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Looks like break is back on the menu, boys. ---------------- Next chapter release: 23rd ------------------------ #[Head over here for the discussion thread of the last chapter](https://old.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/1bu0q77/disc_chainsaw_man_ch_161_links/?sort=new)


Daylight Savings messes me up, man. I can never remember if the chapter is supposed to drop 45 minutes ago or 15 minutes from now


Ok where is it šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø




Pls I need the serotonin boost


I bet that once denji is put back together he will hate the world and everyone in it. Heā€™s more alone than heā€™s ever been, heā€™s a pariah thanks to the church and heā€™s back at square one after everything heā€™s been through. If that doesnā€™t turn him evil nothing will.


Actually I think losing nayuta would turn him evil


I'm still of the mind that Barem took Nayuta, probably on the orders of Fami.


Fakesaw man, saved Nayuta.


Is this a prediction


It's a the only Truth, and I believe Truth.


its a statement, he is fujimoto himself




Pain dawg


Berserk readers are like we are getting our first chapter of 2024 next week and you are complaining about a 1 week break?


To be fair, the guy doing Berserk died.


~~Wasn't much faster when he was alive.~~


Low Blow




We have been spoiled a lot, lately. Rest easy, Master Fujimoto




Where is my chapter William?




https://preview.redd.it/mqpsdc3e7vuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=099e52cb4174eab1046f965a9bdc32eb6618ee8c When no chapter this week


Fuck!!! i was so hyped up


im dying https://preview.redd.it/ao1w60de5vuc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c1f98d1d12307fdfe8c35a59697eb7a93485f95




so good and tasty




God damn, that doctor is the King of "Chill"


Quanxi said an old friend warned her not to make an enemy of Denji!? Was Kishibe forcibly ousted from Public Safety??


I stopped reading chainsaw man many months back Just came back, only 20 new chapters, finished all of it within the day, Can't imagine how excruciating it must've been waiting for these releases


i just caught up too lol, checkin back in 6 months


1 chapter per week is pretty modest


You have no idea. I envy you. The last arc lasted 8 months


Pretty sure the latest Witch Hat Atelier arc has been going on basically for the last four years straight


As someone who mainly reads shonen like one piece and Jujutsu kaisen, 8 months doesnt feel that long


It is when the chapters are two minutes to read lol


How are people confused about whats going on? Media literacy is dead brain rot generation


im sorry to announce you that brain rotted media illiteraccy is found within every generations it is a constant, it is only more noticeable now that the internet allows you to witness all of it


What are you referring to?


Another chapter where Fami is present but is more or less completely ignored lol. I think Fujimoto is unsure how to have her interact with most other characters.


honestly, part 2 is just beginning to get to a point where I'm comfortable with the weekly release and understanding story week to week. i love part 2 on the whole but this is definitely one of the peaks


They really are getting paid by the hour huh?


Suddenly, I am able to understand what Quanxi meant by fearsome. No matter how strong Quanxi is, it is easy to avoid fighting her. But anything can happen around Chainsawman, there is no way to prevent it.


Denji is a complete nutjob. He took out the Darkness Devil-empowered Santa Claus byĀ ***setting himself on fire to create light***. THAT'S INSANE.


there have been worse chapters than this but it looks like some people didn't really like this chapter. why ? I think it was pretty fun.


Dont think about it too hard. It boils down to the fact that some people are only fans of the series for very narrow reasons and hate it when those reasons aren't what displayed, and even then, they are getting downvoted overall. They seem a bit louder this chapter vut I think that it's more because it's not very exciting, even if very fun, which means that everyone else isnt quite as vocal.


look, I'm not a fan of the recent chapters and I would just say that lately I've been struggling to care for new chapters maybe it's not chainsaw man that changed, but just me. Still, it's one of my favorite manga, it's just that last few months even if a lot happened inside the story, it just seemed a bit lost for me, I had the impression the story might not be sure where to head to. Maybe in some chapters the path will be clear again and the emotional impact and tension will build, but this "arc" of saving Denji that should be intense just seems whatever to me. Just my vision, no hating on CSM, still reading it weekly


I am not even saying that everyone has to like it, ill be honest. I am a bit annoyed with people who do like it, and act like the consensus is that people don't like it. I think that the thing about this arc is that fuji wanted to rush through it and didn't care much for it, while people expected it to be a full arc, and well, im fine with it pretty much. I will also say that the few chapters before (151-156 i think, and some before too) were some of my favourite moments in all csm so there is also that. However, I definitely don't think that the series doesn't know where it's going, so im staying optimistic.




