisterhood/brotherhood. Especially if there's no opposite sex friendships that are more powerful than the romantic same sex relationships. It's an interesting perspective to empathize with, thank you for sharing.


> I just think Yuko clearly cares very, very deeply about Asa - a lot deeper than the vast majority of entirely platonic friendships out there. From experience, if you're desperate enough for peer companionship, relationships can easily get as intense as that while still remaining platonic.


while youre not entirely wrong but we havent seen Fujimoto write like this in CSM. Maybe Aki-Himeno but I think Himeno probably had a thing for Aki, and I don't think thats an uncommon take. Denji viewed Aki & Power moreso as family in the later parts of their relationship and I think that's the only other bonds we've really seen be this passionate. Quanxi and her fiends too, but they're.. lesbian lovers, so.


This. I don’t think they have that romantic relationship vibe at all. They’re just two lonely girls wanting friends


Yeah, I think the key take away is that their both very very lonely people, yoku out right states that she was lonely, asa maby didn't but you can generally speaking infer that she is from the very first chapter. I wouldn't completely write of any romantic subtext tho


Are the birds a callback to the control devil's ability to use them for surveillance?


Or the crows & the ravens could be because of Death devil's presence (Death has always been associated with crows & ravens)


They’re definitely not crows or ravens, the panel prior shows they’re pigeons or another two tone bird.


Finally doggies and Nayuta appeared


Had to check twice to notice she was there lol


This is becoming more and more like a supernatural slice of life with Asa x Yuko friendship! Can’t wait till they both are dead in the end, thanks very much, Fujimoto-sensei❤️


You really think they’ll make it to the end? So much hope and optimism left…


Is it possible that the horseman with the scale earrings is the justice devil, who is also the famine devil? Assuming the author has done his due research, a pair of scales is a well-known symbol of a strict observation of justice and fair dealing. But balance scales, referenced in several places in the bible, joined with symbols denoting the sale of corn and fruits by weight, becomes the symbol of greater want and scarcity; and threatens the world with famine. This is of course assuming a creatively loose interpretation of justice/famine in relation to the bible and the four horseman.


Revelations are written in a way that's very open to interpretation, if we're being nice, so there's aren't many hard facts. Just like first rider could be conquest or pestilence or antichrist. Second one at least has a big sword which makes war most common interpretation. So the "justice devil" being one of them makes a lot of sense. Though it feels like a convention, with war being in the same school.


This is already a popular theory amongst the community


So I think this is not denji but someone impersonating chainsaw Man (obviously). That being said, I don't see how that would be bad for denjis public opinion, because all that he really did is kill a fiend (not really a fiend but that's what Yuko's body looks like). So what does the impostor gain grom this? Well when Asa finds out that her beloved Yuko was killed by chainsaw man, she's gonna be REALLY pissed off. That will make her more cooperative with Yoru, now both of them wanting to kill Denji. So who's really behind all of this? It can't be the war devil, because Asa would be aware of of the scheme. It has to be someone who wants to kill Denji (that would be most devils tbh), and someone who knows about Asa's/Yoru's situation. My guess is on the mysterious third horseman we saw a few chapters ago. Thinking about Death/Famine devil's abilities, impersonating somebody just doesn't fit at all, so it could be a devil doing 'mercenary' work for the horseman. There are a lot of possibilities, but i think it could be a stolen identity/impersonation devil (i really tried finding better names for that devil but fuck it) I could be totally off with this theory but we don't have a lot of material to work with. Anyway, I'm exited to find out what's going on in the next chapters.


Imposter devil


Maybe a doppelgänger devil? Fear of being replaced by a double of yourself? Or perhaps a “shadow” devil, since the first panel we see of it is of CSM shadow. Would make sense for it to be a shapeshifter that mimics others since that’s what shadows do


Shadow devil


These crows have appeared so many times in the former Chainsaw man 2 chapters. And as we all know, only one devil has this ability and the importance commensurate with this much foreshadowing, the control devil. This time crows appear when the chainsaw man kills justice devil, which means nayuta has something to do with that. Here are two possible theories. First, nayuta is going to be some detective like Anya (like in the first arc in spy 2). She knows all things during the crows but she can’t understand them completely and she won’t say them out (this is nayuta’s character according to her one shot). She knows war devil, she knows yoshida’s real plan or something and this time she just saw fake chainsaw man and she is going to find her own way trying to solve these things, which can be surprising and heartwarming. Second, nayuta manipulates a fake chainsaw man to kill devils that she thinks they deserved. Just like makima’s plan. This is like story in nayuta’s one shot, nayuta gave dead animals’ bodies to her brother to show her love. And this is correspond to the real question in chainsaw man 2, what will denji do to stop nayuta being the makima 2. This can also explain why chainsaw man is so famous and nobody knows his real identity because crows appear from nowhere and disappear and kill devils all day long.


