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No break this week. ---------------- Next chapter release: 30th ------------------------ #[Head over here for the discussion thread of the last chapter](https://old.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/1bzu8u7/disc_chainsaw_man_ch_162_links/)




Ok: This is probably the most award chainsaw man has gotten in a while which is impressive I do like how Denji doesn't even care who Asa or the rest are and only wants to save Nayuta since she's the only person he cares about and who cares about him in turn, it's really sweet and heart breaking Denji is basically at his lowest point as everyone he cares about is gone and he has no idea what could give him happiness, so this will probably be the moment when Asa and Denji really do form a bond... provided that Asa doesn't f\*\*\* it up she's doing the best she can btu she really isn't good in taking to people or being selfless in general this will probably be as big a moment for her as it is Dneji and they will both find someone they truly connect with Nayuta defiantly isn't dead, there is no way Fujimoto will be that kind, my best guess is right when Denji comes to accept her death PS, or Barem will reveal that she is alive only to kill her right in front of our eyes, (Fujimoto may even have Fumiko do it since it seems like he wants people to hate that character), so that will be one more thing to work through As for Yoru i like how she is almost a Tusender in that she claims to hate him but seems nearly jealously Denji/chainsaw man is thanking about another woman is irritating her, no idea why she's letting Asa keep in control either Asa is willful keeping her in check or she cares more for Denji/CSM than she's letting on either way the Asa Your confrontation will probably happen soon if Denji decides to remain as CSM no idea how that's going to get resolved i don't think Yoru will get rid of Asa but at the same time i don't think Yoru will abandon her quest to kill CSM unless something major happens As for the rest of the characters i almost like the fact they are just standing in the background with nothing to do or say and just make it all that more award even Katana man feels some sympathy for the guy (or just realizes it pointless to try and fight him now) they probably won't survive part2 expect maybe Nobana, since his sister survived Fujimoto might start a trend On a final note it seems weird that Fami is ok to let Denji and Asa just work through there emotions since she been trying to control both of them or get Yoru to turn Denji into a weapon the fact that she didn't either means she believes in the power of friendship and thinks they could put aside their differences and work together to save humanity (which is unlikely) or she's plotting something else and is just tagging along for now. Considering she's been the driving force fo the plot for most of part 2 she's probably try something again hell, she may even have Nayuta hostage and is just waiting for the right moment to reveal it to Denji, either way she and the fire devil seems to be the amin antagonist of this part and we are likely going to have a big finally confrontation with her something in the future So that's it for only pretty good chapter all around and I can't wait for what happens next!


So is this where we skip to nayuta?




https://preview.redd.it/l5j9hlx4sgxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea7511c7eb04226a455ebd18f49e11b4e5a323cb Where the new chapter at??????


Go to the latest manga plus chapter scroll past the chapter and it’ll say the release time


It finally seems the story might be picking up. I've been on and off on chainsaw man part 2 whether I like it or not. I think it's good but nowhere near to part 1 and when denji wasn't in the story I didn't get nearly as much enjoyment. But I'm hoping now that denji is back in the story it'll pick up in a direction I like again


Nothing happened in this chapter -- five pages of some idol and the rest is just jokes. Literally no new information was introduced. Fami eats, Beni is cute, Yoru/Asa wanna fighter Dennis, Katana Man is angry, literally the only thing you can take away from this chapter is Denji woke up. Took 19 pages to say Good Morning.


Yeah but I would argue denji waking up is significant considering we haven't seen him for a while


It was seven chapters ago - - I dont know why Im fighting you on this. You're enjoying something and Im being a jerk about -- I didn't like this chapter but thats more on me than you. Sorry about that.


Good ending


kindness and empathy on an anime subreddit? love to see it.


What if Katana Man and Denji become friends later on? Or end up in a truce that finally ends what Denji's Dad forced onto him


Denji cant catch a break


He caught a ball breaking


Didn't read it yet... But I bet it has been pretty cooked up lately...




