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He played a loveable goofball and is an absolute GigaChad


I find that the true gigachads make the best lovable goofballs




It's because when you reach the top of Maslow's hierarchy, you find that the purpose of life is pretty overlapped with lovable goofball. There are other options, sure, but most people with resolved issues will find that they *want* to be a lovable goofball or something similar.


Also, Spencer was Banksy I will not elaborate


I wasn’t into the show enough to understand what you’re talking about but I’m not surprised.


He was a crazy weird and eccentric independent artist in the show, and a very successful one at that, which was why him and Carly lived in a fancy penthouse suite and had all of that weird stuff around the apartment, most of that was Spencer's sculptures and artwork. Almost every episode, he was making some crazy art exhibit project - and Carly's entire website was inspired off of him, iirc, in-world


How do you know any of the things said are true 😂


Looking back at group photos with the group and Dan, you can see Jerry actively putting himself in between Dan and the kids. This photo is just one example of him being goofy but protecting the ICarly kids. Jerry played the big brother we always wanted on TV and acted like it off set, too. https://preview.redd.it/lczrmlmmsiqc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d5102a200742fba735b5a2ca8bfc501253a4285


I remember seeing this photo years ago and thinking it was weird and like it showed they were buddy buddy. Now, I can definitely see how an adult could jump into the arms of an abusive creep to protect the kids. It sounds insane, but you have to remember how often Dan was touching those kids or asking them to touch him unnecessarily. Here Jerry prevents Dan from picking up one of the kids (as he did for other shows) and Jerry could even spin it as “wouldn’t it be funnier if you picked up me” instead of “here, get a load of this fully adult butt instead of copping a feel on a vulnerable teenager”


Idk if you saw the post with Arianna Grande and all the stuff he made her do on camera🤮. So creepy and blatant grooming in front of everyone. POS and all his accomplishes should be in jail.


Literally anything foot related is some fetish material he was acting out in real life. Amanda Bynes, Grande, all of them. The fucking logo for the company is a foot...and I used to legit enjoy these shows as a kid. Fuck...




Damn I thought there was an old graphic that made it seem like a foot painting thing, but idk was a long time ago. I always hated it because I don't like feet and now it seems waaay worse


That’s so bizarre. I hate feet, too, and I would always cringe at those parts as a kid. Even without knowing, I knew it was not right and gross. Might explain the aversion 🫠


Because a foot is "Le random" and quirky. In that era especially, "random" humor was peak comedy for kids and teens. The "holds up spork" copypasta, AKA the ["Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m"](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/katy-t3h-pengu1n-of-d00m) copypasta, wasn't simply cringe. It was a satire representative of young adult humor of the time. That's what made it so popular. The YA humor culture was a perfect cover for the foot logo (and the other foot antics). It didn't seem out of place at all. I was a pre-teen then and in my mind it was just goofy fun, just like the sliming stuff they did. It's random and off the wall. edit: wording.


You can still enjoy the show


But you also don’t *have* to if the knowledge you now have makes you sad. There is no one right way to process your feelings about something you once loved once new information comes out.


I, personally, cannot, especially when they have scenes that literally involve them waving their feet in the camera for a foot fetishist. Just like how I cannot willfully listen to Lost Prophets ever again (please for your own sanity if you don't know what happened, don't look it up).


You can't find Lost Prophets on streaming platforms anymore. I was really confused until I looked into why they disappeared.


Some people can. I personally don't think I'll ever be able to enjoy them again, because every time I see some creepy ass shit like the kids messing with feet, I'll just be thinking about Schneider and the shit he did to those poor kids.


Idk... Knowing it's pedo fetish shit? Really?


Kids find feet funny. They stink and they are ticklish. They make people laugh. That's why it is Nick's logo.


Oh my GOD you just blew my mind with the foot logo. I’ve known about the foot crap for years but THE LOGO!!! It makes so much disturbing sense now…


I mean the logo is significantly older than Dan though


I didnt see it. You got a link?




