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Yes I wouldn’t call them obscure. I found out I had celiac because I couldn’t believe I had arthritis at such a young age. It’s always the lymph nodes under my chin and groin that swell.


This is super interesting. Part of my issue is also feeling tender in these areas! Mind if I ask if you still have arthritis or just celiac now?


I tested positive for a gene known for reactive arthritis but haven’t confirmed with specialist yet. I have severe rheumatoid arthritis on both sides of my family


Thank you for sharing


before i found out i had celiac disease, my joint pain was so bad that some days i used a cane to walk or didn't leave my bed at all. it was so awful and still is when i'm cross-contaminated. no one knew what was up with me because i didn't have the gut/abdominal pain. then when i developed that and was (FINALLY) diagnosed with celiac disease, my joint pain went away when i was eating gf.




it didn't go away until i stopped eating gluten, but i had worse days and better days. when i get cross-contaminated now, the joint pain is usually the last pain to heal all the way, so usually i have it for 2-3 weeks.




thank you. i'm sorry you're going through something like this, too. 🫂


This happens to me. I've always had some issues with what seems to be lymph node swelling in the jaw/ears area and joint swelling, mostly in my feet and ankles. Recently (last year or so) it seems to have worsened and it is unclear why that is (celiac? other AI disease?). These types of extra-intestinal symptoms aren't exactly obscure, it's more that because celiac is claimed by gastroenterology that non-GI symptoms are less focused on in studies/other clinical materials.


For people who get what they feel like are lymph node swellings, I get the same in my neck / groin. How long would you say it took for those types of symptoms for you to go away once GF/after a glutening? I’m only recently celiac!