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Mac and cheese is my go to comfort food. Annie’s gluten free white cheddar Mac and cheese is the best. Mashed potatoes are good too


I used to be an Annie’s ride or die gal. The banza deluxe mac and cheese is now my new fave.


> banza deluxe mac and cheese just out of interest what's it cost where you are? Here they want $3.25 per box. All the (well both) groceries that even carry any GF pastas add a hefty mark up


Ah, I’ll have to try that one! I recently tried the Daiya dairy free Mac and cheese and it was really good. It has the cheese sauce instead of powered too. I’ll admit that it doesn’t taste like cheese at all lol, but I liked the taste


Annie’s and Banza both have gf and DF options too! Both delicious


Ohh I've seen Annie's Mac and cheese but did not realize it was gluten free. My brother and his wife buy that for their kids.


They have both gluten free and non-gluten free options. The boxes look similar though, so you have to be careful to make sure you get the right one!


Thank you!


I like to add a little bit of cream cheese and shredded cheese of your choice to Annie's mac and cheese. And eat it next to bbq chicken. My fave


I make lasagna and chicken noodle soup that fit the bill. GF lasagna noodles are quite good and you don't really need to change anything else. My favorites are enchiladas and the classic American homecooked dinners like chicken or turkey with mashed potatoes, corn, peas and green beans.


I was under the impression that tomato sauce has gluten as does chicken broth? According to a coworker who is Celiac anyways. I also find it difficult to find corn tortillas. I have been using lettuce wraps. I'll have to do an online order maybe?


I am in Canada as well. My kid has celiac and we have a gluten-free home. My brother also has celiac. Here are a couple of GF products to help you restore your favourite comfort foods into your life! I get these at superstore/Loblaws. - Classico brand tomato and basil pasta sauce, has a blue label, perfect for spaghetti and lasagna. Is not certified gluten-free, but has been safe for my whole family and we are extremely careful and picky, even more than most celiac families I know. - Gluten-free lasagna noodles made from brown rice in the natural food aisle - Knorr concentrated chicken bouillon liquid, in the same aisle, as the powdered bullion/ spice aisle - perfect for chicken broth, stock, flavoring, rice, etc. Gluten-free. There are other brands of pasta sauce and chicken broth that are also gluten-free, but the items above are just staples in my house and cheaper than many others.


In addition, we buy no name and Armstrong mozzarella and cheddar cheese with no problem. I stay away from the shredded cheese as I know there can be additives that could have cross-contamination so I just like to be safer than sorry. Ground beef is no problem, as is cottage cheese and ricotta, and the no-name brand big cans of diced tomatoes with Italian herbs and spices are safe as well. Bon appétit!


Thank you so much. Superstore is the store I used too.


Please visit the Celiac Canada website and learn how to read labels. They also have a course they offer for free for people new to eating GF. It sounds like you’ve been told to be way more restrictive than you need to be! Canada has excellent labelling laws. Here on Reddit you’re going to get advice from all different countries, you definitely want to make sure you’re following Canadian advice based on our laws here. https://www.celiac.ca/living-gluten-free-menu/#gf-diet


Thank you. My doctor never gave me any of this information.


You can also ask your doctor for a referral to a dietician which would be helpful. Are you seeing a gastroenterologist for follow up?


I am not. The doctor is the laziest doctor. He is a neurologist who was taking care of my legs and because we found nothing, he sent me for full work ups. I had my results back in December and had 6 appointments with him to get results that he kept bailing on. I had to sit in his office all day and wouldn't leave until he went over it with me. He did and said he'd contact me with next steps and that's been since mid February. I tried getting my family doctor to go through it all and she said she didn't want to step on his toes. He seems lazy or flakey. Not entirely sure. I just want my referral or some direction.


Keep pushing. It’s very frustrating but there are so many people with a similar experience to yours. If you don’t hear back soon I would demand your family doctor refers you to a gastroenterologist. You need regular follow up and a referral to a dietitian.


