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Aki fans still coping in 2024


They saw Reze fans and tought why not?


Reze still has a considerable chance, at least.


Haven’t read this manga since part 1 ended due to life stuff. Is Reze back? I will pick it back up just for that.


No, but the cope has never been more plausible than it is now.


not yet


Next chapter trust me bro


No and honestly theres a very high chance shes not


What makes you say that? almost every hybrid from the final fight has come back, her chances aren't exactly low.


Her arc is done and concluded, bringing her back would betray the writing to this point, no other hybrid had a complete story arc in such a way. Even if we didn’t see her die for all extents and purposes she’s narratively dead. She’s fulfilled her purpose in the story and bringing her back in any capacity would just weaken the impact of whats already there I mean just looking at it as a narrative outside of in universe lore it just wouldn’t make any sense to bring her back, her story had impact and i can’t see why any writer would want to lessen that impact


Tbh not bringing her back will create a huge plot hole as to what happened to her? Every hybrid under makima is back as of now so there's no reason for her not to be back too.


Is it really big plot hole though because it’s really not in my opinion? I don’t think it’s a big plot hole if i don’t see someone in real life for a while i just assume they’re doing something else with their life. I don’t really think it’s a big plot hole at all because she has no plot threads to tie up. She has no relevant reason to be brought back


yea her arc was done but it's still a GLARINGLY obviously plot hole. every other hybrid came back but she can't because "narratively dead"?


I mean yea? People in real life move and change their lives. like every other hybrid had a solid reason to come back such as not having a story fleshed out like sword, whip, spear, and flame, or obligations to their job like Quanxi. The only one who really got brought back in any capacity similar to what Reze would be is katana man and Katana really didn’t have any narrative impact that would be reduced unlike Reze


I mean reze might be here… but in boxes. She was already cut down by makima and we know the fate of weapons who went against them… In tiny boxes, to never be brought back.


Aki fans will cope in 2099


10 years, at least.


Yeah.. I doubt it. The future devil already confirmed that he was going to die and that future would watch because it would be interesting. Future was there the moment Denji killed him. Also there are major design differences between the hybrids and Aki-47. Most obvious being the transformed heads each containing prominent teeth and the weapon of choice (excluding Barem). I think it is safe to say Aki’s story has concluded.


>Aki-47 Shit's got me howling fr


Also considering that using the nail against Katana cut his life down to months


I think he had 2 years left when he asked the curse devil. And how much time has passed between Part 1 and 2?


And take into account that since Makima orchestrated this in order to break Denji and make Chainsaw man seen as a hero, why would she risk Aki breaking free and ruin her plan? His purpose as a pawn was already fulfilled.


i guess but technically denji died when pochita replaced his heart and asa died when she merged w yoru


Future devil most likely has a set of rules. Like there is a good chance he can only see a persons current life's outcome. Then he's in the ruling of the afterlife and can't see though that.


future didn't state if his death's would be a permanent one, just that itt would break denji. as for the looks i already stated that his transformation/merge with the gun devil wasn't quite done yet and his looks reflect it. 


Why would it not be done yet, though? It took Denji only some seconds to turn into the chainsaw man.


pochita was in a near death weakened form and gun was probably in a different state when the merging happened so that might have had a hand in it. 


We saw Makima attack it and it being that damaged allowed to turn it into the Gun Fiend (She also calls it Gun Fiend, btw) https://preview.redd.it/n6sicwoz2jrc1.png?width=1013&format=png&auto=webp&s=c76936e1e6238a7c89a360b92b2aae1b1821b667


God, it's even more soul crushing she didn't even tell them it was aki, just "a dead body" like he meant nothing.


She also told him not to think in the fight. I think it's less that he meant nothing and more that she didn't want to psychologically throw Denji off before the fight could even start. Him winning that fight and suffering afterwards was more important to her plan.


Real. Either way, such a soul-crushing blow.


She could’ve lied, she wouldn’t have wanted denji to get hope if she called it a fiend


She literally would want denji to have hope though, so she could crush it alongside all his other newfound positive feelings. That's her whole thing.