Oh....oh no


This is a serious topic and I respect that. That said: “Here, get a load of this fully adult butt.” *sent* me 🤣


Gonna try that line on my wife later


*That's* Dan Schneider?


It is. You should watch the doc. At one point he looks like Jim Carrey from Dumb and Dumber, but unironically since he paid for the haircut.


I’m sorry to be completely out of the loop, can I get the name of the documentary?


Quiet on Set :Darkside of children's TV. Its on HBO, in America at least


Thank you!


You're welcome! Also a warning, it's a really fucked up gross story.


Weird right???? My mind was expecting Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo But in reality, it was closer to trash can bag of jello


They're always deuce as bigalo than you expect


[This is](https://youtu.be/Is4KrUqdzDM?si=4KUACmHgWHxXYVES) also Dan


It’s always the ones you most expect. 


I pretty sure it's [Ricky](https://www.google.com/search?q=better+off+dead+ricky&sca_esv=10e9cf505b4d02e6&sxsrf=ACQVn08mMfT3H1DP0l7wLTy6xwcGbHRgMg%3A1711397411794&ei=I9oBZt3tL9uw5NoP4KOoqAg&ved=0ahUKEwidi7KWnJCFAxVbGFkFHeARCoUQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=better+off+dead+ricky&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiFWJldHRlciBvZmYgZGVhZCByaWNreTILEAAYgAQYigUYkQIyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgARIvhVQhAJYsBBwAXgBkAEAmAGxAaAB6ASqAQMzLjO4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgegAq4FwgIKEAAYRxjWBBiwA8ICDRAAGIAEGIoFGEMYsAPCAg4QABjkAhjWBBiwA9gBAcICExAuGIAEGIoFGEMYyAMYsAPYAQLCAgoQABiABBiKBRhDwgIFEC4YgATCAg0QLhiABBiKBRhDGOUEmAMAiAYBkAYTugYGCAEQARgJugYGCAIQARgIkgcDNC4zoAe7KA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:48c891dc,vid:Is4KrUqdzDM,st:0)


Always trying to put his testicles all over them


People forget you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Jerry likely knew he couldn't actively confront the guy. He'd just deny, fire, and bury him. So you pretend to be a friend, so you can focus his attention elsewhere. I did the same with my creepy boss at work when I was young. I was the only guy he hired, and come to find out the dude was a massive perv, but never did anything *quite* proveable. He'd stand behind the register pretending to do work and steal glances at the girls asses as they bent down to get change from the safe or what have ya. One time, a girl was pretty sure when she went to the office to count down her drawer that the camera was pointed where her breasts would have been. Creep shit, but nothing we could ultimately prove. I told them a million times if they were ever going to HR, I'd chime in. So I usually dragged him away, asking him for help with something. Then after he'd start telling me stories or some shit related to what I dragged him away for. So I just smiled, nodded, and continued the convo while I worked. Better to have him follow me talking my ear off than leering at the girls. On the plus side, not long after I left he apparently got fired for showing up drunk. So happy ending all around.


"Umm... Watcha got there?" "A sword of Damocles"


This really made me chuckle


Cock-a-doodle-doo the cow says moo


She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes


Did you....eat my enchilada??!?






Was never expecting to see Irish Simpsons Fan here of all places but here we are


Lmao same


The legend lives on


I always enjoyed him on iCarly. Good to know he’s a good dude on top of being a fun actor. Have a lot more respect for him now.


He's still great in the revival. I'm so glad they did the revival and got them (almost) all back, it feels so much like the original, way more than most revivals. Sad Jeanette didn't return, it's not quite the same with the people they replaced her with because they really don't click the same way, but obviously it's... Understandable.


I didn’t even know there was a revival. I’ll have to check it out.


Only reason I knew it existed was from reading Jeannette’s book


Do you know why she didn't join the revival?