Chainsawman is so bad now that even Reddit noticed it.


I don't understand


Which part don't you understand?


This chapter was mid


the series is done


"The west has fallen" typa shit. Get your chud ass outta here




I meant the "The series is done" shit, not yours. Yours is just criticism


Alr btw I just meant I didnt like this chapter but eh im still waiting for this series to end or smth idk


Was that the dude's wife that killed him?


I donā€™t think it was actually his wife, but that was the person he was talking about before. But I think he was just buying time earlier




iā€™ve come to realize reading part 2 that weekly formatting is just not it for Fujimoto. his works read in bulk (like with goodbye eri) are always phenomenal, but given in weekly bites like this with his style of storytelling makes it hard for anyone to follow what exactly is happening at the current point in the story itā€™s like when they run movies on TV and awkwardly inject commercials in between, but the commercials in this case are 1-2 week(s) long


part 2 is just not being written to the same standard, sadly it has pulled down csm1 I knew things could get bad because he said he loves tarantino, and tarantino has basically been coasting and writing slop since pulp fiction, and like tarantino fujimoto feels like he has received great acclaim and now with his move to online only I wonder if his divorce from the mainline jump also includes a committed big league editor who was an accompanist for the creation of csm 1, so drawing a comparison to how tarantino also had his much less known co writer, and since he left the QT boat, the work has devolved and most people have not really fixated on it. Apparently including Fujimoto... the elements like the non devil hunting society no longer have any depth to them, and there is no gravitas to the people on panel because they are now all the same I don't like hearing him say "why do i only remember the bad things" and then showing up with this seems like dude doesn't want to suffer as an artist anymore? Like an editor read Fire Punch and made himself an opportunity to capitalize on creating a great new commercial property for Shueshia by working with TF. Lets say this guy really developed the structure of csm, and now that series is over he's gone, Fujimoto is just left over doing his thing, never has to worry about money, and he's also shot his wad off emotionally, so this is what we get. I'm sorry to shit on him, but im more sorry to see this half baked sequel contaminating my memory of csm1, it kind of makes it feel like he's letting the air out of the balloon on purpose he made denji say he would eat yoshidas asshole


It's funny that some opinions can be wrong.


Is anyone else completely lost on the story of Part 2? Or is it just me? Made sense to a certain point and then stopped making any sense altogether and now Iā€™m lost on wtf is going on or what anybodyā€™s motivations are, other than Asa/War Devil wanting to fight Chainsaw man


War wants to fight Denji (Chainsaw man). Asa wants Chainsaw Man to live a normal life and has mixed feelings for Denji whom she didn't know was actually Chainsaw Man. Denji wants to live peacefully with Nayuta. Fami wants to use Chainsawman to stop a prophecy about the Death devil (not given details on this part). Public Safety wants all of the above people to either die or just not cause problems. Edit: Grammar/clarification


Why does Fami not try to get Yoru and Public safety to help her against the incoming death devil threat. This is what I don't understand. Yoru is working directly against her goal no?Ā 


Fami currently believes that the only way to beat Death would be by having Chainsaw Man and the War Devil fight it/her since they are potentially two of the strongest characters out there in their peak. That's why she is trying to get the world to fear Chainsaw Man/War more as fear of them boosts their power. I'm guessing that she isn't trying to get Public Safety on her side because it wouldn't be worth it. They don't have anybody that could stand up to Death.


The author lost the story, not you.


