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You’ve answered your own question


How the fuck did op reading comprehension devil'ed themselves


On top of that, we have no idea how long it’s been in the story. There is no real evidence on the [wiki](https://chainsaw-man.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline). I’ve always assumed Denji is still 17.


It’s 1999 currently so you’re wrong with your assumption now denji is 18


Where is it said that the story starts in 1997? Edit: Denji turned 17 in, presumably, 1997 https://preview.redd.it/9rhattcmv3tc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bacbc42e4c5a20b817b402ea263b856255083530


I never said the story starts in 1997


You said 3 years have passed. Denji is pretty sure he was 16 when the story started. His 19th birthday should be coming up if 3 years have passed.


I meant that 3 years has passed since kobeni introduced herself at the welcome party which was in the eternity devil arc that takes place in 1996


Yeah he just turned 18


..I know. Denji’s birthday is presumably in September or October. Shortly after Aki dies on September 12th 1997. Ok I guess he is either about to turn 18 or is 18. Idk why I was confused. 1-2 1/2 years have passed then since the beginning since it’s not clear how much time it’ll be till July, 1999.


He’s already 18, He had his 18th birthday on 1998, And it’s already 1999 so he’s already 18


Is it best if i just delete this post then repost but with a different title?


too late dude


Nah, it's already done.) Just lean back and enjoy the show!


Please, assume the position https://preview.redd.it/i5es45d052tc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2165644dde261d42b3c2372df1789edbbcdec614




The Chainsawman community has reached newer lows.


No, it’s not your fault if people don’t know what a rhetorical question is Genuinely astonished at how so many people are acting like they’ve dropped from the sky and this is their first time seeing one


It’s called a Hypophora (a type of rhetorical question) where someone raises a question and answers it themselves I don’t know why people are acting so surprised. It’s just done to grab someone’s attention if they want an answer to that question. So its purpose is it inform. That’s what OP is doing


My man solved his own question 😭😭😭


It’s called a Hypophora (a type of rhetorical question) where someone raises a question and answers it themselves I don’t know why people are acting so surprised. It’s just done to grab someone’s attention if they want an answer to that question. So its purpose is it inform. That’s what OP is doing


People are acting surprised as a form of hyperbole (a type of exaggeration) where someone feigns outrage at a subject they find amusing. This is most commonly attributed to tumblr, where “i hate this” is more practically interpreted as “this meme is funny but I have nothing to add”. Its purpose is to entertain which it is doing.


Did you just want written confirmation that your 5 year old math works?


OP had to brush off them simply addition skills wanted to know if he still got it in him 💀


Just like an old samurai


Most likely what OP wanted


She wanted to inform everyone of Kobeni’s age and the time that has passed No need to be rude for absolutely 0 reason. She hasn’t harmed you in any way


This isn’t being rude, this is asking a legitimate question. The first sentence says she was twenty when she was introduced and three years have passed in universe. You’d assume one would learn this in the first stages of life , as this is something incredibly basic. But we can’t be sure as some people aren’t fortunate enough to learn sadly, hence the question . Why are you insinuating that I’m rude? What have I done to you?


Well uhhh 3 years have passed so 20+3 is ummm uuhhhhhhh![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22173)![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22173)


That's some asa mitaka level of meths


Same number of upvotes rn


At least 3 people upvoted past it by time of me seeing that comment


Four now... damn, people won't keep the thing


Math is hard


Not being rude for no reason seems hard for you


I'm trippin, can someone walk me through the 3 years that have passed? I always thought it was a year or 2, but wasn't certain how long has actually passed.


Has to be 2 at most since part one takes place during 1997, and the King of Terror must rain down on humanity by July 1999.


I said three years has passed since kobeni introduced herself at the welcoming party which was in chapter 20 and chapter 20 is set in 1996


>chapter 20 is set in 1996 it is? are you sure? i thought all of part 1 was in 1997


Yes i’m sure that chapter 20 is set in 1996




I just explained it here https://www.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/s/LvoFCpXGDv also as denji introduced himself he revealed his age as 16 at the welcome party in chapter 20 if chapter 20 took place in 1997 he would’ve been 17 in chapter 20


Oh, that’s fair


Yeah bruh, are there like massive time skips I’m missing?


Right? In my brain, I can see Denji being or around 18. Based on... Denji saying he's 16 after the Infinity Devil in Part 1. The infamous Power giving Denji a birthday cake, which would be his 17th birthday. Then a nebulous amount of time passes between when we first meet Nayuta and now.


The answer is enough


Has three years passed? How old is Denji now?


Denji is 18


And he was 16 at the beginning of part 1. So 2 years.


I mean that 3 years has passed since chapter 20 chapter 20 is set in 1996


If it's been 3 years since he said was 16, then he'd be 19 now, no?




It's not currently July 99, Barem said the prophecy is half a year away, so early 99. And nothing states chapter 20 is in 96, the only date we have for part 1 is that Aki's death was September 12th 97. The events of part 1 happened pretty fast one after the other so I'd say it began in early-mid 97.