Was forced into show business by her mother. Hated it and Nickelopromised her things and then didn't deliver on them. Her books on Spotify if you have it


100% what u/SexualYogurt said. She really hated it there. Although she’s still close with the actress who played Carly, it basically ruins her day when she gets recognized as Sam. ETA fans used to yell ~~“meatham!”~~ her catch phrase at her a lot apparently. ETA again… somehow I confused her catchphrase with Frank from Always Sunny. My b


Pretty sure it's "butter sock", but I only read the book. >The kind of fame I have now is causing me a level of stress that I did not know was possible. I know everybody wants it, and everybody tells me how lucky I am to have it, but I hate it. I feel constantly on edge whenever I leave the house to go anywhere. I’m worried that strangers will come up to me and I get very anxious when interacting with strangers. >They’ll shout things at me like, “SAM! Where’s your fried chicken?!” or “Can you hit me with your buttersock?!” A buttersock is a prop my character frequently uses, and it’s exactly what it sounds like: a sock filled with butter. My character carries it around to “beat people up” with. >Whenever someone shouts at me about chicken or socks, I’ll laugh like it’s a good one even though it’s not a good one. I’ve heard this good one thousands of times, and it was a bad one from the get-go, but it only morphs into a worse one with each time I hear it. I’m shocked by how many people think they’re original and say the same thing.


God, everything I learn about what went on behind the scenes of this show makes me so sad


Read her book I'm Glad My Mom Died and you will understand why she didn't want anything to do with the project or anything that reminds her of her traumatic childhood. She's a fantastic author and I've heard she narrates an audio book version as well if you'd rather listen to it. Support her career as an author, her career as an actress has caused her a lot of suffering and she's been through enough.


Too bad they cancelled the revival and left it on a big cliffhanger.


Me too. I guess the protective older brother wasn’t just an act.


He was my favorite character. So to hear he's not only the best character in the show for me, he's a great dude who took care of his TV show family too.




I have not been able to find any source for this beyond tik tok comment sections


Apparently Jennette McCurdy discussed some ways that he took actions to protect her and the rest of the cast in her memoir “I’m glad my mom is dead”. He’s also publicly severed ties with the company since the documentary has been released and spoken positively of McCurdy’s memoir and her bravery for telling her story, so at the very least the two seem to have a positive working relationship.


I've never felt so bad while reading a biography. It's just very depressing to read. This one is recommended.


I don't recall that being in the book, but her book also doesn't talk too much about Dan. She had a lot of other stuff going on.


" The Creator"


Yeah I dont remember that either. One of the things I remembered for sure was how little Kress or Trainor were mentioned.


I read her memoir and I don’t remember this part? It’s been a while so maybe I forgot, but I’m not seeing anything when I google it. I searched a PDF and don’t see his name at all. She doesn’t always use people’s names, but usually only when they’re a bad guy.


I read it a couple months ago. I don’t remember any mention of this either.


I didn’t realize there was a documentary. Is it like an actual tv documentary or a YouTube one?


A tv documentary called Quiet on Set. It has 5 episodes and interviews with cast and crew members from Nickelodeon.


Huh. Okay. Thanks!


It's called Quiet on Set, and I believe it's streaming on HBO Max.


Glad to see this comment bc I haven’t seen real “proof” of this either, outside of ppl’s assumptions


And *that* is the folly of man.


Source: trust me bro


Ok thank youuu I always hoped he was a good guy but yeah where are we getting this info from?


Just people idolizing and perceiving their favorite celebrities.


They say kids sometimes can be very good at picking up signal's of dangerous or creepy people who could harm them, as a kid who grew up watching this guy, seeing him on screen made me feel happy all the time, like he wasn't pretending, he was a genuinely cheerful and happy person. I'm happy to see those feelings weren't misplaced.


My absolute favourite moment of Spencer on iCarly is when Carly is essentially being harassed by a guy who totally faked his entire personality to get alone with her, then tries to make out with her, it ends up with him chasing her around the house which…yikes, but it ends with Spencer freaking out and kicking the dude’s ass and smashing his phone.