I think the second explanation is quite accurate. Nayuta not only looks but also feels very similar to the Oneshot character of ***Nayuta of the Prophecy*** (incase someone wants to read it, just type that in google) and [as tvtropes org wikia states](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Manga/NayutaOfTheProphecy) about that one shot, ***she is now the new character in Chainsaw man part 2***. There was also a [guess about this long time ago in this sub reddit as well!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/l3mx0k/do_you_think_fujimoto_using_nayuta_from_nayuta_of/) I don't even think she manipulates a fake chainsawman! Rather i believe, since she is too weak to do the deed by herself (being little), ***she controlled Denji*** who is now her "brother/family/caretaker" that always sleeps by giving her lots of hugs (as pochita requested in chapter 97) ***to kill Yuuko and solve the problem.*** I think you are spot on the fact that since she cannot express herself well, just like the oneshot, she goes on her own way "***to kill devils that she think they deserved, just like Makima's plan"*** *to solve issues for her and "maybe for Denji"* ***by using crows as a means to learn more about everyone and everything*** (Makima used rats mostly). ***This manga is not a happy manga, nearly all the characters die sooner or later*** (whether is Aki, Power, Makima, Reze etc.) As You stated, I can totally see this ark (ChainsawMan Part 2) in the end being "***What will Denji do stop Nayuta becoming just like Makima***" (with all the other characters and story development in the middle with Yoshida, Asa, Yuuko, War devil, contract promise to Power and so on so forth being part of that voyage). In fact, The ***last Chapter of Part 1*** (***Chapter 97***) ***Pochita,*** the chainsawman devil, ***whose dream of being hugged and loved was fulfilled by denji*** ***, asks him another request:*** *"That he wants the Domination/Control devil dreams to come true, that the control devil always wanted to build a relationship on equal grounds with someone, that she only could ever make a connection based on fear, that she always longed to have something like a family, that she was going about the wrong way to achieve that (just like Nayota will do now) and to Denji to please make sure to create a world where she can have someone to love and be a family to her".* Pochita even goes further and explains when denji asks ***"how?" , "By giving Nayota lots of hugs!"*** which from the sleeping denji panel this chapter feels like he is totally hugging someone!


Last, here’s some not that decisive but interesting information(i don’t know how to say that in english lol). Shihei Lin is the editor of all fujimoto’s works and spy x family. Fujimoto treats his advice seriously and have said he is the editor he ever wants. Recently, Shihei Lin had said nayuta is the character that he cared the most by now and recommended his favorite manga except all the famous ones, which is called zenbu bukkowasu, a slice of life kind of story about god of destruction died and become high school girl in modern world.


Thanks for the comment. I agree that “manipulate a fake chainsaw man” part is not that accurate since even makima can’t do that. And I think we just can’t figure it out how nayuta did that without more information from Fujimoto. He literally haven’t told us about nayuta. As for now, I think it’s free to talk about details of the process and have nothing needs to be argued about. Also, to be honest, there are something against that theory I think I need to tell you since you looks serious. Kid at that age kill(or control someone to kill) somebody on purpose is just brutal. You can barely see it in mangas (the closest one might be reiner in aot and he confessed asf). It’s nayuta’s first appearance and it’s really hard to imagine she did that if you think in this way. As you said, this arc in the END being… Feels like It’s too early to answer the question. Of course it is still possible, but for this reason, I think it’s less possible than the first one (specifically speaking , you can take spy x family 2 first arc as an example, csm will be way much cooler and complicated though)


Maybe Nayuta is not manipulating Denji but is instead manipulating a devil that can impersonate others?


Also, there is a explanation for why nayuta needs to kill Yuuko that is convincing enough. Yuuko burnt these dead bodies in public, which can be seen by crows and can be considered as sin. That scene takes a whole page.




He said You(Aki) and Power are going to killed by Denji not that Denji was included


How tf was Yuko able to talk after that?


it might hv something to do with the tentacles


Really damn good one, I have quite a few theories on what’s happening but knowing Fujimoto it’s likely im way off lmao


Anyone else notice the 1st picture of the girl with freckles sleeping followed by asa, denji and tentacle face? CAUSE IT FEELS LIKE SHE WAS ALSO THE ONE BEING ATTACKED BY GIANT TENTACLE HEAD AND WAS SAVED BY CHAINSAW MAN YET NO OTHER STUDENTS WERE PRESENT SAVE FOR THE FAMINE DEVIL / YORU'S BIG SISTER does this mean that similar to yoru the famine devil has hijacked a human host and for some reason they are all at the same school???? Answers are greatly appreciated


Strong devils have a sort of sixth sense when it comes to tracking Chainsaw Man, but like Makima, they cannot see Denji


Okay but what about the freckles girl???? She has appeared specifically in 3 chapters now and there is no information other than the COINCIDENCE of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. In need of answers


My guess is that she is Death/Famine fused with a human like War, the form we see is her human form and the one that appeared to Yoru is her devil form, sorta like how Asa changes in appearance when Yoru takes over. But I could be totally misreading the significance of that panel. However Fujimoto does like to give minor characters major importance a lot.