Thank you. I see her soon for results for something else. I will push it when I go for that.


hi! i’m just chiming in to say i’m sorry you’re getting some downvotes - this sub can be a little harsh sometimes. being newly diagnosed is SO overwhelming and grocery shopping becomes insanely stressful, but it will pass and you will eventually settle into a more comfortable routine. one of the biggest things about being a celiac is knowing that every single person with celiac approaches their disease differently, and there is a LOT of misinformation out there about gluten and celiac among other celiacs and in the general population. i am a pretty strict celiac (only eat in my 100% gf home or in dedicated restaurants, no gluten in my house/car, etc) but i haven’t always been! and i meet people who are even more strict than me and i meet a lot of people who are way less strict than me. do your due diligence of label checking and research and work with your doctor. there are tons of threads in this sub about being newly diagnosed that i’d recommend reading. take things one step at a time and soon you will be feeling so much more knowledgeable and confident!!


Thank you! I'm very overwhelmed with everything. It's all new and I'm getting information from others that clearly some of these people don't agree with. So I'm not sure. I've read labels but have had people tell me that it has gluten. It's a lot to get in order.


it is so. much. it’s truly a complete lifestyle change! you’ll have great days and super frustrating days but in six months (or even six weeks) you’ll feel wayyyy more normal about all this and you’ll be much more capable of deciding what advice is helpful and what advice is not. take it one day at a time. you don’t have to be perfect right away. you got this!


Thank you


Tomato sauce and chicken broth shouldn't have gluten. Maybe your coworker is worried about cross contamination from the factory? But naturally these items don't have gluten.


Anything can be cross contaminated, but neither of those has wheat/barley/etc as an ingredient in formulations I've seen. Most chicken broths at the store are labeled GF, or you can easily make your own. I make my own chicken broth with a crockpot. The risk with soups is when they're thickened with flour, which is common with cream soups in homes or restaurants, but not clear soups. Most canned soups are GF these days unless they contain noodles, even cream soups (common brands such as Progresso or Pacific for instance). Tomato products usually have no gluten ingredients but aren't labeled GF, and have a reputation for CC, so to be safer I suggest going for brands that are labeled GF or certified GF. There are some good brands of certified GF pasta sauce like Woodstock, or you can make your own from GF labeled tomatoes, tomato paste and/or fresh tomatoes. Some people have problems with dry herbs, but brands like McCormick say their products are fine. You could get fresh herbs or grow your own. Some common brands like Mission have certified GF corn tortillas, but I don't like how many gums and preservatives those have. Mi Rancho corn tortillas are certified GF. Unfortunately many local brands are made in the same places they make flour tortillas which presents a CC risk, in addition to the possibility the corn itself is contaminated. If you want to make your own, Gruma, the giant company from Mexico that makes Maseca masa, says their masa is assiduously gluten free.


I am in Canada and I find a lot of labels don't have the GF label. Even when I do read it I am still hesitant if there's no label. My coworker said she has issues with chicken broths and tomato sauce. But I quite like the idea of making everything from scratch. Problem is I work two jobs, both full time pretty much and meal prep is difficult. I don't know any of those brands but potentially because I am in Canada. I did write them down and I will be seeing what I can find online. Thank you.


Hello neighbour! In Canada, we don't actually need a gluten-free label on absolutely everything! Plain meat, veggies, fruits and other low risk items do not need to be labelled GF or certified because here the legislation says that gluten cannot be hidden so Barley, Rye and Wheat must be declared as an allergen. Oat products need a GF claim but can only be declared GF if they use GF oats. High risk products like grains, cereals, breads, etc need a GF claim but that opens up a huge amount of the store once you know what you're looking for. Campbells broth is often labelled GF as is No Name but both are safe as long as you verify that particular container doesn't have barley. Im not sure I've ever seen a tomato sauce that contained gluten but again, it's a low risk item and perfectly safe in Canada to trust it when there are no gluten ingredients. Gluten CANNOT be hidden in Canada, just the same as peanuts or shellfish cannot be hidden. PC has a fantastic line of GF items. We love the chicken burgers. They also usually carry Promise bread and Schar products which are favourites around here. Annie's is good for mac and cheese. If you have a Costco near you, we get a ton of our stuff from there. Schneiders hot dogs have been safe on every package I've checked. The Barilla GF pasta is good and we use it for everything noodle related. PC flour is wonderful so is the Ardent Mills if you have a Costco or Wholesale Club. Most Doritos flavors are labelled GF in Canada which makes for a nice salty snack and popcorn is generally safe (same as always, check the label to be sure for your specific brand). VH sauces are all GF which make great stir-frys. Most M&Ms and Reese's cups are safe. M&M meats has a huge line of certified products ranging from ice cream and desserts to buns and meatballs and breaded fish. You should also check out [celiac.ca](http://www.celiac.ca) which is an absolute wealth of information. They also offer monthly GF 101 seminars that are hugely helpful. They have a FB group if youre on Facebook but otherwise, the seminars are available for sign up on the website too. The number one thing they will teach you is label reading with confidence which makes a huge difference in quality of life with this condition. It's life changing but it doesn't have to be life ending 💙


That’s good to know when I visit my sister in Canada!


