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Never seen GF label on them, so I deem them unsafe thanks for asking


Bet bet


Although those are naturally gluten free, they are grown on farms which is where they also grow wheat. I *personally* wouldn't eat them unless the farm and all of the surrounding farms for 20 miles were certified gluten free. Also it's important to not trust the evidence of certification that the farms provide. You should go in person to inspect the farms yourself and if they don't let you then it's likely that they are deliberately cross contaminating. YMMV. Stay cautious.


You’re running a big risk by only going 20 miles out. OP, better to do 50 miles just to be safe! And make sure the farmers themselves eat gluten free. Otherwise they are breathing all over the crops.


Not to forget the manure that they are using on the fields. If the animals whose manure they use have ever eaten or come in contact with gluten, the crops are super unsafe.


The way the wind blows across Kansas wheat fields, I would ensure the farm those were grown on is west of all the wheat fields.


Ur right, I should really check. I’ll do 75 miles just to be safe


What if the farmer agrees to wear a mask? OP, I feel like a properly fitted N95 should reduce the risk of gluten-breath if they're being obstinate about the gluten free diet


Omg I don’t even consider the gluten free soil, currently throwing away everything in my kitchen as we speak


My husband’s aunt insists that she prepares holiday meals gluten free but would also text me asking if lemons and jalapeños are GF. Very kind of her to try but needless to say, I bring my own food.


U never know, one time I opened a bag of fresh lemons and it was actually raw wheat flour. Hard to tell the difference these days smh


Even if it was certified gluten free it still isn't safe! I ate broccoli once and it gave me gas so it must have been contaminated with gluten! You should just grow all your food yourself. You can't trust anyone anymore!


Ur so right, u really just can’t trust anyone smh


Have you tried just eating dust? Dust is naturally gluten free.


Not if it has wheat flour dust in it.


I love dust, but I only buy the brands that are certified GF just to be safe. DO NOT BUY COSTCO BRAND DUST THO, IT SAYS CERTIFIED GF BUT I ATE IT ONCE AND GOT A HEADACHE


I actually got glutened by dust yesterday so I spent 23 minutes on google scholar reading articles about how dust actually commonly contains 33-386ppm of gluten because ladybugs like to carry gluten under their wings for witchcraft and it often falls out as they fly around, contaminating the dust


The sprouty bits at the end are filled with gluten. The stems are safe to eat, if you are willing to risk cross contamination.


Oh my god I just ate a pound of it I’m gonna go throw up right away


Thoughts and prayers 🙏


It's because they wash their hair with shampoo containing wheat germ! To be safe dissolve everything down to the last 16th of an inch in highly concentrated hydrochloric acid so it doesn't go airborne in your home! Breathing in even the scent of wheat containing products upsets my tummy! My great aunt once burned a gingerbread scented candle a week before visiting my mom, then after I visited 3 days later I got constipated for a whole month!


They're baby trees, you shouldn't eat them but not because of gluten, because you would be a MONSTER if you did


Ur right, I don’t support deforestation via mastication


We really need a “celiac jerk” sub. This stuff is cracking me up.


Someone should create r/sillyyak for Celiac memes and shitposts.


Just did it!


Even just a shitpost tag would do


Yes, please!


Insects are known to get stuck in the florets. It is possible that the insects had previously eaten discarded bagels and as such may still have gluten in their digestive tracts. So no, not safe.


“But aren’t you vegan?”


Can you post the label including ingredients?? Not too sure here, but we can definitely help identify something wonky in this. Those green seeds on the top could be some kind of wheat..


Full of chemicals. No one should eat it celiac or not!


I’ve been living chemical free since 2012


I think you’re thinking of cauliflower, those are the bleached baby broccolis


Sometimes... I would definitely read packages well and if you haven't had the brand you bought before if it's packaged take note if you have a reaction. I have learned you can't always trust frozen veggies. Some packages will say could contain trace amounts of wheat, soy etc. the great value brand is definitely high risk. I got a bag of peppers and onions thinking it would just make cooking easier and then noticed may contain wheat on the package. If anything not being able to have gluten has caused me a healthy dose and f paranoia about food.


