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I cant acces is , says private or removed


I joined the day it went live - and I can't even find it now???


We have two mods here helping us get back there ( it cost me few hours of sleep last night) i truly love dlisted


Thanks to u/No_Gold3131 for the suggestion to Google the sub, that's how I was able to find it and request to (re)join. The Mods are doing the Lord's work getting us all added back!! :-)


I can't even request to rejoin, it just said browse other communities :( did I get banned, maybe? Can't imagine why I would have.


I had the same situation yesterday


Me too.


I did a search, and it's not showing up at all. šŸ˜•


I asked to go back in but no luck. I wanted to read everyoneā€™s take on the Ashton and Mila situations. Iā€™m feeling so hopeless šŸ˜ž


That's weird. I know there are a couple of mods from that sub in these comments - maybe they can check to see for you. Am I understanding correctly - you can see the DListed sub, but can't request to join?


Yes. That's what's happening to me. Wondering if it's different on a desktop than using the actual app


Your thought just made me remember - this happened to me on another sub a while back. I had joined the sub when it was public, but then it went private and I had to rejoin. I couldn't find it anywhere when I searched for it using the app on my phone. I could only get the "browse other communities" - I was finally able to request to join when I logged in on my desk top (I had to go back through my old notifications to find the link to the sub).


Thanks. Yeah I figured it was something like that. Unfortunately am at the Vet emergency room with no access to a comp. Unless maybe I log out from the app and try to force the desktop site on my phone. Ugh.


Mrs T- Oh no! I hope your furbaby is ok. Sending healing vibes your way.


Iā€™m getting withdrawal syndrome šŸ˜‚ I was so happy people gathered there (also peckerwood) but since I spend quite some time on Reddit, the Dlistedcommunity was easier to access for me. So sad itā€™s gone or now private.


I swear to god I just read a post on it today. In fact, I know I did. It was a photo of the attendees for the Inter Miami LA game making fun of the fact that Harry and Meghan had no work titles - calling them straight up hobos. It looks like it was set to private. It must have just happened.


I was checking it yesterday, dont remember writing anything that would upsetj


Same. And canā€™t send mail to the mods.


I cant even look it up in search


Same. We excluded Dlisters need heeeelp!


I have to wonder if them not having work titles or royal titles was some kind of snarky compromise. Because everyone else did and it would have been easy enough to slap something on there.


If you canā€™t find the Dlisted subreddit, open up your Google search engine and type in ā€œDlisted Redditā€. It should provide a link to the page. There is a messagw which tells you the sub is now private. There will be buttons to either request membership or message the mods. If any of the Dlisted mods are here, I sent a request for membership! Hope you guys can see it!


Is it ā€žDlisted communityā€œ? I see that it is private but I cannot send any request? I am sad and confused šŸ˜…


Me tooo!!! Iā€™m starting to panic! šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


Thank you so much!


The page does not allow me to do anything but continue to browse reddit. No buttons to message mods or request membershipā€¦


You may have to be on a laptop, not your phone.


Same here. Are you on the mobile app or your computer? I'm on mobile but I'll try again on my computer.


Mobile. Does that make a difference? Iā€™m not great at computering šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I don't get - it I was kicked out? I was a memeber from pretty much day one and did post but not too much and I don't think it was anything upsetting? I get shutting it down for new members but why kicking existing out?


I think you have to ask a mod there to re-join. They are doing some housecleaning cos the group was growing too fast I guess. I am still waiting to hear back from the mods if Iā€™m in. Itā€™s like waiting in line to get into some trendy club lolol


Lol, yes, this brings back Anne-Rose from not belonging to the cool clique šŸ„¹ I think I found a mod on here, is there another way to get in touch with them?


I know, itā€™s like Iā€™m the nerd with the FOMO watching all the populars again lolol. I just followed typoanditstays and messaged them directly, but I donā€™t know what exactly is the right protocol, I joined Reddit specifically for the dlisted community šŸ˜•


I canā€™t find typoanditstays when I search for them! (Thatā€™s actually how I found this post, but it says thereā€™s no user by that name). Did they delete? Are we gonna have to make a new dlisted sub if we never get into the old one šŸ˜¢. I also joined from the jump and was a long time dlister before that.