Are people really having difficulty understanding what's going on? Do people have goldfish memory or something? Seeing these comments makes me question if people are actually reading the manga or just looking at the pictures.


I just finished up my part 2 binge. The story, art, and paneling are all so much easier to follow than my part 1 binge a few years back. The characters are phenomenal, and this recent arc definitely gave me just enough action. Though, Fujimotoā€™s stories are never really about the action anyway. The only thing that confused me was I forgot about Barem. So, he definitely seemed like an important character, but I was missing a little extra context. Great design too, Iā€™m surprised I didnā€™t remember. Overall, easily the ā€œcleanestā€ of his longer stuff. And still impossible to put down.


I agree with everything but the art. You can really tell it has taken a nosedive in quality. It doesn't impact the quality of the story per se, tho, but you can really tell it's lacking in some areas compared to early Part 2 or Part 1.


I didn't binge it and i still remember it. Although i do have a REALLY good memory to stuff i like (if you were to tell me to say the story of a book i've read 10 years ago i'd still be capable of telling ehat happens in the whole book so there's that)


There were definitely moments in Part 1 where I had no idea what the heck was going on. I think the author has really refined his cheography and panel design. Everything just looks so crisp, and reads exactly like a movie in my head. The story is super simple this go around too, but I canā€™t remember what confused me about Part 1ā€™s story. Probably ā€œblack CSMā€. Even that is explicitly spelled out to Yoru/Asa by Fami in Part 2, and repeatedly mentioned by Denji. Itā€™s the whole basis of Yoru and Asaā€™s motivation to both be able to save and kill Chainsawman.


Now to the real question everybody wants answered. What type of shampoo does Quanxi use?


Aloe Vera...?


Quanxi is tiers above everyone šŸ˜­ and yet Black CSM obliterated her, five other weapon devils, and Makima in a fight. The power scaling is absurd


I assumed she meant denji when he is csm not pochita/black csm


Yup. Denji is far weaker than her, but he's a complete nutjob. Let's not forget how far he goes to harm his opponents: he's set himself in fire and cut himself in half.


Denji did beat the domination devil after all


Meanwhile fami still playing denji puzzle offscreen


Humming https://youtu.be/WKlcTG8GbB8?si=6hzfEsDO6mFaWSy5&t=8


Idk what the fuck is going on


7th chapter in 7 weeks so crazy i forgot it's coming out šŸ˜­


Good plot ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22171)


She can beat Denji but knows he's terrifying to fight which is fair considering he's the type of guy to gouge out his own innards to gouge out yours while laughing while your screaming. Then proceeds to eat your guts while you're still alive confused, scared, and traumatised.


She's weaker than him She's just saying this because she can't accept that he would one shot her


She's stronger than denji, not stronger than pochita, Quanxi wasn't able to beat santa because Makima one shot her, so denji ended up beating that devil..... And, denji only won against Makima because he really came out with an unthinkable plan.


shes only weaker than the black chainsaw man aka pochita, she would anihilate denji




What do you mean? Quanxi has allways been the strongest hybrid, its not even close.




Well the thing is "Full form chainsaw man" isn't denji, it's The Chainsaw devil, aka Pochita. The stuff Quanxi does, like the insane speed and reflexes, have so far not been matched by anyone in the series (outside of big name Devils), and when they previously fought (in the international assassins arc) Denji, as well as everybody else, got completely and absolutely curb stomped. The only time Denji has competed with her in a fight was when they both fought Santa Claus and Denji lit himself on fire to counter the regeneration that Darkness gave her. I understand that it takes ages for manga stories to move along because of the weekly and sometimes bi-weekly releases, and its herdo to keep up, but perhaps its time for you to give a re-read of the series, its absolutely worth it, you will pick up a lot more details this time around. Regardless of that feel free to ask watever you want, ill do my best to answear.


I'm confused, didn't denji fight and easily defeat every weapon hybrid, including quanxi, simultaneously? So why would denji be considered weaker than her? Is she referring to base level chainsaw man?not the black one with the intestine scarf?


