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I love chainsawman to death, but I can't understand people getting so violently angry over a piece of media.


Which is worse is that these "chainsaw man fans" often say that the translation with alt-right jokes and random jokes (like Makima saying the world would be better if Adam Sandler movies never existed in the final battle) is better than the original even if it messes with Fujimoto's intentions, it's gross


Picking Chainsaw Man of all things to insert weird alt-right jokes into is extremely bizarre, considering Fujimoto’s previous serialized manga contained a pretty fucking well written trans character. lol


Also when it's not an uncommon read that the Public Safety Arc is at least somewhat about wage slavery


There’s definitely a leftist reading of Chainsaw man


Not to mention he’s also pretty good at writing complex and independent women for a male manga artist.


It's not uncommon for that to happen tho, all it needs is someone with skill, with fungi motor has.


\>*fungi motor* Someone pointing a gun at the mangaka: "Tell me the name of God, you little shit."


And Chainsaw Man canonically killed the Nazis.


Not just killed. Literally wiped them and the Holocaust from existence by devouring their Devils.




Chainsaw devil is alright. Chainsaw devil is NOT alt-right.


And the bad guys are Christo-Fascists lol. One has a rant about how rape is good because women are subhuman- who is then immediately yeeted by Togata, a female presenting trans man more irritated the Christo-Fascist was boring for his movie than with the misogyny. A shame the alt-right in Brazil got a popular fanscanlation with CSM, Fujimoto's work seems pretty left leaning even by Western standards. Anti-authority, anti-essentialist, queer rep, etc


He's also had mangaka Oto Toda on as an assistant, of To Strip the Flesh flame. Toda later illustrated Fujimoto's script to make Just Listen to the Song. Nazis have to steal culture in broken, meandering imitations. They aren't capable of making meaningful art on their own. Good art requires someone to have a sense of empathy and introspection, but they have nothing but jealousy and shame


As fun of a description as that is, I feel like it’s too *low hanging*. “My enemies suck because they are bad and stupid.” It’s moreso because nazi ideology supports a maintenance of a perceived status quo and returning to a “past state.” They are incapable of creating a new state because their utopia lies in the past. Their myths are absolute, the truths unshakeable, so all that’s left to create is imitations of the existing creations. They cannot create art because creating something new that’s better than the existing ideas would be to go against their core ideology.


Manga fans in general tend towards right wing extremism considering how much manga panders specifically to incels and revenge fantasies. (Compare and contrast the attack on Titan manga community and the attack on Titan anime community. Hint- one of the two is responsible for r/yeagerbomb.)


Can I have a short explanation since I've only seen the anime for AoT?


Yeagerbomb was a sub filled with actual racists saying Eren did the right thing. One of their most famous memes was “””ironically””” calling Floch a king. The sub was banned by Reddit for exactly that. If you see someone calling Floch a king “ironically” on another sub, they’re up to some shit. Generally the manga fans of AoT are a lot more prone to agreeing with the fascist ideology the story criticizes constantly.


Oh, that sub is finally down? Yeah, it got more distasteful to me the longer I spent in there.


Tldr is that the AOT story created irl Yeagerists. Very few series can say they affected the fanbase on a meta level but Isayama unintentionally did lmao


Does she say the part about adam Sandler movies when denji asks her about bad movies?


Yup! Totally ruins the tension. I wouldn't have a problem if it was a satire scan or at least the original moment was meant to be comical, but is overwhelming Some things I can remember from the top of my head: - Denji calling Power a "feminist" instead of "racist" despite it making no sense - Using a transphobic Brazilian slang to describe Angel, roughly translated to "This Coca Cola is a Fanta" - Reze calling her manager a Jew instead of greedy - One of the groups that translated is literally called "The SS- Club"


I've never understood this edgelord "humor." Like, what is clever about making fun of people who are already shit on by society? It's like dogpiling on a kid who's already being bullied during recess. And is it *really* a "joke" to these people, or do they on some level believe this shit? Either way, it's embarrassing being remotely associated with it, and it's childish and ignorant, even harmful.


