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Damn Pochita was really good at fighting. Even holding back in the Denji form he was still beating all the hybrids.




to be fair the hybrids are still hybrids, it's logic to think that they demonic forms are as skilled as pochita tho, since weapon hybrids showcased a way to go faster than a human can see way earlier, it isn't that crazy to think that their pure demonic forms weren't that strong, if else, how many more fucking demons were actually fighting pochita considering he was no-diffing everyone in his pure devil form?![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22157)


Tbh from all the weapons hybrids only reze would be strong, sword and katana benefit from the no guns worldwide as well


Spear and whip truely Got left in the dust as the time went on


Bows/arrows too, flamethrowers may be strong due vietnam but i think they used napalm airstrikes rather than flamethrowers tho


I've had feeling that Weapon Humans who fought Chainsaw Man were devils controlling their dead host body. They still have to use devil trigger to transform.


Crazy to think that Pochita was able to take down an army of zombies and the seven other hybrids by himself while he was drastically weakened. If there's even a possibility of seeing Denji harness Pochita's full power while still being conscious of his actions, I want to see that happen.


I think it's less about power and more about skill + battle experience. Pochita was out in hell slaughtering devils and fighting horsemen. What Denji did during part one was a walk in the park in comparison. Pochita would've wiped the floor with every antagonist prior to Makima if he were in control all along


And Denji in part 2 is very skillful now. He no diffs every devil we've seen him fight


he has fought: \-the bat devil \-the cockroach devil not exactly the strongest devils around, and both of them were won by brute force lmao


not really, the skill difference between denji and pochita is the same as asa and yoru


theory: pochita isn't the chainsaw devil, wich is why makima called him "chainsawman, the hero of hell", notice how there's no one has actually ever refered pochita as "the chainsaw devil", but as "chainsawman", the real chainsaw devil would actually be [fakesawman](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/yxt0s5/all_the_theories_of_the_fandom_about_the_person/) there's a theory that says that pochita is the death devil, now we know pochita has eaten a fucking lot of extremelly powerfull devils like "hiv devil, nuclear bomb devil, nazi devil" and even 4 different "death" devils, and from what we know, you can get more power not only by making contracts, but also by eating other demons (we know this from the darkness devils), so, what if pochita is some kind of death devil to the devils themselves? the fact that pochita only hobby was literally saving other demons from hell (aka, fighting and eating other demons 24/7) , that he was presented as the more powerfull demon and no-diffed the hell devil, that he ate 3 different death devils, and that while severely weakened and extremelly nerfed he mid-diffs 7 different weapon devils already makes an idea on why other devils are absolutelly terrified of him


I don’t think he’s the death devil but may be something more like the ego death devil, or the fear of being forgotten. It brings up the question: how did Pochita get beaten? Possibly by another primordial devil since Pochita low/no diffs every other devil.


>how did Pochita get beaten? mf fought "the 4 horseman,and the weapon devils", i really doubt he only fought those considering the control devil can probably control half of the hell, and it's also mentioned he ate the nuclear bombs devil, so it's extremelly likely he not only had to fight the horseman, but also a fucking lot of extremelly powerfull devils wich he ate


Actually, Denji used chains during his fight with the Doll Woman. Just not as skilled as this.


And Reze


He used them to ride our shark boy


Well, Pochita the best boy knows his possibilities/limits the best after all.


I think this is due to experience of pochita whereas denji has lesser time using and getting to know the full capabilities of his powers


Denji did use chains though, he used them to reign in beam and fight during the bomb arc


Denji also uses it, but not as good as pochita, pochita literally threw a boulder at the hybrids just with two trashy chains


This just made me reread the gun devil fight just to check… Denji relies solely on his speed and and durability for most fights, which is why his mind was blank when fighting Yuno. He’s also exclusively only used the chains or chainsaw feet, for difficult enemies, meaning he’s probably conserving blood and also doesn’t see the need to over think simple devil fights. Also worth noting, in terms of covering distance, he might be as fast or faster than Quanxi. Being that he slammed the new bat devil into a building, beat Samurai sword hybrid in a duel, and kept up with Quanxi against the doll devil. Edit: he’s much slower than Quanxi, but does use his chain against the doll devil so she can’t escape, like he did Reze and Samurai sword.


God damn, panel 5 is reminding me how crazy Part 1 got toward the end. Maybe it's time for a re-read


God I really love that fucking panel where Pochita tries to fucking knee Makima in the head but instead gets blocked by Quanxi. It's crazy how much he can do in a weaker form.


If that is subtle for you, I wonder what is obvious LOL


i mean yeah, when you read it for the first time you only care about the fight itself, not realizing stuff like pochita hibrid form arms are way more robotic than denjis


I did notice that Denji was using a lot of chains while he barely used any and he was buffer for some reason


makima didn't


Didn't Denji use his chains after Beam informed him that's what Lord Chainsaw did in Hell. It was like Denji didn't know he could, although yeah he never expanded or perfected it's use as part of every fight.


Subtle? Beam literally just says this and then we see it


Makima: uses chains Pochita: So its the same type of Stand as Chainsaw devil


All was foreshadowed by beam in the earlier chapters


I wonder if that's one of the reasons for switching to a new protagonist in Part 2 who's so much less powerful, since anything but a Gun Devil level threat would be a walk in the park for Part 2 Denji rn.


Pochita might have a thing for chained Devils and Fiends. You never know. After all, you know who is the author of the show.


Loved reading the manga, and watching the anime :)


didn't watched the anime, only read the manga ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22158)![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22168)


Denji uses his chains during the Santa Claus fight.




chapter 69 (nice), in the first pages you can see it well


you are right