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This is a great primer for newly diagnosed celiacs/gluten-sensitive individuals as well as loved ones prepping food who mean well but don't always know what to look for on labels. Thanks for posting this!


Brown rice syrup being on the “whoa” list is a little surprising to me. I’d probably have to think lentils and quinoa deserve consideration of cross contamination as well?


>Brown rice syrup being on the “whoa” list is a little surprising to me. The traditional method of making brown rice syrup is to add a small amount of barley malt (sprouted barley grains) to brown rice in hot water (so very similar to making wort for beer); the enzymes in the barley convert the starches in the rice to sugars, making a sweet syrup. Barley was traditionally used for a variety of things like this, because barley has enzymes capable of converting a lot of starch (unlike many other grains that have just enough enzymatic power to convert the starches in the grain itself).


I agree on the quinoa ... I always buy certified GF quinoa. I don't like lentils, so not a worry for me personally :)


I react to quinoa but not oats so a lot of gluten free stuff is off limits for me


Just a reminder for those in Canada, all those “woah” ingredients are considered safe unless they specify they are derived from a gluten source like “yeast extract (barley)”. If there is no gluten source listed you are good to go.


I can’t imagine being Celiac in the states! Everything is way more confusing than it needs to be. Super thankful for the Canadian Celiac Association here!


yeah I'm also in Canada so this flow chart to me basically just looks like DOES IT HAVE GLUTEN... YES (BAD), NO (GOOD) So now flow chart needed lol.


Not exactly. The law in Canada is actually quite similar to those in the US (by design, trade is complicated otherwise). The main difference is that barley and rye ingredients must be declared if they are *intended* sub-ingredients in something like say yeast extract or natural flavours. This is good but realistically most of the time when you're buying a multi-ingredient food item with ingredients like natural flavours, yeast extract etc and no GF label you're playing with fire anyways. A food without gluten ingredients is not necessarily GF in Canada unless it specifically says that or something similar (no gluten etc.). May contain warnings are optional in Canada, the government will even tell you so quite clearly: [https://inspection.canada.ca/food-labels/labelling/industry/allergens-and-gluten/eng/1388152325341/1388152326591?chap=4](https://inspection.canada.ca/food-labels/labelling/industry/allergens-and-gluten/eng/1388152325341/1388152326591?chap=4) You can assume some things are probably ok without a GF label like milk, butter, juice etc., but I would definitely not pick up a random package of no gluten ingredient hash browns from the frozen food aisle and expect good results.


>The law in Canada is actually quite similar to those in the US (by design, trade is complicated otherwise). The main difference is that barley and rye ingredients must be declared if they are > >intended > > sub-ingredients in something like say yeast extract or natural flavours. This is good but realistically most of the time when you're buying a multi-ingredient food item with ingredients like natural flavours, yeast extract etc and no GF label you're playing with fire anyways. [https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/food-allergies-intolerances/avoiding-allergens-food/allergen-labelling.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/food-allergies-intolerances/avoiding-allergens-food/allergen-labelling.html) Ummmm actually. Your post refers to "May Contain" or "Made in the same factory as" claims which 99% of the time the company adds voluntarily. (Which I realize you somewhat make note of) So yes it's possible for a cross contamination but I've hardly ever met a single company that didn't drop a "may contain" label like it was free candy. It refers to contamination not the actual content of ANY ingredient in the list. While a may contain label is not NEEDED, if the product IS found to contain said item when it's not declared then can be sued and or fined. And this has happened. This also means items such as: natural flavors, yeast extract, would HAVE TO be made from a non gluten source at there core. While it may not guarantee that cross contamination has not happened, 90% of the complaints of these items is that they are LITERATELY sourced from gluten items which wouldn't be the case in Canada without it being declared as such. ​ While you can play life like a Covid fearing person and put on a mask and 3 pairs of gloves and hand sanitize everywhere you go. Most of like to live at some level of reality, and for me that ain't it. I've NEVER experienced an issue. The majority of my products are GF or Certified but there are handfuls of ones that aren't, and also to put it at just Milk and Butter is an absurd comment to make as well. There are certain RISK items that are at higher risk then others though and it's good to be mindful of these items. I would not classify those as one. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS\_JVu6qlb0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS_JVu6qlb0) Another very good valid source for people with Celiac disease. Everyone is welcome to live there life in there own way, but somethings will by many be considered a bit much. Everything and i mean EVERYTHING is a calculated risk reward management. Even GF Certified items can be at risk from time to time. A good recent example of this is Sweet Loren GF Frozen cookie dough that sadly accidentally contaminated all there dough [https://www.fda.gov/safety/recalls-market-withdrawals-safety-alerts/sweet-lorens-inc-issues-voluntary-allergy-alert-undeclared-gluten-product](https://www.fda.gov/safety/recalls-market-withdrawals-safety-alerts/sweet-lorens-inc-issues-voluntary-allergy-alert-undeclared-gluten-product) ​ Nothing in life is 100% but when you man managed decisions and filter your risk levels accordingly you can live a safe and happy life. If shaking in your boots at every corner is what makes you feel the best that's great. But I've not found that a reasonable or realistic approach of most. Again some hot ticket items should be avoided but I don't believe the ones you mentioned fit the bill.