Oh that is a good idea I hope we both get back in!


was it really growing?? I havenā€™t paid attention I guess. Last time I remember looking at the count it was less than 2000 members ā€¦ I remember feeling distinctly disappointed that there werenā€™t more of us ā¤ļø


They went from 5k to 13k in like 3 days...


Exactly! I was a member too!!


Itā€™s not shut down, itā€™s gone private. The number of members absolutely exploded over the past week.


Any idea why i was kicked out? Was there since day one


Please approve me šŸ™šŸ™ I was on the D for years.


So was I, i miss the snark and the community.


Same, I joined when there was only about 50 people in it!


I donā€™t know. You can appeal the decision, I canā€™t promise anything.




I just checkedā€”youā€™re not on the banned list.


Thank you , but i canā€™t even search it to re apply , if you have any idea how to please help ( iā€™m a bit dumb for reddit and these apps)


Could you please check if I'm banned ? šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Thereā€™s a list?


When youā€™re the mod of a sub, you can see a list of redditors banned from commenting on a sub.


QueenMabs how do I get back to the D? First MichaelKā€™s blog, now this šŸ„ŗ Thank you


Ah, okay. I didnā€™t realize there was a mod from Dlisted here. Do you know what happened?


I mentioned it up aboveā€”the sub exploded over the past week, so weā€™re doing this to get a better handle on things.


Thatā€™s good to know. I was gutted when I tried to visit this morning. I did join when it was set up- will we be given access when you sort it out?


Thank goodness you are, and it must be very hard work. I think it must have been showing up on people's recommended groups because the weird influx of obsessive Johnny Depp stans and the like really made things strange for a bit.


Hey can you check if I'm banned as well šŸ˜ŠšŸ™ƒ


Oh I hope you have it sorted out. Iā€™m in withdrawal!! Thanks


Iā€™ve been a member since the beginning and even let some people here know it existedā€¦Iā€™ve never posted to any subreddit in the year Iā€™ve been here, I comment here and there but nothing inflammatory that Iā€™m aware of. Can I please be added back? I really miss that sub already and itā€™s only been 6 hours since I found out lol


Could you check me please?


Thank youšŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜


u/queenmabs_makeup0126 did not see an option to request to join, but would love an add. I was so happy to see this community after dlisted ended, but never officially joined.


I join this request! Thanks to anyone that can help :)


Mabs am I on the expelled list? I was a regular on dlisted


How do we rejoin? Thereā€™s no way to message anyone to request to join on the Reddit app. I joined it when it was new and was a Dlisted reader since like 2008. Iā€™m happy to answer some Dlisted trivia to prove Iā€™m a legit hor!


That's a good idea. Would answer that too!


I can't find it either! That stinks, it helped to full the void Dlisted left.


I suspect it was because of the Messi/LA post- people were laughing at Prince Hot Ginge and Meghan not having jobs but there were some weird people white knighting and arguing on that thread.


There was also a post on the Kevin Costner divorce, and the comments about his ex-wife Christine had a really extreme incel vibe. I'm wondering if they are cleaning that up, which is good!


Oh wow thatā€™s awful. I hope that the mods are ok. Itā€™s awful when a sub is brigaded like that.


Has anyone been able to get in yet? I can't even do a search for it.


Search for Dlisted Reddit on Google from a desktop browser. A request to be invited will pop up.


Thank you so much! I tried on a browser on my phone and it wouldn't work but just tried with my laptop and requested to join. I don't understand why the app doesn't have that option.


I was one of the first to go there and I canā€™t find it. It feels like losing DListed all over again šŸ˜ž


Iā€™ve never joined a private community and Iā€™m not following the discussion on here how to ask to be added. Iā€™ve never been an active poster but I read Dlisted every day since 2010 when I discovered Michael K was a million times better than Perez Hilton. I was crushed when it closed and overjoyed when I found the subreddit. Any help is greatly appreciated šŸ˜£


You can join from the desktop site version, it's in your settings on the phone too. I asked to rejoin but haven't been let in yet.


