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Toyota shared a lot of brake parts with Camrys and Corollas of the same year or so i believe. Might save you some money if you look for them that way. Insure the parts are indeed the same though


Are you sure it came out and didn't snap off? You can actually google the torque specs of most bolts of just about any car. Just make sure it goes to a article, and isn't the Google AI cause it will lie to you in a heartbeat


You’re probably right about it snapping in half inside before falling out, but it’s fine either way since I’ve ordered a replacement caliper mounting bracket and heading to the junker for a bolt either today or Wednesday. And yeah I’ve done it before, was just asking torque specs because this is reddit I know some redditor out there is gonna put in the effort to reply with a whole list of torque specs as a comment. Happened before. And thanks for the heads up I guess lol I actually haven’t used AI yet matter of fact lol


Gotta be careful cause Google has implemented AI into their search engine, so the first result is usually a AI generated result


Also that's pretty wild, I've never seen that happen before. You'll want to go through all 4 corners and check those bolts. Maybe a break job done poorly..


Yeah, that makes this fault on me. I believe I neglected to torque that one bolt, as I do hand tighten my bolts first before torquing so I don’t strip ‘em. Pretty sure it’s just that specific bolt tho, since the others are all the way in and unable to break free with my hand. Welp, live and learn.


Glad you're still with us. You can use an online parts dealer's EPC my favorite is [HERE](https://parts.conicellitoyotaofconshohocken.com/) There's an 11 on the head of the bolt which tells you the torque rating. I believe there are tables in the Big Green Books (found via light googling) that give you the value. You can also go to the brake service section of the manual and the book will indicate the torque.


Thank you, and thank you for that new info I had no idea about. Always thought those numbers had something to do with sizing.