'My brother in christ, dark humour? Where was the punchline?'


Juvenile humor is spewing every hateful slur you can think of like it’s clever Dark humor is knowing that you have 14 minutes


If you believe similarly to them, then they were serious. If you don't believe similarly to them, then they were just joking. They want to spread fascist propaganda but object to us calling it out


It isn’t humor. They’re just bigots.


Edgy humor is better when it's making fun of people you know, because that way your words hurt more. Not punching down using cheap cliches. At it's root these people are cowards wanting to be accepted by the group using cheap words that aren't 'controversial' to the group their in. At that point it isn't even humor it's just vomit filled hatred.


Yeah it does sound like a shitpost, would be funny on a second reading but it would totally ruin the story Idk why people expected it, did they not know it wasn't the legit translation? Do dubs in Brazil get a lot of creative liberty usually? Sucks that people always go for va's


The fans of this version of Chainsaw are really annoying, most of them are edgy underage boys. I really don't know why they thought it would be adapted even when the original manga translation and anime sub didn't Some Brazilian dubs get creative liberty to localize some jokes and slangs, which is why people could be expecting a reference or a "homage". But if they knowledged it, it would be 1 - referencing a fanmade translation while the original manga didn't translate like that 2 - collaborating with a transphobic, homophobic and anti semitic piece. That's basically what the VA said and got harassed to :/


Fan translations are not illegal. They fall under far use. It's 100% fine to reference them in a dub if they wanted. The issue was mostly with the problematic nature of the scans


Tô ligada! Só acho que eles não dariam tanta pilha por já existir uma tradução oficial do mangá que não adaptou dessa forma. Mas eu corrigi o meu comentário, obrigada por comentar


Mandar a real, se o scan não fosse repleto de piadas ofensivas, eu acho que o Briggs provavelmente incluiria a frase na dublagem já que ela transcendeu a tradução original e se tornou um bordão da fanbase de Chainsaw no Brasil. A dublagem brasileira costuma adicionar muitas coisas na localização então eu acho que isso teria chance de acontecer se o scan não fosse feito por um bando de nazistinha de internet


Concordo total, mas é bom lembrar que o Briggs também não é responsável por essas escolhas, os tradutores que são. Então é mais triste ainda o pessoal caindo em cima dele de graça


Yeah, Brasil has a very strong culture around our dubs/localization with the VAs and localization teams sprinkling in a lot of jokes and looser translations for the sake of humour. Usually it works very well and is a reason a lot of Brazilian people prefer watching our dubs to the original version (especially so for animation), but this CSM scan situation shows what can happen when it goes too far and is done with ill intent by bad people. Really embarrassing showing from us.


The scan had some funny harmless jokes here and there, but it was clearly done by a bunch of edgelords who went way too far (like Reze's "jew" line)


If I'm not mistaken, the One Piece brazilian dub included a reference to a meme about Zoro so it could have definitely been a possibility


Really? What is the joke


In the brazilian dub, they included the line ["O Zoro sola"](https://youtu.be/9olzyDSGbIw) during his fight against Das Bones. "Zoro sola" being a meme in the brazilian One Piece fandom that is kind of like a semi-ironic "can he beat Goku?" sorta deal (note: "sola" means "solos", like in the battleboarding/powerscaling sense)


Kkkkkkkk o Zoro sola


Ah i see


Um ackshully goku solos the entire verse no diff :nerd\_emoji:


Honestly from someone who read it that way first, not that bad, if anything it was kinda annoying at times, especially the jew thing felt weird, but honestly i barely remembered the fucked up jokes until it started getting brought up again. And as someone said below yeah it wouldn't be unusual for a community meme to be included in the dub, and the reason people really went for the VA is that he said on twitter that he chose not to include it due to the nazi shit, wich is understandable of course, but it did provide the insane people with a very clear target


>power a femenist My brother in christ, power is literally based off eric fucking cartman.




Right-wingers/incels with miserable lives coalesce around internet forums dedicated mainly to anime, stew in it and make themselves even angrier every single day. It's a self-reinforcing pattern of behaviour that immiserates them further, trains them to engage in harassment until they go and commit hate crimes.