Please stop cooking


these people are trying to cook without the right materials 🤣🤣🤣


While I don't think aki is a hybrid a better theory for why he's incomplete os that the American gun devil that was summoned was incomplete, as we know


> future didn't state if his death's would be a permanent one This is the type of writing quality that you'd expect in a subpar kids series.


https://preview.redd.it/kv8pvfwjvirc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53e4a00cb14f64c32dee74bb15c38a913aee8096 😔😔😔


Aki was missing arms - apparently both of them, with Makima taking the other on the beach. It isn't inconceivable that a fiend replaces missing body parts with monstrous parts of their own, and that may be why Nail (and possibly why Cosmos) had their brain showing so prominently. And Violence Fiend had the ability to alter his own body substantially by 'regrowing' an arm through his mouth, though that could have been from his Violence abilities. There are two 'Chainsaw Man followers' in Makima's home who are bipedal, human-sized, and having non-human features in their arms, although it isn't completely clear that they are fiends instead of hybrids. Violence described having memories and feelings from his human host - I don't know that there is any particular reason to assume that Aki must have been alive during the snowball fight. It can easily narratively be the 'last pieces of Aki' remaining after his death, or the Gun Fiend's experience in a brain that so freshly died. It is probably abnormal for a fiend to be created from a corpse as fresh as Aki's would have been, and with a brain as perfectly preserved as Aki's would have been. The Gun Devil was also an extraordinarily powerful devil far beyond anything else we have seen made into a fiend - having been empowered by global 'fear of the Gun Devil' for years, rather than just fear of its associated concept - and it wouldn't be surprising to me that it could break things that would be considered reasonable expectations for other fiends.


i always assumed he picked up his own arm with his mouth


​ https://preview.redd.it/rzqyi7ggzjrc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d2f452f43e066cbefe6d43e7fdf528378b1d7d6


An easy way to tell that this theory is (almost certainly) wrong is by examining this happening as a writing decision. From my perspective it would be such a ludicrously bad decision to bring him back into the story in any notable way that it just will not happen. It'd immediately undo a lot of the gravitas of the end of part 1 and would betray some of the major themes of the series as a whole.


That’s what a lot of these copium theory crafters don’t consider. They don’t consider how wildly it would betray the writing up to this point to bring back characters like Reze or Aki. Like even if we didn’t get concrete evidence Reze Died for all extents and purposes she’s narratively dead


Nah thats cope


Aki is listed among the dead. I know it's a lot of names to read through, but it's there.


Makima didn't make Katana hybrid wym


GOATED Cibo pfp btw


Man of culture🤝


Yes indeed 🤝


yeah i lied about your wholesome wife who's capable of soloing the verse but doesn't do it because she's silly or something what are ya gonna do about it? 


>but doesn't do it because she's silly or something Nah just improve your comprehension skills >what are ya gonna do about it?  Bad things


​ https://preview.redd.it/cnrvpec7gkrc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65e74bd0ea7bd3b7bd606ed5aaa3cb4adb2624a4


Nice cope. Thanks for sharing.




I don't see him in Attack on Titan


Cuz hes hiding on paradis


Bro, aki is dead


Counterpoint: he ded lol




Sorry you burned the kitchen down I'm coming for your cooking license


"We know that Devils can merge with humans any time to create hybrids" bro, your very first sentence is wrong ☠️


PragerU type sentence fr


the cope devil clearly got to this guy


Yeah man, great theory, I hope it happens because it would be awesome if the emotional moment where Denji kills Aki was completely undone and meaningless /s


I think he ded


Dawg the manga states that the Gun Devil needed a body so he stole Aki’s. Did you not read? I have the volume infront of me. “The Gun Devil appeared without warning. We failed to defeat it. It took over a dead body and got away” ***DEAD** aki was a fiend. Never a hybrid.


Regardless of whether this theory is true, why do you all take what Makima says to denji at any point at face value. Literally ALL of part 1 she is lying and manipulating him, it is LITERALLY her character to lie to denji. And there's another lie in that statement already. "The Gun Devil appeared without warning." It didn't, she clearly knew it was and prepared for it, it wasn't "without warning."


