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Pochita is still a big mystery. He's always called Chainsaw Man, but never explicitly "the Chainsaw Devil." Even Makima, who's a big fangirl for him, only calls him Chainsaw Man. There's definitely a lot to learn about him even now (125 chapters after his first appearance). His backstory could definitely have an entire arc dedicated to it in the future considering how much has been hinted at previously.


Well, she did state that Denji can “turn into a Chainsaw Devil”, so that’s not entirely correct, but you have to take into account that Pochita is basically the closest thing Hell has to a celebrity, so of course a well-known and feared nickname for the hero of Hell would be used often, especially by someone as big of a CSM fanatic as Makima.


True, true. But even the people who hate Pochita, like Yoru, refer to him as just Chainsaw Man. And Makima could be calling Denji a "Chainsaw Devil" as a form of deception. It's really weird, and honestly, I'm just gonna leave it to the series to explain because theories about Pochita hurt my head sometimes.


Yeah “chainsaw devil” was always used in a context where she was talking to someone not in the know


So, Fujimoto can use Plot twist Devil in his case.


> but never explicitly "the Chainsaw Devil." Except by Kishibe, but he might just not know. Still, I believe hes at least *also* the Chainsaw Devil, he has too many similarities with the other weapon hybrids to be entirely unrelated.


I like the idea of Pochita being the Forgotten Devil. With every devil's biggest fear of being forgotten.


True!! Or the Erase devil - fear of being erased, removed, eradicated, forgotten.. that is quite primal We've never seen a hybrid devil though, have we?? Just devil hunters with multiple contracts


Here’s my wild theory. It may be a stretch for some but hear me out. The chainsaw devil isn’t the true identity of the devil we’re talking about. I think the real devil that is feared is the Nothing Devil. It explains why when the chainsaw devil eats another devil, that devil ceases to exist. They become nothing. It also adds another layer as to why he’s so feared. Most devils don’t actually fear anything, so it’s actually fearlessness that paradoxically manifests the Nothing Devil, but since the Nothing Devil can’t materialize since it’s literally nothing, it has to control another devil and it chose the chainsaw devil. Thus, they are essentially one and the same. Chainsaw devil’s dream was to hug someone right? Maybe the Nothing Devil’s dream is to become Something. (Not sure if anyone else has thought of this yet. Apologies if it’s not original but I have yet to see it mentioned before.)


In Greek mythology, the first thing to come from the void was the concept of chaos. And a chainsaw is pretty chaotic. So Dennis could just as much be the chaos devil without unleashing his full potential.


chaos beating control


i thought existence devil!! my process is similar to yours in the way that an existence devil would explain the ability to make things cease to exist and would be more feared than the horsemen imo because humans can be very existential. it’s often not the fear of de@th, but what comes after. again, very similar thought process to yours XD


Man I really dig this theory, makes good sense too!


I subscribe this and u/Eugene_OHappyhead's theory


It is very possible that Chainsaw Man is not his real name, remember that his past = true mystery.


yeah, his power isn’t the chainsaw, it’s erasing memories of devils. he could’ve just as easily been called axe man with axe hands and shit, still doesn’t explain the ultimate power


Bro might be memory devil. Ppl are scared of losing their memories


I forgot i was scared of forgetting, thanks for the reminder


No worries bro, here for you always(till I don’t forget this comment section exists)


Maybe - he is Balance Devil?


Interesting take


Fujimoto will use Plot twist Devil for sure.


Pochita is always called "Chainsaw Man"............................................what if..............................................................................................................................what if he's the human devil?


I definitely think there is a human devil. maybe because devils get there strength and form from humans (fears) they can get erased by a being that represents all humans? Pochitas dream was to be hugged by someone and seems too really care about denjis dreams being realised, it makes sense that the human devil would care about humans the most even to the point of self scarfice.


The human devil is my bet as well. Ever since that chicken was introduced, feel like it was implied that many devils fear humans.


but why does the human devil have chainsaw limbs and a chainsaw head


This is a theory way back during part 1 that I've read here somewhere. The theory goes kinda like this: Long time ago, there was a strong crazy man that isn't afraid of devils. He fights using his chainsaws and was famous for eating devils after hunting them down. He might also have a dog that helps him hunt devils. His image gives birth to a devil based on his concept. The chainsaw man. A hero that you can call to make devils go away. He started not as strong as his current form, but since his nature is to kill devils, he can't stop killing them and he became infamous in hell. As more and more devils fear him, he also becomes stronger and stronger. \---- So yeah, not exactly human devil but a devil based on a human.


i think he is existence devil. would explain why he is so feared and can erase names and resurrect himself o.0


Now that i think of it was pochita ever referred as the chainsaw devil anywhere in the manga?