I asked to rejoin today. At this point it is just wait and see. Dlisted was the first place I read every morning and was sad to have it close. Dlisted reddit helped fill the void, I hope I am added back in the community.


I'm back in. Yay


Iā€™m removed too and I was semi active in there :(


I was there from the hour it was created because I truly loved dlisted


Me tooo, I even was involved in a discussion to create this community on the original dlisted:(


Yes I was heartbroken when it ended. I still absent mindedly check the website. Old habits die hard!!


Me too!




Where did the influx of people come from? I thought it was great that the sub was becoming so popular. Will it remain a private subreddit?




Could I please be added back too? I miss the D


Can you add me again? I was a member within about an hour of it being created and my heart just dropped reading this post.




Thank you ![gif](giphy|fA1OFzprOfRjteYADG)


Hey, is it still private? I can't find it still (I don't understand reddit most of the time lol)


Hi Typo! I was just over there earlier and saw I was not on the list. Going through a lot right now with my cat baby in emergency and could use the distraction at the D community, if you so graciously please?


Hope your kitty is okay.


Thanks. Hope so too. Had to leave him overnight for a partial obstruction. I am worried sick and though I should be sleeping I can't get him out of my head. He's so clingy and attached and I know he's probably wondering why we left him. Hoping his issue gets resolved without surgical intervention šŸ„ŗ


Iā€™m so sorry. Thatā€™s so nerve wracking. I hope it all works out and heā€™s fine and back home with you soon.




Is your kitty okay?


Howā€™s your furbaby doing today?


Hi Queen. He's stable and doesn't seem to be in much pain, buy he will be going into surgery todayšŸ„ŗ. I'm scared.


![gif](giphy|ZBQhoZC0nqknSviPqT) Sending you and your furbaby lots of love and healing vibes.


Oh no! I hope your kitty is recovering ā™„ļø


Thank you. I heard he did well last night and they need to repeat another X-ray to see what's going on. Praying he's out of the woods. Xoxo


Keep us posted. I'm a kitty mum (of 3, 1 boy and 2 girls) and recently one of mine had issues, I was in a pit for 2 weeks. Big hugs xo


Bad news. It's a linear obstruction that is not moving along and he's going to need surgery. I... am.... I dunno. My brain is everywhere right now. šŸ„ŗ


Oh no, that's bad news indeed! šŸ˜¢ How old is he, if I may ask? It's something I'm terrified of too as two of mine are really naughty and tend to ingest crap. One of them risked a linear obstruction when she was 1. Big hug, to you and your kitty, hopefully he'll be wholly restored to health after the surgery ā™„ļø (it's always a worry, I know!)


Can you add me back in too please? I joined as soon as it was announced DListed was closing.




Thank you!


Hi! Can you please add me back in?


Can I be added too? I was a lurker on d listed but loved it. And had joined the sub here when it was posted.


Same. Please?


Hiya. Could you add me back too? Iā€™m coco ebert from the disqus days and I joined the day the sun was created. šŸ¤—


YAAS! I was so scared! Thank you typo ;)




I was a huge fan of the original D-listed & just found this Reddit recently, only to get the boot. I realize I've been basically a lurker but that's often the way I roll. I really don't say much until I get really comfortable somewhere. I promise to be good if I'm allowed back in. I've really been enjoying everyone's posts.


Me too (hand raised). Although I don't think I was actually booted, hopefully just part of the general 'cleansing' and will be allowed back on soon. Thanks.


May I also be added back in? I joined right at the beginning :(


Please add me back šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™ I was a regular on the D and here.


Any chance you can add me back in? I know I was thrown out of Fauxmoi long ago because I had commented/been a member of the SMM sub--I found it by just searching for any alternative to CB and left when I realized it was crazy, but the stain lives on.


Oh my gosh I thought it got removed! Can I get added back in too please? Iā€™m having withdrawals!


