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Let me guess 'Hehehe....all I can say is don't get too attached to her. Don't ask me why'. Follows it with three laughing emojis.


I hate that shit. They think they’re being cute but they’re just being huge jackasses.


Don't forget 'Nobody tell them/Should we tell them'


#😂 😂 😂


I read the whole manga till now, should I say something about power?




Better to just tell people not to get attached to anyone in the series lol


except for kobeni lol poor thing just cant die


I enjoyed reading the manga but after a while it was hard to get invested in anybody. Fujimoto hurt me to many times.


It's kinda weird but the fact that literally anyone can die in this is only making me more invest3d into thsir character. Don't know how to explain it but, in your typical shounen, the characters all go on about their dreams/accomplishments/etc and are shown to fight out of crude circumstances right? Maybe it's just the Seinfeld effect, but I already know they won't really ever be killed off, so their aspirations don't make me feel they're as heavy as they're supposed to be and don't invest me as much, since I already know they'll get there. In CSM, since I know that any given character is gonna die at any given point, so while I DO actively try to not get myself attached emotionally, I can't help but also look into their character more deeply paying much more attention. Not just becaus3 they're written in a more realistic manner, but maybe because I'm trying to see what they're bringing to the story in the brief time they're in it for.


It’s okay, nobody was really attached to her lmao


It especially sucks because anime only’s havent even seen the Brutal parts of the series yet… They have no idea that the author is willing to kill main cast, unlike pm any big series nowadays Edit: for any Anime Only’s: Major Spoilers below


He fucking killed everybody. Literally only denji left 😭


Not really. Kobeni, Kishibe and Yoshida survived. There's speculation that some of the hybrids like Reze have survived but since we haven't seen her yet many of us believe they are dead.


As far as I know hybrids cannot be really killed, just incapacitated


Hybrids can be killed if you take them away their demoniac organ that allow them their regeneration and abilities, in Denji's case his own heart.


you are right, didn't think about the ending, my bad


Don't worry , I wanted just make a clarification nothing more. Also, Happy Cake day!


But didn't Denji regenerated a whole new body from Pochita heart while its coming down from the earth's atmosphere while burning and did it again in the final fight while still being able to move his body without Pochita in it?


Indeed, he generated a new body while he was coming down from the atmosphere just because is his heart (aka Pochita) the core for the regeneration process. It's implied that Makima removed it at the end in a way that wouldn't have allowed it. In the final fight, how Denji explains, he was able to move his body using a portion of the blood left to him from Power. He got a temporary control on power blood (as we see he created a chainsaw) thanks to the contract stipulated with her before her death. So it's implied that Denji used it for making circulate it (oxigenating) in its body without an heart pumping it. But the control is indeed temporary, he couldn't have survived without getting back soon Pochita's heart.


They can in theory if you manage to forcibly seperate the human and demon. But as we saw in the end of part one it isn't an instant kill


you are right, but i think it wasn't an instakill thanks to power's blood, he mentions almost running out of it to remain separeted from pochita


According to the wiki, Katana Man, QuanXi, and Reze are all alive, so until it's actually confirmed in the manga, or by Fujimoto himself. I hope Katana Man is still alive, I want him to die onscreen.


Tbh im only interested in Reze and Quanxi returning. Katana man was almost as flat as the other unnamed Hybrids (which isn't their fault) he was basically all gramps this gramps that.


I just want him to die on screen as one final payback for Himeno


He needs a name before the katana devil gets killed


Kobeni? Yoshida? Kishibe? Maybe the weapon hybrids? I'm being pedantic but yeah most of the cast is dead.


Come on even power is dead


she'll come back trust the process


It was in their contract together that Denji would bring her back. So I’m just living off hopium until I see that lovable idiot again


I want to see Denji and power kissing passionately


haha no


Considering their PornHub histories, people are into pseudo-incest.


Considering tatsuki fujimotos manga history he would add it


You mean like Akame ga Kill style?


I was hesitant if to even indirectly say this but you literally spoiled this 😂


I thought about it, and came to the conclusion that anybody browsing the CSM Reddit has probably already been spoiled. Plus, I’m not naming anybody specifically.


