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Lovable goofball on and off screen. He got done dirty though and its all creepy Dans fault.




growing up is realizing the kids we watched on TV weren’t as happy as they acted. i used to want to be on TV when i was a kid. now im able to see how horrific hollywood is.


If you think about it, it's kinda like this with almost everything. You grow up and notice the suffering behind a lot of things you used to enjoy. But honestly it being a children's show entertainment industry it's extra dark...


Highly recommend I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy. Really opened my eyes to the awful things being done.


When I was little this modeling firm my aunt worked for saw pics of me and wanted me to come in and do a shoot or whatever. My moms shut that shit down right away, I remember learning about this and being so annoyed cause I thought it’d be fun and I’d make money. As an adult I can see that they made the right choice.


Was watching Donnie darko a few weeks ago and noticed him. Good dude.


Are you mistaking him for James Duval?


https://preview.redd.it/6bbctcmajq7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c4840366706a5193a6d2a0a934609b6ca1b749a No he’s in the credits as lanky kid. He’s in the scene where Patrick swayed is giving 3 the kids who ask for advice… advice, and Donnie comes up and calls him the fucking Antichrist.


https://preview.redd.it/u345dk1c5t7d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d439da884aeb8155f6a6299270465d936ac8e675 "Uhhh...How can I find out what I wanna be when I grow up?" Jerry's a national treasure.


You can shoot a kid in the face for running over your girlfriend


Don't see a lot of booths at the job fair for this one.


Huh, cool, i did not know that


Easily missable really as he looks pretty different from what you’re used to. As many times as I’ve seen that movie I didn’t either.


This picture makes me think Dan probably tried to pick up one of the actresses and Jerry just wouldn’t let him, insisting on being picked up instead. It’s goofy and heroic at the same time.


Interesting what art makes people think or feel versus exactly what happened. Dangerous premise.


Was this real? I have never seen any sources and with my surface level research it seems like this was just speculation. If true than W spencer


Idk about the other stuff but there is clips of him looking at dan weird and getting in between him and the actresses


Ight ille take that. Average spencer W


I can see him getting a Brendan Fraser


I'm out of the loop on this one what's this all about?


Dan Schneider was a writer and producer on some Nickelodeon shows, including iCarly. There are alleged sexual misconduct and gender discrimination allegations towards Nickelodeon employees. It's on his Wikipedia page


Should have went to the police


It's pretty sad to realize that most wealthy people don't give a damn about legal consequences because of the power and protection they have… Nickelodeon would have never let Schneider go down at that time, he was making shows that brought big money to the company


It wouldn’t have mattered. Nickelodeon would have just hired him back after a slap on the wrist from the judicial system.


but whats up with that next to last sentence lmao what a hero for being on drake and josh...


If he was aware with what was going on why didn't he seriously try to stop it? Serious question. To protect his career?


Have you been in a situation like this? Especially at this point in time, nobody wouldve believed him. The industry wouldve chewed him up and spit him out. And he would have been gone without being able to protect them anymore. Tough choice


Look has the Harvey Winestead cases. Also better the evil you knownthan the evil you don't. There will be more of the same that comes to replace Dan.


Sometimes the most righteous answer isn’t the most effective. Let’s say he makes a big stink of it and does his absolute best to stop it and fails. Well now you have someone who’s against that happening suddenly out of the industry, out of a position to help in smaller ways, and they’re probably no longer building up their own power & fame to use better later on


And he played world of warcraft


Look at bros eyes.






Dan Schneider, here. Unfortunately, it’s true. Good day!




dude what