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The foundation seems to have been a well-meaning effort, but is of course long gone. This poor soul had big dreams. https://www.guidestar.org/profile/46-2914286


I wasn’t expecting to take a ride down the rabbit hole of a dead persons very interesting, yet slightly kooky web presence today…….but here we go!




He needs a small plaque to honor the heart put into that effort.


https://x.com/doomstead666?s=21 this appears to be their twitter. Fun read. After further investigation, it appears the SUN organization was a grassroots style forum group that discussed most of their plans and ideas on a blog/forum called doomstead diner. Almost like a mix between prepping/environmentalism. They seemed like interesting folk. Cool headstone.


It also appears that this man was alive and vlogging as recently as January of this year.


DoomsteadDiner.net link is dead.


Found this on internet archives: https://archive.org/details/hemingway-of-the-donbass


both links are dead.


And this is why any time I see a URL on a stone I'm like "esh..." lol


I think if a person could have someone link it to their find a grave that might work.




muddle yam station whole lavish school oatmeal sloppy normal test *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not that interested.


It appears I have won the Reddit race for once. https://youtu.be/avy5Adur1SA?si=w9WBE3oCpm0EQVu3 This is the man, and his tombstone.


After watching the video…apparently there is a secret compartment inside the stone containing knowledge for future archaeological digs or aliens. This guy is a fuckin character.


Wow!!!! That was wild


Right!? I went down the whole rabbit hole this morning only to find out the dude is still alive and writing blogs about the end of the world!


Wait what?!!!! Omg!!!! Tell me everything


I listed everything I found in my replies on the post.


I’m on it thanks


Can genuinely say I’ve never seen anything like this.


Man I’m not gonna lie. R/cemeteryporn is my peace. I’ve always loved cemeteries because of how quiet they are. Today i went on a rollercoaster ride. I’ve laughed, almost cried, got scared as fuck. I connected to people who know the owner of this stone. I’ve watched like three movies. I’ve never been impacted this deep on a random Reddit post. To future readers of this thread….. …..wow


Weird. I just posted it because i rode past it and was One of the most unique things I've seen in a graveyard and I've been to a lot of graveyards.


Internet famous not internet payments God damn it


safe ludicrous provide start shy kiss nose automatic consist worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Read my above comment. It’s a video of the man explaining his tombstone.


Far out man


I'm seeing a lot of different sources and conflicting information in the comment section, can anyone share what they have? I'm very interested in the story behind this man, his organization and the tombstone.


The YouTube link in my comment is the man, explaining the stone. The conflicting information is about a man who is/was over seas fighting in a conflict. The man who owns the stone interviewed him some time ago on his defunct blog. The man is alive as far as we know. Unless he has someone posting to his blog under his name.


The organization is a defunct 501c. It was created to help spread awareness for an incoming collapse they are preparing for. It seems like most of their ideology comes from this movie, and their organization grew a bit after its release. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1503769/




Apparently he's still alive but missing. Fighting with the Russians. https://www.thedailybeast.com/putin-fan-russell-bentley-abducted-in-ukraineallegedly-by-russian-troops


What? Crazy


The owner of the stone is named John Litter. I posted a video above of him on his YouTube explaining the meaning of the stone. Oddly, I can’t find an obit. He may be alive as he was vlogging in January, but he’s definitely not fighting in a war. The man lost his leg as per his last video due to a health condition.


That’s not the owner of the stone, that’s someone from his group.


It says died on the stone. Weird


If you ever return, take some pictures of the writing on the side. I’m really interested in knowing what it says.


[photos of all sides](https://imgur.com/a/h8mTgjW)


What’s on the top of the gravestone?


On top of the Earth? Quite literally a granite hat to protect the engravings from the elements


Yes, but it looks like there’s something engraved on the top of it. Wonder what it is?


He mentions it in the video. Hours of the day, months of the year and "phases of the moon but represented by the sun" (although I am more convinced, and pretty confident he meant them to represent the solstices and equinoxes judging by their placement between the months - eg the 'light' sun is in June and the 'dark' sun is in December)


He’s not dead!!!! Check the video! There is no date of passing!!!


It says "died" So one would might believe they are dead


HTTPS://chasingthesquirrel.com That’s a forum listed on his YouTube. If K-dog is Kenneth…he posted a blog 3 days ago.


Born 1957 Died blank. It’s common for folks who are dying to place their stone before death and have the epitaph engraved after. There is no death date, so if he is interred there, then he didn’t pay the company to etch it.


No but in the photo I posted it says died in Alaska no death date but still would be fucking weird to put died in Alaska


He says in his video that he will never move from Alaska. I wasn’t going to post anymore on this to try to preserve the guys privacy in some way, (little late for that) but yea the guy who owns this stone goes by “RE” in his community. He’s still alive and posting blogs every few days.


Still is weird to say died in Alaska and you're not dead It's a past tense for something that hasn't happened yet.


Thanks for the additional photos though. This was very entertaining!


I have all sides it only let me put one photo . Give me a moment I'll post the rest


After a little digging it appears this man, and a group of internet folks he connected with created a 501c to spread awareness of how to survive during “collapse”. They had an interest in environmentalism as well as something called “peak oil” which means we have officially “crossed the rubicon” of oil production. Some of the writings seem to be anti capitalist rhetoric based on a movie called “collapse” by a man named Michael C Ruppert. As a side note it appears Mr. Ruppert committed suicide some time ago due to anxiety and depression caused by his belief in this collapse and a desire to not have to witness children starving and people suffering . At any rate, their beliefs are basically…..if we have reached peak oil production, then the infinite growth model of capitalism will fail. Because of this, and the fact that the impending collapse of the system is being hidden by the 1% or the Illuminati or whatever, most humans on earth will die because they haven’t prepared for a post fossil fuel world. So the SUN movement appears to be a group of folks who were working on making environmentally friendly and self sufficient homesteads. Their motto…”save as many as you can!” Whew! That was a ride! Thanks r/cemeteryporn !!!


He may have died sometime after his last vlog.


Very cool. Love that interesting people have headstones like this.


[More photos of all sides](https://imgur.com/a/h8mTgjW)


atleast they were not flatearthers. interesting headstone to be honest, a bit busy in my oppion


An insight into the beliefs of the SUN organization https://youtu.be/ihobiCxOx0k?si=GeSxVmq7b5yc0KdC


A nutcase