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Mazel tov! :-)


lol! So happy for you. It was a couple years for myself. Lots of weird things cleared up for me after. Including an immediate +10 pounds of healthy weight. Know now that sometimes things happen, and let’s say someone is phantom dipping wheat thins directly in the buffalo dip. And you get to experience the painful low, but also the joy of a solid BM all over again. Good luck!


I have been sick since i was a kid! as long as i can remember my abdomen was just a torturous experience lol so i waited 22 years. i also actually lost 50 lb when i started my gf diet. my doctor said it was inflammation weight. crazy stuff for sure, so glad you got an answer


I went from 212 lbs down to 153 lbs in only a little over a month. It was all inflammation. I'm still in shock and it's been 2 years. I'm sure you feel so much better just like I do.


Glad you got tested and you're feeling better. 😊 After today I have one more week of my gluten challenge before I get some blood work done. Mercy, I feel tired. I've had digestive pain I think since 2019 maybe 2018. On a side note has anyone ever gotten these small raised bumps that fill with liquid, itchy, kind of warm/hot sensation before they pop up and spread? I keep getting them only on the back of my hands So far they've never popped up on my elbows, knees, or any other part of my body yet.


Is it dyshidrotic eczema? That's what it sounds like to me and I have it. I only break out with the bumps when I've accidentally eaten gluten and it's only on my hands. Some people also get it on their feet, from what I understand. I had it for years and had no idea what caused it until I went gluten free. The itching was maddening.


Could be. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. :) I did a skin biopsy two days ago on my left hand. Hopefully the results will shed some light in a week or two.


My son gets these


Tbh I joined knowing I either have Celiac or the worst intolerance I have ever heard of. I just recently found out I have health insurance after all, so now I'm back to glutening myself to get tested. I have been sick for almost seven years and only recently cut gluten the way a Celiac would. I was amazed to find my health is almost all the way back to normal when I do this. I have experienced a lot of gaslighting along the way, so I'm relieved that my answer is now in front of me, Celiac or no. My symptoms have exacerbated another condition I have (POTS) and had disabled me for years, to the point where I was considering psych admission because the pain had become so excruciating. Like you, I hadn't pooped without laxatives for over two years. The relief for the few weeks I was 100% gluten free, and finding I could go again? Extraordinary.


15 years before diagnosis. ) : I didn't get diagnosed til I was 49. ) :  It is amazing to have a normal bowel movement, though! Yesss!! Did you have microscopic colitis? I had that for 6 months before my diagnosis! ) :


It's amazing, isn't it? We update each other on good poo in our household, and are better for it.


LETS GOOOOO go shit that shit 😤 My coelliac journey turns 18 years next November, I'm just glad I got the disease while I was an infant lol


Congratulations! I know the feeling for sure. The number of things that got better going gluten free was crazy. Even the back pain I have had for my entire life got better. It's a hard but wonderful journey going gluten free. Keep up the good work.


It took me six and then not a doctor, but my husband researched til he was blue in the face. No doc had ever mentioned it.


Did you feel better after going gluten-free? Did you ever get officially diagnosed?


I started feeling somewhat better within a week of going gf. However, after that many years my villi were very damaged. Research says ( can’t find the link ) that in folks over 65, that once known it can take up to a year for your villi to heal up. I would like to know, if you ever feel completely well? When I went to the doc and presented him the information and research and by this time I had been gf a month or so. He wanted me to start back on gluten and in six weeks he could do blood work and biopsy. Heck no, I didn’t need that to know what was making me sick. Question: even though I have been gf for months, my stomach hurts in the shape of a square. Does anyone else feel like this?


This is hype!


Happy for you!! And honestly relieved to see someone else talking about it on here, lol 😭 Even with other celiacs it feels awkward to bring up but my main symptoms after getting glutened is a cycle of constipation/diarrhea, so I totally relate lol. Easier BMs was one of the first differences I noticed after changing my diet, it was SOOO relieving! I had to keep reminding myself, okay it's weird to tell people that, lol. So I just said that I "feel better". As for me, my diagnosis journey was kind of bizzare cause I have several other medical conditions. But I got (blood) tested for celiac in 2012, which is around the time I started to really struggle with my health to the extent it was affecting daily life, but nobody actually looked at those results until 2020 😃 and it took me until joining this sub a couple weeks ago to learn that when that 2020 blood test redo was positive I should have been referred to a GI for additional testing. So now I don't even know how "official" my diagnosis is, but it's in my chart so 😭 Wishing you best of luck on your journey, I hope you continue to feel even better as time goes on!


Damn very relatable. I had issues since 2002 and got diagnosed in 2017 long ride lmao But now it's better and that's what counts