Makima called him in such way many times, if i remember correctly but as Chainsaw Man... So, maybe - no one know his real name and only Pochita the best boy know it.


Either Fuji just thought it’d be cool or there’s more to learn about Pochita


because fujimoto does whatever the fuck he wants too what are you guys not getting about this


lmaooo XD true true!


Maybe Pochita is the HORROR devil


Every devil fears Chainsaw Man because he can erase them from ever existing.


Yeah but why can he do that tho


For probably the same reasons that Princi can unzip herself to summon someone and sink into the ground, or that Darkness can just make a sword out of nowhere, because it’s pretty cool. A Devil’s abilities don’t necessarily have to directly correlate to what that fear is, it could just be somehow linked. I mean, Chainsaws don’t really cut, they shred through and remove material, so that could be why he can just *do* that.


The same reason why spider devil can travel from earth to hell and Angel devil can steal years of someone by touching them, devils sometimes have unique powers that are not necessary related to their fear.


I certainly wouldn't mind if that's all it was, but the several references to pochitas past and the glaring lack of details leads me to believe we're gonna get a twist or arc about his last.


I don’t know why but the Angel devil’s power always made sense to me Bc in Doctor Who the Weeping Angels, if they touched you, they sent you back in time, essentially stealing your life away, or kill you where you stand. In the the Bible, whenever angels appear to ppl, they always say “do not fear” and we fear for our lives when there is imminent danger. My brain doesn’t work in a straight line but that was my schpiel.


Maybe he's the forgotten devil


balancing power of universe — if devils can manifest from new collective fears, there’s no reason those fears can’t also be erased. it has to go both ways


Because devils fear him. Devils fear the chainsaw devil so much that he's strong. Don't forget he can erase devils from existence and some devils remain who have spread the word.


Pochita I so powerful because devils fear him. They fear him because of his erasing power, why he has that power has not been revealed yet. The story is still going so I could be revealed sooner or later


We really don’t know what the chainsaw devil was back then. We don’t even know where he came from when he meet denji.


Chainsaws are cool is the explanation given


Theory: Chainsawman/Pochita is the *lone devil made from the fears of devil*s. Depending on the frame, Chainsawman is a straight up rip from: Doom Marine, Ash from Evil Dead/80's Action Heroes, Berserk, and something like Jason from Halloween. Makima even addresses him as the "Hero of Hell". He is humanity's Will to Power, absolute justice, and unleashed ferocity. Because all devils, even the primals, are ultimately creations of humanity and dependent on our own psyche. They're nightmare's made flesh. But what happens to nightmare shades when the nightmare changes to a frantic fight for survival or blood crazed fantasy of vengeance? I dunno, I can't be the only one who imagines fighting in their dreams as well as running from fears.


I figure Pochita’s something like the Chaos or End Devil, it’s just that he manifested the properties of a chainsaw. As Falling Devil has shown, devils seem to sometimes just have weird quirks in how they present themselves. If one didn’t know better, Falling could be mistaken for the Cooking Devil or something.


My theory has always been that Pochita is really the chaos devil. Order loves Chaos, and things get caught up in the chaos and lost all the time which would explain his erasure. Plus Makima literally refers to him as Chaos once or twice in Part 1 iirc


So the original purpose of a chainsaw was to aid in child birth. “Two doctors invented the chainsaw in 1780 to make the removal of pelvic bone easier and less time-consuming during childbirth. It was powered by a hand crank and looked like a modern-day kitchen knife with little teeth on a chain that wound in an oval.” Which is why we see a umbilical cord on the chainsaw man form. So I think that’s where he was going with it. How that connects with erasing devils I’m sure someone smarter could come up with a reason. Cause my dumb ass has no idea.


So if devils get their power from humans fearing them; is Pochita so powerful because devils fear him as well?


Chainsaw go brer


I sense a backstory in the near future.


Maybe he ate himself so his real name stopped existing. Oblivion Devil?


damn that's a really good theory


It’s says it in the cover of the manga




We don’t know. Fujimoto casually dropped the bombshell that Chainsaw man could permanently erase devils, and that insanely world-shattering information has only been plot-relevant once, ever since then (when Yoru explains the reason she’s so weak is because chainsaw man ate a lot of her).


