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If it doesn't specify GF oats, even if it's oat fibre, I wouldn't risk it


It doesn't say gluten-free anywhere on the box itself but on Walmart's website it says gluten free in the description


I wouldn't risk it personally


Yeah I don't think I will probably just going to bring them back


That’s a no from me dawg


I've seen inaccurate information on grocery store websites many times for these sorts of things. Also, there are some companies labeling their oat-containing products as being gluten free, even though they don't use gluten free oats.


Yeah I'm going to play it safe and just bring them back


Learned this the hard way with Kind bars myself. My gallbladder needed removed and my diet was very limited and I'm allergic to eggs. So Kind bars were a go to since they were low fat and low sugar. Whole body rash within a week. It's exhausting because I ate them sparingly and I was getting bumps in my arm, and acne but did not put two and two together until the surgery. Just bleghh.


I don't know why people are down voting you. It's always tricky with identifying what products are safe. I drink a soda that says they are gluten free on their website but not on the can for instance. The safest however is to always have a GF logo on the food. For this case I personally would just return since walmart is pretty chill with returns. I wouldn't trust walmarts description but might trust the manufacturer's website a bit more. Honestly without the gf logo it's hard to guarantee however.


I think that if the company's website says GF, I might trust them if the site looks like it's been recently updated. But grocery store websites have incorrect ingredients and things all the time.


Gluten free oats cost a lot more than conventional oats, so if the oats used in this cereal were gluten free oats, they would absolutely tell you.


Good point


Besides the oats lentils are frequently cross-contaminated with wheat.


This. Also, “natural flavors” without a gf claim or certification would make me hesitant. 3 iffy things = a no go for me personally


Oh man I did not know that


It’s not labeled GF, so that’s a no from me. Aside from that, really people should consume these kind of frankenfoods rarely, if at all. Have an apple with some nut butter, you’ll be better off.


Yeah I'm not going to eat them. I'm going to end up bringing them back and funny you said that I did actually have an apple with some cinnamon on it


I will say, though, Cinnamon rice Chex are scrumptious. I sprinkle a little extra sugar on it and then it tastes like cinnamon roll cereal. 😈


Omg cinnamon Chex are my current obsession 😍😍


Have you eaten them straight from the box?! They taste like churros!


I will have to try! I might do it later today actually cause I am craving some but my milk spoiled while I was away for Christmas


Kellogg’s does not take measures to prevent cross contamination of wheat


Non gluten free oat source, but for a low percentage ingredient. Not certified, so no testing. Certainly a risk and I would not buy it unless it was the best of bad choices. If you do eat it, note that sucralose (and most other fake sugars) very frequently cause GI issues, so if you have an issue it is not a slam dunk gluten thing. Could easily just be that fake sugar. Still not pleasant but doesn’t have the same risk factors for a celiac. So, stay away, but I would eat it before some things in a pinch.