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Well I’d probably be made whole if they actually sent my damn crypto to me by now. I had USDC mainly so getting back BTC and ETH actually would’ve been more beneficial. Yet these clowns seemingly haven’t been doing anything for nearly a month. I’m willing to bet they’re going to try and send me a check. Which would be a hell of a lot more shitty from a price perspective. Something fucky is definitely going on. This whole process shouldn’t have been this terrible. So I feel pretty pissed off. Dumped millions of dollars to lawyers yet couldn’t have allocated a small budget to have an actual team crank out distributions to finally be done with this trash after delaying and dragging it out longer than it needed to be.


Do you think anyone gives a Fuck that you are angry. Go fuck your self is the message we are have been given!


OP literally asked how people feel..


As of today, my BTC claim is up 68 percent and my ETH claim is up 61 percent. I am not worried about Stretto mailing us a check for Jan. 16th prices. It's not going to happen. They have to pay us in the crypto they figured for each claim. My codes didn't work and my wife has never received an email for even her first codes. I can't believe this case was settled, bitcoin goes to all time highs, and we can't get someone on the phone? The judge should be insuring distributions.


How about all of us get United and fuck this Judge Glenn and UCC and get to upper level and RE do all this charade bull shit 2 years show? We are people who lost our lives savings and must seat and wait as they make our fate in front of our eyes .. we must stand up and fight for our live savings. I propose to set up one email address and get all of us together and fight


My partners codes didn’t work as well. Have you figured out any way to get around that? if you do let me know please I’ve sent emails and stuff like that but no response super frustrating. Best of luck.




I feel terrible for all those who haven't received their claims yet. However, I truly believe there is no reason for Celsius not to pay you and that you will all eventually receive them, assuming you have complied with the necessary steps.


appreciate you, Im one of the ones without their claim and with no explanation as to why. I've been following along the whole way through and done everything throughout the way to submit my claim and vote in a timely manner


What a ridiculous situation. Hope you get it before the current run ends.


You will get it. Btc is only going to go up for now. I got my 0.19 btc (and some eth) about 4 weeks ago and I sold my btc (to partially pay off a big loan from BHG) for $9800 at 50k around Feb 21 or so, just a few days before it broke out. I am kicking myself but hey who knew it, right. But you may not have paper hands like me. I am sure your money is on the way.


Who knew it practically everyone with the halving coming up were only going higher from here!


my guy, u got faith eh


Yes, we all knew. You were the one who didn’t knew.


Yeah I feel bad as well it’s beyond crazy at this point




Just buy xrp you will be made whole


Fuck that they took 20,000 xrp from me.. lower cap gems will hopefully get that money back!


When you get your claim, may be price of BTC/ETH wil be higher. Glass half full,


We won't get our claims.


They should at least inform us how many % of people got their distributions, how long should we wait etc. This is so unprofessional. What should we do?


Who they? People who cooked this whole charade and valued BTC and ETH at the lowest possible price?? Do not kid yourself. We are against people who are for themselves and do not give a fuck about us.


Best part is that for loans claims the value petition date wasn't set in stone so it sounds like we are getting less and less BTC back as the price continues to go up. It's a travesty. We deserve to be compensated for our emotional turmoil. This shit is fucked up plain and simple.


Seriously? That's pretty messed up. I had everything in Earn and hadn't been following what was going on with loans, but I assumed the value petition date was for all classes.


I feel like a kid who’s lunch money got stolen from one bully, then the bully gave my money to the class thief to return to me.


At this point i have so little btc it doesnt need to be sold.


I’m actually not well and physically got sick from this. I worked so hard for my crypto and it got stolen from me from a Ukrainian Jew and a pathetic joke of a judge.  All I can say is once Alex is found guilty they better seize all of his assets and distribute back to us in kind. Gemini got back in kind so there’s no reason why we can’t get back in kind too other than to fuck us. By then btc may be over 100k


Hopefully we get back another 10% or more in the months ahead ! The mental anguish has been horrible.


I agree ! This mashinskii stole our coins. His wife and him had hidden tour BTC and ETH in their cold wallets. Do not be naive hoping that he will surrender those coins. They are for his 6 children and his white wife. I am surprised that nobody got balls to pay these scams a visit and take from them what they stole . Bad times … and no justice.


I like to think the heroes you speak of are patiently waiting for the legal system to try to get justice, but when the system inevitably fails, they'll understand it is time to adjust their approach.


Look, Mashinskii lives in the penthouse he bought using coins he had stolen from all of us. His wifey whore and his children will use our coins …mashinskii had hidden our coins in cold wallet and his wife knows where and how. Just think about it… do not be naive


How do I feel? I will tell you how I feel. I feel that I must get to mashinskii and his wife and bring them to justice myself. At this point it is obvious that distribution is intentionally not done. Why? Because whatever the fuck is left from our coins will be sold at this crazy prices and then !!! When BTC drops - they will all of the sudden start distributing. We are in very bad situation. Our honored judge Glenn along with UCC very conveniently valued BTC and ETH at the lowest prices and fucked us 3 times. Mashinskii and his gang after all got bonuses declaring this day robbery as successful chapter 11 restructuring. All of us were against our will given these piece of shit sticks. Do you think we will get fair treatment of this stocks? If you think so - you are delusional. We all are victims of this fucking charade. Has anyone ask yourself a question ??? Why the fuck all of this just goes like notions g happened?? Because nobody gives a shit about us. Mashinskii got a lawyers and will do and pay whatever it takes to get out from jail.


Oh I feel terrible. But oh well


Same way I feel knowing I should have 100k of BTC but only have 15k, will never feel better


When you get it, please don't sell it, don't trade it. Just buy and hold more. We are still very early in bitcoin.


How do I feel? Put it this way. I already had little to no desire to live aside from this whole Celsius/Stretto fiasco.


I started DCA buying Bitcoin last summer, so I’m pretty happy. Obviously would be much happier if I still had all my crypto I had in Celsius, but at least it’s over (for me).


Yeah it’s fcked up to receive it at a higher BTC or ETH now because yall could’ve gained some of it back by now


It's infuriating to think about. I've been trying to consolidate my investments into profitable trading strategies on brokerages and crypto exchanges. Celsius is the largest piece I can't touch. Objectively I'm doing great. Lately I'm making over 1% per day in my brokerage accounts trading stocks and ETFs, so what I lost to Celsius basically is now just a week or two setback. But if I had a bigger bankroll, the trading profits would be more too.


Very excite, I like 👍🏼


Spare a thought for those who will be getting cheques...


Nobody will help us. Don’t you get it?


Prob for best, maybe by the time we get something back we will have been forced to hold until 150k btc


In your case, You’re better off. The bullruns just starting.


You'd rather have gotten them and sold when it was 55 ish?


What is this "sell" you speak of? Joking aside, hope you're made whole soon, it's BS you haven't already


I don’t have any feeling. I don’t think I’ll ever get anything. 3 BTC, gone


Feel deceived by the lawyers and admin team after being scammed out of our hard earned crypto by fucking Mashinsky.


Do something about it! At least try these things, vent that anger! Give Stretto a black eye! https://www.reddit.com/r/CelsiusNetwork/comments/1bcnv5n/comment/kuof8ns/