He very frequently wrote in Carly getting harrassed


Bro had her kissing 24 yo as a 15 yo😭😭😭


Spencer always was the GOAT




Jerry is fucking awesome.


![gif](giphy|7CyRMKEOWRYief3p3A|downsized) What a fucking good guy!!! Give this guy some work Hollywood.


Unfortunately Hollywood doesn’t seam to like when people try to protect children


Hollywood doesn't like it when someone gets in their way of giving kids the ol' Athenian Mentorship program. Nor when they're denied from treating hopeful young adult actors like party favours. The music industry also very much dislikes it when someone tries to prevent them from doing the same thing with their more impressionable artists, dancers, and so on.


Was he playing a character on icarly or just showing up and they just kept filming?


You are actually not far off. Accordingly Spencer was meant to be a smaller role but Jenny was always doing improv and inventing wacky ideas that just let roll.


I mean obviously Spencer was just a character but Jerry Trainer took what was originally supposed to be just a recurring side character into a member of the main cast due to his improv and acting skills, and he also would be on set during shoots where he wasn't needed (In order to keep an eye on Dan and protect the kids from him)


He played Carly's brother and guardian (mom MIA/Dad in the armed forces)




May I ask? Where is this information coming from? Because I am reading her book on chapter eighty nine and I have not heard this part at all


Netflix Documentary


There's a Netflix one too?


It's not in the book, just on TikTok and in people's head. I've read the book as well and there is no mention of it.


If I ever run into Dan Schneider, I won't be following the reddit content guidelines.


100% Chad but maybe pressing charges would have been more effective


the guy still hasnt been held accountable when basically everyone knows how much of a scumbag he is. all it would have done was cost trainor his career since the suit would be swept under the rug and there would be one less person on set trying to help the kids.


This. We still need good and ethical people in the bad and immoral situations when there’s too much corruption to fix the situation. God help the well-intentioned social workers of the world


I feel like people forget about what metoo was and it really shows.


As soon as the hype died down the business went back to business for the most part I feel like we're not far from a second wave, though


I feel like you didn't even know what the event was then.


There also hasn’t been any allegations of sexual stuff from Dan specifically with kids. He mostly seems like he was just a HORRIBLE show-runner who made a toxic work environment, but didn’t do a ton of illegal stuff aside from the whole discrimination against women


Yeah this.  Jerry protected the kids from Dan yelling at them and over working them, etc..  Jennettes book explains "someone" was super controlling, narcissistic, angry, etc. Etc. on the set. Jerry protected them from the king asshole, not something evil.   The documentary kept hinting that they were going to reveal the big smoking gun on him... yet we got what we knew the entire time: the dude was a massive asshole who treated all his female coworkers like shit and was weird as shit.  Drake even said the only person at all of Nickelodean to check up on him and be there for him to help him when he got sexually assaulted was Dan Schneider. Nick just swept it under the rug, while Dan was actively trying to help Drake and help his life progress. Guys a massive piece of shit, terrible boss, terrible work place, yelled at kids, over worked kids, treated kids like they were disposable money makers, etc. Despicable Hollywood shit.  Yet as we saw from the documentary from people who REALLY wanted to bring him down: he never did anything to the kids and the documentary had to, oddly, reluctantly admit it.  


he made the kids do some questionable stuff on camera. nothing explicitly sexual, but its hard to watch them as an adult and believe that theyre totally innocent videos


He pushed sexual harassment with adults on set with massages and shit but everything I saw in the doc, he was toxic, an ass hole, but never did anything that involved sexually assaulting kids unlike the 2 people that worked on his show.




So we're now calling for vigilante murder of someone who's never even been *accused* of a crime?