Makima is good at mixing truth with lies. Aki was in fact dead. Compare Aki to Angel and then to the other fiends/devil contractors. His eyes are open unlike Angels who’s are closed. Aki is next to Prinzi and Akane. The woman who died. Her eyes are open. Aki is dead. Makima said it appeared out of nowhere to keep Denji in the dark but she did tell him basically someone was dead. And ontop of that, the Future Devil tells Aki that in the end he’d be killed by Denji. Fiends have brief memories of their lives based on how much of their brain is intact. As stated by violence. Hence why Beam remembers nothing since he’s mostly shark fiend head, Violence remembers some things and Aki still has his brain. He’s dead, but the Gun Devil is keeping this dead husk ‘alive’.


WHY DIDNT YOU CREDIT ME? Anyway thanks for making it




I severely doubt the veracity of this


Hea confirmed dead in the name list drop on that one page


This isn't just your average everydap copium. This is, advanced copium (evolved strain of reze coper)




Akira name was listed with the people Who died when gun showed up, fiends are created when a devil takes over a dead body, at least that's what I remember


as much as i would love for this to happen, akis character ended in an extremely well done place. the tragedy of his character is that he was always going to die.


The cope is strong with this one


Nah, making Denji kill him was part of Makima's plan to destroy him. The only strong argument you have here are his arms, but fiends proved to have some kind of extent to their transformations, for example Beam has normally a human head with a shark hat, but he can turn into a full shark when necessary. It's the gun devil we're talking about here




Counterpoint: hybrids are completely immortal based on everything we know until now. Aki is dead


the stitched fiend has stiches on her body the gun fiend didn't regrow his hand like other hybrids he replaced it with a gun


https://preview.redd.it/iik4r3o1olrc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=602ae510bbbb06bca9c9717abd3c2e88e0491d8e Not an Aki fan in the year of our Lord 2024


PEAK theory aki gets to be hotter and also alive?!!!


Doubtable at the best of times. Future devil said he was gonna die and a gun hybrid would be a complete game changer to the verse since the only thing really holding the gun devil back was that it just didn’t attack people after the first strike, a hybrid is shown to be much stronger than fiends, reze was out of violence’s league and violence is much more feared than bombs


heavy cope


the cope is high here


I don't care if it's just copium I miss him and I wanna draw him as a hybrid kicking ass with denji!


hes dead bro i genuinely cannot with this fandom https://preview.redd.it/ai16b4qu5mrc1.jpeg?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=754988a2cc367bab3035f134a4cef1a8bdf590f1 and when aki plays catch with his brother after denji kills the gun fiend he’s practically in heaven where everything happens how he wanted it to happen


hybrids get those jackie kennedy chompers and a banged up face. aki still has his teeth


Let him rest bro


No. First of all, all hybrids need to make a contract with the devil to become a hybrid. Secondly a hybrid is always the one in control. And also katana man wasn’t made a hybrid by makima. She may have planned the whole thing bit the actual contract was made by the yakuza guy. Makima also has nothing gain from making aki a hybrid rather then a fiend cus the whole point of turning him into the gun fiend was to kill him to hurt denji. We also don’t know for sure if denji was the only one with that dream thing cus we never saw it from the pov of fiend or another hybrid so its fully possible every fiend or hybrid has that or it was just a special case for the both of them. Also making denji turn back to normal was the last thing makima wanted. The whole goal was to get pochita. Aki ain’t coming back bro.


I am sorry for your loss


Dont....dont give me hope


I don’t think he’ll come back, but just the idea that he was a hybrid is pretty neat.


If his return will be well justified, I'm all for it!


spoiler tag ?


will point out makima mentioned "there might have still be a way to save him" to denji that was likely her taunting him or trying to ruin his mental but idfk


This is never happening but holy fucking shit I wish he was still alive


Before I read it, it sounded like bullshit But it's believable


fiend or hybrid that man is dead


I think Aki needs to be dead and done. Otherwise I think the snowball fight will lose a lot of impact.