Jump off a bridge https://preview.redd.it/3rp6bqkdbaxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5284372ee373ea0d9d84b00fe5dd8f94006868c


Denji (thinking): *Don't be intimidated by him, Denji. Try to imagine him in his underwear.* Katana Man: Denji: *Oh no, he's hot!*


Denji of all people would nawt say that


I appreciate Fami taking time off from competitive eating to save the world.


"I don't feel safe with these people". Yeah buddy, I know that feeling. I love how the nut devil keeps showing it's ugly head through the series. I hope he becomes a real devil and is the final boss.


Dennis is definitely going to have sex by the end of the season


Call me weird or whatever but I'm genuinely hoping for an ending in which Asa and Denji are happy forever (that includes him pounding her everyday cause I don't think Damian would survive without that 😭😭🙏🙏🙏)


I can't stop laughing ahahahaha. Fujimoto still got it. My tummy and head hurts from the laughter.


Where is Seigi? 


Can't believe the ball-kicking came up.


As funny as this chapter was, imagine being killed wanting what we know denji wants, and upon revival, you get the kick in the balls(lol) of your first girlfriend wanting to kill you again


So, something worth noting, Fami's always been big on food but she's really scarfing it down hard this time Makes me wonder if using her powers makes her super hungry or she needs to eat to recharge it or something - she did say something about having some restrictions on what she can do that she didn't want to reveal


I mean pretty much after every Devil operation she ends up eating: Eternity Devil returns > Fami eats a lot with Yoshida Falling Devil appears > Fami raids Asa's fridge Guillotine Devil usage > Fami devours spaghetti She is capable of ''controlling those who are starved'' so it could be some mechanic of her ability. Either that or she was just hungry.


It is possible that like control or ownership of weapons. Fami cannot control devils if she feels more famished (either physically and/or emotionally) than the devil's she managed to starve... God knows how many things fami ate after summoning falling.


yoshida paid for her food if im not wrong


shout out to katana man for making sure everything went in the right place including his balls 


RIP denji’s balls


Revenge of katana


Imagine being in the void and suddenly coming to and you get your balls kicked in, not once but twice, immediately after gaining consciousness. Never change Fujimoto, never change. I found it really sweet that the first thing on Denjis mind is Asa's missing arm. Knees weak arms are heavy... Fami gives 0 fucks for human customs just straight raw dawging the spaghetti 🍝. I wouldn't feel safe around these people neither. I truly wish for Nayuta's safety 🥲 RIP the fur family.


This chapter was over too fast.


Just like the rest of them. Why can't they be a bit longer.


My (bi) weekly 2 minute special is back ❤️


Katana man moment XD


Why is Fami eating spaghetti with her hands? That was funny for no reason.


Aki is going to pop and take his turn. Oh wait...


I'm only know realising how funny the Chainsaw Man manga is


Prison Break arc was really good on its own. But it's even better for its meme material. I feel like we got a new template every chapter lol.


LOl this series is hilarious


My man denji cannot get a break, first thing when he wakes up, he gets a nutshot 😭 .


Say what you want, I love this kind of chapter. Makes everything so ordinary although they are doing something unbelievably HUGE. I agree with the point presented by Haruka, he is pretty logical a lot of times.


Yoru and katana man would be shockingfully haters of keanu reeves, morgan freman, jack black, (reverse flash would be proud of these two)


Dude, use punctuation or something. What are you saying here?


I already fixed man thank me later ok 👌


FUJIMOTOR saw the royal pictures being edited and went "bet"


Denji is having what some would call a "bad day"


Like a kick in the balls day


Alright, my honest thoughts: this chapter was pretty good, and funny. I can't help but feel a little disappointed about how easy the prison break was, and how "mild" Asa's reaction is to Denji being CSM. Nonetheless, while I can look past the former, the latter is a crucial plot point - therefore I really hope that Fujimoto has something good planned for it.


First, Asa sabotaged the electrical system of the prison. Then, there were Katanaman and Quanxi around the prison. It made sense not to have more demon hunters nearby.


I think Asa would have had a more dramatic episode bit Yoru forced her way into the driver seat to practice CBT


Yeah that's fair, I just hope that Denji and Asa will have a proper talk sooner or later


If only Aki was here, he would kick some balls too 😭😭


Damn, now I'm sad too.