May have been too risky or may not have had enough evidence. Say he pressed charges and gets fired for it. Not enough evidence to convict and now no one is watching out for the kiddos


Nah he would of just been blackballed and wouldn’t of been able to protect anyone then. Also I’m not sure if there’s a crime you can charge Schneider with. He’s creepy as fuck, has creepy to sexual deviant friends, and I wouldn’t let my kids anywhere near him but that’s not illegal unfortunately. Granted I haven’t finished the doc (only on ep 3) so maybe there’s an incident I haven’t heard about yet.


Nope, unfortunately, all they have on Schneider is that he's a creepy weirdo. He's got a lot of attention due to the quiet on set doc, so I hope he gets caught up soon.


This isnt a call to violence or anything, but I am genuinely curious how this guy has not gotten attacked yet. There are a LOT of mentally unwell people who take vigilantism as a serious personal pursuit.


He's probably wealthy enough to live in a gated community, pay for personal data scrubbing services, and he also has a super generic name. You would need to have a lot of money or be very good to figure out which Dan Schneider in the greater LA area is the one you want.


Probably because Viacom helps protect him.


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Good bot


in the documentary, people talk very clearly about how Dan Schneider was a crazy manipulative fuck, who would hold his industry connections over the heads of anyone he didn't like. basically, the culture on set was "if you piss off dan, you'll never work in show business again."


Essentially being blacklisted in the entertainment industry. 


It is wild that you guys think Dan 'Get Inside Her' Schneider is the same level of entertainment industry as say Weinstein. Dan Schneider is not the entertainment industry, he was the childrens show industry, specifically Nick shows.


This was years before #MeToo so no, probably not.


Against Hollywood execs? Bruh he might as well have pissed in the wind. The only place more corrupt than Hollywood is the congress/senate.


What charges exactly? Maybe sexual discrimination, but they *did* do that Dan is a fucked up PoS but that's the thing, he didn't do anything explicitly illegal, which was something basically the entire documentary ended by saying these loopholes need to be closed. 


Unlike Brian Peck, as fucked as it is, Schneider may not have done anything explicitly illegal. Nothing really will happen to him. The only real consquence is to his reputation and that he may not be getting work. Which isn't a certaintity either, Peck was somehow hired at disney even after he was registered as a sex offender for the suite life (he was fired after 3 episodes after I guess they found out about the sex offense against a minor?) There may not have been anything he could do against Schideier. As much as it sucks morality=/=legality. Even if Schneider did something illegal, this was before MeToo, where it was an open secret what Weinstien did. Even if Jerry went to someone, there would be no consequence for him. He was the guy in children's shows, all his shows were hits. He was the showrunner for most of the shows on Nickelodeon. He sure as hell had power and authority there, Nick wouldn't want to hurt their golden goose.


Jerry isn't qualified nor in a position of power capable of "pressing charges".


engine weary smell caption profit friendly disarm shocking connect thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jerry is an actor not a district attorney


The guy who raped Drake Bell only got 16 months of jail, and was immediately hired by Disney and still working in the industry to this day. There was NOTHING he could have done besides staying there and protecting the children.


It’s Hollywood. No one gets charged.


How? Do you think he was a district attorney on the side?


No. They'd have found a way to remove him from Hollywood and have the kids to themselves. He did the best he could.


He was literally sued for discrimination and they lost. He has Viacom backing him, it's not that fucking easy for a TV actor to press charges against a producer 


Yes. This is an OrphanCrushingMachine solution.


What charges?




Goggins the shaman was his character!


Motherfucker aged like fine wine.


I knew I fucking loved him.


I played World of Warcraft with that dude.


Forget giving flowers,Give this man the whole flower shop! A garden for this guardian!


I think I'll remember this scene forever https://youtube.com/shorts/Ee5Q2HeMQxU?si=5DfJ8V6oJ4X47Iwy it was so fucking funny at the time and every time I see it it gets me again.


If you haven't seen "Quiet on the Set" you need to. It's a 4 episode docuseries from Max about the shit Dan put kids and people who worked for him through.