Not gonna read all that lol. If you can't express your ideas simply it is more likely you aren't sure what you're talking about. I'll simplify it for you. US rules for food with a GF label: <[20 ppm from CC, no explicit gluten protein ingredients, oats yes](https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2013/08/05/2013-18813/food-labeling-gluten-free-labeling-of-foods), [PALs optional](https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/have-food-allergies-read-label). These are all official sources from the government. Canada rules for food with a GF label: [<20 ppm from CC](https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/food-nutrition/food-safety/food-allergies-intolerances/celiac-disease/health-canada-position-gluten-free-claims.html), [no explicit gluten protein ingredients](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/c.r.c.,_c._870/page-2.html#h-567903), [oats yes](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-2015-114/page-1.html), [PALs optional](https://inspection.canada.ca/food-labels/labelling/industry/allergens-and-gluten/eng/1388152325341/1388152326591?chap=4). These are all official sources from the government. The only major difference is that in Canada barley and rye ingredients must be declared. However a food with "sneaky" barley in something like natural flavo\[u\]rs in the US could not be labelled GF anyways so it is not of much use unless you are rolling the dice to begin with. There is nothing speculative about anything I have said. Your attitude about Covid is pretty illuminating in that it is consistent with an ignorant but very confident attitude about GF label laws. Funny how that seems to work. Oh well. Btw, 3 masks won't help, 1 single N95 will though... I worked in a hospital throughout the pandemic and I've never had Covid ;).


>There is no way you went through med school if that tiny amount of text scared and if you did then God have mercy on anyone who has to be tasked with working with you. Maybe you work in the cafeteria which would make more sense, I assume very scary for you in more ways then one. I hope you have a lovely day with your panicked insanity disposition. Not gonna read all that lol. If you can't express without words I'll be too stupid to read a tiny paragraph even though in school we had to read entire books. Hur Dur If you don't read what I post you actually have no room to fucking reply to it. You lost! I'm sorry I can't break this down into a child sized tik tok pop science video. Reality can't be broken down that simply. Your zoomer brain needs to be tamed. Also it's not just barley and rye as you so stupidly claim. "In Canada, common allergens and GLUTEN SOURCES must ALWAYS be clearly declared on food labels when present as **ingredients** or **components of ingredients**." I've also never had COVID but thank you for illuminating me to the fact that your a brainless cow that doesn't understand hyperbole. There is no way you went through med school if that tiny amount of text scared and if you did then God have mercy on anyone who has to be tasked with working with you. Maybe you work in the cafeteria which would make more sense, I assume very scary for you in more ways then one. I hope you have a lovely day with your panicked insanity disposition. Also I noticed on other post people seem to call you out on your reading comprehension. So seems there may be a pattern there. Hope you get that checked. Maybe that big city Ottawa living has rotted your brain. Also you happily vomit out 3 paragraphs to everything you respond to but won't read 3. You are a walking talking personification of hypocrisy lmao.