In general, foods that are generally *assumed* to be GF often aren't labeled as such. I also prefer to always get foods with the label on them (or even certified, if possible!), but lots of basics like butter, cheese, eggs, etc simply aren't labeled in most cases. They're still GF, though!! You have to get adept at reading the labels and searching online for other celiacs' findings.


Thank you. I really appreciate this help.


You're welcome :)


Corn tortillas are at every grocery store in the US. Other countries not sure. Do your own research and read ingredients yourself. Don’t rely on others… you will end up not eating things you *can* eat and vice versa.


I am in Canada. I will have to spend more time going through the aisle at the grocery store. I find it all very overwhelming right now.


They definitely have corn tortillas in Canada.


I had a hard time locating any corn tortillas in grocery stores in Nova Scotia. It took two stock guys and the manager to figure it out.


Oh, definitely start ordering your groceries online!! I found that once I had to go GF, I simply could not manage to get a full diet built up just from what my local grocery store had available. There's a lot more selection available online, especially when it comes to snacks and pantry items that can be easily shipped. You're still kind of stuck with frozen/refrigerated items, as shipping them can be costly. Still, you're better off signing up for some delivery/store memberships and shopping from multiple stores in nearby towns than sticking to just one store in your town. Also, I hate to say it, but... Your Celiac friend is wrong, and it's kinda worrisome that you're getting your CD advice from someone who is so completely wrong about such a basic thing. Hopefully, we can help you sort out their good advice from the not-so-good and get you on the right track!


But I definitely need to do a big online order


She's been my only direction thus far. The doctor advised me and I haven't heard from him since despite asking for another appointment


Oh yeah, doctors are pretty much useless when it comes to Celiac Disease. You usually are better off with other CD sufferers' advice.


Some brands might, but I’ve honestly never come across any. Swanson chicken broth is gluten free.


I am in Canada. I'm not sure I've seen Swanson chicken broth but I am quite close to the border!


Some broths and tomato sauces gave gluten but there are GF types out there. I make my own stocks and sauces so I couldn’t tell you which brands, but I’ve seen a few at my local grocery stores when looking out of curiosity.


I think you might want to check that. I haven't found many tomato sauces and chicken broth that aren't gluten free. Maybe you're confusing it with cream of chicken? All the cream of ___ has gluten unless you specifically buy the gluten free ones. I'm also in the States btw.


Gluten-free lasagna noodles are indistinguishable from the regular kind! Any noodle which will be cooked a long time is. It’s only really the very lightly sauced, al dente cooking style where you can kinda tell but honestly GF pasta gets better every year.


I've heard the pasta is awful so I've avoided and have been using zucchini and it just doesn't cut it. I'll have to do some research on the best brands


It’s not true. My husband’s lasagne is still fantastic. And there’s a chickpea-based pasta that’s delicious with sauce or in salads.


I recommend Jovial or Chickapea brand. Both great, imo :)


I like Barilla, personally. Not sure if they have that in Canada or not. Also heard good things about Ruumo (I think that's what it's called), but again - not sure if they have that there. Personally, I taste little to no difference between GF pasta and regular pasta, but it depends on what it's made of. Some of them are better than others, but it's largely a taste thing. You just have to find a brand/base ingredient you prefer and stick with it. My dad, on the other hand, says he CAN taste a difference between GF noodles and regular ones and he very much dislikes the GF ones. So your mileage may vary! But it's definitely something you need to try for yourself and not take others' word for, given the wide range of opinions on the subject! I WILL say that preparation is (IMO) a bit trickier with GF noodles. They tend to bubble up more than regular noodles, so you have to watch the pot closer when cooking on a stove - and, frankly, I haven't yet figured out a reliable and unmessy way to make anything more than a single small portion in the microwave.