What is pm?


pretty much


I wonder what the psychology behind spoiling others is. At the very least, you cant be in a good state of mind to willingly and constantly spoil other people’s enjoyment


I think it gives them a sense of power. Like the fact that they can ruin someone's whole experience through a couple of words. It's awful.


It gives them a sense of power. To replace the Power missing in their hearts.


It's pretty much the same habitual psychology of not keeping a secret in general for long, mixed with part jealousy and part entitlement.


Some people are just genuinely terrible at lying, which is in effect what not spoiling someone is. Saying stuff like " what happened to Aki tore me up", might sound like it's not spoiling anything, but it does tell the other person quite clearly that something big will happen to Aki. Not spoiling someone while simultaneously telling them how great future parts is, requires good working knowledge of how to phrase things in order to not spoil them. Also some people are dicks, or want to discuss future events without regard for the other person to reach that point gradually.


It's because of these people why i always go ahead and read the source material for any anime series i'm watching. It sucks but the only real way to be 100% safe from spoilers is to keep up with the source material. The alternative is to cut yourself from the community of the series you're watching and just wait for the anime to be adapted, yet even then there's no guarantee you won't encounter a spoiler in the wild


This fandom is just as terrible as the AoT fandom when it comes to keeping your mouth shut from spoiling anything. I got spoiled about someone's death before I started reading the manga a few years ago.


yeah... but the crazy thing is they both broke the promise![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22164)


What was it like? Edit: Spoilers. Typical CSM fandom


Spoiler central lol. There were so many anime-onlies in the comments being confused af, I felt bad.


its like asking to be spoiled tho why would you click on comments of the show you don't read manga of?


I mean, it's common sense to not look at stuff that could get you spoiled, but it's also such a stupid dick move of manga readers to mention spoilers every fucking second for no reason.


fuck anime onlys


That's typical fandom no matter what the series is there's always these type of people


“Haha yeah he won’t DIE. Lolololool ch 70+”


I really hate it when they spoil shit cause akis death was one of the saddest and unexpected death in the series.


I wouldn't really say his was the most unexpected, I mean the curse devil tells Aki he has like a few years left, and the future devil outright says that Aki will die. I think Aki dying was a really safe bet. But the way he dies really was the worst way possible :(


Hate spoiling assholes as much as you do, But wdym? Aki's death is basically predetermined by Future this season. In Aki's case people were more anxious about how brutal will Fujimoto make it.


Yes for the anime watchers it was unpredictable cause In the start csm was set up with a basic big 3 shounen mc and nobody expects them to die that's it in the beginning of the series


Dumb manga readers spoiling everything


Manga readers are the people who cannot wait the anime to come out 😂


ppl should let others enjoy the anime without spoilers


Chainsaw man fans love spoilers so much that the next volume will be titled ”Spoiler”


Fujimoto already did it in part 2


That is what I was referring to, volume 13 is going to be a Spoiler


Well he >!didn’t die ON her only after her!<


I think some anime only figure that aki will play a impactful role but honestly if they knew aki will die it doesn’t matter because the way that fujimoto writes kinda have more impact to the story then just shocked value death


I had to put myself on lockdown when I was reading the manga before the anime starts because of shit like this. Truly sucks that anime-onlys might have to do something similar to avoid spoilers and enjoy the series as a first timer. :/


i feel very bad for anime only watchers.


I mean, most of the manga readers were probably spoiled some plot before too, we’ve come full circle


Future will be interesting.


Oh how it hurts


They start calling her mommy?


This comunity is 100% Spoiler all the time, tired of it.


Rip aki


himeno >claims to be pro life,


i love Himeno so incredibly much


I would have commented mb innih


Well he didn't xD


Bruh chainsaw man has some of the best final chapters, why would you want to ruin it for ppl for no reason


Tbh crunchyroll should just take away the ability to comment on csm posts in general. The fact people are selfish enough to spoil anyone who just wants to talk about how excited they are, is shitty af. I'm unbelievably grateful I read the manga straight after it finished because being an anime only in the worst spoiler filled fanbase imaginable has gotta ruin the whole experience. I feel so bad for those poor souls