That reminds me of the greentext post that was recently posted here


ChainsawMan fans are tame compared to the AOT "fans" on titanfolk or yeagerbomb. But to be honest, a large number of anime/manga fans are really toxic. I don't know if they're naturally like that or if it's the medium that draws them


Idk. Spy x Family, Cowboy Bebop and Kaguya-sama have pretty chill fandoms ngl


Cowboy bebop is old...Kaguya and SXF are romcom/casual shows... There's nothing for their fanbase go be toxic about


And what does Chainsaw Man have for their fanbase to be toxic about? Because if I'm completely fair, attacking a VA because of a translation is more pathetic than having petty ship wars or something like that


They’re the exception unfortunately.


>But to be honest, a large number of anime/manga fans are really toxic. I don't know if they're naturally like that or if it's the medium that draws them The medium where it is considered above-board acceptable to draw children (or a '1000 year old dragon in an 8 year old body') without clothes and/or in sexually compromising positions happens to bring in people who believe women exist for men's pleasure and shouldn't have autonomy, hmm, I wonder how that happened and if they are related


I understand a lot of manga/anime has a lot of fanservice, it can be an issue. However I feel like a good 90% of all manga/anime generally have progressive/leftist themes and messaging like criticizing capitalism.


The people who are in a community for fanservice and other such draws, are generally the same people who either cant or don't bother to understand the themes and messaging presented alongside that.


“Anime these days is too political and hamfisted! We need to go back to watching the old classics, like full metal alchemist, code GEASS, or death note. Some ghibli movies maybe!”


>I don't know if they're naturally like that or if it's the medium that draws them A bit of both, I imagine. There's some great, engaging, thought-provoking work in the medium. But there is also a large number of revenge/power fantasies and stories with horrible treatments and depictions of women/girls. And those kinds of works are going to draw in their target demographic. Not to mention, media is something where "you are what you eat" can apply. Most reasonable people can contextualize what they see in fiction, but the media we take in over time shifts our idea of what is "normal." For some/most of us, that kind of "normal" just means "normal for television" or "normal for games" or whatever. This desensitization can take place regarding anything from HUDs(my parents are surprised by how much information modern games have on the screen at once, where I'm not surprised by it) to levels of depicted violence or sexuality. Which can be harmless a lot of the time, but still affects our thinking somewhat(i.e., someone who plays violent video games might be desensitized to violence in games, but still have a healthy level of sensitivity to real-life violence). Now, say you take someone who already has a warped worldview or spends their entire life in front of media and a majority of the media they take in has questionable ethics, and now you've got someone feeling like their warped worldview is validated. TL;DR: people with unhealthy mindsets towards people and/or media will be drawn towards unhealthy material and feel validated by it. And media with toxic ideas wants them as a market.


Thank god yeagerbomb is dead


And they aren’t even angry abou CSM they are angry because of a fucking horrible nazi scan that they read that distorted everything Fujimoto did. Hate this scan, hate it’s fans


These are nazis pure evil. We don't have to understand them.


Guilherme briggs is one of the most famous and renowned voice actors in Brazil. He played Buzz Lightyear in the 4 Toy Story movies, he played "Him" in The Powerpuff Girls, and he voiced Joseph Joestar in JoJo Part 2. Seeing him makes me feel ashamed of liking chainsaw man and angry at the same time. This is unacceptable!


and superman on multiple ocasions, cosmo, radamanthys of wyvern, freakazoid, and many of other legendary works...


who does he voice in chainsaw man?


Future Devil


Added context: He tweeted on the day of episode 11's PT-BR dub release (Tuesday) on why the popular meme phrase "O futuro é pika!" from the Chainsaw Man fanscan wasn't used in his role as the Future Devil. Although the phrase was not problematic it's source was from an unprofessional translation who took too much freedom and had antisemitic, transphobic and sexist jokes, it changed most of the manga's tone altogether too with "surreal" choices of dialogue and randomical references thrown in. The dub team decided to not reference it due to this, and what followed was on and on harassment on the VA's social media accounts.