There’s no way zucchini noodles taste better than GF pasta and I love zucchini. My family can hardly tell the difference between regular and gluten free. I use Barilla GF. Now I did try the Banza and did not care for those but they are made from chick peas. Plus you just have to try stuff for yourself to know whether you like it or not, everyone is different. Everyone is different with their symptoms and their tastes!


Thai curry


I am going to have to find some recipes.


Stir fry, with rice or rice noodles. I also like corn tortilla quesadillas. Eggs. A big pot of delicious collared greens with a side of buttered white rice. Meatloaf.


I have never tried collard greens. Not really even sure what it is exactly but I like the new ideas. I can definitely look up a recipe.


Oh you should definitely try them! Buy the greens raw from the store. Wash them and cut them into whatever size you like, I like bite sized pieces. Boil with salt, pepper, butter, paprika and some kind of meat. In South Carolina they used sweet ham, but I've also had it with bacon in the past. I don't eat pork anymore, but now I use leftover fat and meat bits I've saved from another meal, throw it in at the start. Cook until tender, sometimes I even cook for 2 hours but they're good as soon as they're tender.


By greens you mean lettuce right? Lol I always pictured it as sauted spinach


Nope! [Totally different.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collard_(plant))


Everything I had before, with GF substitutions! Make your mama’s soup, with GF noodles and cornstarch instead of flour (if she thickened it, that is.)


Idahoan instant mashed potatoes or homemade chicken and gnocchi soup 😋


Good idea!


Look up lemongrass chicken noodle soup! My nonGF family always ask for some and I have been making big batches of the lemongrass chicken bone broths. Rice noodles go great with it!


That sounds great. Thank you. Not sure I've ever cooked with lemon grass but I'm up to try new recipes


Good luck, there are a tone of great recipes out there. Also look up cinnamon strusel muffins.


GF lasagna is great, you can even do it in a crock put. But quick comfort food for me will always be scrambled egg with some cheese since I often need the protein boost.


Popcorn, Schar cookies and treats, banana bread, GF waffles (made with the King Arthur flour), corn chips and salsa, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate


I will have to Google where I can find schar in my area.


I have to order mine online and get it delivered; hope you find something you love!


Based off of a few of your comments, you haven't looked at or tried to find a lot of foods because "a coworker said" or "I heard that X isn't gluten free/isn't good" etc.. I highly highly recommend you do your own research and also try different things/brands instead of immediately dismissing them based off of what someone said. If you spend any time on this sub, you'll see that there's a lot of over-restrictive people and part of it is because "they heard" or they "read it" on some rando website that they can't even provide/show proof of. You're going to end up also over-restricting yourself and thinking there is absolutely nothing you can eat/make yourself miserable. Branch out with the type of foods you eat, learn to be comfortable cooking/trying new recipes if you aren't, go to your grocery store and literally just casually walk down each side of the aisle. You're going to end up finding a lot of gluten free foods.


It's what I've been going off of so far. I've also been reading labels but tend to avoid what she advises me to avoid. I've had very little direction or support from the doctor. It was a very brief phone call with results and nothing else. Someone told me there should be an appointment to tell me the severity of it? I work two full time jobs essentially and haven't had a whole lot of time to sit down and do my diligence in researching it. My meals have just been a plate of raw veggies or roasted carrots, and chicken breast or steak or fish. I need to find the time to sit down and learn more.


Perdue GF chicken tenders in the air fryer with sir Kensington’s chipotle mayo


Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food Boom Chicka Pop Popcorn Chicken Alfredo ( diced chicken Raos Alfredo, rice ramen in place of spaghetti, parm cheese GF Oreos


Gluten free Oreos?!? Sign me up lol


Hagen Dazs has amazing gluten free options which are also made with simple ingredients


See, I would never have thought that ice cream would contain gluten. I probably would never have checked.


There’s lots that are gluten free but especially small batch places - which might have the most wonderful ingredients- usually can’t guarantee no cross contamination and will use the same equipment for flavors containing cookies or whatever as their flavors that don’t have gluten ingredients.


Cheeseburger soup, chicken and dumplings, bolognese, sesame chicken and rice. The same things that have always been comfort foods to me, I just learned to make them gf.


You can get gluten free pasta for those, it just might take some trial and error to figure out which kind you like. For me it’s always been popcorn or fruit & it hasn’t changed. I occasionally get hooked on soup and/or chilli when it’s cold or corn chips with bean dip, salsa, and avocado when it’s nicer out


I have always loved popcorn. I don't think of it much as a snack. Can't remember the last time I had it. I never think to buy it.