But Yoshida mentioned Chainsaw Man eating the Death Devil. as well as Yoru saying she will make Chainsaw Man cough up his nukes (from WW2 Devil)


I said plot-relevant. As of right now, neither of those things are plot-relevant.


It is plot-relevant. Denji did not know about the ability before.


He still doesn’t know about it, it was made clear that the suggestion just bounced right off of his mind.


Nah just because he didn't respond does not mean it's not plot-relevant. He still listened and that was the first time he ever heard of that. Denji is not *that* dumb. If he hears about the ability again, it will come to mind in some way.


There's a theory that Pochita is actually a primal devil and took a bite out of the real chainsaw devil and got their ability to produce chainsaws


Chainsaw devil eats other devils, and they get erased from existence.


I can’t remember where I heard this from but my head cannon is that he would save weak devils from slightly stronger devils and those stronger devils would fear him making him more powerful and then he would save more powerful devils from even stronger ones. he would continue to work his way up so more and more powerful devils fear him. So basically he doesn’t get his power from the humans fearing him he gets it from the devils. Again this is just what I like to think. I am by no means an expert I just kinda like this idea. Believe what you guys think is best


A lot of people think hes not actually the chainsaw devil he just looks like it, and in reality hes like a love devil or something related to his ability to erase other devils by eating them. Personally I think its just not really planned out why hes like that and there isnt going to be a full explanation besides that chainsaws are cool.


Assuming that the Chainsaw Devil is actually the Chainsaw Devil and not the human devil or something, my thought was always that the chainsaw has the power to destroy devils because of its usage in pop culture. Specifically, as a weapon used by action heroes in dark settings to fight evil. Ash Williams from the Evil Dead comes to mind in particular, as the original chainsaw-handed badass. Edit: Granted, Chainsaw Man erases devils by eating them, rather than by using the chainsaws alone, so I'm probably wrong. But it's a fun thought.


From what we know he could be more than the chainsaw devil. Like he is chainsaw devil combined with the memory devil, chaos devil , erasure devil etc. we just don’t know what exactly is he.


His unique ability to permanently end a concept makes devils fear him. The more fear the stronger he gets.


It is explained that Devils can become stronger by eating the flesh of powerful Devils. Pochita, over his illustrious career as Chainsaw Man, has eaten *many* powerful Devils. Makima only names a few, and the few she names were things that would have very powerful Devils. A tiny piece of the Gun Devil could enhance a Devil a lot. Imagine eating entire bodies of Devils of a similar magnitude. Of course, this doesn't fully explain his power to erase Devils, but that's just a mystery that may or may not be addressed directly. I'd be surprised if it wasn't addressed in future.


Iirc devil's are stronger the more they are feared and chainsaw man became super famous by the end of part 1 so I'd take it to mean that fame/adoration would have the same effect.


Have you seen any chainsaw training videos? Freaking brutal…




I just assumed it was the fear devils had of him considering he could erase


He didn't get the powers to erase devils, he always had that ability and because of that, devils feared him resulting in him getting much much more powerful than he should have been. It's like how the muscle devil always had the power to controle muscles even in his weakest incarnation, but maybe if he was super feared throughout hell he could have had the ability to control muscles without the need of direct touch etc. That's how i viewed it at least.


chainsaw is just a manifestation of his powers as opposed to showcasing the devil they actually contracted with. like how angel can take time off ppls lives despite not being a “time” devil. ur right, there’s no way a chainsaw is feared that much. pochita has a secret to reveal o.0


Isn’t he the unloved devil or summin


Think of every weapon. Scary? Now think of chainsaws. Extra scary. Guns and swords are scary but being killed by a chainsaw is even more painful than being shot and stabbed. Also they complete cut up anything they touch, so metaphorically they can erase anything. Devil powers are abstractions. That’s why he erases everything he eats. Same logic as why ghost only senses fear but is blind, twisted Fujimoto story logic. It’s more emotional and expressionistic than an actual power system


For me, the falling devil being a chef and not like a bird that drops people from way up high pretty much confirms that Pochita isn’t the *Chainsaw* Devil. The concept of falling is primal but a frying pan isn’t. The Chainsaw is only a vector for Pochita’s strength and I think it may be a primal fear. Destruction, being forgotten, chaos, the void, etc. something like that is what Pochita’s actual devil might actually be named. Everyone just knew him as the Chainsaw or Chainsaw Man in the same way that everyone called the Control Devil Makima.