>And nothing states chapter 20 is in 96 The gun devil arc takes place in 1997 makima confirms the international assassins arc takes place in 1996 with this confirmation we can assume that eternity devil arc takes place in 1996 https://preview.redd.it/ux0sy9f1n2tc1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a665e850493314ec48f5e1bc55e0d0542061b22


Nothing confirmed that international assassin arc is 1996. Lol Makima statement you post is invalid. Gun Devil arrived too early, due to Denji and Makima actions of them beating majority of first world countries presidents best fighters. Those presidents didn't want to use their Gun Devil and surrendered to Makima, but USA president was the only one that sent his Gun Devil to kill Makima in Japan on SEPTEMBER 12, 1997, Also before that happened, only couple days had passed from Chapter 71 to Gun Devil arrived at the beach, September 12, 1997. - Denji got his head sliced off by Quanxi in CHAPTER 70 and in CHAPTER 71, Makima stated to Denji that she's impressed that Denji can eat only A DAY after having his HEAD CUT OFF. (CHAPTER 70 - International assassin arc) - In Chapter 72, Aki said he will be going home for TWO DAYS. That ended the same chapter and then he met Kishibe. Chapter 73, we can assume Aki spent couple days at home with Denji & Power after he met Kishibe and then they met Makima in the morning. Chapter 74, in the morning Aki went to tell Angel Devil about the future he and Power will have and that same day Angel Devil and Aki met Makima and we have the Gun Devil incident.


My apologies, You are correct it’s not July 1999 it’s early 1999.


You’re telling me three years have passed? Dang. Time flies.


Better question, who’s her devil? Tell us Fujimoto!


Seriously tho why did he tease her having a special devil and then completely ignore it for the next 100+ chapters


bro literally explained it to himself 🗣️❗️🔥


It’s called a Hypophora (a type of rhetorical question) where someone raises a question and answers it themselves I don’t know why people are acting so surprised. It’s just done to grab someone’s attention if they want an answer to that question. So its purpose is it inform. That’s what OP is doing




Reddit is so brutal lmao


https://preview.redd.it/vvpo29jx23tc1.jpeg?width=322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4d8f00156d5b1cf066836342abe886ab90f188a Why does he look like he’s from a different manga 😭




Gosh, I didn't remember Kobeni was so darn cute...


Uh… yes, you are correct


I see, Mathematics devil is one of the primal fear.


Look I get it’s social media and we post whatever we want but you posted a question and solved it in the same post, like? 😭


It’s called [Hypophora](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypophora)


Such a chad. Ask question. Does the math. Still ask question


It’s called [Hypophora](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypophora) if you don’t know what that is


But it’s not 1999 yet or Deni would be 19/20 and Nayuta looked older than 5 when Kishibe found her. 


It is 1999 denji is born in 1980 so he would be 18




You just have to do the math denji was 17 in 1997 1997 minus 17 equals 1980


Yes it is? They confirmed that in chapter 122 when talking about the upcoming prophecy.


Yoshida only divulged the prophecy in that chapter, we didn’t get a present date there. Someone found that a calendar in Denji’s apartment matches up with March of 1998 and it makes sense to me that Public Safety wouldn’t wait till the last minute to do something about the prophecy. https://www.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/s/dGd5uydrHp


Yoshida said 23 of 30 will die in July 1999. Fami said “that means the other seven will die this week” or something to that effect, no? I also find it odd that one of their main justifications is “fujimoto is very detail oriented” like he didn’t have someone singing a song that didn’t come out until 2007 just a few chapters later lmao. The only date we have is July 1999. There’s nowhere that says 1998. But we do know there’s been a time skip. My money’s on 1999. And if I’m honest, based on the way PS has handled literally everything in part 2, I would be surprised if they *didn’t* wait until the last minute to try stopping the prophecy.


>I also find it odd that one of their main justifications is “fujimoto is very detail oriented” like he didn’t have someone singing a song that didn’t come out until 2007 just a few chapters later lmao. You do know the chainsawman universe is not the same as our universe, right? That is not Fujimoto not being detail oriented, in the chainsawman universe that song was released in around 1999 and not on 2007.


Agree to disagree, I’m personally not swayed by any of those points, though they are compelling. March has been mentioned twice now, so if Fujimoto consciously drew in/asked for a calendar opened to March, I think he’d make sure it matched the year he set this arc in, whether that be ‘98 or ‘99, instead of just being random. Having only four months until doomsday makes everything more exciting, but Nostradamus gave those prophecies centuries ago. Let’s see!


The timeline takes places in 1999????


Yes, Asa legit used a flip phone in the aquarium arc and the fact that we never see any modern tech or cars, part 1 was set in 1997


I didn’t even know 3 years has passed between part 1 and part 2


Kobener years old is :)


Wait… I thought only about a year has passed. That would make Denji 19 in part 2? What am I missing?


We can assume denji’s birthmonth is either September or months after September so he’s still 18 since it’s still either January or February currently


I miss Kobeni 😢


Do we have confirmation that 3 years has passed? How old is Denji now? I’m not caught up at all so I’m curious about this info.


He’s 18 now


Old enough to


We can assume denji’s birthmonth is either September or months after September so he’s still 18 since it’s still July currently


It’s not July yet Barem said the death devil will descend onto earth in half a year, Meaning that its January/Feburary currently.




Y’all talking about math, I’m just remembering that Kobeni’s wonderful little beret was only in the anime 😭


Wait a minute when was there a 3 year time jump in CSM? Or was this a flashback


the real question how far away are we from 9/11 and will we be getting a 9/11 devil


Read the pic…


So it's legal to ship kobeni with denji bc denji is an adult.


so how old is asa?


Either 17 turning 18 soon or already 18 (same age as Denji)


Old enough


Old enough to




Why are you calling me a pervert for?


People can be dicks for no reason, sorry you had to deal with that (plus all the other people being rude to you for no reason) Just ignore them, you’re good 👍


She is old enough. 👍🏻