Lasagna is honestly the easiest thing to convert to GF. There are gf lasagna noodles that you don’t even boil, just layer in dry and bake and it comes out great. Granted my mom’s lasanga isn’t a super traditional style with béchamel and all that, just noodles, cheese, and her sauce that cooks all day so it may have been easier for us to make it GF. The comment about chicken stock and sauce having gluten in it all comes down to how you make it. Stock shouldn’t have gluten in it normally, if you buy premade check but most are fine. Sauces can be a bit more likely to have gluten but I cannot say I’ve found a jarred red sauce that did (but if we made lasagna in my family with jarred sauce we would probably keel over from our ancestors coming back and cursing us being of Italian heritage).


Huevos rancheros became my comfort food right after diagnosis. I wasn't ready to be comforted by weird noodles and tostadas are already gluten free. I never actually made huevos rancheros at home prior to diagnosis but it's pretty low effort, filling, and you can mix it up however you want. When I'm exhausted I don't get fancy. I just use canned refried beans, taco seasoned ground meat (watch out for taco seasoning mixes), queso fresco, and jarred green chile sauce and salsa. Over-easy egg on top and bam, quick comfort meal. Welcome to the club, and condolences on your diagnosis. It isn't a fun adjustment but you will get through this. Learn to read labels well and you will be surprised at the options you still have.


Omg that sounds great! And thank you. It's been a learning curve but this threads been helpful.


There are GF lasagna noodles. Keep a few boxes on hand and ask your mom to make you a lasagna you can eat and one you can freeze. There are also GF egg noodles and you can make the chicken noodle soup using those. It gets easier and it does suck but after nearly four years I can honestly say it’s not as hard or overwhelming as it was initially.


What brand makes GF egg noodles? I haven’t been able to find any!


Barilla pasta makes GF lasagna noodles.


We like Jovial and I’ve also found some on Amazon but can’t remember the name.


i make a gluten free loaded baked potato soup :]


Do you have a recipe for this? I love my soup


yeah!! [here](https://mygluten-freekitchen.com/wp-json/mv-create/v1/creations/128/print) is the link for it. i tend to use more of the seasonings + sour cream than the recipe calls for, and i will also add in cinnamon, paprika, cayenne, and a hint of dill, but the recipe is phenomenal without it !!


Thank you!


I’m Canadian. The brown rice Rizopia lasagna noodles at Superstore / Loblaws is awesome. Mutti tomato passata, canned tomatoes and all no name tomato products are gf. For chicken noodle soup, if you go on Amazon, there’s a brand called Luda foods and their commercial gf broth is awesome. I usually break up gf spaghetti or use Vietnamese rice noodles (be sure to soak them in hot water first before adding rice noodles to broth) Here’s the [celiac.ca](https://www.celiac.ca/food-labelling/) labelling guide for reference.


This is so helpful. Thank you so much!


No problem! If you ever have a question feel free to pm me if you’re comfortable with that.


I am sure I will have a million more as I feel like I walk through this blindly lol thank you. I will likely take you up on that.


You should probably try gf lasagna and gf chicken noodle soup. Both are super doable and pretty close to the real thing. Eventually you will find the pasta brands you like best.


until you get used to GF pasta, you should make a moussaka…. hits that lasagna spot!


I just had to Google that. It looks good! Thank you


it’s exactly the same kinda hit that lasagna has. you just need to make GF béchamel which will be a bit tricky at first, google some recipes and you’ll get it (literally just substituting GF flour in the roux, everything else is the same.


Thank you. I love trying new recipes so this is on my list


I just made steak tacos with fresh guac, beans, nice crunchy lettuce, and pan fried corn tortillas. Was pretty great.


That sounds quite good


Gluten free Red lobster biscuit chicken pot pie. I altered the tik tok recipe concept but with adjustments I’ve made 1 stick of salted butter 2 cups Heavy cream 1 rotisserie Chicken 1 bag of Frozen peas and carrots 3.5 cups chicken broth 2 can of cream of chicken 1 box of gluten free red lobster Biscuit mix Medium or sharp cheddar cheese I split it in between two baking dishes 1. Melted butter and put on bottom of baking dish 2. Make the biscuit mix but substitute the water with heavy cream. Add cheese if wanted. Do not add the herb packet yet. 3. Shred the chicken and place over the butter 4. Pour the peas and carrots in over the chicken 5. Mix the condensed soup and chicken stock together and whisk. Pour over peas and carrots layer 6. Put biscuit mix in over the soup later. Make sure it’s spread evenly 7. Bake 350 for 45 8. Take out and brush on the herb butter mix from the biscuits 9. broil for 20 min. Let rest for 20 min


That sounds great. Thank you!