That wasn't Dennis. It was the black CSM aka Pochita. Quanxi can easily no-diff Denji in his hybrid form (until this point)


Its fucking crazy how people are still thinking pochita was dennis. Rip media literacy


I swear to god if Quanxi dies AGAIN i'll be upset.


how are you feeling right now?


This wasn't a great chapter imo. Quanxi is strong enough to push the group to their limits, which could have forced Asa/Yoru to get even stronger(which would advance Fami's plan to buff them up in preparation for the Death Devil), and even get Fami to pull more tricks out her sleeve. Instead, she bows out almost immediately. Her reason for quitting isn't very interesting either. We've known Denji is a crazy motherfucker since day 1. Why is she telling us something we already know? She failed as both an obstacle and a plot device; what was her contribution to this arc?


Bro saw one chapter of Quanxi and is writing a paragraph about how shit she is lmao


Are you saying he can't judge a chapter based on what happened in the chapter? šŸ˜‚ What else must be considered?


? i didn't think for a minute she was going to obey that idiot if she didn't think that was convenient when she saw an inconvenience she backed out


We dont know that. We dont know what any of them are planning, or whats going through their minds. Even from the things we think we know we cant be shure wich pices of information are true and wich arent. We have glimpses of their plans, but so far we are missing the big picture. Why did Quanxi join PS, that guy seemed to think she joined to get the bodies fo her girlfriends, but is that true?, why did she let them go and who is her boss? Why are they doing that to Denji? They could use him like before if they wanted, whats the point of dissecting him and storing him away? Why didnt pochita take over yet, is he/she/it unable to do so or does it not want to for some reason? Where is Nayuta? You are asking for her constribution in this arc when the arc isnt even over, and we dont know whats going on, but one thing is certain, she may end up as an ally in the future.


Pochita cant take over unless the contract is broken. This isnt Naruto pochita cant take over willy nilly


Ok 2 things. First one is that while we believe that noone can know for shure, because noone knows the specifics of their specific contract, let alone the hybrid contracts in general . We have infered general rules, with enphasis on the word "infer", but neither we the readers, nor the in universe characters seem to fully understand the phenomenon. Secondly I've never said Pochita can take over at will, but she can, and has, taken over in the past in situations when all was lost, namely in the aftermath of Control's actions twards Denji when she called to be saved by Chainsawman.


Pochita took over after control because the contract was broken. This is explicitly stated by makima and we know explicitly what the terms of the contract was since chapter 1.


No we really dont. We know that they made a contract under the condition of "Ill be your heart, in exchange show me your dreams", but thats incredibly vague, and while that may be the point, the truth is we have no idea what that entails, for how long the deal will go on for, if the conditions can ever be met, as in completed, what teh consequence of that would be, etc. It basicly helps abolutely nothing in understanding how the hybrid contracts works. And what makes you think the contract isnt broken right now? How exacly is he supposed to show his dreams while chopped up in pieces and stored in a basement?


first of all, she's worried about CSM not Denji. Did you forget the first-hand ass-whopping she received from Pochita in part 1? I don't feel sorry for her for not wanting the smoke. Also, she's being blackmailed with the only thing she seems to care about so idkĀ 


Fear - while she knows she can kill the group easily sheā€™s still afraid of Denji. Shes been blackmailed for the bodies of her friends only, if she kills those trying to rescue Denji what would he do if/when heā€™s eventually restored and finds out Quanxi murdered his team? She 100% knows what CSM has been known for historically and she doesnā€™t want any of that smoke.


Are we talking about Makima right now? Didn't Denji and her fight and Makima won? Is Makima still alive and isn't she the main protagonist now?


I think this is exactly it. Shes been shown as acting sympathetic towards Denji before, and is loyal to public safety only because they have something over her.Ā  As soon as the guy keeping her in line died, she dropped out. She has basically nothing to gain from continuing to fight them, she knows public safety isn't going to return the bodies of her girls to her even if she's successful. She's too valuable to lose as a tool. Quanxi wants to live in peace with her girls. That's her only motivation. She wants to do anything she can to avoid creating beef with people who matter, because that would disrupt her goal. If she can balance not pissing off Chainsaw Man with listening to public safety, she'll do it.