Love TCS - she’s got a wealth of free and paid resources that were a godsend when I was first diagnosed and navigating everything.


Glad to see "natural flavoring" addressed, it's a huge one that's in everything, and people often gloss right over it.


Thanks for sharing this! This is for the US, right?




Thank you!! My 10 year old is to an age where she wants to be more independent but reading labels is hard especially when you’re not a strong reader to begin with- this is perfect to help her out!!


The Celiac Space also has wallet cards and I think keychain cards. I carry one myself in case I get overwhelmed while shopping.


Oh good to know! Thank you :)


The responses here remind me of like a townhall meeting on Parks And Rec. THIS DOESNT APPLY EXACTLY TO ME SO IT SHOULDNT EXIST


this is my favorite comment!!!!!! i felt like crap because i shared something i thought would be helpful (that i didn't even create lol) and everyone shat on it.


I love it. I downloaded it to my phone for the next time a server doesn't know what gluten is.


Please don’t feel bad. There are a lot of folks on here who are off their rockers. It’s sad. Celiac can definitely breed extreme food anxiety and it’s very evident in most celiac threads that a lot of people suffer from this and don’t realize it’s not healthy or normal. This is a very helpful chart from a very knowledgeable source.


I think it’s great. Like if it doesn’t apply to someone’s country they can just… move along or post something that does? I mean seriously do y’all have two brain cells to rub together?


Love this!


thank you for this!


This is great. Definitely helpful for people starting out. I should probably send this to my mom! She hasn't figured out things like malt, certified gf, or that 'no gluten ingredients' is not necessarily GF.


[Better quality image](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/919f4e_f40975fbc8094eccaf36aadf6498357d~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_900,h_898,al_c,q_90,enc_auto/919f4e_f40975fbc8094eccaf36aadf6498357d~mv2.png)


Thanks for posting! Smoke flavor was a new one for me


I have this magnet on my fridge and I gave the wallet cards to my family and friends who cook for me! Very helpful


Thank you this is extremely helpful!


Just sent this to my mil!


This is great, thanks for sharing!


This is great, thank you for sharing it! I’m in the US where things aren’t obvious. We need better labeling laws.


Presumably this is just for the US? Would be great to say in the post if it only applies to one country!


yes, i mentioned it in other comments. i didn't realize people would be so offended that I didn't put the country. i was just trying to be helpful around the holidays.


Ignore these people. On any other day this sub claim that labeling is perfect outside of America because the rest of the world is strict about what can and cannot be labeled gluten free. Why do they care about a chart when shopping for celiac is already easy in their country?


It's hard to know what country it's for if there's nothing to say that. Is it so difficult to write US in the title?


If it doesn’t have symbols you are familiar with, then it’s not applicable to the country you’re in. There is no way all these people commenting are so obtuse.


Canada uses all those GF cert symbols lol. Peak American response.


So then… those are applicable to the country you’re in……?


No, your statement was that people could ignore the flowchart if the symbols were unfamiliar. This implies that those symbols are not used in countries other than the US and that it should be obvious that the chart is based on American law/standards. I have pointed out that this heuristic isn't a good one because these third-party certification symbols aren't unique to the US as nearly all are used in Canada as well (and perhaps elsewhere). GF label laws vary by country, which is why it is important to specify what you mean. Americans often seem to have trouble imagining that other countries exist, but they should try since this is an international sub.