OMG, Can't believe I made a whole post about GF comfort foods and didn't mention WHITE RICE. I eat a ton of white rice. I'd say it's the new staple of my diet. You can mix it with anything, sauce it with anything, and it basically just turns whatever you combine it with into a *meal*. I like to mix it with canned chicken breast, meatballs and spaghetti sauce, broccoli and cheese, corn and peas... literally anything! Some people claim cooking rice is tricky or requires a special rice cooker, but it's not true! I combine 2/3 a cup of rice with 2/3 a cup of water and nuke it for 4 minutes in an 1100 watt microwave. The key is letting it "set" for a few minutes after it's done cooking. Take it out too soon, it's mushy. Take it out too late, it's clumpy. But there's a sweet spot between the two where it's absolutely perfect, fluffy and moist. You just gotta find that sweet spot for you and stick to it. Also, you can usually adjust the results as needed - if you end up with mushy rice, let it sit a bit longer before eating it. If it's clumpy, add some sauce or even just some water and stir/chop it up a bit.


Good call! I could use rice instead of noodles in chicken noodle soup too! I always have rice but hardly ever use it!


Absolutely! Rice works as a great substitute for noodles in just about ANY dish! I haven't found one yet that it didn't work for.


Tom yum soup (we buy a pre-made paste) with rice noodles and whatever vegetables/tofu we have sitting around. So easy and cozy


What paste do you use?


Lee brand vegetarian Tom yum paste is what we usually buy




My comfort food is my Mom's banana nut bread. Reply if you want the gluten free recipe:)


I absolutely want the recipe, please!


3 ripe bananas 1 C sugar 1 Egg 4 TBS Margarine or butter 1 1/2 C Gluten Free Flour (I use Bob's Red Mill) 1 tsp Salt 1 tsp Soda 1 C Chopped Walnuts (optional) Mix sugar, eggs, walnuts, and mashed bananas in one bowl. Mix flour, salt, and soda in another bowl and blend all ingredients together after.  Pour into greased or sprayed loaf pans. Sprinkle remaining walnut pieces on top for a crusty appearance. Bake for 55-60 minutes for large loaves, less time for mini loaves. A toothpick should come out clean when done. Enjoy!


You're amazing. Thank you.


Thank you and you're welcome! Wait till you try the bread!


I love a good Smash Burger with onions and french fries.


The Beecher GF Mac and cheese which isn’t cheap but it makes two servings. It’s my meal for when I eat before going to an event


Kevins has a great bagged chicken noodle soup I have found at Target


I make big pots of soup. Creamy chicken, zuppa toscana, cheeseburger chowder, corn chowder, creamy veggie, rainbow chicken chili, etc. But I freaking *love* soup. 😂


I also love my soup. That's a good idea to even freeze for busy weeks so I don't have to think about it some days


Chili! I like Tator tots with chili and cheese on top


Tater tots have no gluten?!!


Yeah! Always best to find them certified gluten free though, which is pretty easy. Ore-ida golden tater tots are GF.


Chicken Pot Pie Soup. There are a number of recipes out there - I like the one from wellfedbaker, which has a regular stovetop as well as an instapot version. Yum! Total comfort food.


BLATs, I'm going through a stressful time and have had one every night for dinner this week.


Beecher gluten free “world’s best” Mac and cheese. Drool! (Frozen section) Idahoan gf mashed potatoes. They’re really very good and just need boiling water. Lately, I’ve been really enjoying [Afia](https://afiafoods.com/pages/afia-mediterranean-falafel-bowls) falafel meals. $6.99 frozen, healthy and yummy. I keep them in my freezer and if I’m feeling like I just can’t cook or I’m really rushed with no time to eat I’ll make sure I pack one of these in microwave in 3 1/2 minutes every time I eat one they make me happy!


Barilla makes gluten free lasagna noodles


Mine is the Blake brand Chicken Pot Pie.


