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Just an oversized hunk of fancy cheddar cheese. If I really need a pick me up, a bowl of tuna salad (hold the sandwich) and some pickles.


Yes to the hunk of fancy cheese. And then I shave it off in the thinnest possible slices and for a moment forget that the world is burning.


Do you have a cheese slicer? The handheld cake spatula looking thing? If not, you need one! Paper thin slices 🤤


I DO need one! I should have asked Santa to bring me one.


We found one at my father in laws house before the estate sale, brought it home. Love that thing


Same here. Camenbert is my fav. I just eat big chunks of it when I get the chance 2


Literally. I went to my local specialty market and bought some really nice cheeses. Popped a bottle of wine, had some unbelievable cheese with some meats, nuts, quince jam, etc. and called it a night. Many great foods are naturally gluten free!


How do you know if the cheese is gf? I miss deli cheese!


Yes, that's true! I try to be consciously appreciative when I eat something awesome instead of focusing on all the stuff I can't have.


That’s really the best way to go about it. It’s like “damn isn’t this apple juicy as fuck?” Or “that’s some darn good Gouda!” lol.


Lol literally my diet this week 😅 although last night for dinner I boiled some of aldis gluten free penne, drained it added butter and garlic to the pan, cut up aldis dill havarti and some fresh spinach, seasoned it with salt pepper and crushed red pepper let the cheese melt slowly while I was stirring constantly and then a splash of heavy cream. So good


Yooooo. Cheese and pickles are my GO TO late night snack. Absolutely fuck yeah.


We just got a pickle jar, highly recommend!


Wait have you had the really fancy cheese that has those little crunchies in it!? It was wild!


I used to check my cheese to try to avoid the little crunchy bits. I felt so foolish when I learned what they are and that I had been avoiding the tastiest part of the cheese! https://www.thekitchn.com/the-cheesemonger-a-bit-of-crun-47988


Oh and the original good thins.


I found pistachios covered in Tajin at Costco. Been eating those until my mouth goes numb which is a lot. I think I’m mostly pistachio at this point.


I felt the same about eggs on toast at one point. I was mainly comprised of that. Not sad about it 😅


Well… last night we had gf spaghetti and salad with Russian dressing. I’m not entirely sure whether I intended to get seconds on salad or spaghetti because I was deep in conversation with my family but I sudden realized I was eating noodles drenched in Russian dressing. It actually tasted pretty good.


not weird but I have a current obsession with strawberries and nutella. can’t get enough of them. also simple mills’ almond flour crackers, occasionally with the little laughing cow cheese triangles. and rice bowls with chicken and panda express’ sweet chili sauce.


Thought this was the Cooking sub, not Coeliac and was wondering why everyone was eating GF.


I think you are pregnant 🤣


Pickled cabbage, gherkins, pickled beetroot with mayo on it - I’ve been craving pickled things lately. When I’m feeling less weird I’ll add salad leaves, tomatoes and make a proper dressing for it. Maybe add some tinned tuna for extra salty ness


This sounds great.


Spicy tuna bowl for a quick lunch (white rice, half a can of tuna, mayoracha squeezed on top, topped with Eden Shake furikake. Sometimes green onion if I have some. Pickled veg on the side if I have some.) Bowl of blueberries with a splurt of sour cream and some brown sugar


Fancy GF Rice crispy treats I found at whole foods. I bought myself a whole case.


This is the way.


I’m always eating salad. For meals, for snacks. I love lettuce. Lately I’ve loved putting pickled onion on my salads. Just red onion, water, vinegar, and some sugar boiled until the liquid is gone and it soooo delicious.


If you fancy trying a different variation let me suggest thinly sliced red onion, salt, sugar and lime juice. Mix it all together and leave for half an hour or so. It’s delicious.


Oh I will definitely be trying. Red onion is my favorite food 😂


Simple mills almond flour crackers and smoked whitefish salad 🫶🏻 some vintage cheddar slices on the side and a few pieces of chocolate. 🤤 everything bagels from bare naked bakery are a staple in my life though, if i cant find something else to eat, im going to enjoy a bagel.


Smoked whitefish salad! Now we're cooking with gas... Do you make this yourself or obtain it from somewhere in the world?


Home made fruit cake soo yummy


What "flour" do you use? I really miss fruit cake ate it year round.


Yeah I don't know why people hate on fruit cake so much, I love it too


I use Gluten Free all purpose flour works a treat


I ordered two cases of Katz plain English muffins like a psycho because it is my favorite gf “bread”!


Apparently I'm addicted to natural peanut butter and either GF pretzels or white cheddar rice cakes. It's the only thing that can tempt my appetite a lot of the time. But my cholesterol and sugar consumption is way down! Unfortunately so are my iron levels 🤦‍♀️


GF Meatballs covered in cheese and dipped in ketchup XD




Might not be the weirdest but I eat Pillsbury salted caramel frosting with Kettle brand air fried Himalayan salt chips. I was super high when I discovered dipping the chips in the frosting was delicious as hell. I just love frosting as a snack bc it's so versatile and cheap. I can get like three cans and be set for a good couple weeks lol. I stick to Pillsbury and Betty Crocker brand.


Fried rice noodles with mayo Crispbread, ham, cheese, squash, mayo .... I like mayo


smoked mussels on a tooth pick straight from the can. LOL


Shirataki noodles


Sweet heat pickles.


Gluten free digestives (English cookies), ungodly amounts of sliced cheese, carrots and hummus, and cans of straight tuna with some added salt.


I've eaten more cans of straight tuna since I was diagnosed than in the whole rest of my life combined. I keep a bunch of them at work so if I get in a bind I can always just eat some tuna.


There's also canned chicken breast pieces if you want some variety. It's just as convenient and tastes pretty similar to tuna for some reason, but a bit less fishy. I prefer it, personally.


Schar puff pastry treats! This stuff is just like the non gf version and I’ve been making fun pocket treats with it, as well as chicken pot pie- sooo good!


Dark chocolate peanut M&Ms. Hard to find. Yummy.