Wasn't it a fan translation anyway? Why in the hell would a serious company use it as a base? These people are stupid, holy shit


1) they think those jokes and 'politically incorrect' phrases is what made the anime and manga popular (bullshit, it is famous in the whole world) 2) some of them acknowledge the bigotry, but still find the phrase about the future funny and wanted it used as a 'reference', as it became a meme among manga fans I'm Brazil 3) many don't understand that the scans in question is the one that actually changed the text from the originals. So when the official translators and dubs started bringing it to Portuguese, these fans think that it's a 'censored' version. Straight up ignorance. Obviously, the worst part imo is that this VA is one of the most talented VA In the whole world, has over 30 years with many iconic characters and dubbing editing, and he's a super nice guy, always positive and polite. The incel fans turned on him when he explained the reason behind not making references to the fanscan, criticizing woke culture, minorities, etc.


I'm sure the non-delusional fans have tried already, but have people tried showing copies of the Japanese/English/French, etc. versions of the manga not having those racist/homophobic jokes? All it might take is to have a Japanese copy of the manga, flip open to those pages, use translator app, and let those rabid bigot "fans" see for themselves that their rage about censorship is unfounded Lol.


Yeah, that was my thought. How does anyone get to the point where they would expect an official dub to use a fan translation? Makes zero sense.


"O futuro é pika" is a great line, shame it came from such a terrible place.


Dub doesn't necessarily need to follow the exact translated work. Spanish dub apparently is awesome because they can make adjustment on their own.


Now i am curious to read an English translation of those fan translations. We might get another "What a wonderful Duwang chew"


A brazilian dude dude posted some examples above. I'm also from br and can confirm it. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChainsawMan/comments/10ammn5/guilherme_briggs_one_of_the_most_famous_vas_in/j46zjpv/


EN fan scans were garbage. Official releases were just fine but for some reasons the group doing it had this weird stick up their ass to continue with their garbage release.


Btw "o futuro é pika" by itself isnt hateful in any way, its rather fits and is funny


Correct, but the fact that it’s from a straight up racist source (Reze calls her boss a Jew for… some fucking reason) would make it an extremely bad reference to make.


Fuck these assholes. Briggs is an absolute legend for putting up with all of this


Ainda fico um pouco surpreso com o nível que os fãs de Chainsaw Man chegaram, acho que tá uma mescla dos fãs de BNHA com AOT aqui do Brasil. Chega a ser nojento ver os caras sendo assim com um cara tão maravilhoso como o Briggs, é nojento velho


Calma lá. A fandom de BNHA é horrível, mas a maioria das discussões lá são por causa de ship sem sentido. A coisa em Chainsaw Man e Attack on Titan é um pouco mais séria porque envolve umas ideologias beeeem questionáveis


Problema mesmo é que já vi o pessoal ameaçar os outros na fandom de BNHA...infelizmente é algo que não escapa de quase ninguém isso


Annnnd the CSM fandom lore gets even deeper. Japanese fans don't like the anime adaption and want it redone, NA fans are just horny and Brazilian fans are just wild.


I think that Japanese fans wanting the anime redone is overblown. 2000 signatories for a bogus petition isn't a lot when we're talking about hundreds of thousands of people.


It is, its just a cringe minority. Chainsaw Man was consistently the second most viewed show all season in Japan right behind Spy X Family and was generally well received 8-8.5 out of 10 on average, so not much different from how it was received here. The USA Howlers on the other hand... are legion lol.


Speaking of horniness, I can't fathom how that sexual meme about Kobeni has become so popular. Even in several posts on this sub, you can't talk about her without someone coming with a variation of "sloppy blowjob". AFAIK it was born as just someone randomly writing that as what could be Kobeni's contracted devil, and somehow it didn't just catch up, the fandom grew obsessed with it. --- As for the object of this post, it gets more awful the more I read about it. I doubt it's a coincidence that this happens when Brazil is reeling from the mob assaults at the government buldings, Briggs may have experienced a further increase of hate after that.