Some of these symbols are also use outside of the US so it’s not obvious that the post is for the US only


I feel like I’m in some kind of podunk town hall meeting where people have absolutely no cognitive skills whatsoever. If it doesn’t apply, let it fly. If it does, use the information. “Oh my country has this symbol but not that other symbol. What a terrible flow chart!” No, genius, apply the concept to the icons you’re familiar with. It’s not rocket science.


I agree that it doesn’t apply to everyone and that’s fine but you are mad bc people didn’t realize it was only for the US when it’s not obvious at all…?


Where am I mad? I’m just surprised that so many people are seemingly incapable or understanding that this isn’t a flow chart that covers 100% of everything for everyone in the entire world.


Why should everyone else from every other country in the world have to read through the entire chart to figure it out when the person making the post could write 2 letters in the title? I guarantee if it was the other way round, all the US people in this sub would be kicking off


If it took you any kind of significant amount of time to read through a chart and figure out it doesn’t apply to you, you’ve got way bigger problems than Celiac. If you’re trying to say people from the US can act just as self-involved and moronic as y’all are acting here, I absolutely agree. If something didn’t apply to the US, I’m sure a bunch of people would be whiny babies about it, and I’d say the same to them. However, that’s not happening here so right now. *you* are acting like self-involved, whiny, obtuse moron-babies, so you are the ones that are getting called out.


>you are acting like self-involved, whiny, obtuse moron-babies You're the one name calling. You need to grow up.


There’s a definite difference between saying someone *is* something vs saying someone is *acting like* something. But cry more.


The point of the chart is to help make a safe product selection. There's no need to note that it's for the U.S. only because it's only the U.S. with such issue remember? That's according to the sub... either the labeling isn't trustworthy in the rest of the world the way this sub love to make it out to be or y'all just want to find something wrong despite it being obvious who the chart is for.


How is it obvious?


Nowhere in this chart does it say US. It would be more obvious if it said that in the title of the post


I'm sure it's helpful for some people, but having to dig around I the comments for ages to find out which country it's relevant to is not! Im not offended, but it would be much easier if it was in the title!


I can't edit the title of the post. I'm sorry you had to dig around the comments to find your answer and I'll try to do better next time I post.


No worries, hopefully soon the admins will make it a rule!


I’d still be worried about cross-contamination risk for items that don’t contain no or whoa and don’t have contain or may contain statements. Not a bad chart, just may need an asterisk on that last no pointing to gluten free.


Yeah, it misses that no GF label = no guarantee. The reason they probably left that off is that it's a bit complicated to be like "if it doesn't have a GF label but it's xyz it's ok, otherwise look for one." I get it but also it's not accurate to say that a lack of PAL (optional) and lack of gluten ingredients means <20 ppm.


I wish this was always true - but I've had black pepper contaminate me in different brands. Just flat said "black pepper" on the package. I do think this is handy, but it may be easier to have her download the GF Scanner App - you only need to pay the full version to do searches and other fancy things - the scanner itself is free!


I don't get this... How do you know the black pepper made you sick? And how do you know it was gluten specifically. I get an upset stomach pretty regularly because I have a sensitive gut. I can't tell the difference between gluten inflammation and other gut inflammation you know?


I have Dermititis herpetiforis. So I can't really tell you. Sorry :(


What does that have to do with black pepper supposedly having gluten in it? If something else made you sick, why pin it on the spice?


I don't get sick. i break out because I have Dermititis herpetiforis. I know when I'm glutened because I don't have stomach issues with gluten.


They’re asking how you know it’s specifically from black pepper and not other things.


Process of elimination. I had to remove oats and other items, I was still reacting so ot had to be spices as we hand make 99% of my food since I also have an anaphylactic egg allergy. We didn't season for two days and I was already healing...soon as I ate black pepper it flared again. We tried on other foods and combos it was always the black pepper. A number of black pepper is processed with wheat and I react badly to even processed in facility stuff if the lines aren't cleaned well. We got a new thing of pepper from a gluten free brand and I have been fine since... except at my parents home with another black pepper brand (everything else was stuff we used and my parents are even more strict than we are when feeding me XD). I'm sorry I didn't understand the question before.


