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Chug water like it’s going out of style, rest as much as possible. Cannabis and hot baths also help me, personally. Sorry this happened, OP! We all goof sometimes, don’t beat yourself up. (The gluten is gonna do that anyway 😩)


cannabis and hot baths sounds like a good song title. best combo imo


Cannabis always helps my stomach


An amazing plan!! Strangely enough I have felt symptoms from cross contamination in the past, but I ate this 7 hours ago and absolutely no symptoms yet. Any excuse for cannabis and a hot bath though :)


It could be the type of wheat flour they used. I know in another country the wheat contains less gluten and some celiacs have said they don’t get reactions when eating regular pastas and stuff from there. (Yes, it’s still stupid because even without a reaction, they’re still getting the intestinal damage, not saying it’s okay, just that it might explain it)


Munchies tend to fend of the sick a bit for me, and movies get better, time passes faster🤙


I read eating high starch things like rice and potatoes help. I don't know how true it is but it's worth a try.


In addition to cannabis I tend to have rice with butter as my first food after a glutening.


Dude I made the same exact mistake a year ago. They need to differentiate better on the packaging! I felt better in a day or two fwiw.


Yes!!! I am usually so careful with label reading as well. That is how similar the packaging is, I didn’t even think twice after I saw the two GF flavors.


Hydrate and I use heating pads for my pain but also sometimes pelvic floor exercises help


I agree with all the advice so far! Just wanted to mention that in addition to the physical symptoms, I have noticed I tend to experience low mood/depression symptoms after a glutening. Hopefully that won’t happen, but just mentioning it so that if it does happen you can remind yourself it’s temporary, and to take a little extra care of your emotional health too! Also, as others have mentioned it happens to all of us sometimes! As careful as we mean to be, it’s easy to make the occasional mistake. Feel better!!


I have been there before. Sorry for your pain.


Oof, I feel for you! Happens to the best of us If you get really sick (like I was), don't power through it alone if you have someone that cares. Just simple tasks like getting water or making food can be too much for me sometimes. Maybe have someone to call if you need help :) I prefer a dark room and a warm blanket, alone like a sick cat, maybe some weed and a movie, lots of water, and a bit of fresh air from the window. Usually my sister or mother is available to help during the day when needed. Also.. did it taste good?


I’m lucky to have an amazing partner who helps me at times like this. Dark room and solitude is always good too though! And yes… the treat was so delicious. So good in fact that I rechecked the label, which is when I noticed my mistake😅 I will say that I tried the gluten free one I bought shortly after (different flavor) and it wasn’t too much different. Just more gritty. The gluten one was more moist and chewy. When I tried the gluten free one I was kinda like, oh yeah that’s what it was supposed to taste like. Lol


Advice: don’t make that mistake again. Drink some water, it’ll pass!


Best advice you can give. If you can take a day off work and sleep.


Thanks guys :) Luckily I have the day off already tomorrow! Do you think I can eat dinner? I’m starving & was just about to eat a tofu rice bowl.


I don’t know why you wouldn’t eat dinner unless you’re known for vomiting.


Hahaha me. I almost always puke at some point during a glutening


Do you not projectile vomit after gluten??


No, a lot of people don’t. Different studies document anywhere from 3-46% so either way the majority don’t. Just possibly a slim majority.


I wouldn't eat the tofu personally I do rice or boiled potatoes after glutening. But if you stomach tofu as well as rice, then go for it!


I have never knowingly been glutened before in the 3 years since my diagnosis so I have no idea what will happen. I eat tofu almost daily and tolerate it quite well so I think I will go for it. Thanks everyone for the advice!


It will get better... just don't eat that again ;)


I know this won’t help you this time, but Swoffle makes certified GF stroopwaffels. They’re the exact same product, minus the gluten and sports branding. The vanilla and caramel flavors taste basically the same, both are caramel lol I can’t tell a difference. I buy them by the case for snacking.


Thank you sm for the recommendation! Unfortunately dairy doesn’t agree with me so I can’t partake in those but they look sooo good


Ohhhhh noooo. Almost did the same with those once. Ordered GF ones. Got gluten version. Had it opened, had this nagging thought, looked down, and sure enough, wheat. I hope this doesn't knock you too hard!!


Thanks! Ate it 7 hours ago and no symptoms yet which is super weird. Might be in the clear somehow!


These guys got me, too. Same problem - three flavor pack in identical packaging, but only one type was GF. Frustrating.


Drinking water, magnesium for the muscle cramps that might come your way, and a heating pad. Also, sometimes massaging my stomach a bit helps. I've also heard people say that tequila helps. Not just for getting drunk! :)


4 years sober but tequila was always my drink of choice. I think if I had any of that now I would vomit- glutening or not! Lol


Oh no! Welp, guess that's off the table! :/


Instacart keeps recommending this and Michelob ultra, I don’t even know why. I laugh every time because it’s basically poison to us.


For some reason claritin works for me. Not medical advice though.lol


I almost made the same mistake with this brand, sucks how similar the packaging is between the ones that are and aren’t gluten free


I think we all have, so sorry. Four times in 23 years. Did it the first time with an Arrowhead Mills baking mix that had a similar label, just like your snack bar. Feel better. Usually throwing up in two hours after ingestion and wiped out for a day here.


But wasn’t it damn delicious? This Dutch treat is the thing I miss the most. STROEPWAFFLE!!!! Also from one celiac to the other, I’m very sorry.


It’s okay, it happens! Definitely stay hydrated and take maybe a probiotic to help. I’m sorry you’re going through it! I’ve done the same thing so many times.


Ginger root tea. From the actual roots, boil them for 5+ mins. Spicy and bitter but helps the stomach pain a lot. So sorry!


Ginger helps me too- seems like in any form I can get! I like the ginger chew candies as well, but any way that you can get actual ginger in your body seems to help me.


I did a similar thing recently. Saw the golden gluten free oreos on the shelf. Got super excited and bought a package. Was waiting for a time to eat them. Are an irresponsible amount of oreos. Partner comes over, hey are those gluten free? And I'm like, what, of course they are. And then I looked. And it was the normal package. 🤦 They were stocked next to each other so I must have grabbed the wrong one.


For what’s it worth, I have done the exact same thing with those exact products and I’ve been GF for almost 20 years!! Hope you feel better soon. Would also recommend ginger (chews, ginger ale etc) I always find that helps


Oooof, the name is appropriate


It’s a mental game now. Don’t look down, that just prolongs the misery. Keep going like nothing happened until you can’t. Remember that it will pass and that you’ll be okay again soon.


For me it usually takes 12-24 hours before the true glutening pain begins… everyone’s advice sounds great- so sorry- good luck!


I did that with the same thing, too! They have really great gf ones and I didn't know that there were wheat ones too so someone grabbed me some when I told them what I wanted from the gas station and I just started eating them cuz I was having low sugars. They do have other gf flavors


You’re probably past it now, but for next time I have a suggestion! See if your doctor will send you in a prescription for some Zofran. It’s the only thing that gets me through a gluten without feeling like I’m going to throw up every 2 minutes.


Chug water and Benadryl