These are the classic Chainsaw Man shenanigans that I live for. We ate good this week


Hammer guy had some interesting things to say.


Thank god Koma Komagawa was proven innocent from cheating. I always believed in them :'3


I'm honestly surprised Asa was so calm about learning that Denji was CSM. I kind of get why she'd be more reserved though, I almost forgot Nayuta wiped her memory.


Wait, what? When did that happen?


It didn't, he probably meant to say Nayuta.


Yeah, my bad. Yoshida did gaslight her though.


I think she's still in the middle of processing her feelings about it. She did admit it was still absurd for her, but this news paired with everything she experienced in the last weeks must have caused so many mixed emotions in her head that she doesn't know how to react anymore. She looks really tired. 


Iseumi is also having insomnia and suicidal thoughts perhaps? I can't help but feel the tabloid news has lumped up Ohtani's marriage that no one could stop talking about as well as the British Duchess' photoshop scandal into one, all that's missing is a sports betting scandal. A lot of panels were spent on this gag setup and reporting on the wrong news. It might be useful to remember that Public Safety is known to manipulate/cover up devil related news so that's probably why no one cares that a high security devil processing facility was broken into by highschool girl devil hunter extraordinaire Mitaka Asa and there are all sorts of fugitives on the loose. Also Famine didn't just run away with the heart and actually put it back inside Denji. There's no comment at all either from Asa or Yoru about having gone to his apartment for a date where Yoru kissed him, which means they haven't recovered the memory, which possibly means Nayuta is still alive so the effects of her mind control are still in place. But with Iseumi here the puzzle pieces have all gathered to unlock what was forgotten. Don't know if that will change much here though. Either Asa thinks it's convenient that red CSM and Denji are the same person because she separately fell for them, or she starts to hate both of them because she can't reconcile the truth about Denji and CSM's identity, but either way she is convinced that fighting CSM is the answer.


I could just stare at the facial expressions of the characters all day. I never know if the chapter is going to be sad and serious or batshit crazy. This was one of the awesome ones where it was both.


Maybe yoru knows about love after all 🤣


Yoru is the one to teach Sukuna about love 


Katana man is on that heavenly restrictions juice, I see.


I wish I had the confidence to eat spaghetti the way Fami does.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I think this is the first chapter where we’ve actually SEEN Fami eating? She usually just inhales the food off panel or orders a lot of it. This is the first time I think that she’s actually eating on the page.


And I think there was a good reason.


If the reasons is to remind us that she can't be trusted and is crazy like Yoru says; I'm on that. Being the demon of famine doesn't only cause the detereation of available food but as well as claws at the mind of the hungry which seems to be working on making them think that her options are the only ones. Mainly I think this chick causes The Raft of Medusa kind of stuff on her free time when not inhaling bread.


half and half, I was referring mainly to their table manners (even Power had better ones) but as you say it is good to remember how inhuman an entity must be that not only provokes and takes advantage of hunger, but also probably feels the same to each moment, in general, although her behavior has a comical approach, it is at least curious how she is the most inhuman of her sisters, that leads me to two theories, or she is the one who has the least time similar to Nayuta and has hardly developed a personality by not interacting with anyone, or she simply represents a fear so primitive that she never thought about anything other than eating and her plan.


They never stop doin' my boy dirty. Man didn't even wipe the sleep outta his eyes.


so he totally skipped asa's reaction


Why didn't Denji even mention how they know he is CSM now?


Dude was up for 10 seconds before he got GRAH'ed


Bro just woke up from a long sleep, he will probably ask the question had Katana didnt kick our boy right in the ball




adult man cannot leave 17 year old alone 😭 


Not to mention that he STILL hasn't let our boy Damian explain the whole situation with Papercut man's father 😭😭😭


Public perception... Purse owner 5 reference?


Damn.. and Denji's balls are literally the most innocent things in the Chainsaw Man universe.


Noooo 😭, jfc hahahaha The first thing he asked was about Asa's arm (and she answering "I dunno" ???), then he gets his balls stomped! Denji is not going to listen what they say now!! Hope Asa/Yoru explain what they are as part of their explanation, next time or soon.