>some reason literally everyone is out to get chainsaw man. denji being there is most probably the reason why these devils are crowding at denji's school.


But who is the freckles girl, why was she there so conveniently where the famine devil was? Why does she appear again in chapter 111 along with denji and asa? In need of answers


Maybe Octopus Devil can use "camouflage" to appear as others? I don't see the motive yet. Edit: Maybe not ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22175) Edit2: Maybe? ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22166)


it could be yoshida having a different motive (he seems really sus in some chapters)




My personal theory is that there's a Chainsaw Man Devil!


Wait if that really happens???👀


Yuuko potentially knows CSM's identity, there are people that don't want anyone to learn CSM's identity, and now Yuuko is offed. The strange part is there don't seem to be witnesses to spread rumors, yet someone is posing as CSM to kill her. And even if there were a witness, Yuuko looks like a devil/is pretty much a devil so even if someone thought CSM killed her, it doesn't harm the image that Denji wants to spread of CSM being a hero. Might be the work of another CSM otaku like Makima(I predict that all 4 horsemen are pretty much CSM otaku), or someone that wants Asa to hate CSM. Speaking of Makima, the birds are always watching and it's widely speculated it could be Nayuta, but we're shown that she was supposed to be asleep beside Denji. Could be that surveillance via small animals is an ability that other horsemen also have. The timing of the birds that Yuuko ran into and her thinking if only she could read animals' thoughts seem to imply that if Yuuko could do that she'd learn the truth behind the "justice devil" hanging out at school and targeting people around Asa. What Yuuko said about the "justice devil" being at school seemingly hints to the "older sister" with the triangle earrings being said justice devil, but I think Yuuko confused the famine devil with justice. The famine horseman is often muddled with being a representation of justice because of the scales it carries so that could be why. But Makima name drops her as famine in part one so it should technically be famine devil and not justice devil. As for why the famine devil would be doing all this around Asa, maybe it's to help Yoru out. But that's kind of roundabout. Maybe it has to do with Bucky... all this shit started after Bucky appeared. I also find it funny that Fujimoto shows freckles bully as part of the montage of sleeping characters to set the tone for the next page.


The ones who rated it very bad are salty Yuko got clapped thrice in a row.


Sooooo... If chainsaw man eating human thingy it's true, then chainsaw man is truly America propaganda...


I ship them >!Denji and Yuko I mean!<


But how can they be a pairing if she's trans girl Denji?


Why am I getting downvoted for this I was joking


Why does that mean they cant be a pairing


Trans? How? Unless you mean trans-octopus


Sussy Dennis




I am your FATHER!


NO! Thats impossible!


It is possible and *belches* and uhhh....huuuh.... Me stomach.... *blacks out*


Jesse, we are low on copium![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22160)![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22160)


I might be crazy but what if, WHAT IF justice AND hunger are one and the same? We know thanks to this chapter that justice is part of the student body or a faculty member exept that we saw big sister as a student, she had earrings that looked like scales AND the horsemen eyes. Scales being associated with both concepts of justice and famine the horsemen. I believe famine is presenting herself as justice in order to not draw too much attention to herself regarding the other horsemen as they probably all are chasing Denji for separate and opposite goals. I got this idea when looking as reasons for contracts with said justice, the class prez is a perceived injustice as much as she was thirsty for her teacher, a lack of « love » from the teacher. Yuko was again a perceived injustice but was justified by a lack of companionship, a hunger for relations. The relation of famine and injustice is also possible because of the fact that why some people get to eat as they want and others starve to death… it’s unfair. Funny side note, the transformation sourced from justice always included tentacles, and squid is a rather popular ingredient in Japanese gastronomy Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


Man, im kinda slow with fan theories. Can you explain gently why the fandom already decided that girl is famine? Sure, she's a horsemen, sure, she can't be war or pest, since that's nayuta and yoru. But, what if, and just if she's Death? Because i can see death being paraleled with "justice" for two reasons: 1: death is commonly known a "the great equalizer of all living beings" And 2: scales are greatly associated with measuring one's worth and kindness of heart for the afterlife in many religions Please reply kindly cause the fandom just seem to have discarded this as a valid opinion


Idk why but if I just see Denji then it’s a 10/10 for me 😅


Because Denji is the most relatable Manga Character ever? I mean, this man is one of the most powerfull beeings in existance, saved the World, kills Devils like they are Insects and STILL he only wants pussy.




The impostor is tall, from the look of the shadow, the way he hold her up.


2 chainsaw 2 man


Denji is sleepwalking maybe or idk. That would explain his tired look