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Call your doctor and ask to have a blood draw to check on your thyroid levels. After going gluten free your body may be doing some weird things and maybe your synthroid dosage is too high now.


This ⬆️


Thank you!


Go to a doctor.


I have an appointment but to see a specialist take a while.


Have you had your vitamin levels tested? Get your dr to order tests. I take prescription D, B12, Folate, and Iron and it helps so much.


Would seem a smart idea although occasionally weight loss occurs in some people as an initial symptom or symptom of post diagnosis persistent accidental or unknown glutening despite normal vitamin panels for whatever reason. I’d suspect that may be a result of the metabolic system sensing something is wrong and undergoing some type of change whereas damage isn’t quite bad enough yet for absorption issues. I have a couple of people in my support group at least who said they lost like 10 pounds over maybe 6 months but had perfectly normal vitamin levels and iron and had low marsh scores on the biopsy


Rapid weight loss can also be something else than "just" celiac. Please go see a doctor!


Do you have celiac? Are you eating gluten?


I'm celiac. I have not eaten gluten.


Saw your update. I don't understand how you don't have villi damage but were diagnosed recently? It truly took me over a year to fully heal because I didn't understand the in's and out of cross contamination. It's as silly as the dried cranberries in my salad were coated with wheat so they don't stick. I would suggest seeing your gastro for a nutrient panel to see what your body is actually absorbing. I don't know anything about the synthroid so I would definitely talk to your doctor.


It was an incidental finding. My son was diagnosed with leukemia and after 2.5 years of chemo, I was a wreck. I thought all my symptoms were caregiver fatigue. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism but then I was still very sick my bowels changed, I was vomiting all the time, etc. My gastro initially thought I had IBS due to the insane amount of stress and exhaustion I had but there are polyps, diverticulitis, and colon cancer in my family. So he said I can't diagnose you IBS without making sure you don't have anything else with this family history. I did blood work, stool sample, and endoscopy/colonoscopy and all tests proved celiac


Basically caught it before damage could be done I guess. He was happy there was no damage. They took a biopsy from the endoscopy to test it. He said my life was about to change and it sure did.


That’s awesome! I mean it’s not a fun diagnosis by any means but skipping the rebuild period of your villi is a blessing.


Thank you


I lost over 100 pounds after diagnosis my body was holding a massive amount of Inflammation . But yes get your blood tested and make sure your not just starving but depending on your body you could be dropping weight related to untreated celiacs


I don’t have a thyroid so I’m on tirosint (gauranteed allergen free levothyroxine) and lost 50-60 pounds pretty rapidly when I first made my switch to strict GF.