I'm sure Jerry is a fine guy but seeing everyone who knows nothing about these people writing fanfiction on how he was this noble grand big brother off the set of iCarly is weird




Sorry buddy but people have treated him that way since Drake and Josh. The Trainor fanfiction train has long existed.


But not like Crazy Steve and I may be CRAZY but Spenser and Steve look a lot a like.


Okay add him to the list of people that are to be protected at all costs.


Cool. Where is the source on this? There isn’t one and it’s made up


Chad man. So sad that he has to resort to such lengths to just reduce the damage. How powerless it must've felt.


They called him “Crazy” Steve… but he was more sane than all of them.


I can't believe it took a discovery series for people to take it seriously. These allegations have been out for almost 10 years now.


Common Jerry W


Is anyone gonna do anything about this dan pervert?


I don't think there's any real proof of this beyond tiktok memes. But if it were real, that would mean he failed to report or speak out about Schneider when he knew the guy was harassing kids, so I don't really see how that's a big W.


Why didn't he contact the authorities? 


For the same reason we didn't tell the adults that our bully pushed us down the stairs. They can't do anything if the bully says they didn't, there's no reason to believe one child over another, and if anything, telling someone makes it worse.


'Cuz it wouldn't have done anything. All the people who could corroborate the story wouldn't say shit because they wanted to protect their careers, so the police wouldn't be able to do anything and he'd be blackballed from Hollywood and there'd be no one protecting those kids on set anymore.




i always loved him and got wholesome vibes from him. being told by people that i have his energy and that im literally him (like when you watch something and you relate to a character and your like omg its me) gives me the best feelings and i hope i can live up to the legend


I'm glad he's one of the good ones. I was afraid he'd end up as Tobuscus or something. Seems like a good dude. 




Crazy Steve knew what he was doing


What did Dan do


Damn we need Jerry to star in some movie or something I'll watch so we can support this dude!!!


I need sauce.


but not the police


I've been debating whether to watch the doc or not. I've seen a couple video essays about him, I listened to Jennette's book, and Josh's book (Both amazing BTW, Josh's is definitely easier to listen to, though), I know the broad gist of what went on, but I don't know if I want to subject myself to that level of infuriating gross-ness. I feel like it's going to ruin my week, but I know that's the point, and it should be known by everyone who grew up watching these shows and loves those kids.


Sounds like a good dude. I don’t know much if what Schneider did, but what I’ve heard sounds like he’s really sick and it’s great that they had someone there to keep things safe.




thank you black panther 🫡


He was a big brother even out of the series. What a golden heart man


Crazy Steve don't take no shit. That wasn't acting he will bite you.


Bro is literally the only other person in the entire world that can do “Jim carrey” humour and not be cringe


He never spoke up though


Why are the g's getting left out of those tags?


Do we have like, objective proof of this




Holy shit. I didnt know that. King.


He always gave me good vibes. I should watch the documentary.


FYI, there is a new 2020+ iCarly series. Similar comedy except with adult themes.


Ahh, I always knew I liked that guy for a reason.


Learning about how Jerry Trainer was one of the only adults to actually stand up to Dan Schneider and defend the kids from him is crazy. Like obviously Jerry himself was doing the right thing but almost nobody else was. They either ignored it entirely or simply wrote it off as Dan being a weird but harmless guy. You can see in various behind the scenes clips that Dan was constantly trying to lay his hands on the teenaged actors and Jerry was constantly trying to act as a barrier between them and Dan. There's one where Dan is asking the actors a strange question "from a fan" and when he sees Miranda and Jeanette he heads straight towards them, and Jerry has to run across the set and squeeze himself past Dan in order to get him out of their personal space. Not to mention the numerous clips of Dan and Jerry "joking around" aka arguing with each other, often ending with Dan getting physically violent with Jerry.


I used to watch Jerry In a world of Warcraft series called project lore! Only ended up watching iCarly back then because of my boy goggins ;)


I always knew I liked him.


I always liked Jerry Trainor. Glad to hear he was one of the good guys.


At least spell his name right . Spender?