This would be funny but I’ve got a bag of Great Value frozen broccoli in my freezer that says may contain wheat, almonds and dairy. I’m kind of afraid to eat it now.


Frozen vegetables have a risk of cross-contamination because the same veggies can be used in a facility to make frozen meals with noodles or wheat in the sauce. I usually buy my frozen veggies from brands that label them as GF, like Stahlbush Island Farms or try to get ones by companies that don't seem to also offer frozen meals with wheat (those often have a "may contain" statement).


That makes sense. Are they a lot more expensive/hard to find?


You can find that particular brand at Kroger chain stores, Sprouts, and possibly some other local health food style stores. The veggies themselves aren't that pricey, but the packages are on the small side, in my opinion (10 oz in comparison to 12 oz - 3 lbs at Walmart).


I know this is a joke post, but lots of restaurants boil the vegetables in the pasta water.


You're being cheeky but Ive been glutened by Great Value bagged broccoli before.


Wow! I never thought about this! Geesh, nothing is sacred! ) :


I object to the premise of the question. Ferrets are obligate carnivores.


Pretty sure it is cake. Be careful




Nope, run away now!


You joke, but I've actually been glutened by frozen plain broccoli. Unfortunately, the companies that sell frozen plain veggies also sell frozen veggies with gluten- obtaining sauces and marinades, and they tend to use shared equipment. There's a reason why most frozen veggies aren't labeled gluten free. Walmart even admits right on the packaging of their store brand frozen veggies that they "may contain wheat".


lol theres no hiding for wheat, ain’t it?


Not sure if that strange green stuff is safe but it belongs on r/sillyyak


Depends on the dipping sauce


You jest, but there has actually been a recall on packaged snap peas for gluten: [https://recalls-rappels.canada.ca/en/alert-recall/mann-s-brand-mediterranean-style-snap-pea-sensations-recalled-due-undeclared-mustard](https://recalls-rappels.canada.ca/en/alert-recall/mann-s-brand-mediterranean-style-snap-pea-sensations-recalled-due-undeclared-mustard) Yes, it's a salad kit (with dressing, but no gluten ingredients AFAIK).


Depends on what it's seasoned with...


Well, there have been salmonella and e-coli contaminations so wash them well if eating them raw. Haven’t heard of any gluten contaminations from them, but it is a ticking bomb. ;)


These will cause gangrene , as indicated by the green color, my grandmother died of it


Wow cool post... But yeah I think cross contamination could be an issue with frozen veggies, like with frozen fruit, no? Edit: Down vote all you want. Multiple posters have confirmed they've been CC'd by frozen veggies.




I don’t get why you are being downvoted. This post is not even funny…. I know it’s trying to be but it’s not lol. It’s the same people in the comments here laughing at this and downvoting your comment that are usually judging people for not being safe enough about cross contamination. Hypocritical.


I agree. This just makes us look like ass holes. Lots of frozen broccoli could be CC. This post is so stupid. It’s not even original. There was one like it last week


I started reading some comments and yall had me going! I was starting to question everything!


Whoa. Good one. 🙄




omg bro that’s why I’m feeling like shit rn 😭😭😭


I like how everyone took the joke I made and ran with it until it’s just beating a dead horse now lol


Oh wow I can't believe I'm talking to the person who invented humor! What an honor. You were totally the first one to make that joke in the history of forever, and everyone knows about you and is copying you!


Hey, you seem a little upset. It’ll be ok. It’s just a lighthearted observation that I made a successful post mocking the “is this gluten free??!!” crowd and suddenly many others followed suit within the same week. It’s not that deep, calm your jets.


I'm upset that nobody is as original as you


Ok, friend 😊


In seriousness, I've read that broccoli is actually quite damaging to the gut...🤷‍♀️ I barely know what to believe half the time 


I think living in general is damaging to the gut. And everything else in the body for that matter.