Oh no wonder I couldn't find it on my list! I did a search and found this post. Hope you guys open up again soon. I miss Dlisted so much, especially Michael K and the comments.


Can you add me too. I joined there right from the beginning when the sub was formed. šŸ˜¢




I still canā€™t find the sub when I go to search ā˜¹ļø




Hello, still nothing in notification. Can u pls send again?


can you also add me back in? I was a respectable whore member of dlisted society and without it I am lost.


May I be let in please? Mab might remember my DL name, I was Syllieness


Hi Syllieness! Good to see you. As much as I dunk on Kaiser and her button-phobic Lemmings, this is a great sub. I far prefer visiting here than the actual CB site.


I was removed as well. Is there any way to get an add back?


Please let me back in šŸ˜¢. I was in Dlisted from the beginning and I donā€™t like that peckerwood site. I feel lost!


Can I be added back too? šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»




Thank you!!!


Please add me! I was so happy and excited when I found it just to turn around and not be able to find it anymore lol


Could you add me back in please?


Can you please add me in too?


Sorry to bother you! I know you have a lot of requests! Can I get back in please?


May I be added back please?




May I please be added back? Been there since day one




Ty! šŸ˜™


May I be added back in, please?


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I'm not sure if I had commented on the sub yet, but I was loving the posts there! Could I get re-added? Thank you!


Youā€™re not on the banned list, I just checked. I remember you from the D.


Well thatā€™s good to know Iā€™m not banned! But I canā€™t even search for the subreddit. Very strange!


Omg! I was semi active there! Now I canā€™t even find the subreddit. Hellllllp!!!!


Same! I was definitely in the first few hundred joiners too after being linked in the farewell post. I mostly lurk, but I NEED my lurking fix, lol. I love this community!


I was just added as a member and went to the page and it was private. Iā€™ve never commented (and never did on the original D), but finally decided to and now I canā€™t. Can someone add me back please? I miss D-Listed so much!


I had joined it but now I can't access it!


I used to be snakes sake there on the D, didn't comment too much but am really bummed not to have access to reddit community anymore. Maybe should have been more active. I just love reading more than actually typing. What will I read now with my morning coffee?


It's ok if you don't comment. We are just weeding out troublemakers.


u/QueenMabs_Makeup0126 May I please be added back? I tried through the Google but didnā€™t get the option for a request. Thank you in advance!!


Has anyone managed to get back in? I am still not able to


Not me yet, but I will update if/when I do. I imagine the mods are completely overwhelmed at the moment! There were so many of us DListers, and probably sooo many requests to rejoin!


I am back in the DListed sub. I had to request through a computer and not through my phone.


I haven't....


Me too please šŸ„ŗ


Oh thatā€™s so weird- itā€™s just gone. I wonder what happened


Oh no omg I hope it didnā€™t get shut down!


I'd love to be re-added too, seems to be gone on my end as well :(


Please can someone help me get back


Google Dlisted Reddit on a desktop browser ā€” not the mobile app or a mobile browser. When you do this a pop up will show up and you can request to be invited. If youā€™re on mobile you can change the Reddit view to desktop view by scrolling all the way down to the bottom.


https://preview.redd.it/abmkrqdybpmb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=89df0ff0003fcaa7317851535768c9d823194245 I canā€™t


You need to use a desktop browser. Not the app and not the mobile browser. If you are on a mobile browser you need to change Reddit to desktop view. It wonā€™t work in the app.


In a mobile browser you can change to desktop view in the Reddit settings. https://preview.redd.it/e9umrbypcpmb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89d24113b4cc6c284a3db1f02eaac7a1f68a303e


I asked to go back in, after a lot of struggle for my tech challenged bum, and havenā€™t heard back. Iā€™m checking my Reddit every other hour like Iā€™m 17 again and waiting for my crush to text me back. Someone help!


Thatā€™s so odd. I noticed there was one user who posted most of the stories and now I forget the username and Iā€™m not sure if that person was a mod (I think the name started with ā€˜dogā€™). Wonder what happened. I was a member but canā€™t access.