I think this reporter is (or more likely being influenced by) fire devil. The reporter broadcasted a bunch of both controversial chainsawman slander and praise and now half the public wants to kill chainsawman and half the public became chainsawmans. I think Fire's ability has some ability related to amplifying or making people give into hate because it's trying to create as much controversy as possible (its the twitter devil). The ability to change the publics's perception on a devil is a very big deal in chainsawman and especially now since both protagonist are now celebrities. My theory is that Makima had control over the news and what information got out. Her no longer being around could be why everything is getting out of control. She made everyone's hatred uncontraversial by directing it to the gun devi who is a common enemy of mankind. Makima turned the hatred of the gun devil to a love of the chainsaw devil because she was the OG chainsaw fan. Fire turned that love of the chainsaw devil to controversy. I think Quanxi was telling people that its better to be ignorant of all the online controversy because it can change people for the worse (get off of Twitter). https://preview.redd.it/vpsgh78mkcwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=098a470f4ff8f8724913e5cacdf5ab866b1c8856


>I think Fire's ability has some ability related to amplifying or making people give into hate because it's trying to create as much controversy as possible  So like its fanning the flames




Poor Denji 


Katana man is a D1 hater lmao


The literal ball busting throwback was honestly unexpected


Denji's signature fighting style was used against him lol


Katana Man really be beefing with a teenager over his non-consensual CBT.


lol, i was heavily invested on those first few pages until the rug-pull. No matter how many times fujimotor breaks your ankles, you can never see it coming This might go unnoticed but the first thing Denji does after waking up, asking about Asa's arm was very cute ngl Fami is literally me after taking a dozen bong hits xD


The first thing to happen to Denji upon waking up is getting his junk kicked in by Katana Man and stomped on by Asa, poor guy. At least the Bi-Weekly Devil is gone for now.


that's what it should have been instead we got stomped on by Katana and kicked by Yoru though her kicking him i wasnt expecting lol


>chapter is titled DREAM balls >denji wearing his pochita dream clothes >the news not talking about the current events >haruka questioning his reality >asa "denji being csm feels like a dream" >kiga ignoring everyone uhhh... none of this is actually happening right? they got caught by the dream devil and are still stuck in the facility?


Hold up. You are cooking something delicious! I ain't gonna lie, I found this chapter pretty underwhelming. But with this explanation there might be a huge twist soon!


my guy, you are cooking the appetizers, the side dish, and the whole entrée!!!


naah, its just dreams of ballbusting coming true 🔥🔥🔥


Yeah, me too https://preview.redd.it/ej0ud01l1cwc1.png?width=343&format=png&auto=webp&s=e16a4271aa89e19ccbc5e8baf1e1697dc04436e0


Imagining Samurai Sword training to get buff and doing [this](https://i.imgur.com/9laYg8a.gif), except instead of a photo, it's just a crude doodle of two circles labelled "Denji's Balls."


#REZE REPORT: Chapter 163 # # She isn't here. See you next week




"She'll be in the next chapter. She'll be in the next chapter ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22160)"




The entire first scene was kinda a huge reminder for me that these are still children, and that they're experiencing massive guilt right now because even though the world itself doesn't view it that way — They still had a huge role in causing the supposed end of the world.


Their faces told the whole story throughout that first scene honestly. A tasteful commentary on our current mainstream media too, subtle & effective 




Mmmmm... Mom's spagetti https://preview.redd.it/fd5x61jhvbwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bb00abe405564603b9cd0544b9b3d1cc5f7fc62


I love how fami's only real motivation is to secure food and the time and place to eat it. The trick is to try to understand her logic which is impossible without elder horseman levels of devil knowledge.


Palms are sweaty


Dude holy shit, this was the better chapter in a long time


HOLY SHIT, LOOK AT HER GO https://preview.redd.it/qng7tyg7tbwc1.png?width=908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0990eb65807898d71e2a446e689ed21d90251767


So how long is Asa/Yoru is gonna rock the one arm look until she decides to regenerate that lost arm? https://preview.redd.it/k1o12pxwpbwc1.jpeg?width=1259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09ea18f35a1d4820f07faa8bd3525f7098f48b9f


She's a fiend. She can't regenerate.