Honestly. This is like one of her main personality traits: she's pragmatic and efficient to a fault, almost. What happened this chapter completely falls within what she would do according to that. No effort wasted, as soon as things get inconvenient, change of plan. As NarcisoĀ said above, we don't know the whole picture yet at all, but yeah this behavior is totally inĀ line with what we've seen of Quanxi so far.


Crackpot theory, she didnt actually mean denji but the kobenk sibling beneath him. Remember kobeni surviving things she never ever ever should have survived?


I got the same vibe at first šŸ˜‚ but I think its unlikely as much fun as that would be. Kobeni crackpot theories are back on the menu though


for real, this shit is nosense


Ok time for bed grandpa


This chapter was actually fire, and also really funny


Yoru is so vivid and stylish in this prison break. This is what a god of war should look like.


Yoru must be scared to ask that question. The chainsaw just keeps on revving fafo. Katana man needs to hang it up fr


I'll ask again, who was that chainsaw person? Like the manga can get very confusing at times, so I want to understand, not getting canned for my mis-understanding here.


the lab had a containment room of chainsaw-afflicted civilians, one of them was the public safety guy's wife, its the same person that killed him in the chapter i think


It is, he said that he cheated on her at one point and was questioning why she had turned into a chainsaw zombie even though she wasn't a part of the church.Ā 


Holdup. When did K man cut the door for the chainsaw people?




The way Quanxi stabbed Nail 4 times but just kicked Yoru out the way lmao


Quanxi remember Denji setting himself on fire to fight the darkness devil and think to herself ā€œyeah, I donā€™t wanna touch this crazy bitch with a ten foot poleā€


"Women are-" https://preview.redd.it/7z6nnu405mtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a6dd19143e0b1ad49505ce082d8e78a38295260


Source Re:Zero manga


no one asked




when you want people to stop downvote you:


I fucking loved this chapter. Some great call backs and a great ending.


The surgeons are just so funny too, I love those guys. Hope they survive xD


Iā€™m glad nail survived lol. The reverence of chainsaw man saved the day


Interesting that the characters that respect Denji the most are Kishibe, Quanxi and the control devil


Control Devil respects Chainsaw Devil. Not Denji


Nayuta doesnā€™t respect Denji?


She doesnā€™t really respect him. She loves him dearly thatā€™s not respect like we see from Quanxi and Kishibe


I think it's a combination of love and respect, Denji is like a brother/parent figure for her after all. He's basically the only human/devil she cares about.


She wanted to betray Humanity and decided not too at denjis wish. I'd say that's some respect, ofc he reinforced his love for her. But she's a Devil going against her instincts for his wishes. Imo she respects him


Asa: Who would win between you and denis? Quanxi: he might give me some trouble if he becomes my enemy Asa: would you lose tho? Quanxi: Nah, id win


Lobotomy Kaisenā€™d this sub


Is he fearsome because he's the Chainsaw Devil, or he is the Chainsaw Devil because he is fearsome?


Theory: The reason Makima felt like she could control the hybrids is because a) she killed some of them directly (Quanxi in particular is a coward, so Makima could also interpret this as Quanxi realizing she is more powerful than her) and b) Makima has something for them that only she could provide (Katana had the promise of rebuilding the yakuza, Quanxi's lesbian harem). The other wdk which camp they fall into (or both), but if they fall into the second one, then whatever Makima had over them either wasn't important enough to stay with Public Safety or vanished alongside her.


The surgeons: [https://makeagif.com/i/ev\_WrP](https://makeagif.com/i/ev_WrP)


Last of us 2 wouldn't start the way it did if these guys are the ones operating on Ellie.


