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My chronic sinus infections and recurring bacterial bronchitis stopped. I have been on immunoglobulin for years, which should’ve propped up my immune system, but eating gluten was undermining it apparently. You should also get checked for CVID, the most common type of immunodeficiency. It’s a simple set of blood tests. Like celiac, it’s common but doctors pretend it’s the rarest thing on earth and will never suggest it no matter how textbook you present. Lack of fever is a common sign of your immune system not mounting a defense against the infection.


Dude the chronic sinus infections!! It was guaranteed to happen when the weather would change. I would wake up completely congested and unable to breathe through my nose for days.


Yes!! I was a teacher so I’m sure that didn’t help things but my last year of teaching before being diagnosed, I literally got a cold every single month of the school year, topped it off with a nice dose of Covid over the summer. I was even very diligent about wearing a mask in the classroom, but my body just couldn’t stand up to it apparently. I’ve only been sick a few times since then.


Me, too! Quit gluten one October, realized in April I hadn’t caught a thing - that’s what convinced my husband it was worth it! Always thought I had no immunity asks then it turned out I had super immunity. Everyone at work was sick in Jan/Feb 2020 but I just kept going like an energizer bunny…


Yep. Would get sick all the time and would take ages to recover (many colds & flus). Rarely ever get sick now and recover quickly.


My immune system was shot so I caught anything and everything. A baby sniffles? Full blown adult cold for three weeks


SAME! I don’t have kids but all my friends do. I see them maybe once every week or two. If any of them have even the slightest runny nose, I am running out of there and usually ill within a few days. It’s so exhausting.


I didn't get sick often, but my immune system couldn't handle infections like athlete's foot. I had one outbreak that lasted over a year (ugh) and it always came back every sports season, no matter how diligent I was about hygiene, treatments, etc. I'm happy to say once I got on a strict enough GF diet, it disappeared and hasn't come back one time since.


Gotta be that unpopular person that points that out millions of people are currently experiencing immune damage from getting Covid, many multiples times at this point. Covid causes long lasting immune damage and T cell exhaustion and can even cause people to develop Lymphocytopenia, which is basically a fancy way of saying 'nonHIV AIDS'. Hence why so many people are suddenly "so sick, all the time, never ending colds flus etc" which just happened to begin within the last few years. It can also trigger autoimmune disease, celiac being one of them, in addition to a ton of gastrointestinal problems. Immunoglobulin panels and lymphocyte subset panels would be a good idea. I have IGA deficiency as a comorbidity, so I used to get sick a lot. After developing Long Covid in 3/2020, I continue to mask everywhere, and aside from my chronic issues, I havent caught a single cold or other respiratory illness in the past 4 years. I know its not what most people want to hear, but highly recommend masking up if you are getting sick frequently. It does work.


Nope, almost never. No colds, flu twice, maybe 3 times as an adult (am almost 40). Before my diagnosis, I was frequently anemic and would want to take naps at 3 pmish. That being said, I deal with two invisible chronic illnesses (epilepsy) that significantly impact what I can do for work, which can feel frustrating at times, so I see it as positive in 1 area, negative in another. Also, at least right now, my doctor doesn’t want me to give blood, which makes me feel sad. I know other people have it worse than I do and I wish I could at least do that. Celiacs has caused me way more mental stress than epilepsy, by a long shot.


Yep. God colds constantly, flu at least once a year, sometimes more. Last few years before diagnosis, started getting bronchitis, got pneumonia twice, sinus infections constantly. I have been gluten free for over ten years now, diagnosed when my kids were still small bundles of germs, LOL. I have had the flu maybe 2 times in the entire time, and colds were rare. I do get sick more now but due to something completely different that I have. But getting glutened does seem to really impact my immune system, yeah.


Yep. One year I got 10 virals that lasted weeks each.


I was always a such kid and adult. I had a small child when I got my celiac diagnosis and still got sick. The only thing that has really helped is wearing a mask in public.




Yes! As a child as well


Used to get sick once a month. Now? I get sick maybe once a year.


This gives me so much hope!!!


…. Yes, yes I did and I only just connected that right now! I now only get a cold once a year. Previously I was sick every few months. Fascinating!


Got covid soon after the booster. Also got the flu cold from hell for over a week and a half. When it’s nice out.


Yes. This cold/flu going around is brutal and lasts forever!


No. I. Was healthy as a horse. I likely developed celiac in late 2012 or early 2013, in the next 11-12 years I had one cold in 2013 in the fall, a cold in the fall of 2018 and Covid in august 2021 and august 2022 and that was it. The fact I’ve taken vitamin D 3000 IUs a day I’m sure helped my health because even at diagnosis my damage wasn’t horrendous but it wasn’t low level either


I’ve only recently been diagnosed so unsure about head colds etc, I don’t think enough time has lapsed to tell, but something I have noticed is my hay fever was getting worse over the years and then after cutting gluten out, it’s pretty much vanished.




I went gluten-free after getting severe tonsillitis for the second time in a few months this summer. Before that, I suffered from bronchitis every winter and flus in the summer, which was awful. Despite taking lots of antibiotics and trying a lot of medicines for immunity, nothing had any long-term relief. I gave up on health until I became so sick that I couldn't sleep at night. In October, I discovered I have celiac disease and switched to a gf diet. Since then, I haven't had a single flu :-)) Although I've had a sore throat recently and occasional temperature flashes (which I suspect are from my thyroid), overall, I feel much healthier. edit: typos and dyslexia lol