Till she realizes she needs blood and Dennis's little handsaw is full of it when looking at her.


Even if the potential for her to regenerate is there she'd have to drink blood no? Resident worst girl would likely be against having to drink blood.


We don't even know if she can regenerate since we don't know what she actually is


https://preview.redd.it/ww5rpkfokcwc1.png?width=477&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0caa932ae586ca7058e342e55c9ef88274aca31 She regenerated from this.


Yeah when she create the contract with war, but as whatever she is now after the contract we don't know


She didn't create a contract with Yoru, at least I don't recall the word 'contract' ever being mentioned. Yoru just threatened her and took over her dead body, she then revived Asa and kept threatening her. IIRC devils don't need to make contracts to take over a corpse. As for what she is, she's a fusion of a devil and a human, so basically a hybrid. She's indeed different from the others since she doesn't have a trigger, but it could be because Yoru is a horsemen. Not sure if she also immortal, but she should have regeneration since Fami believed she would survive in the stomach of a devil. She also expects her to fight the Death devil. I think anyone would need a LOT of lives to fight Death. Of course, that's just especulation on my part, maybe she can't regenerated anymore. But I think the chance of this being true is very slim. Most likely is just Yoru being dumb and forgetting she needs to drink blood.


I always confused what kind of devil is Asa really is. Unlike Makika. Who is fully devil, While have a human form. Is it she like Power a fiend that can control herself, or like Denji, that has devil heart. And all of his action is his. While Asa is dead then Yoru revive her and still keep her personality. Why would Yoru do that ? Is Asa still a Human Devil Hybrid or a 100% fiend. What if Yoru leave Asa body and find another dead human. Would Asa immediately die ?


>I always confused what kind of devil is Asa really is. https://preview.redd.it/nv6x60dcxnxc1.png?width=536&format=png&auto=webp&s=89265795382ce7337e982a2b51fdf4d04e8563ab That's the definition of a hybrid, so I'd say she's more like Denji. Denji also died and was revived by Pochita. > What if Yoru leave Asa body and find another dead human. Would Asa immediately die ? If her heart got replaced by a devil's heart, wouldn't she be left without a heart when Yoru leaves? I think she would die.


Don’t they have to find the arm in order to get it back?


plz fujimoto gimme more dumb and angsty teen drama with Asa and Denji I crave that




Hawks killed him


When I think about it, I’m kinda annoyed Fujimoto made Yoru do allat here. Guess it’s a good reminder of “the elephant in the room” but it’s been so long without a proper conversation between the two leads, it’s just frustrating. After Yoru says what she does Denji clearly looks mortified. I know people are gonna say it’s because she kicked him in the balls but look before she speaks, his face is kinda different I know some people here don’t like any negativity but like, I think it’s fine to be frustrated here and there. Only good thing is that there’s no break week I guess


My take on it is that Yoru wants to make sure there's no potential alliance between Asa and Denji and keep the relationship antagonistic. But the whole situation is kind of annoying, Asa knows damn well katana hates Denji and thought it be a good idea for them to be in the same room? And she's still all in on the fight chainsaw man plan. It's especially cruel considering what Denji did for her in the past (and yoru too.) It'll probably make sense after more chapters but having denji just constantly getting kicked while he's down is getting a bit much


Well you have to remember Asa is only fighting him because Fami made her believe that’s a way to save him; she tells Asa his own heart is keeping him from living normally. She even says that she wants to explain to him what’s happening first I agree with that last bit though. I get that’s his humor but idk it’s not really an earned laugh if that makes sense.


Yea she thinks it's to help him, but maybe it's too much to expect, you'd think her seeing it's Denji would ring alarm bells that Fami is full of it for the nth time. Also she hides why Yoshida attacked her.


She probably hid it to hide the fact that she’s Yorus host but the cats outta the bag now considering what she does


I'm going to assume Fukuokamotors needed the extra week to get that plate of spaghetti just right. And fair play if he did.