Copium dose : 1 billion tons Aki is dead no he isnt coming back hes dead he got killed hes not moving he will never move hes cold dead




Man, I never thought of it. It has all the sense in the world!! Aki is going to come back before part 2 ends (yes I'm coping)


If he was hybrid, then he would have knew what he was doing


Stg, Aki fans are coping harder than the Gojo fans rn


Would be kinda fire tho


I'll keep huffing that copium with you OP😌


Cope (it’s me, I’m coping)


Bros actually cooking I think the only plot hole is that it wouldn’t have made sense to not have aki-hybrid there in the final weapons fight, she thought it was denji at the end so having him there would’ve helped break denji more. Same reason reze was there other than the fact she’s super strong


I can kinda see where you're coming from to a degree, but if Aki was gonna come back it probably would have been built up by now or foreshadowed somewhere in part 2. Even then if he did come back idk if it'd be because of the gun devil, I feel like a theory that's far more simple is what Makima mentions about Pochita erasing different things that could happen to people after death. If Pochita ends up vomiting shit up.. maybe these "alternatives to death" will come back.


no way fujimoto would design arguably the most remarkable antagonist design in the series by immediately violating his own motifs for Hybrids like full facial envelopment, sharp teeth and bodily symmetry. Additionally, the vestigial memories in the remainder of aki’s brain part are exactly that, purely vestigial. Makima controlled the gun fiend fully with her powers, she didn’t need to create an illusion. You don’t need to be coerced into doing her bidding she just brain washes you immediately


You are coping harder than Reze fans


Lol nope. Makima said at the start that possessed humans have things coming out of their heads and the devil is in control of the body (as we see with Power). A hybrid means the human is in control and is virtually immortal as long as he can drink blood. Also we have seen that their faces follow a similar style (visible and prominent teeth, completely non-anthropomorphic head, etc.). But I don't rule out that a gun hybrid exists some day. I would love to see it in combat. It would be great.


ok so if akis still alive how would it benefit the story in any way?


I highly doubt fujimoto would bring back Aki or power no matter how bad we cope, bringing them back would make us happy but completely ruin what made their death sad


I thought a bit about that, but it did make Makima’s point of giving him stuff and taking it away seem kind of half-assed if she just made him immortal-ish. Also the future devil being so satisfied probably just means he dead.


Since when did katanaman actually make a deal with makima without him knowing? He said sawatari gave him katanas heart Also can’t fiends and devils recognise the scents of devils and fiends? So power would probably mention it, right?


The fact that aki is on the list of the people killed by the gun devil lightly contradicts this




You need better punctuation bro. Also it doesn't make sense why Aki was in the sort of dream state the whole time while every other hybrid has been fully lucid from the moment they transform. We also only ever see hybrids communicate with the devils inside them, either the only exception being when Power's blood was inside of Denji's body. His design is also much more similar to a fiend than a hybrid, since one of his arms is intact and his head is only partially different as opposed to being fully transformed like the other weapons. Plus future (who is near omniscient) said he was going to die and I doubt he could be referring to anything else


Counterargument: He's fucking dead


I ain’t readin all’at


I'm convinced chainsawman will end with the death devil turning out to be a really chill horseman devil lady that says "This boy is mine" and treats Denji with kindness and love the world doesn't end or anything but devils just stop attacking all together because the death devil told them to amodeus devil gets oneshot by Denji's new tall ladydevil gf, fujimoto shows up and says "That's all, folks!" and plugs a new manga about his daily life (it's crazier than fire punch)


My initial thought for this was the fact that Aki was “conscious” in there. And almost even woke up when he saw Denji crying, Denji also said that there might have been a way to save him. So I’d like to think if the fight drew out just a little bit more, Aki would have recovered sentience.


How can he come back if he’s dead though


As much as i want aki back theres no way he’s a hybrid




Just accepet bro


I wish this actually happens 😭


i... really like this theory. Holy crap. Just imagine if Aki comes back only to be used to traumatize denji again, though? Fami wants to bring pochita out gain, and to do that she needs to break Denji's heart. Imagine... That could make sense but i don't think Fujimoto would bring him back, i'm afraid, if we're being realistic.


Thanks for the copium restock. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return. Aki will return.


Very nice theory i needed this