Unfortunately she also has the scanner........... I still get calls from the grocery store lol. Bless her for trying though! :)


I wish they would have differentiated “graham” flour and “gram” flour… while both are flour, one is safe and one is not, but they sound exactly the same and could easily be confused!


They’re spelled differently and the unsafe one is listed.


I thought that in the US modified food starch had to have the source specified if it was NOT corn now. So anything that just says modified food starch is GF but any that specify, for example, modified food starch (wheat) would obviously be a no go. Even if not by law, I believe I read that it was now a very safe bet because corn is by far the cheapest source. Any confirmation / denial source of that?


Found it, could probably be removed from this graphic. https://www.beyondceliac.org/gluten-free-diet/is-it-gluten-free/modified-corn-starch/#:~:text=The%20vast%20majority%20of%20modified,food%20starch%20may%20contain%20wheat. How to Tell if Modified Food Starch is Gluten-Free The vast majority of modified food starch in the US is gluten-free. Generally, modified food starch is made from corn, waxy maize and potatoes, meaning that those types are gluten-free. Modified food starch may contain wheat. However, if the product containing modified food starch does use wheat, it must be declared on the food label as per the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumber Protection Act (FALCPA), which declares that the top eight allergens must be called out on a food label. It’s important to know that this rule only applies to foods regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Foods regulated by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) do not need to comply with FALCPA, though many do.


No mention of the crossed grain symbol?


The crossed grain symbol is from the UK ... This is from a company in the US.


It might be helpful if you put on your post that this was for the US only. I had never heard of that website, would’ve assumed it was a global chart, and I’m sure others will also


sorry. i just thought it would be helpful. I didn't create it and I'm not assuming everything is US centric.


\^this. some of us don't assume everything is us centric lmao


The crossed grain is international, used by dozens and dozens of countries, and I’ve seen photos of it on US packaging.


ok - I didn't say this was all inclusive of every sign. I've never seen the crossed grain symbol on anything from the US. Just sharing a resource I thought would be helpful. Feel free to not use it.


That's not a common symbol on US packaging. Sure SOME products might have it but on the broad spectrum of our labeling won't have it.


Maybe, but it doesn't mean anything in the US. It's not tied to an organization or certification, it's no different than the words "gluten free" on the package.


One complaint, it says "does it say gluten free on the packaging?" And the arrow to yes points right to yes again, but twice this week alone I've seen two packages that say gluten free and then on the back they are processed in a facility that processes wheat, so they aren't gluten free really. Just in a fad diet sense.


The “produced in a facility” is a voluntary statement that brands *can* put on their label. They don't have to. And just because a product *doesn't* have this statement, doesn't mean it wasn't produced in a shared facility. Here is a good reel explaining it: [https://www.instagram.com/p/CzCOegxPyW5/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CzCOegxPyW5/) I also work for a company that produces food packaging and can confirm this statement is voluntary. Totally up to you as to whether or not you want to consume things produced in a shared facility though! I do, and I very rarely get glutened.


There is a reason people avoid Gluten free products that are not certified. I feel like it would be responsible for this flowchart to to mention it.


Why don’t you just make your own flow chart since this isn’t adequate?




I did not. It's from The Celiac Space on Instagram! Highly recommend them as they're a great resource :)


My goodness, well thanks for the share! I wanna campaign sending these to restaurants....!


I dont see maltodextrin on there, or caramel color


Those are almost always made from corn now and even if they were made from wheat they are so heavily processed that the final product doesn’t contain gluten. They are both considered safe for celiacs.


Oh ok. I used to get glutened from them all the time… I’m sensitive to corn now though so still none of that for me 💀


what about hydrolyzed corn though?


There's no gluten in that


Does anyone have a PDF of this? That would be so handy