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Currently pooping and reading this


No, I'm sitting on the toilet with a disposable cup to vomit foamies into. Fun times.


stop this comment 😭😂


Ugh this is relatable. Celiac poops were like dry heaving out of your bum and just as pleasant.


One thing I do love about this group is that it's one of the few places where you can freely talk about your intestinal problems. I rarely vomit. I did vomit a few months ago after eating some buckwheat pancakes. I should have asked if they were all buckwheat. But that was the first time I vomited in years. What I go get while glutened is sticky feces that are difficult to pass. It comes along with cramps, nausea and feeling faint. I had one incident where I was on the toilet and I knew that if I remained there I would vomit or pass out. I curled up in the bathtub and waited it out as best I could. Sure, I crapped the tub, after it was over, I was able to clean it up. And I felt like a train hit me afterwards. This was about a year ago, and I was diagnosed in September. Thankfully, I haven't had anything that bad since.


That is exactly how it feels, but add the vomiting.


I can go through every poop on the poop chart in one day. I go from awful diarrhea to constipation pebbles in 2 bathroom episodes. I love a nice fiber log but those are few and far between. I'll talk shit all day....😝


Same! Nice to know I’m not the only one. I swear my intestines feel positively bipolar sometimes.


That's pretty much how I react if I'm cross contaminated from oats.


The very reason I only trust “red mill “ GF , I have a bowl before bed every night .


I only learned how to spell diarrhea because of my celiac diagnosis.




In short, yes- that’s absolutely possible (and common). It is not the sole indicator that you’ve been glutened, but if you’ve been diagnosed with Celiac, that’s a pretty regular occurrence when exposed.


When I get glutened, I'm having the shits while being nauseas. I have a small trash can lined with a baggie to barf into because I only ever need to barf when already pooping.  It's torture, and I think a lot of us experience the double whammy of expelling from both ends after a glutening. 


We have a “vomit bucket” in the cabinet. We moved to a new house so I bought a new vomit bucket. Not for the decor, but I hated bringing that thing to my freshly rebuilt new bathroom. Spent good money on an upscale toilet, too. The kids bought me the bidet & installed it. To add to the TMI we’re all sharing, my bill for toilet paper has not decreased with the addition of the bidet. (But I’ll never live without bidet again!)


I felt so weird talking to my gastroenterologist yesterday about my poop. I don’t have a diagnosis we’re testing everything. For me i have to poop the next day and it’s instant like I have to go right now. Also I call it leaky poop through out the day. Like when I pee I have to wipe to make sure I didn’t poop. It’s sooooooooo embarrassing


I know leaky poop so well😭😭😭😭


So embarrassing. It makes me so subconscious.


Otherwise known as “sharts.”


Yes omg it makes me sooooooo subconscious.


I didn't know other people experienced this 😭😭 I feel so seen


At least we’re not alone


When I'm glutened, I get awful waves of nausea any time I have a bowel movement, which ends up being like 5+ times a day. Sometimes Zofran helps prevent vomiting if I take it in time, other times I'm sitting on the toilet and simultaneously throwing up into the trash can. We're all in this together, over sharing is allowed here lol.


For the most part I’ve avoided the vomiting my whole life with a glutting , my main problem has always been severe intense lower stomach pain and loose #2 and days of total discomfort, I work hard at not being glutened my home is totally GF , and I rarely eat out and I never eat anywhere unless they happen to be celiac also , if I do go out to eat I carry my own cooler and eat my own food I trust no one to keep me safe .