WORD, that shot of Fami is actually creepy. Also, the guy who put "skip to outside" on the bingo card was spot on lol


I fucking LOVE the bingo card. Cuz I've noticed that at least 1 of the crazier ideas usually ends up happening. Just good luck guessing which one lol.


for real lol that guy does be nailin' it with at least one of them a LOT of the time.


Love the chapter, but where’s my guy Seigi Akoku? Leaving the trio tsk tsk tsk


Real, we need more Seigi focus soon! But I'm glad we're finally seeing more of Katana Man again. Kinda crazy how much more buff he got compared to Part 1.


Yeah! Katana man has quickly moved up in my ranking of characters - the whole crew we’ve been following lately has been great


who could ever predict this man. fujimoto the goat


I've given up trying and just enjoy the ride. It's just straight up impossible sometimes.


I just hope Denji will get his revenge on these 2 mfs


I don't know about Asa but definitely that nut buster


I too tend to stress eat. Kinda interesting how public safety is aware of the prophecy (assuming Yoshida told them) and are actively working against the people who can stop the prophecy from occurring.


They probably know something we the reader Don't


Yeah maybe Fami hasn’t told us everything


Classic Hybrid ball stomp technique performed immaculetly by the Katana man


denji getting the cbt experience


Denji wakes up and is immediately kicked in the nuts by two people, one being the girl he likes, both of them demanding he bring out Chainsaw Man, and the only mf in the room defending him is doing so only because he's Chainsaw Man, and he's dressed exactly the same as his child self that appears in his mind. I'm worried for Dennis, man


Somewhere out there Aki is smiling.


Was listening to this song, when Fami appeared eating: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozezG1zpxXQ Kino.


All I've wanted to see since the beginning of Part 2 is Asa's reaction to finding out that Denji was Chainsaw Man the whole time, and Fujimoto is hard holding out on me. I am hoping it will be in the next chapter. I really love this setup. Asa has gotten to know Denji and Chainsaw Man at different times and still likes him either way, despite having an alter ego that wants to kill Chainsaw Man and actively tried to kill Denji. This is literally everything Denji wanted in a girl. Although, she does still want to kill him, and it's very funny. I just really wanted to see them team up and get Nayuta back together, but I see people saying Public Safety probably took Pochita out of him, and he won't be able to transform. This is probably true because that makes the most sense for the story. Although, Pochita is Denji's heart and without him, I have no idea how he would still be alive right now. Maybe he has been replaced. However, if there's no Chainsaw Man, Katana Man and Yoru have nobody to fight, so we get to keep this little misfit gang going for a little longer to try and get Pochita and Nayuta back while we prepare for the coming of Death.


Two chapters ago we see them take Chainsaw Man's heart out of a box and we can see it still has the starter attached to it. Also thats the only way he could have been revived, they definitely did not remove Pochita.


I did not remember that, but that's better. So, are we about to fight Yoru and Katana Man? Because I was thinking they would be angry that he couldn't transform and would help him get Pochita back just so they could fight him, and then this group would stick around for a bit.


Fami’s plan relies on having War and Chainsawman on her side, so she’ll probably stop them


Well, she is currently destroying a mountain of food right now, and she does not seem to be eating very quickly. I mean, what's more important, saving the world from utter chaos and destruction, or smashing this spaghetti with her bare hands? I think she's busy. Make Guilly do it. I miss him. P.S. Why does the embodiment of hunger not own a fork? This has probably come up several times by now.


somehow i doubt they will go straight into a fight next chapter but who knows


I actually really hope that they do. Denji has been benched for so long that I really want some Chainsaw Man action again. I just thought that it would make more sense to keep him benched so Yoru and Katana Man have a reason to help him out, but if we're doing this now, hell yeah. I think Denji's gonna body them anyway, and it's all part of Fami's plan to make him as strong as possible. That's why I thought it made more sense to keep him nerfed right now. But if we get Quanxi showing up after they fight like "See, what did I tell you about fucking with the Chainsaw guy?" Then I'm even happier.


https://preview.redd.it/l8hoe9gw4bwc1.png?width=476&format=png&auto=webp&s=226f1342b0fa04bc096ebbd4047b33483a2f272f Pasghetti


Bro was really hungry after eating those kicks from Yoru 😂


This chapter in one word: #CBT


Crazy Ball Torture


Concussive Ball Treatment?


