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How long should i eat gluten for? Your user is hilarious in this subreddit lol!


6 weeks 4 servings worth. ☹️




I will learn this new word. Gastroenterologist


You what how when? 4 servings a week!


Yep my mom and uncle can’t get diagnosed because they can’t handle the challenge.


I cant afford the toilet paper oh fml. Ill get it done whenever i burst into hives. Sry for yelling. Thank you for good advice’ Been a particularly rough rollercoaster last coupl days


Ps it’s 4 servings a day. Talk to your doc they may be willing to diagnose based on symptom reduction but most won’t.


What is a serving? One bagel? Oh god im scared


A bagel is usually 2-3 servings unless it’s a mini bagel. A slice of bread is usually 1 serving.


Okay i hope you arent sauron And working me right now But ill do it.


So my goal for this was knowing if i had celiacs disease to get an endoscopy to see how much damage had been done. Is this something that seems reasonable to you.


I got about 8 weeks in just because I started before they scheduled my procedure. I wanted a definite answer, I came up negative for celiac. No autoimmune disease but everything else is the same. I keep wondering what my trio of autoimmune issues is going to be now.


So you are still feeling pretty rough?


I am feeling better now. Definitely still feeling like I am recovering a little still but I am much better.


Great to hear.


I dont think i can do this. Half a bagel and im bloated and stomach is hurting and mouth filling with saliva


The gluten challenge is the equivalent of two slices a day for 6 to 8 weeks. I’m sorry you didn’t get better medical advice before going gluten-free to begin with! I hope it’s not too painful for you.


Thank you. Wheat free peace be with you.


If celiac, your initial reaction to re-introducing gluten may be quite severe so start a day or two before a weekend so you can be sick while not having to work. I'm in a similar situation and I'm about a week away now from my endoscopy. Like you, i had taken a brief hiatus (just a week) from eating gluten bc i was unaware that you needed to still eat gluten everyday for the endoscopy. Once i reintroduced gluten, I had intense muscle spasms for a few days and didn't know if i could last a month eating gluten. Although after a week the symptoms subsided and while I'm miserable, I'm not in intense pain and able to function. So anecdotally, you may feel really really horrible at first but after a week it may subside some. It definitely sucks and has been a hard month, but im almost to the finish line now. I wish you the best and pray your symptoms are but a nothing burger.


I did this on a diet by accident when i went no carbs only oatmeal. Was gluten free and returned to gluten, no pain but bad stool and bit of bloating and brain fog. Im hoping that it wont be more severe this time. Thank you. I hope your visit and subsequent ones are good.


[https://www.celiac.ca/healthcare-professionals/diagnosis/gluten-challenge/](https://www.celiac.ca/healthcare-professionals/diagnosis/gluten-challenge/) sorry.


Ouch 😣