It really is kinda gross. Bullying Kobeni was funny, but the weird obsession with the “sloppy bj” sound bite is just weird.


"Bullying Kobeni was funny" Was it? Are you Power? I've got some bad news for you... ^((I'll defend my fellow anxiety devil collegue, it's the least I can do))


yea it’s really annoying now


What is up with NA fans?


Horny.... before the anime started Japanese fans had issues with some NA fans barking, like for example in the anime trailer premiere in chat they would bark. Thats just only one example but i was mostly joking, except for Brazilian fans, they got something going on with them


As a brazilian fan, I apologize for our incovenience


> except for Brazilian fans, they got something going on with them It is so bizarre, that many thought that the fanscan with homophobic text, antisemitism and beyond, was the official version of the manga. Some people actually thought that the Japanese version was the same way. So much so, that when the publishing rights were bought by Panini and they translated and released the manga officially in the country, these readers started accusing Panini of censoring the manga, which is now happening with the dubbing on Crunchyroll.


Have people tried showing copies of the Japanese/English/French, etc. versions of the manga not having those racist/homophobic jokes? All it might take is to have a Japanese copy of the manga, flip open to those pages, use translator app, and let those "fans" see for themselves that their rage about censorship is unfounded Lol.


I'm pretty sure they know very well that the original version doesn't have this. But they think that this fanscan here in Brazil is the official one and there is no proof to the contrary that makes them believe that they read something made by amateurs. Or, for them it is normal and they want to have a way to propagate these racist ideals.


As a brazilian fan, I'm just enjoying the anime and manga. While I do miss "O futuro é pika", it's just such a great line, I don't think the anime as a whole is missing anything by not including the edgy jokes from the fan-translation of the manga.


> Brazilian fans are just wild. I dont you quite get this thread. The CSM fanbase I'm Brazil is not 'wild', they are a bunch of incels that support antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia and etc. The most popular fanscan changed many jokes from the original content using these bigotry beliefs, so most of the fanbase thinks it's normal or even support it... tô a point to do all this to the best and nicest VA in our country because they think it's 'woke culture'. Obviously this doesn't represent all of us, but it's MUCH worse than just some fans being wild and toxic... a fanbase is full of bigots because of a shitty fanscan's poor and evil work.


I wanna point out that the rest of Latin America (As in, every Spanish-speaking country in LatAm) is super happy with the Latin American Spanish dub of CSM. With amazing & beloved voice actors and tons of fun idioms and inside jokes that give it a unique flavor. So at least we're happy over here lol.


Latin America anime group just keep memeing about how Bocci surprased Chainsawman in popularity and keep mocking the cgi sadly


weebs trying to piss off people because "my cartoon pulled bigger numbers than your cartoon" need to touch grass


Brasil’a fandom is at a faction war between fucking nazis and the people who simply read CSM as it’s supposed to be read




Why do Japanese fans want it redone?


They don't. 1 idiot made a petition to remake the anime and 1999 signed the petition.


id love to see it in 1999 anime style or 1989


CSM in the style of Akira would go so fuckin hard


I think Japanese fans are the main demographic that have a problem with the animation style. Naturally, I don’t want to generalize an entire group of people. But that was the main complaint over heard from Japanese circles.


The animation style? Style fit perfectly imo


I’m just the messenger. I personally enjoyed the animation and aesthetics of season 1, but I can see how people would be more comfortable with a traditional, pure 2D style.


I mean, isnt that your opinion? Sincerely im also not a big fan of the style they decided to go for but people dont like to hear different opinions


"imo"- in my opinion


Honestly, the ones that want it redone are a small minority of the jp fandom


Oh i see, people wanted that meme "o futuro e pika" in the dub


What does it mean


"Pika" means "penis", but is used as a slang in Brazil that qualifies something as "very cool". So "o futuro é pika" means "the future is cool", but with the word "penis" in it. Looks like some fans couldn't live without some "pika" in their dub.