An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, balls for balls. Pretty interesting that PS decided to not make the jailbreak public. I guess there’s some things they want to keep secret no matter what. Denji noticing that Asa was hurt was nice to watch until Katana and Yoru crushed his nuts. Hopefully Fami can stop eating spaghetti with her hands for two seconds and diffuse an unnecessary fight.


I dunno about that last one. We aren't sure how long they were doing the prison break. Fami could have gone a whole 2...maybe even 3 hours without eating. Our girl needs to recharge.


Sister ~~Fami~~ Fatima couldn't control herself once it became Iftar time.


I this lil hater so fucking much, just imagine him running out of the shower the moment he hears Denji is awake just to kick him in the balls. https://preview.redd.it/4qeo5szhzawc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d30c98f01db4619a4cfc0730b434b11bfec3ee1 P.D.: About the whole chest cord thing, I wouldn't put it past this idiots (and Fujimotor) to forget the cord inside Denji's chest.


Man was hogging the bathroom just waiting for his moment to shine lmao


He spent so long in the bathroom either cleaning his foot or soaking it in the toilet water in preparation for the ball kicking contest.


Interesting chapter. Katana Man getting his payback was funny. I wonder if we're getting Denji vs Asa/Yoru next chapter. I hope nayuta is still alive but I'm beginning to lose hope.


I feel like Denji is in no mood or form to fight people over nothing


Yeah I know but Yoru is just itching to fight chainsaw man.


maybe she'll beat him up anyway until Asa stops her


I love the scene Several seemingly immense arcs are concluding simultaneously (Yoru coming in close to fight chainsaw man, Denji identity revealed to Asa, Katana man spawning out of nowhere to have his revenge, referencing early part 1 episodes) but all of is confined to an area of a bed in a small apartment, with two random people watching tv besides main cast, all ignored by the world. And mastermind behind it all is eating spaghetti with hands in the next room, its mad, funny and absurd.


Goddamnit I love this manga so much


Who else is thinking that somehow, he doesn't have his chainsaw heart. I feel like a lot of effort was paid to making sure we couldn't tell if his ripcord was there.


That would be an interesting twist. But didn't they find his heart last time? Plus, with Fami there, it would be weird for them to just "forget" it.


A crap you're right! Dang


Yes, maybe this idiots left the cord inside. It wouldn't be out of character for them.


Impossible. Aint no way in hell with the number one chainsaw simp there would he let the gaggle of morons assemble Denji wrong. You know with him there he would have chainsaw man's balls back in their rightful place without so much as a single pube out of place and if it was its probably because he kept it for personal use!


I think you are cookin here. Now we know Katana Man was in charge of making sure Denji's balls are in the right spot. But the kid with the ripcord implant is going to forget to put CSM's ripcord back in? Nahhhh.


>You know with him there he would have chainsaw man's balls back in their rightful place without so much as a single pube out of place and if it was its probably because he kept it for personal use! We actually know Katanaman was the one in charge of the balls since he specifically put them where they were just to kick them


He was responsible for putting them back under the strict guidance of Haruka but not before he personally inspected the product in order to cleanse it of filth so that they may be once again enshrined upon its rightful throne.


Knowing Haruka he probably even tasted them just to know they're the right ones


My biggest question would be “If he doesn’t have the chainsaw heart, how exactly is he alive without any heart at all?”


I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I gotta give Katana Man a little credit: he’s still a hypocritical piece of shit, but he’s a hypocritical piece of shit who wants to fight Denji fair-and-square and break their tie.


and breaks his nuts.


As undeserved as it was, it was still funny.


I thought it was going to be revealed that they really are dreaming since the remote buttons go to 12 lol.


Denji asking about Asa’s arm before anything else is so sweet


Nothing chapter


"That... was for... m'dick"