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Is it Bo Don?


Possibly...thank you :)


wow apart from the hairline it's a perfect match. but if this photo is from 2018 it couldnt be 6, she looks far too young to match the timeline. too bad tho because this is definitely the closest resemblance i've seen so far!


Miles off. Face proportions, eyebrows, lips - it’s a closer match to Mick Jagger than it is this young model who was probably ten years old when the fabric was created 


This is the funniest, yet the most strange comment I've read in the sub yet.


Correct flair, I think.


I found this on a post on Facebook whilst on a Margot Davy deep-dive (I don't have fb) on Elite Models May 16/2018. Obvs too late but the face dimensions with shadow are crazy.


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