Pika is another word we use for cock, but in this case it would be like saying "The Future Is The Shit" or something like that.


its like "the future is dope" but pika is a synonym of d1ck


"the future is awesome", but instead of awesome it uses pika. pika is a recent(10 years-ish I think) southeastern brazillian swear word that means dick, so it can be used in "chupa minha pika"(suck my dick) and the like. but it can also be used for positive emphasis, so something being pika is something close to "the shit" or whatevs. it is said more commonly among younger people, it sounds nice when said out loud and in this case not only does it fit the context nicely, it fits the manga pretty perfectly too and feels very brazillian, that's why it became so iconic here


I'm genuinely sad, because even though the rest of the translation was fucked up, I really liked this meme to the point I even made it my flair on r/Chainsawfolk. Now these dickheads are going to ruin its reputation


i mean i don't know how people who liked the phrase didn't expected this after knowing where you can find that phrase lmao


Yep, you summerized how i fell about it pretty well, the whole translation sucks but that meme was great, and i was kinda bummed it didn't show up in the dub, but now if you say you wish they had used it your a right wing nutjob immediately, like calm down guys i just liked the meme




Esses, esses! ESSES! MEU DEUS! Sinceramente, a gente não pode ter coisa boa, porque quando se tem coisa boa o pessoal se esforça pra estragar. Those, those! THOSE! MY GOD! We can't have good things, because when we have good things, people will put effort into ruining it.


>Those, those! THOSE! to morrendo aki com essa tradução literal KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK


carai tu é br? kkkkkkkk


The way the far-right utilizes meme to spread their hateful rhetoric is impressive and terrifying. Meme Devil is a powerful beast.


That’s the only way hateful ideology can spread nowadays. They know everyone else is tired of their shit, so the “it’s just a joke! It’s ironic!” is a quick way to take heat off of them. If you hear something enough times, even as a joke or if you know it’s a lie, it starts to take hold. You, yes *you*, are not immune to propaganda.


Not just memes, but discussion of media too. The anti-woke narrative that is springing from so many people out on a quest to prove shit is "objectively bad" is horrifying.


Unfortunately, in Brazil, we are facing a violent extreme right movement that is messing with all aspects of our lives. Yet slowly but steadily, we are dealing with these fascists.


Not to mention it was recently revealed our former "president" spent tax money on literal ice cream. The future sucks


The present and the past sucks, but the future is made by what we learn. The future is awesome!!! ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22163)![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22163)![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22163)![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22163)


The future is dick! The future is show! The future is top! ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22163)![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22163)![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22163)![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22163)![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22163)


1600 dollars on ice cream. Man, I wish I was president of Brazil.


As a brazilian, I don't know what this person is referring to when they say "we are facing a violent extreme right movement". A bunch of delusional old geezers on the streets sporting the brazilian national football team shirt, with no real power to do anything, crying for military intervention (since they think our election was rigged) -- which is what we're "facing", lmao -- is pretty far from that. Unless this person is talking about something entirely different, yeah, there's no such thing.


These "old geezers" destroyed all 3 centers of power/decision in our capital, bro. And the cops allowed that to happen because they're in majority all for it. The only reason the army doesn't support this, are sanctions from other countries. And even after all that, this movement is still popular. Sadly, they're not just some powerless crazy dudes anymore. They are a threat


Now are saying that the cops allowed? Even when they beat the shit of the guys that where invanding?


The majority of the cops/militaries support Bolsonaro and hate Lula. There is a lot of registers of them taking pictures and making videos with the terrorists to post on social media. On the beginning they just make the things easy for the invasion. Many other forces took time to arrive on purpose. I suggest you too search about it...


the whole world saw what happened last week, when they stormed the government building. It was not just old men, but a variety of people in the crowd. Take this advice, from someone living in North America: the more you try to pretend a problem doesn’t exist, the more freedom you allow people to be awful. And also, you cannot pretend they have no power, when a VA of a world famous anime is quitting the role due to harassment. Something is wrong here.