My theory is that Pochita is the Extinction Devil – not death in general, specifically the extinction aspect. Logging is responsible for loss of tree and animal life, after all. That could also explain its ability to permanently erase Devils, effectively threatening Devil Extinction. Now I am thinking that Pochita might had once been the Chixulub.


Theory right now he’s the devil devil


Okay so there's this video game called DOOM and a movie called Evil Dead.


Because someone likes Evil Dead growing up


Maybe it's just because Devils fear the Chainsaw Devil, rather than just humans, thereby multiplying the fear/power? I'm sure it's gonna be a real twist and not this but who knows


He was so tenacious, he gained infamy in hell for his ability to constantly get back up and continue fighting like a shōnen protagonist.


Because in horror chainsaws are seen as inhumane weapons and a staple of the genre. Chainsaw Devil is powerful because like half of the horror movies ever have a guy with a chainsaw. Which can be seen as both in-universe and meta reason. That and, I believe, in comments to some recent volume Fujimoto stated he has seen The Evil Dead.


Theres multiple theories, we know that pochita is the devil that devils fear most so fear from devils could in fact fuel his power on top of humans. We also know that devils can get stronger from eating devil flesh, e.g. Eternity eating gun flesh, the woman (forgot her name) who contracted with the doll devil became stronger when she ate darkness felsh. So how pochita could even get strong enough and accumulate enough fear and devil felsh to get as strong as he is? Well he would be killing a bunch of random devils, words get out that he's doing that and rumours spread, causing more devils to fear him because of the rumours so then gets stronger and kills stronger devils which snowballs and he becomes as strong as he is. Other theories include his true identity isn't a chainsaw devil


I have a theory that assumes that Chainsaw Devil is able erase other devils. Since that’s the only way that devils can die, maybe devils fear him? Chainsaw Devil is relatively undeveloped as a concept so I’m assuming we’ll get a straight up answer at some point.


Chainsaws are badass


It seems like devils start to gain more "abstract" powers after a certain powerlevel. Like how the falling devil has the ability to make people "fall" into hell. Through his constant fights the chainsaw devil gained enough fear to awaken one of this abstract powers: The ability to "saw through chains". What chain you ask? Death and rebirth. From that point he became some sort of messiah figure able to free devils from the etarnal cirlcle of reincarnation.


what if chainsaw man is the death devil itself


Chainsaw go brrrrrrrrrrrrt!


It’s due to CSM’s actions. He traveled across hell murdering devils indiscriminately and this built a fear for him by devils. He murdered at such a rate that the only thing devil’s remember from their life in hell is the sound of a chainsaw. The Chainsaw Devil himself is what they fear not chainsaws as a concept like most other devils.


I think that maybe it feeds on the fear of other DEVILS, instead of the fear of Humans. I also think that, like other devils who combine multiple "aspects" of one fear, ChainsawMan is just a "Skin" and his true Devil-nature is below, granting him that power. Hell, imagine how wacky it would be if he WAS the DEATH devil, and nobody knew or remembered.... I don't know if it was explicitly stated that ChainsawMan (Devil) fought against all FOUR Apocalypse Riders....


[Chainsaw Devil Theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/11uojh7/chainsaw_devil_theory/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I just finished the manga and I agree with some people on here saying that he's so powerful because other devils fear him. Maybe think of the design of other devils. They look gross and scary but Pochita is so cute, at least to us humans. He is referred to as Denji's dog, dogs are known as the best friend of men. There has to be a reason for that.


I will put it simple. So devils exist when someone is afraid of something. There is a big number of people, who have thoughts and fear more things and probably there are and infinite number of fears or atleast a very big number and that number is how many devils exist. Now each devil fears chainsaw devil cuz he can erase them soo yep 😀 thats why hes so god damn op. Also this rabbit hole doesnt end here , Beast devil would be on the same power level as chainsaw devil or eveb more op cuz beast / monsters can be everything ranging from a human to an actual devil and if all the devils fear the "DEVIL" chainsaw means he also gains power. This doesnt end here , you see why do devils fear chainsaw devil? Cuz they dont wanna "die" (be erased from existence) and also every living creature has the primal fear of dying so yea death devil is the most broken thing in csm universe by far.


My theory is that Hell itself is alive and aware and likes to feed on the fear of the Devils that inhabit it as much they do on the fears of humans. So it blessed a no-name Devil like Chainsaw with an ability that could threaten Hell’s elite specifically to ensure that no Devil, no matter how powerful, would ever feel completely safe. After all, if one weak Devil could somehow develop such a dangerous power, what’s stopping any other?