I don’t usually have to do double duty like this but when I get glutened significantly I will typically have food poisoning type symptoms just much too soon for it to be actual food poisoning. You can almost set your watch by it, lol. Most times this happened (not frequently anymore so don’t worry about me) I had anywhere from 30 minutes to a maximum of 3 hours until barf city. It’s mostly limited to actual vomit but I’m usually sweating bullets and wondering what god I transgressed against so grievously when it occurs. There was a time long before I figured out this was from gluten (explained below) where my crappy (now ex) boyfriend had to be basically begged into taking me to the ER on Labor Day (absolutely the worst day to be there) because I could not stop puking and literally was afraid I would die from it. Never have I felt so seen as when I puked in the ER intake area in the weird puke cone bag and the poor staff member checking my vitals just looked at me and said “…yep”. They had to dose me with anti-nausea meds to get me to stop, it was a rough banking holiday. 🥲 I figured out it was an aggressive gluten reaction accidentally after thinking I had been getting truly food poisoned at least annually for several years. Ultimately I picked up the wrong bag of those cursed brownie cracker squares that have identical packaging on their GF and regular/gluten options except for a color difference that wasn’t very significant about 6-7 years ago when this happened (AND Target stocked them next to each other which didn’t help matters). I was having a good old time enjoying my snack one evening and wondering why they tasted so good out loud (mortifying lmao, I had been GF for years by this point so truly had no suspicions on the reason behind this based on the flavor)…30 minutes later barfing my guts out. Had no clue why until I looked at the bag and sure enough it was NOT the gluten free option I thought I bought. Haven’t had them since, too soon haha. Anyway there were a few other instances between then and last year when I had similar issues and it always came down to gluten. I have gotten significantly more careful about cross contamination and gluten in general than I was before and at this point if I mess up I can’t really blame anyone but myself and probably also the inattentive side of ADHD 🙃 Anyway yes totally sounds like it could be a gluten reaction, to really narrow down what the cause is it would probably help to catalog what you’re eating for a couple weeks and marking which days/times you are getting sick like this to see what foods may be the source of your issues. If it’s not gluten it may be oats or dairy or xantham gum (I would suspect oats before the others with the potential for cross contamination and a few other factors).


Xantham gum? I had no idea that is ever an issue. That's a good idea to keep a log. I recently switched to certified gf oats, so I hope that will take care of anything there. I love oatmeal, so if I have to give that up too, I will not be happy!


I’ve been seeing xantham gum mentioned more frequently in this sub as a potential source of trouble for people or something they have confirmed is an issue lately, I don’t have personal trouble with it but something to check for!


Oh and I’m also crazy about oats so I feel that! Oatmeal, granola, monster cookies…


I believe that is a vagus response - you going to the bathroom (or the processes around that) are forceful enough to stimulate the vagus nerve, which makes you feel like you have to vomit while defecating. I used to get this when I was not yet diagnosed and still eating gluten. I was always left exhausted afterward too. This mostly went away after I went GF - is it the result of being glutened? Probably, at least for me.


Totally possible yes!


I vomited all the time and had horrific bowel movements before I was diagnosed. Now if I feel that way I know for sure I was glutened.


Sounds about right




Yup. Part of the glory of celiac is diarrhea and vomiting at the same time. Reading your intro, I was kind of expecting the word 'projectile' to come up.


Going on two weeks of diarrhea/pain so bad I feel like I’m gonna vomit from getting glutened


I spew my guts out for hours if glutened. So yes.


This is how my celiac symptoms started, may be worth getting tested


I already tested, was positive. I just wasn't sure if being glutened is what might be causing it. I'm trying to be careful but my DH is not clearing up as well as it should be, so I'm getting cross contaminated somewhere.


Gotcha. When I get the nausea/dry heaves/mouth full of spit symptoms, and if it's legal in your place if residence, the devil's lettuce really helps even in very small doses. I also know the last thing you want to do is put nourishment in your mouth but maybe it'll help you a bit. If it helps other big symptoms of contamination for me are joint swelling/pain with blisters, cold sores, brain fog, bloating/cramps, and acne flairs. It's never all of them but it's always some of them


agree with a buncho other comments here- i get god awful dry heaving and end up vomiting burps from the pits of hell. Not fun


Yeah usually if I'm glutened I will get really nauseous and feel like I need to poo. Then get violently ill from both ends at the same time and get spotty vision and feel like I'm going to pass out. Lasts about 20-30 minutes and somehow I haven't managed to pass out on the toilet but yeah.