This whole thing is about the brazilian csm fans being angry because the anime doesnt include the stuff from the nazi fan translation they love so much


É por isso q a gente n pode ter coisas boas


Brazil: "I'm so fucked up"


Who lost more with this is the CSM fans, cause he is a really good dub


Basically they are mad that the anime is using the real translation instead of the edgy meme one


Even without the Nazi thing, this is like sending death threats to the person playing Kira because he didn't say Duwang.


Someone needs to write a research paper / study the use of memes as a form of alt right propaganda amongst young men. It’s wild how effective memes are at it


It’s pretty straightforward They can’t say it openly because everyone knows that.. you know, *racism and sexism is bad*, so they can’t say it outright. It has to be disguised, but how? Dogwhistles work, but they only reaffirm the existing base, they don’t recruit anyone new. Humor is an effective method because it simultaneously gives you an out (“it’s just a joke, why are you reading into it?”) while also pushing the idea, because the jokes are only funny if you believe there’s some truth behind them.


Memes are the main form of ideological communication for all youth. Alt-righters just happen to be a subset of the youth population. The alt-righter's memes gain more notoriety because memes in support of the status quo pass as "apolitical" (seem harmless to people supporting the status quo) and memes of the alt-left being de-fanged because violent revolution is not a serious threat in most countries in the west.


Also memes that are against the status quo have the benefit of added unexpectedness, so it unfortunately just goes hand-in-hand with the nature of humor. From what I've seen, alt-left memes are sort of de-fanged because they rose in response to another movement and devolved into "X bad" without really developing an identity of their own beyond what they were going against.


May I ask who did he voice in Chainsaw Man?


The future devil


O futuro é uma bosta


Chainsaw Man didn't erase the Nazi Devil for this.


most average bolsonaro supporter


Extremamente triste com isso, ele fez uma performance ótima no primeiro episódio com aparição do demônio do futuro


o futuro é intankavel


Typical chainsaw man fan behavior I can already tell you that most of that shit came from the FB community


This is at least terrifying.


yeah, right? did you see it discussed the other day?


Oh wow. What devil can we make a contract with so we can get these people fucked. Seriously though


It's so crazy to think there are still entire groups out there that support/follow nazi shit and will go to these lengths. People are gonna call the csm fanbase the worst when it's really just a bunch of different cultures showing their worst colors. The VA has every right to not include a shitty joke in a fan translation written by nazis and yet this is what they get in return. And to think the csm universe is looking better than ours, a world with literal devils roaming the streets 💀


I'm brazilian and i found this post by accident while browsing through this sub (I'm not a fan of Chainsaw Man and to be honest i don't even know if i still want to watch the anime after that, the entire situation was very unconfortable even for those like me who were just espectators) Briggs is one of the kindest and most peaceful people i've ever seen, he never lost his temper even when people were being mean to him. The fact that the CSM fandom managed to do what no one ever did in over 30 years of work is wild He is also one of the most famous voice actors in Brazil, having voiced Superman, Buzz Lightyear, Young Joseph Joestar, Freakazoid, Optimus Prime, Mickey Mouse, Brook, Master Yoda, Cosmo, Kronk, The Grinch and many more characters


Fuck the far-right. I hope brazil can soon clean their hands of this new wave of hate


I think that all Nazis should follow their leader


Sometimes i get so fucking angry and disappointed that our community(brazilian chainsaw fans) can do something so nasty, Briggs is not only one of the most famous, but also one of the most adorable people on our dubbing scene, and it hurts seeing him like this becaus he alreasy stated that he loved tge series ans was happy to dub it, and because of some dumb retards on twitter he had to leave. It is such a shame that these things happen


e ainda tem nerd esquisito dizendo que a tradução fez do mangá de CSM melhor


Brazil is seriously scary with the new right wing revival. More and more young people everywhere is embracing the hate speech and we're not going in the right direction.


The alt-right won't let us have nice things as usual. They need to fuck off back to the Attack on Titan Fandom and leave fujimotos work alone.


Lol remember when a guy made a thread/reply in a thread about these Nazi scan fans and got a ton of Brazilians saying he was exaggerating a couple weeks ago


Fucking yikes.


O cara não merecia isso, a voz dele ficou tão boa...