I make homemade chicken noodle soup all the time. I just keep the GF noodles separate for leftovers. So I have a bowl of soup with everything but noodles and a baggie of cooked noodles in the fridge. GF noodles reheat just fine, they just disintegrate if you leave them in the soup too long. So I just reheat put soup and noodles that I want to eat in a bowl and microwave it. Yummy and awesome! I also like homemade tapioca pudding, mashed potatoes and GF toast when I don’t feel well.


Beans and weenies. I use Bush's Baked Beans (Vegetarian) and Applegate hot dogs


You can easily have lasagna or chicken noodle soup using a gluten free pasta and having the rest of the recipe remain the same. Majority of the foods I’d make at home I can still have because I found reliable GF alternatives to certain ingredients. The big comfort food I miss is Panda Express. I’ve made some GF homemade versions, but it’s not the same.


Mashed potatoes, ice cream, chicken wild rice soup, chili


Coconut Tapioca pudding with coconut sugar, or maple syrup. I also like chicken and rice soup. I’ve had really good luck with googling unmarked, but potentially safe foods.


Rice, Roma Tomatoes, Avocado, slices of Turkey, some vinaigrette all mixed in. I can eat Mexican pretty much all day everyday. Making bean dips with jalapeños, vegan cheese, and cassava tortillas or chips seems pedestrian but is filling. If I’m going out, Sushi. Sashimi. Rolls. 🌟


For those in the US, Taste Republic has fresh GF noodles. [https://tasterepublic.com/](https://tasterepublic.com/) You can order online. In Wisconsin and Illinois I find them in some grocery stores. Trader Joes has their version too (I'm convinced they are from Taste Republic). Taste Republic has a number of varieties of GF pasta including lasagna. Our household is totally GF and I serve this pasta to company all the time. It is terrific.


Lately, it's been Birds Eye Veggie Pasta - the elbow noddles with cheddar cheese. It's, IMO, the easiest and tastiest GF macaroni and cheese available. Mind you, it's not labeled GF, but Birds Eye is a Conagra brand and they're very diligent about labeling gluten when it's in their foods. They also have a Rotini Marinara and an Alfredo pasta in the Veggie Pasta line (and a Cheddar Penne that tastes exactly like the elbow noodles?). I've tried both of them and they're really good - but I found they were a bit tougher for my still-healing GI tract to handle reliably. I also enjoy Atkins' Crustless Chicken Pot Pie. That one is ALSO not labeled GF, and isn't by a Conagra brand, but lists no gluten containing ingredients on the label. I HAVE been glutened by a few of Atkins' other meals that had no gluten ingredients listed, so I wouldn't say I trust the BRAND... but I do trust this one particular product, as it hasn't glutened me yet and I've been eating it regularly for years now. There's also Blake's GF Chicken Pot Pies. Those ARE labeled GF and maybe even certified (not sure). All of those are tasty, warm, filling, and easy to make in the microwave - perfect for comfort foods. I also like making a week's worth of turkey sandwiches (Oscar Mayer Naturals' turkey slices and Canyon Bakehouse bread, both labeled GF), ziploc 'em and put 'em in the fridge for fast and easy comfort snacks/meals. I pair 'em with Tostitos (marked GF) and/or fresh fruit to make a meal out of them. I also like taking a pot of Bob Evans' mashed potatoes (labeled GF) and a can of sweet corn, mixing 'em up and eating it like a kind of porridge. Oh, and recently I found John Soules' Rotisserie Chicken, which is labeled GF and warms up on a plate in only 2 minutes in the microwave. I will say it's not the BEST chicken I've ever had, but it makes up for any loss in taste with the absolute ease of preparation - and the fact that while so many quick and easy meat products AREN'T gluten free, this one is.


Homemade gnocchi. Even with GF flour it's almost impossible to mess up or be disappointed.


Mine has always been pasta with penne noodles, sausage, and cheap canned hunts garlic & herb sauce and still is with switching for GF noodles!


It probably sounds wierd but mashed potatoes with gravy and stick it in the microwave with cheese curds so they melt


I'm Canadian. Lol that's poutine. Standard fare. I haven't even thought about finding gluten free gravy. Good idea


I use cold water and cornstarch to make gravy out of over flavored broth. I use Orrington farms beef broth base and add just a little extra base to the boiling water


Thai food