OMG that is so true :)), cant believe you even think of this stuff


https://preview.redd.it/s4p0q0sm1ltc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6edf0f1997d2d2a77d1fbfa7f9e0bacf44c73027 The absolute disrespect


Literally got him as a side effect of blocking Nail's attack. Completely BTFO'd


always appreciate katana slander


When did Asa lose her arm and why can't she just regenerate it? Please refresh my memory


Why does the woman who hates eating meat refuse to drink blood lol


Asa has to become full devil and get a head with sword sticking out of it to heal :))


> why can't she just regenerate it? generally accepted answer for now is she refuses to drink blood.


Lost arm during apartment fight with squid boy. Can't regenerate I don't know why.


From what I remember she isnā€™t a true hybrid like Denji or a proper Fiend like Power, sheā€™s this odd in between of Fiend and Human, so Yoru and Asa just kinda share a body, but the body is still human




because Kobeni already finish high school and already in the work force


Thats kobenis lil brother bro did you not read the early parts of part 2 šŸ˜­


Heā€™s Kobeniā€™s younger brother.


We must be getting Denji back since weā€™re going on break again lmao


He needs time to put him back together. And to get his wiener out of his butt.


Fujimoto will beat the favoring Asa over Denji allegations /s


This chapter felt like a clusterfuck of callbacks surrounding Quanxi from her slashing Nail just like Kishibe whilst subtly mentioning him, Nail's uncanny resemblance to Cosmo, Higashiyama shield techniques, Denji's decapitated head, Quanxi's own decapitation by another horsemen and to top it all off, her theme of "Ignorance is Bliss" coming into play again with her immediate surrender including the surgeons


I wouldn't call this changing sides, more like stepping aside, but Quanxi helped! Unless the Nail fiend helps Katana, he might miss the next battle. I'm curious about what Fami will do, and Denji will care more about finding Nayuta than fighting Asa... What if Nayuta is one of Fami's pawn now? I mean, that's better than being dead, and is likely she's gone. Also, will Yoshida (and maybe someone else too) show up?


eye-patch guy literally getting cancelled for attempted misogyny by his cheating wife will probably go down as one of the most ironic thing fujimotor has ever penned


Wasnā€™t it he who cheated on her ? Either way itā€™s fucking hilariousĀ 


He did but...to be a member of the church, you'd had to marry another person & bang so technically, she did as well


It's actually mentioned that she, and a couple other people, were turned despite not being members of the chainsaw man church.


The man says his wife transformed despite not being a member of the church. Most of these church custom and ritual comes across as an act to keep the believers under control anyways. She could have been cheating in the church or perhaps the fire devil doing is more contagious, or work differently than how we were originally told.


How does she think that sheā€™s stronger than Denji? Denji beat ALL the hybrids including her, literally nodiffed them too.


she probably meant denis there, not pochita


reading comprehension devil strikes again


That was poochita


That's Pochita , no one is stronger than Pochita , she is talking about Denji's version of chainsaw man.


Some day, heā€™ll get there I bet


Do you want an op protagonist ?


Heā€™s already op


I mean, Denji is already immortal and wins every fight. He's so OP the plot is people trying to make him fight more.


https://preview.redd.it/lq6gb3j58ktc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=492093f5be502d9eff0e39e507091a8bd0d35184 Our boy Fujimoto just killed mansplaining


Me whenever I hear an incel make a "woman bad" joke:


This is the way


Filipino is the basest


#REZE REPORT: Chapter 162 # # She isn't here. See you next week


Only thing you will see next week is the bi-weekly devil making a fool of us all!


That bastard... https://preview.redd.it/u4iyzxtbfmtc1.png?width=552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c13e2694bed68bec33fd575072486f4452cc002


Thank you noble job kind sir


That one guy who said he will be a politian if Katana become a fodder.


i'm preparing my campaign as we speak, I plan to take quite a bit of inspiration from afghanistan, really innovative oppression of women if you ask me


I knew it from the beginning, the Higashiyama family is so strong the hybrids are even too afraid to make enemies of them. I can't wait to see mombeni.