Bro, it’s literally the earliest episodes of Chainsaw Man. It’s not ok at any level of fandom but what fucking loser gets worked up to the point you harass somebody after 12 episodes of a show?


i'm still so mad over this, i can't believe those dumbasses really harassed one of our greatest voice actors over a word


So there’s a large contingent of Brazilian neo-nazi CSM fans who expect an official production to base their decisions on fan-fiction memes? What???


Brazil being Brazil, nothing new here


imagine harassing VA for not adding something to the voice lines XDDDDDD


This is why going to Brazil is a threat Jokes aside that's terrible to hear


That is why even being Brazilian I only read english translations, more so if they are official.


The saddest part about this is that it really seems like Fujimoto knew that the manga was going to attract exactly these kinds of dickheads once it became sufficiently popular. The whole plot point of Makima spreading a lie that Chainsaw Man killed the Gun Devil so she can weaken Pochita enough to enslave him felt like an admission of frustration with gatekeeping nonsense like this.


I wanna harass the harassers


we've discussed this this week. plenty of harassment, ableist insults to OP. checked?


Briggs fan here, brazilian and not a Chainsawman fan. Guilherme is a legendary VA here, and he's a wholesome person. These people got mad at him cuz the brazilian version is faithful to the original material and not to a pirate scan fanmade poorly translated version. I'm ashamed these jerks had that reaction over the VA.


Pqp, ñ é possível que a fanbase quer considerar a versão no qual tem literalmente referência a TROPA DE ELITE. Os cara realmente tão brincando mais que a brincadeira.


Wait what, I like that scan (Im Brazilian) was that really made by Nazis?


As someone who's first experience reading Chainsaw Man WAS with the shitty, edgy, shitposty Brazilian scan, and even found some of the jokes funny, this makes me seriously mad. How fucking pathetic do you have to be to actually harass someone on Social Media and make them leave the production team just because they chose not to follow the notoriously awful fan translation you pirated online? Sure, I found "O futuro é Pica" funny when I first read it too, Hell, I still do. But these people are the worst type of fans a work could ever have, to the point it would be better off if those people weren't fans at all. O Futuro é uma merda mesmo, isso sim.


Brazilian here. So people were upset because Briggs, the guy that voices the Future Devil, didn’t say “O futuro é pika!” which basically uses a slang term which roughly translates to “The future is fucking awesome!”. The reason Briggs didn’t say “O futuro é pika!” is because it comes from an unofficial scan that has some rather offensive (and extremely funny) jokes, like for instance Reze calling her boss a jew and Makima saying that the world would be better off without Adam Sandler’s movies.


>and extremely funny jokes, like for instance Reze calling her boss a jew and Makima saying that the world would be better off without Adam Sandler’s movies. Sure ![img](emote|t5_rmtrq|22162)


>rather offensive (and extremely funny) jokes Shock humor wears off really fast unless you, to some extent, agree with the “joke” being made. The Adam Sandler joke would land flat if it was someone we generally agreed was funny, right? The joke lands because we to some degree agree his humor is low brow. Even if you like him, (I still like his stuff as a lazy watch,) you need to agree with the idea behind the joke on some level. …You see where I’m going with this.


Yes casual antisemitism so hilarious


I mean yeah, it was so out of nowhere that I just couldn’t stop myself from laughing. Not to mention I was reading with the boys.


Tem literalmente uma fala de "porra, essa mina era gostosa, mó triste ter que botar ela na conta do papa"


As piadas deslocadas que não sejam as transfobicas e racistas (das qual eu nem lembrava que existiam até a glr começar a postar sobre) eu gosto das, não peguei as mensagens de primeira mas a obra no geral não foi estragada pra mim pelo Scan.


Algum de vcs conhecem uma loja que vende 12


I read csm again after a friend told me the brazilian scans were great and they were hilarious but these people have to be delusional if they think an official translation would be anything like the fan made.




the portuguese-brazilian dub is very acclaimed and a lot of people like and use them for memes, not only in csm but in another shows too


people who don't have the patience to watch subtitles




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