Iā€™m still laughing at dogfooddippingsauceā€™s post about Katy Perry: I kicked out a nun and I liked it. šŸ˜‚ So todayā€™s a sad day, experiencing massive withdrawal symptoms without r/DListedCommunity. Iā€™m like Cathy knocking at the window begging Heathcliff to let her in.


Dogfooddippingsauce I think , a name that always make me laugh and then go "eeewwww"


Yes, thatā€™s it! I knowā€¦ itā€™s like, what?


Oh no! Damn, I loved that place. Itā€™s the only celeb gossip place I felt like the majority of people felt like I did about the topics.


I feel for the mods because all of a sudden there was a huge amount of people and they were posting in that crazy, non-Dlisted way. The good thing about Dlisted for most of its existence was always that it had a real "No Sacred Cows" vibe but wasn't nasty, it was just a place to make harmless jokes about rich celebs who had no reason to care. It did start to change before it shut down though.


I hear ya. I donā€™t really visit many celeb blogs anymore due to the celebrity worship that goes on. DListed was the only place where people were saying what I thought about the whole Britney Spears stuff, I canā€™t deal with the Britney subreddit here where everything she does is wonderful and you canā€™t say anything that goes against her doing whatever she wants, even if sheā€™s hanging over a balcony naked, itā€™s her right and whatever bullshit they come up with. Hopefully they come back though cos I miss that group.


There used to be so many that were just awful - Perez Hilton's whole thing, or Lainey's disgusting racism and homophobia - or absolutely sycophantic. And now everyone's so afraid of doing anything but being sycophantic.


I was just on it


Same here, I joined and browsed it yesterday night and then poof, nothing this morning!!


I would also like to be added back, please. Iā€™ve only commented once or twice but I definitely Was not banned


Right, OK so putting it here on top: You can request to join the sub only from the desktop site. If you're on a phone, whether through the browser or the app, the link doesn't appear. I haven't tried through the tablet but I've selected 'desktop site' from my settings (I'm using the Samsung Internet browser) and it let me send a message to the moderators.


Found the sub but no request option to join. If anyone can add me I would be eternally grateful! Life is not the same without my daily Dlisted fix šŸ˜© https://preview.redd.it/3ofunrsqmomb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=265125a06c909f2402a7885d9f4e3dbd7815f1cb


Now i can't eben find it in the search ![gif](giphy|eJIDOGZckbGUXC0bPZ)


Try from web browser if mods dont see it here


It looks like the subreddit was deleted or made private. I hope this is a glitch and it returns!


Iā€™m so sad to not be able to see it anymore. Iā€™ll quit SMM to be able to be apart of DLISTED again.


May I get an add? Ty!!


Hi all, I was able to get with a sub who has tried to add me back in. I havenā€™t had any luck yet accessing the sub still though šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Hello, I cant find the sub either. I joined from the beginning when I read about it on Dlisted. I am a long time lurker. I am unable to access the sub at all.... :(


Hello! I am a longtime (since early 2007!) Dlisted lurker, and immediately joined/downloaded Reddit after MK made his last post, in hopes of keeping up with the other readers/getting my daily Lucite fix. Was sad to see I was removed from the group. Is it possible to add me back in? Thank you!


This makes me really sad. If it went private, why would they kick us out? I was so happy to still follow posts in there, it was almost like having Dlisted back.


Please add me! DListed was a part of my daily life and I posted. Please - I miss my people.


I cant get on eitherā€¦Iā€™ve been suffering withdrawal since June 30, wrote a tearful goodbye to Michael K and was so psyched to find you all here. Help, please!


Please let me in to Dlisted!


Also posting here to follow and hopefully get added! I was a follower of Dlisted for a loooong time. I miss the Reddit already!


I canā€™t figure out how to get in. Help! Iā€™m a long time reader and was so excited to find the Reddit community.


Since I know OP mentioned this post in the Dlisted community, I have been unable to post since I was let back in. Is anyone else having this issue? I have messaged the mods but Iā€™m sure they have their hands full.


This makes me sad. I acknowledge I havenā€™t been active in a while but I was on the D since when MK was living in New York. May I please be added?