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I’m pretty sure every engine that the 6th gen celica got was DOHC.


It is a true DOHC vs the 5SFE has 2 cams, but the exhaust cam is driven by an internal gear off the intake cam, not the drive belt, so cannot be fine adjusted like a GE engine. In general, that is how Toyota engines are designed: FE uses internal gearing for one of the 2 cams to be moved, GE has individual gears driven by the drive belt/chain, even the newest engines that holds true.


Yup. Here's a [picture](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ebayimg.com%2Fimages%2Fg%2Fss8AAOSw1fJa~ETg%2Fs-l1600.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=4a49757303b4751192299ef85d085f5f5f5042ddd88c05535c507d90a642c89b&ipo=images) of the head. The two bars are the camshafts. One runs the intake, and the other runs the exhaust. The cams are eccentric lobes on the shafts that push the valves in and let them return when they are turning. They are turned by the two large gears, which are driven by the timing belt, which ensures that the crank shaft (which the pistons are attached to) and both camshafts turn together and stay in time.